279 resultados para óleos e graxas


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The international energy situation indicates to the depletion of oil reserves in the short term. Brazil, considering its potential, has sought through public policy, encourage the study of alternative forms of energy. Many of these forms are based on sub-products and agricultural products, especially the ethanol industry for fuel purposes. Another alternative of vegetable origin, most recently discussed, would be the production of fuel oil called biodiesel. The study aimed to extract and measure the pulp oil production of macaúba palm [Acrocomia aculeata (Jacq) Lodd. ex Mart], collected in Botucatu (SP). In addition, the qualitative analysis of the pulp and almond oil are determined. The results showed low productivity in oils, compared to the reported for macauba natural populations of Minas Gerais. The qualitative analysis of the macauba pulp shows to be rich in long chain fatty acids, while the almond have significant amounts of lauric acid.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This paper analyzed the energy flow of a route currently designed to transport ethanol from the Midwest region of Brazil for exportation, more precisely from the city of Aparecida do Taboado (MS) to the port of São Sebastiao (SP). The route studied a single modal combined into two pieces, duct - duct. The direct and indirect energy, involved in the operations were used to account for the inputs and outputs of energy from and into the system. The energy input and output were the variables, diesel fuel, lubricants, greases, indirect energy consumption of machinery and equipment, power consumption of labor, the energy consumption and energy consumption in depreciation and maintenance of roads. We found that this route has specific energy consumption of 0,14 MJ km-1 m-3 . The Net Energy Gain (GEl), the Energy Efficiency global (EEg) and Renewable Energy Balance (BEr), which were the energy indicators adopted in this study were obtained respectively: 1.585.958.977,00 MJ; 200,72 and 1.593.900.000,00MJ.


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This study aimed to verify the influence of adjuvants on the droplet spectrum of an air induction nozzle. The experiment used nine spray solutions, one including only water and eight containing adjuvants: Nimbus® (mineral oil), Óleo vegetal Nortox (vegetal oil), Li-700® (a mixture of lecithin and propionic acid), Agral® (nonyl phenoxy poly ethanol), In-Tec® (nonyl phenol ethoxylate), Antideriva (nonyl phenol ethoxylate), Silwet® L-77 Ag (copolymer polyester and silicon) and TA 35 (sodium lauryl ether sulfate). A flat fan air induction nozzle Hypro® Guardian Air 110 03 was used for the droplet spectrum evaluation. The study was conducted at the Laboratory for Particle Size Analysis (Lapar), at FCAV/UNESP, Jaboticabal/SP - Brazil. The determination of the droplet spectrum characteristics (Volume Median Diameter/VMD, percentage of droplets smaller than 100 micrometers and span) was carried out by a particle size analyzer by laser diffraction Mastersizer S (Malvern Instruments). For statistical analysis the mean values were compared using Confidence Interval at 95% (CI 95%). The results showed that for the Hypro® GA air induction nozzle the oil based adjuvants (Óleo Vegetal Nortox e Nimbus®) increased the VMD. The percentage of droplets smaller than 100 micrometers was lower for the Agral®, Antideriva, In-Tec® e TA 35, in comparison with the Óleo Vegetal Nortox and Li-700®. The span was higher for the oil based adjuvants (Óleo Vegetal Nortox e Nimbus®) and lower for the TA 35 (sodium lauryl ether sulfate), showing that the TA 35 adjuvant has a potential to improve the quality of the droplet spectrum of the Hypro® GA 11003 nozzle.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia Animal - FEIS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Proteção de Plantas) - FCA