311 resultados para Plutella xylostella (Linnaeus 1758)
Two newborn males, two adult males 9 and 72 months old, one newborn female and two adult females of 30 and 54 months old pacas were used. Animals were radiographed on lateral recumbency, teeth were extracted and the vestibulolingual and mesiodistal lengths were achieved at the occlusal surface, besides the longitudinal length. The lower incisors presented greater length in relation to the other ones and sinuous shape; the upper incisors, relatively smaller, are practically straight. There is no canine tooth, and after a great diastema there is one premolar and three molars in each hemiarcade. In adult pacas, the enamel of incisors presents yellowish colour, mainly in the labial surface; in the premolars and molars, the enamel is present as internal sheets disposed nearly in a parallel way and in vestibulolingual direction, through practically all the dental length, which provides several joined teeth aspect.
The microscopic description of the teeth of pacas (Agouti paca) bred in captivity was developed for providing biological data on one of the largest American wild rodents, as not many references exist in the literature about this species. Two newborn males, two adult males (9 and 72 months old), one newborn female and two adult females (30 and 54 months old) were used after death due to fights, neonatal cannibalism or unknown causes. Animals were radiographed, and their teeth were extracted and put on an acrylic resin block, cut on a diamond-like disc microtome and diaphanized. It was noted that enamel surrounds the coronary dentine and projects to the root region, besides being present as internal laminae, arranged in a parallel way and in the vestibulolingual direction. The dentine is located between the enamel laminae and surrounds the pulp horns. The cementum is located internal to the enamel laminae. From scanning electronic microscopy, we find that the enamel is the outer element on the vestibular surface, and it is in direct contact with the dentine. on the lingual surface, the cementum and dentine are the outer elements.
The soybean (Glycine max (L.)) has been significantly compromised by the attack of insect pests. The stink bug Nezara viridula (L.) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) is pointed as one of the most damaging species, reducing the quantity and quality of grain produced and requiring a large number of applications of insecticides in crops. Al-though chemical control is still the most widely used method of control, the use of resistant genotypes may represent a viable alternative in the management of this insect, reducing costs and impacts on the environment. This study evaluated the performance of nymphs of N. viridula in nine soybean genotypes under laboratory conditions (T = 25 + 2[degree]C, RH = 70 [plus or minus]10% and photoperiod = 12 h), aiming to detect possible resistance mechanisms. Thus, 25 nymphs/genotype were monitored daily by assessing the duration and mortality of the nymphal stage, the weight of nymphs and adults and the developmental period from egg to adult. The data revealed that the genotypes 'TMG-103', 'TMG-121, IAC-19', 'TMG-117', and 'IAC-24' caused 100% mortality of nymphs, indicating high levels of antibiosis and/or feeding non-preference expression. 'IAC-17' also prolonged the nymphal period, indicating the occurrence of resistance. The insects from 'PI-227687' showed the lowest average weight, also indicating the occurrence of antibiosis and/or feeding non-preference. Our results may be useful for soybean breeding programs focusing on development of genotypes resistant to insects.
The aim of this study was to describe the morphology, morphometry and ultrastructure of segments of thoracic and abdominal aorta portions in four male and female paca (Cuniculus paca). Parts of the segments were examined by light microscopy and part by scanning electron microscopy. Thickness measurements of the tunica intima and media complex and tunica adventitia of the aorta were taken. In all animals the thickness values for the tunica intima and media complex of the cranial thoracic aorta were significantly higher (mean: 702.19 mu m) when compared to the values of other aortic segments analyzed (means: 354.18 mu m; 243.55 mu m). The layers of the vessel walls show variations in structure and thickness, presumably due to an adaptation to functionaldemand.
Feeding preference of adults of Metriona elatior Klug (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae, Cassidinae) for different hybrids of Solanum melogena Linnaeus (Solanaceae). Metriona elatior Klug is a potential biocontrol agent for Solanum viarum Dunal (tropical soda apple), because larvae and adults feed on its leaves and this species shows a low dispersion rate. Specificity plays a major role in the feasibility of an organism as a biological control agent, especially in the inundative strategy. The feeding preference of M. elatior adults was evaluated to 14 eggplant (Solanum melogena Linnaeus) hybrids. Mass rearing was carried out under lab conditions, with the insect feeding directly on S. viarum leaves. The study started with dual and multiple choice tests in 24 and 48 hour feeding times, by offering leaf disks in Petri dish conditions. Survival and leaf consumption analysis were performed in newly adults in tropical soda apple and eggplant leaves kept turgid by immersing the petioles in water. The leaf area was measured before and after four days of insect exposure. M. elatior showed higher feeding preference, survival and consumption of the weed species, especially in comparison with the hybrid Ryoma. The highest feeding preference among the eggplant hybrids was observed in 'Minikuro Kowishiki'.
The elements related to the morphology of the liver of paca (Cuniculus paca), the second largest rodent of the Brazilian fauna, were observed; this species present zootechnical potential. Eight animals from the animals sector of Faculdade de Ciencias Agrarias e Veterinarias - Campus of Jaboticabal - UNESP, which is duly certified by IBAMA as an experimental breeding institute, were used. Through a dissection procedure, it was found that the liver of the paca is located in the cranial portion of the abdomen, immediately after the diaphragm, to which it is connected by the triangular, coronary, and falciform ligaments, having its bigger part located right to the medium plan. The liver of this rodent presents the following lobation: right lateral lobe, right medial lobe, quadrate lobe, left medial lobe, and left lateral lobe, besides the caudate lobe formed by the papillary process of caudate lobe and the caudate process of caudate lobe. Gallbladder is located between the quadrate and right medial lobes. Fragments of this organ were collected, fixed, and histologically prepared, being the samples analyzed through light microscopy. It was microscopically observed that intralobular connective tissue is scarce, basically it consists polyhedral hepatocytes organized into cords interposed between sinusoids and the portal triads are found in the lobe, consisting of the portal vein, hepatic artery, and biliary duct.
Exploring the potential of using the paca as livestock involves understanding the morphophysiology of its digestive tract so its nutrition can be properly managed. The morphological and anatomical aspects of the large intestine of this species were investigated by inspecting material that was fresh and fixed in an aqueous solution of 10% formaldehyde. The material was provided by the Setor de Animais Selvagens do Departamento de Zootecnia da Faculdade de Ciencias Agrarias e Veterinarias de Jaboticabal - UNESP (FCAV - UNESP). The large intestine of the paca is formed by cecum, colon and rectum, and is located in the abdominal and pelvic cavity near the third or fourth lumbar vertebrae. It was found, in the 10 samples analyzed, that there was no change in the pattern of this arrangement and that this pattern resembles that of mammals in general.
Females of the mangrove crab Ucides cordatus were collected in a monthly basis along a 2-year period at the mangrove areas of Iguape, SP, Brazil. Ovigerous individuals were measured (CW, carapace width) and weighed (WW, wet weight). Each brood was weighed (WWE, wet weight of eggs), dried (DWE, dry weight of eggs) and the number of eggs (EN) was recorded. Scatter plots for the relationships EN/CW, EN/WW and EN/WWE were produced, and the data were subjected to regression analysis. Relative average fecundity (F 1) was calculated in different seasons and compared to verify if there were any temporal variation of reproductive intensity. Fecundity in U. cordatus varied from 36.081 to 250.566 eggs according to the size-dependent relationship EN = 15.27CW 2.24 (N = 66; R 2 = 0.69; p<0.001). The other expressions obtained for the relationships were: EN = 3797.6WW 0.813 (N = 56; R 2 = 0.72; p<0.001); EN = 29226WWE 0.775 (N = 54; R 2 = 0.70; p<0.001); and EN = 1093586DWE 0.769 (N = 66; R 2 = 0.86; p<0.001). Ovigerous females were found only during spring and summer, and relative average fecundity differed between these seasons. Relative average fecundity was higher in spring and relative frequency of ovigerous females was higher during summer. Overall reproductive intensity was similar between these seasons. The observed trends are regarded to be related to temperature and photoperiod variations.
A total of 2,130 individuals of Ucides cordatus (1,255 males and 875 females) were captured in a mangrove forest at Iguape, São Paulo, Brazil. For each crab, the following body structures were measured: carapace (width = CW; length = CL; depth = CD), 5th abdominal somite (AW), major chelar propodus (length = PL; width = PW; depth = PD), and 1st and 2 nd gonopod pairs (length = GL1 and GL2). The Student t and Snedecor F tests were used to verify any changes in growth allometric rates during ontogeny. The relationships CLxCW, PLxCW (for both sexes), GL1xCW and GL2xCW (males) and AWxCW (females), showed a better fit by two equations for the juvenile and adult phases (p<0.01). The inflexion point size between regression lines, indicated by each morphometric relationship, allowed to propose four morphotypes for U. cordatus. Males were classified in juvenile (CW le; 32 mm), pre-puberty (32 ≤ CW ≤ 51 mm), sub-adult (51 ≤ CW ≤ 59 mm) and adult (CW > 59 mm). Females showed a similar size interval: (juvenile CW ≤ 39 mm, pre-puberty 39 ≤ CW ≤ 53 mm, sub-adult 53 ≤ CW ≤ 58 mm, adult CW > 58 mm).
We object in this work to determine the skeleton sintopy of the medular cone termination of the paca relating to the lumbar and sacral vertebrae, thus aiming at establishing morphometric and topographical parameters of the medular cone in this specie. We accomplished the dissection through skin incision, subcutaneous divulsion and dissection of the vertebral column dorsal region musculature, sectioning and removing the vertebrae arcs for better visualization of the spinal medulla. After the individualization of the medular cone, we registered the anatomical aspects of interest, emphasizing the basis and its apex in relation to the vertebrae, following the measuring of the region using a caliper rule; photographs and schematic drawing were made to register the findings of studied specimens.
The high potential for the exploitation of capybara requires information about its digestory morphophysiology, to improve nutritional handling. In the present study, gross anatomy, light microscopy and body and intestine lengths of 25 capybaras were evaluated. The minimum and maximum small intestine lengths for females and males were, respectively, 441 cm and 1734 cm, and 355 cm and 1123 cm. These values position the capybara between canine and swine intestinal lengths. The ratio between small intestine and body length was 12:1, without differences between sexes. There were no statistically significant differences between sexes for each part of small intestine. Correlation between length of each small intestine segment and body length was positive, and statistically significant only for the duodenum. The small intestine wall was formed by mucosa, submucosa, muscular and serosa. The mucosa presented intestinal and duodenal glands, of mucosal and serosal types, respectively. The mucosa muscular layer consisted of two distinct layers in the jejunum and ileum, and a thin and single layer in the duodenum. The submucosa, formed by moderate dense connective tissue, didn't show glands. The fiber bundles of the internal layer of muscular tunic were helicoidally arranged. The gross anatomy of the capybara small intestine was similar to canine and swine intestines. Microscopically, however, subtle differences can be identified in the submucosa and internal muscular tunics.
In 1775, Jacob Alm defended the Linnaean dissertation Plantæ Surinamenses under the precidency of Carolus Linnaeus. In this account of Surinamese plants preserved in alcohol, given to Linnaeus by the King Gustavus III of Sweden, 148 species were treated, 117 of them with species names determined. Fifteen other species were indicated as new, but were neither described nor named, and 16 species were identified only to genus level. Here, the taxonomic identity and nomenclatural status of those names are updated and discussed. Five of the 117 names and also 11 of their synonyms, a species name described by Rottbøll and ten described by Linnaeus filius are lectotypified. Two new combinations and a new name are proposed, and two new synonyms are established. © 2012 Magnolia Press.
Considering the lack of detailed information about the morphology of paca, which is the second largest rodent of Brazilian's fauna, with excellent meat quality and, due to the importance of the common integument, we described the morphology, ultrastructure and morphometry of the skin of eight pacas (Cuniculus paca), males and females, through comparative analysis of skin's segments of the cervical, dorsal and medial carpal portions. Macroscopic characteristics of the coat were studied. Part of the segments of cutaneous regions was analyzed by light microscopy, and the other part by scanning electron microscopy. We measured the thickness of dermis, epidermis, stratum corneum, the profiles of the collagen fibers of reticular dermis and the area of filled sebaceous gland cells. The results were analyzed by descriptive statistics and T test (p<0.001). The color of the coat is reddish brown with bristles arranged in groups. The architecture of the skin and skin appendages resembles those of mammals in general, although there are no sweat glands. According to the morphometric analysis, this study shows differences of the skin architecture between male and female pacas and also between various body regions in the same animal.