417 resultados para PMMA elastomérico. PET grau garrafa. Propriedades mecânicas
There are many studies about longitudinal modulus of elasticity of wood, but you can´t say the same of transverse modulus, especially for conifers. The study aimed to characterize and compare the species Pinus elliottii var. elliottii and Pinus elliottii var. elliottii x Pinus cariabeae hondurensis (hybrid), and the longitudinal modulus of elasticity (E) and lateral (G) in bending, to analyze the modulus of elasticity in different spaces and to verify the species studied the ideal range is equal to 21 times the height of the specimen, as prescribed in the normative document NBR 7190/1997, as well as analyzing the relationship G = E/20 defined in the normative document NBR 7190/1997. The wood came from the farm located in Paranapanema, split at the mill São José and the rest of the work was conducted at the Experimental Itapeva Campus - UNESP. Were removed fourteen specimens of each species. The average values of the modulus of elasticity and cross were, respectively, 5828 MPa and 452 MPa for Pinus elliottii var. elliottii and 6407 MPa and 320 MPa for the species of Pinus elliottii var. elliottii x Pinus cariabeae hondurensis (hybrid). The trend lines for the plotted graphs showed an exponential behavior to near linear 21he will equal the constant after this value. We have found the relationship G = E/13, for Pinus elliottii var. elliottii and G = E/20 for hybrid. The results of the modulus and strength for Pinus elliottii var. elliottii and the hybrid were lower than those reported in the literature, showing that this batch inferior quality to apply to structures
The macrostructure of an alloy solidification in the raw state is of utmost importance due to its influence on mechanical properties. A structure showing columnar grains is generally undesirable in most applications of cast products and grain refining aims to suppress the formation of these grains and get a fine-grained equiaxed structure that improves the supply of liquid metal and the mechanical properties, as yield strength and tensile strength limit, as well as the tendency of formation of hot cracks. The type and size of grains formed are determined by chemical composition, cooling rate and the use of inoculum for grain refining. Titanium and boron are the major refiners in the aluminum industry and can be added to the molten metal in the form of alloys such as Al-Ti, Al-Ti-B or Al-B. In this paper we will discuss the information obtained from cooling curves and first derivative of the cooling curve to obtain the thermal parameters that influence the process of grain refining alloy AA 356.0
Nas últimas décadas tem ocorrido um aumento expressivo da incidência de doenças fúngicas. Porém, o tratamento destas infecções pode não ser efetivo, pois os fármacos antifúngicos disponíveis causam sérios efeitos adversos, recorrência ou resistência. Algumas doenças fúngicas causam lesões cutâneas e o medicamento, geralmente administrado por via oral, dificulta a chegada do fármaco no local de ação. Adicionalmente, muitos antifúngicos tópicos não são eficazes, pois o tempo de residência no local de ação é curto e a solubilidade do fármaco nos sistemas é baixa. Uma alternativa muito explorada nos anos recentes é o desenvolvimento de sistemas de liberação de fármacos, e as microemulsões (ME) e os cristais líquidos (CL) mostraram-se promissores, pois podem aumentar o tempo de residência no local de aplicação e a solubilidade de fármacos pouco solúveis em água, como ocorre com o fluconazol (F) e o itraconazol (I). Sistemas nanoestruturados foram desenvolvidos empregando o ácido oleico (AO), álcool cetílico etoxilado 20 OE e propoxilado 5 OP (PROC) e água. Estes sistemas foram caracterizados por microscopia de luz polarizada (MLP), comportamento reológico, análise do perfil de textura (TPA), bioadesão e capacidade de incorporação dos fármacos pelos sistemas. A MLP foi utilizada na caracterização dos sistemas quanto a isotropia e anisotropia, diferenciando as ME dos CL. O comportamento reológico das ME foi Newtoniano e viscoso, e dos CL foi pseudoplástico e elástico e a temperatura não influenciou o comportamento reológico dos sistemas. As propriedades mecânicas das formulações, como dureza, compressibilidade e adesividade, foram avaliadas utilizando um analisador de textura no modo TPA. Os CL de fase hexagonal são os mais bioadesivos. As quantidades incorporadas dos fármacos nos sistemas aumentaram, principalmente comparando-se com... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
The AA356 alloy is an alloy widely used in the automotive industry and aerospace due to its excellent mechanical properties. Refining the structure of eutectic silicon aluminum alloys is a fairly common practice in the foundry through treatment known as modification. This can be achieved by modifying agent adding chemicals such as contained in groups I and IIa of the periodic table and rare earths (europium, céreioi, praseodymium, neodymium, etc.). Has the ability to modify the structure of the eutectic, but only sodium and strontium produce an action modifier strong when used in low concentrations. The modifying effect of the shafts turn silicon into a fibrous form and branched surrounded by metallic matrix in the form of a composite structure that has the highest limit of tensile strength, ductility and machinability. In this work will be obtained ingots with and without the modifier type Al-10% Sr, made in sand molds and are generated and analyzed cooling curves and also the study of the macrostructure and microstructure of the solidified material. It was found that by adding the Al-Sr made shorten the solidification time and lower the grain size
Fracture surfaces are the fracture process marks, taht it is characterized by energy release guieded by failure mode. The fracture toughness express this energy em stress and strain terms in pre-cracked samples. The strectch zone is the characteristic region forms by the transition of fatigue fracture and final fracture and it width demonstrate the relation with failure energy release.The quantitative fractography is a broadly tool uses in failure surfaces characterization that it can point to a material’s aspect or a fracture process. The image processing works like an investigation tool, guinding a lot of studies in this area. In order to evaluate the characterization effectivity and it respectivity studies, it used 300M steel that it was thermal treated by an aeronautical process known and it characterized by tensile test and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). The tensile test of this material, made by ASTM E8, allowed the head treatment effectivity confirmation, beyond of mechanics porperties determination. The EDS confirmed the material composition, beyond of base the discussion about fracture mechanism presence. The fracture toughness test has also made, that it works to obtain the fracture surfeaces studies below self-similarity and self-affinity approaches. In front of all the exposed it was possible to conclude that the fractal dimension works like a study parameter of fracture process, allowinf the relation of their values with changes in thickness, which interferes directly in material’s behaviour in fracture toughness approach
Nowadays, bamboo is being studied because of their strength properties according with their specific mass and speed of growth, which makes it an important alternative as a new resource that will help reduce pressure on forests and helpping them favoring the minimization of uncontrolled deforestation in many regions of Brazil. This study aimed, in general, to analyze physical and mechanical properties of the material with the divulgation of its potential for industrial application. To do so, in this research were determined in relation to the physical properties, moisture content, dimensional stability and the apparent densities and the mechanics and basic, just a tension parallel to grain, in order to observe the interference of various kinds of treatments (chemical, thermal and natural) on the strength and modulus of elasticity in this request. The species used was the Guadua angustifolia, a species native of Brazil. All tests were performed at Universidade Estadual Paulista - Campus Experimental Itapeva in the laboratory of Materials Properties. The methodology used for testing of moisture, density and tension parallel to grain were based on NBR 7190/1997 for the wood, and dimensional stability tests were based on much the same as in COPANT 462/1972 (South American) . The preservative treatments conducted followed the recommendation of each manufacturer. The values obtained in tests of physical properties were satisfactory especially with respect to density and dimensional stability analyzed by the coefficient of anisotropy, showed that, compared to wood, excellent quality for the shrinkage test, obtaining a coefficient of 1.2. With respect to parallel tensile tests to fibre results showed, in most cases, that test specimens with the presence of us have lower values of resistance and modulus of elasticity when compared with those without us. In the treatment of thermal-treatment there was an apparent treatment there was an apparent increase in...
Nowadays technological trend is based on finding materials that could support low weight with satisfactory mechanical properties and for this reason composite material became a very attractive topic in research projects all over the world. Due to its heterogenic properties, this type of material shows scatter in mechanical test results, especially in cyclic loading. Therefore it is important to predict its fatigue strength behaviour by statistic analysis, once fatigue causes approximately 90% of the failure in structural components. The present work aimed to investigate the fatigue behaviour of the Twill/Cycom 890 composite, which is carbon fiber reinforced with polymeric resin as matrix and manufactured via RTM process (Resin Transfer Molding). All samples were tested in different tensile level in triplicate in order to associate these values. The statistical analysis was conducted with Two-Parameter Weibull Distribution and then evaluated the fatigue life results for the composite. Weibull graphics were used to determine the scale and shape parameters. The S-N curve for the Twill/Cycom composite was drawn and indicated the number of cycles to occur the first damages in this material. The probability of failure was associated with material reliability, as shown in graphics for the different tensile levels and fatigue life. In addition, the laminate was evaluated by ultrasonic inspection showing a regular impregnation. The fractographic analysis conducted by SEM showed failure mechanisms for polymeric composites associated to cyclic loadings ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Fracture surfaces express sequences of events of energy release with crack propagation in metal alloys, the evolution of topographic features can indicate the lines of load action, failures during the use or processing. The quantitative fractography is an important tool in the study of fracture surfaces, because it allows their interpretation and characterization. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the characterization of fracture surfaces grounded on concepts such as selfsimilarity and self-affinity, it used the 15-5PH steel that was characterized by metallographic and tensile tests. The metallography allows the microstructural characterization of this steel and proved the presence of the martensite phase in the slats form and a fine-grained, both in the radial and in the axial direction of the dowel. The tensile test (ASTM E8) of this material allowed the determination of the mechanical properties, so based on the obtained results it was possible to affirm that the 15-5PH steel has high mechanical properties and a good stretch. Besides, the specimens also underwent testing of crack propagation, standardized by ASTM E647-00, thus it was obtained the fracture surfaces for characterization under monofractal and multifractal approaches. In front of all the exposed it was possible to conclude that in all measurements the correlation between the crack tip position and the fractal dimension was established in accordance with changes in the thickness and in the fracture micromechanisms presents. Furthermore, the multifractal approach was more sensitive to these variations allowing a more detailed characterization of the morphology
Airplane Motor Cradles have a complex geometry, since they require different conbinations between different tubes and TIG welded in several angles. In T-25 aircraft and Universal T-27 Tucano (EMBRAER / FAB), besides having to bear the engine balance, these components maintain fixed the nose landing gear in another extremity. They are considered critical to flight safety, and for this reason, the aviation standards are extremely rigid in their production, imposing a zero index” of defects on the final weld metal quality. These structures may be containing an historical of welding repairs, whose effects on their structural integrity are not computed. In this work we analyzed the standardised AISI 4130 steel and the raw steel of tubes to the Airplane Motor Cradles. First of all, microscopy and microanalysis of the base steel, then we analyzed the effects of the TIG weld. Tensile testing was conducted to measure the difference between the mechanical properties of standardised steel and without this treatment
The development of technology for structural composites has as one of its ends form a set of materials that combine high values of mechanical strength and stiffness and low density. Today, companies like Embraer and PETROBRAS and research institutions like NASA, working with these materials with recognized advantages in terms of weight gain, increased performance and low corrosion. We have developed a systematic study to determine the bond strength between composite carbon fiber / epoxy and fiberglass / epoxy laminate both bonded to a carbon steel which are widely used in the petrochemical industry and repair. For morphological evaluation and bonding between materials of different natures, ultrasound analysis, optical microscopy and stereoscopy were performed. To simulate actual conditions, the composites were subjected to conditioning by using heat shock temperatures from -50 to 80 ° C for 1000 cycles for composite carbon fiber / epoxy composites and 2000 cycles for fiberglass / epoxy . The use of composites studied here proved to be efficient to perform repairs in metallic pipes with application petrochemical, as when exposed to sudden changes of temperature (-50 ° to 80 ° C) cycling at 1000 to 2000 times, its mechanical properties (shear and tensile) practically do not change
After confirming the high specific mechanical properties of composite materials by scientific studies conducted over the last decades, one of the challenges of this new class of materials is the ability to achieve mass production at a more affordable cost, which has become indispensable. The Resin Transfer Molding (RTM) is an excellent method for manufacturing composite materials. Despite being a process widely used by international companies in the production of high performance structural composites, only a short time the national aviation industry has shown interest in implementing this type of processing to more complex structures and greater structural responsibility. In aeronautical projects, the reproducibility and the relative low cost of this process, several studies have been performed in Brazil for learning and perfecting this technique. This process is suitable for producing polymer components both simple as complex geometry, and allows to achieve consistent thickness, with high quality finish and without limiting range. Polymeric composite components for the high mechanical stress applications such as aircraft structures, satellites, etc., require a strict control of volume fractions of the composite constituents, beyond the knowledge of their mechanical and thermal properties. Therefore, in this experimental work degree study on the mechanical, thermal and of porosity composites processed by RTM processed characterization was performed. This characterization was performed targeting a possible aerospace application of this composite material. For the production of composites, process equipment (RTM RTM injector Radius 2100cc) was used. The processed carbono/epoxy composites were characterized via flexure tests mechanically and thermally analysis via DMA, DSC and TGA. To determine the volume fraction of fibers, the composite samples were analyzed via matrix digestion (ASTM D3171) ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
This study aimed to analyze the cooling curves, micro and macrograph alloy Al-1 %Si without the addition of strontium modifier and with the addition of the same. One of the ways of improving mechanical properties of alloy Al -Si is through the modification process. For the experiments two billets of the alloy Al-1%Si cast iron mold in a billet with addition of 0.02% strontium by weight, and the other billet without the addition of modifier were fused. In the solidification process of billet temperature was monitored and recorded every second for later plotting in Origin 8 program and analyzes the cooling curves obtained. The billets were cut and passed by grinding and polishing to perform the macrograph and micrographs. The results concerning the macrograph indicated that billet without the addition of Strontium particle size obtained was more refined than the billet where the strontium modifier was added. Regarding the micrograph, photos stemmed from the optical microscope didn´t show the expected modification effect by the addition of Strontium. This suggests that the low amount of silicon (1 %) present in the alloy used in this study interfered in the change process, because according to the literature review, Strontium 0.022 % by weight is sufficient to fully modify an alloy with 7% Silicon. The results from the cooling curve showed that both the eutectic temperature and the solidification time remained unchanged with the addition of strontium
The objective of the present work was to evaluate Pinus’ glued laminated timber (glulam) beams and steel reinforced glulam beams, using PU mono-component adhesive in lamination step and epoxy adhesive to bond steel bars. The mechanical performance was verified through bending test, and the adopted method based on homogenized section, to considerate the differences between wood and steel mechanical properties. The homogenization section method proved itself effective in obtaining the stiffness of the parts in MLCA. The stiffness of reinforced beams increased 91% in comparison with glulam beams, differing only 5.5 % from value of stiffness calculated
Since the beginning of the railway industry until today, rail wheels are important components to the good working of a railway. For being a critical security item, design and maintenance are done with extremely care to avoid failures. Despite de fact of railway components be projected to support a big number of cyclic solicitation during its life, some accidents still occur. These accidents, despite the low frequency, always have great consequences, drawing in great financial, material, and people losses. Nowadays, railway component failure is relatively low, because it’s been projected to work below the materials Fatigue Resistance Limit, however, with the growing demand of faster trains and higher load for each axle, the occurrence probability is even bigger. This work includes a comparative study of two fabrication processes (casting and forging) applied in the production of rail wheels where it was measured the mechanical properties of traction and fatigue. The study also verified through microstructural analysis, hardness, traction and fatigue tests, statistical analysis of fatigue test results and fractographic analysis that forging process lead to better correlations between fatigue life and mechanical properties, providing more security in railroads, less wagon retention caused by corrective maintenance and smaller operational cost with its use
Therebar of aluminum 1350 AA produced by CBA are used inthe manufacture of wires and cables for electric power transmission, which marketshows increasingly favorableto aluminum due to itslow densityand high electrical conductivity, but to ensure that this materialmeets all specifications of projectsfor electricity transmission, it must have homogeneity in the chemicaland mechanicalproperties.One of the points of improvement in the process of rod production isreducing the high variation of the limitof tensile strengthalong the coils, therefore, this work seeks a better understanding of the factors that significantly influence the mechanical properties of rebar, specifically assessing the influence oftemperatureat the output of the coils, which can cause a recovery effect on the material andif thereare relevantdifferences between the two modes of rebar production: auto and manual.Samples of six coils have been specifically produced forthis study, which weresubsequently subjected to different annealing temperatures for one hour and ten minutes, similar to what occurs in the output of the coil from the machine. The tensile tests showed that aluminum 1350 AA is significantly influenced by temperature, whose behavior was very similar to that presented in the literature. It was found that the phenomenon of recovery occurred more significantly at high temperatures. Through the optical electron microscope Zeiss, 18 surface maps were made with 100x magnification for each sample in different conditions and the images were analyzed using entropy and fractal dimension, aiming to relate the condition of surface hardening on mechanical property of the samples in that condition. The results showed that these methods can be applied, provided they do not have any kind of imperfection on the surface, once they can influence the results. The study concluded that a more efficient cooling is required in ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)