355 resultados para Aves Comportamento


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A nest (12.7 m height) of Syrigma sibilatrix was studied on the campus of UNESP Rio Claro (So Paulo, Brazil). The nest was in a fork in the tree Machaerium nyctitans (Leguminosae). Focal observations (n = 103 h) were carried out from 13 September 2004 to 1 November 2004. The male and female both participated in nest building, which took 37 days, mainly between 05:00h - 11:00h. Sticks for the nest were collected at the rate of 5.7 3.4 sticks hour -1, most by the male. The nest included 197 sticks, and was a fl at platform with diameter = 75cm, and depth = 14 cm. A single egg was laid and was incubated (by both sexes) for 66h57 (92% of the time of permanence of the individuals in the nest). The egg was moved 97 times (1.34 times/hour). A strong storm caused the egg to fall, interrupting the study.


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The present study had as its objective the assessment of the possible effects of hydric stress on the growth, physiological characteristics of two different genetic materials from Eucalyptus urograndis. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse at Faculdade de Cincias Agronmicas of UNESP, campus Botucatu from March to July, 2005. The hydric management was established based on the soil water potential. Two water levels were established, doing the evapotranspired water replacement by pot weighing. Two clones were used, Eucalyptus urograndis 105 and 433, being the first one more resistant to the hydric deficit and the 433 more sensitive to stress. The study was made from a 22 factorial (two levels of water two genetic materials). For the hydric management, the plants were irrigated when they reached a soil water potential of -0.03 MPa or -1.5 MPa. The assessments made were: diffusive water vapor of stomato, transpiration, leaf temperature and leaf water potential. The physiological evaluations throughout the day, in the end of the experiment. Treatments without hydric stress had a higher performance in all studied characteristics, but the clones had no influence. The stomatic resistance followed the potentials, showing higher values in the treatments submitted to hydric deficiency, more intensely for clone 433, being that this also happened with the leaf water potential. The transpiration also followed the leaf water potential and the stomatic resistance more intensely for clone 105 both comparing stressed plants and non-stressed plants. Consequently, the leaf temperatures had higher values for clone 433 on the stressed treatment. Thus, it can be concluded that there was a better performance in plants kept on a soil water potential of -0.03 MPa and a higher resistance to hydric stress for clone 105.


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Purpose: This study intends to evaluate BMP (Bone Morphogenetic Protein) implant and BMP implant plus PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) in rabbit orbital fractures, searching for tissue reaction, by radiological and morfometrical analysis. Methods:Third six white rabbits were submitted to orbital floor fracture and distributed in three groups: G1, with rabbits receiving a plate containing decalcified bone matrix and BMP; G2, with rabbits receiving the implant with BMP wrapped by PRP; G3, the control group where it was made the fracture only. The animals were evaluated radiologically after surgery and at sacrifice time in 7, 30, 90 and 180th day after surgery. After sacrifice, a block containing the right orbital tissue was extracted and prepared to morphological and morphometrical analysis. Results: An intensive linfomononuclear inflammatory reaction was observed at 7th day in G1 e G2, witch decreased after the 30th day; mesenchimal cells, osteoblasts, new bone and progressive cavitation of the implant were also observed, besides signs of calcium deposition by radiological study. In the control group fibrosis at the site of fracture was identified only. Conclusion: BMP seemed a good orbital implant producing new bone at the implant site and correcting bone defect.There was not observed acceleration of osteoinduction when the implant was associated with PRP.


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Liners were proposed as subsoil contamination protection devices for waste disposal sites. In the rural environment, they can be used to construct pond bottoms for liquid waste treatment, but the construction needs to be quick and cheap. A good technical solution for these situations is the use of local soil compacted with low quantities of cement or lime, obtaining good properties for this purpose. These barriers need special care about their contraction behavior which may compromise its use. This work shows the results of contraction tests in sandy soil specimens and others stabilized with lime and with cement. Soil structure changes during cure time were checked using electronic scan microscopy. Results show maximum soil contraction of 0.648% for specimen with 14 days cure process. After twenty eight days of cure the contraction values were lower than 0.5%, which classifies the material as of low contraction. Electronic scan image shows significant material structure alteration up to seven days cure. Results show that studied mixtures had appropriate contraction behavior for liner usage.


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Clinical pathology has been used in veterinary medicine for many years to evaluate metabolic changes that may indicate any sign of disease in animals. Even though the use of blood parameters is routine in companion animals, it is not commonly used for avian clinical evaluation either wild or production birds. Among others, the lack of information of avian blood reference values has limited the use of this tool in avian medicine. The blood parameters in avian medicine are helpful to evaluate aspects related to animal health for wild and also production birds. Thus, this review paper presents some ways to use clinical pathology parameters to evaluate and to monitor the avian health.


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Clostridium botulinum causative of toxic infections due to toxin ingestion previously formed, occur in several ingestion species, mainly birds. In a poultry farm, located at So Paulo State, more than 3,000 birds have been attacked by this toxic infections, when the birds showed motionless, loss of weight, accelerated, breathing, resulting in death of the birds. The blood harvest for attainment of the serum and later necropsy was carried out throwgh the following samples: liver, gizzard, crop, feed, water and litter. After that, the toxin was extracted by gelatin-phosphate buffer and inoculation in mice, isolation of the agent in Blood. gar and Reinforced Clostridium gar and neutralization of toxin determine its type. The inoculation in mice showed positive results in samples of liver, gizzad, crop and symptoms like was waist, and death of the birds by limp paralysis. The colonies that have been isolated, suspected of Clostridium botulinum showed expected results and further analysis revealed positive results to botulinical toxin type C. The farms have to pay attention in the routine jobs, choicer, and elimination of carcass because they are essential to keep this problem away.


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One indirect approach to predict the disinfection by-product (DBP) formation potential for a given water source is by evaluation of the kinetic behavior of free chlorine in the liquid phase and chlorine demand determination for different operation conditions of the chlorination process. The objective of this work was to evaluate the kinetic behavior of free chlorine in water or a number of different raw water sources, as well as to investigate the impact of the coagulation process on chlorine demand reduction and DBP formation. It was observed that the higher the total organic carbon (TOC) removal efficiency through coagulation, the lower the liquid phase chlorine demand. Regarding trihalomethane (THM) formation, a ratio of 28 ug/L formed per mg/L of applied chlorine was observed for the waters employed in the experimental investigation.


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The respiratory tract of birds shows anatomical and physiological characteristics that facilitates the occurrence of disease, mainly those of microbiological origin. This article analyzes the frequency of respiratory diseases in domestic and wild birds treated during the years 2005-2006 at the Ornitopathology Laboratory of the Veterinary Hospital, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Zootecnics, So Paulo State University (FMVZ-UNESP). Diagnoses were obtained through clinical and radiographic exams as well as haemogram, microbiological culture, parasitological tests and necropsy, being septicemic processes, aspergillosis and mycoplasmosis the most diagnosed diseases. No zoonotic threats were identified, so the entities were described as of low-impact on public health. However, the above mentioned agents can provoke death of birds and difficult for treating and eradication as well.


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Using the motivograma and interviews the degree of motivation of the survey participants was defined as satisfactory. On one hand there is satisfaction with the physiological needs, self-esteem and self confidence, on the other there is high dissatisfaction with the association and self-realization, justifying the request for strengthening the membership and performance improvements in the research area. Linking up security and association with the other ones group protection sentiments and work environment dependence sentiments prevail. It was concluded that: (1) Those satisfied ones declare that they are safe, protected and with good self-esteem doing their teaching work. The ones dissatisfied with the non-group belonging demonstrate dissatisfaction with the self-realization and expose their difficulties with social ties and the lack of integration in the teaching work. (3) The degree of motivation satisfactory is related to the satisfaction of basic needs, located in the first steps of Maslow's hierarchy. Accepting that the changes in higher education require motivated behaviors, the question arises: how can the motivation in teaching work be possible if the majority of organizations do not find a way to deal with the person of the Professor? Finally, the context of work is predominant in the provision of job satisfaction in teaching.


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The Potoos form an exclusively neotropical family of nocturnal birds distributed throughout Central and South America, except Chile, and reaching their highest diversity in the Amazon region. The seven currently recognized species are certainly among the most poorly known birds of this region. They are characterized by a distinctive mimicry of vegetal trunks, where they remain almost motionless during daytime. For this reason, their nocturnal and cryptic habits make them exceedingly difficult to study. Published accounts on behavior and natural history of the family are scarce and contributions regarding its anatomy are rare. Here we sample six of the seven currently recognized species of Nyctibiidae, including Nyctibius grandis, N. aethereus, N. griseus, N. jamaicensis, N. leucopterus and N. bracteatus, in order to conduct a detailed and illustrated description of the skull and jaw osteology. High interspecific variation in skull osteology was observed in the family. Species of this family possess a highly modified skull, adapted to their life habits, which shelters their well developed eyes and permits a large mouth opening. The bones that form the palate structure exhibit a dorsoventral flattening, particularly in the pterigoid and parasphenoid bones, with the palatine bone being a broadly developed, wing-shaped structure. In the maxilar region, near the jugal arch, there is a tooth-like projection, unique among birds, which may assist in the retention of prey upon capture. The vomer bone is highly variable within the family, showing varying numbers of rostral projections amongst species. The broad occipital region exhibits large spacing between the quadrate bones, which are vertically disposed and possess a reduced processus orbitalis. The mandible, which is flexible and elastic, has an extremely short symphyseal region and sindesmotic joints in both mandibular rami. As a family, potoos possess a highly specialized skull which provides insight into the relationship between the form of the structures and the feeding habits of the species. Furthermore, the large interspecific variation in skull morphology emphasizes the needs for taxonomic revision within the family, which at present is lumped into a single genus.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate intake behavior of lambs in pasture systems: (1) lambs kept with their dams in ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) without supplementation; (2) lambs kept with their dams in the same pasture but supplemented in creep feeding; (3) lambs kept with their dams in the same pasture but supplemented in creep grazing with white clover. Three evaluations of intake behavior were performed to check the activities carried out by animals (grazing, rumination, suckling and other activities). Grazing, rumination and other activities times were different (p < 0.05) for non-supplemented lambs. For these lambs, grazing and rumination times were longer than other activities time compared to other systems. Creep feeding reduced grazing time (p < 0.05), probably due to easy access and quality of concentrate. Lambs in creep grazing had reduced (p < 0.05) rumination time. Bite mass in creep grazing was higher (p < 0.05), probably due to easy harvesting of leaves by lambs. It was concluded that the production system affects feeding strategy of lambs and the preference for legumes suggests the use of creep grazing for finishing lambs.


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Exploratory behavior is done by animals to increase their interaction to the environment after be stimulated by curiosity, when animal feels that is in a secured place. The objective of this study was to evaluate exploratory behavior of foals front of introduction of new objects in their environment. Four foals and mares were observed in seven day sections of 60 minutes each one, always with a new object. No differences were verified about frequencies of looking, going to or touching into foals and mares. Total time of touching was 45,6 minutes, divided in 64 touches, mainly in first 20 minutes of each observation. However there is no statistical difference into solitary or impaired approaches and in impaired approaches there is no differences into foals or mares initiatives, foals done more solitary approaches than mares. Four animals touched the objects in first place, suggesting predisposition to this position based in individual differences. So, we concluded that new objects can stimulate similarly foals and mares to exhibit exploratory behavior, but foals show more manipulation activity, suggesting that are more curious than mares and predisposition to touch objects first depends of individual differences.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico (CNPq)


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The goal was to investigate the influence of natural products such as lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus), dried avocado leaves (Persea americana), coffee husk (Coffea arabica) and castor bean (Ricinus communis) in the defense of Apis mellifera, as well the effect of these products on the population development of the beehive. Defensive behavior was evaluated by time of first sting (TFS) and number of stingers (NS), and population development, by open brood area and operculated brood. It was observed that the treatment with smoke + seven castor beans presented significant increase in the TFS, for treatment without and with smoke. Regarding NS, it was verified that the treatments with smoke + seven castor bean and smoke + 20% coffee husk were different from the treatment without and with smoke. The other treatments did not differ significantly with respect to the use of smoke or its absence. The application of coffee husk and castor bean did not interfere in the development of the population, suggesting that these compounds were not toxic. It can be concluded that the use of castor bean and coffee husk in smoke may represent an important tool for the reduction of defensiveness, without promoting toxicity for A. mellifera.


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Objective: To evaluate the dental knowledge and attendance of elementary schoolchildren according to the type of institution (public or private). Method: The sample was composed of 800 children from the 5th to 8th grades of the elementary education. The research instrument was a questionnaire composed of open questions referring to the last recall visit, type and importance of the recall visit, and knowledge of dental caries and periodontal disease. Descriptive statistical analysis was done and the chisquared test was used with a significance level of 5%. Results: There was statistically significant difference between the students from the different institutions regarding the time (p=0.001) and main reason (p=0.001) of the last visit to the dentist, knowledge of the need of periodic visits to the dentist (p=0.001), importance (p=0.001) and frequency (p=0.001) of periodic recalls, and knowledge of dental caries (p=0.001) and periodontal disease (p=0.001). Conclusion: The adolescents presented different dental knowledge and attendance, according to the type of teaching institution.