272 resultados para Acessos vasculares


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Cats are gradually occupying a more important position as pets and this preference is a result of how easy cat maintenance in an urban environment is, even though they are very prolific and need surgical sterilization. This paper aims at evaluating obtained data within 15 years of research in a university service program that offers free cats sterilization surgery. We carried out a statistical analysis of data shown in the records of animals treated by the program. Surgical sterilization was performed on 647 animals (409 females – 63% and 238 males – 37%). Unilateral cryptorchidism was observed in 9 (3.8%) male cats. Forty (10%) female cats were pregnant at the time of the surgery and the treatment with contraceptives was observed in 67 (16.4%) female cats. One death occurred during anesthesia recovery and 2 cats were euthanized because of wound infection, totalizing an amount of 0.5% of severe complications. From 1996 to 2004, 212 female cats were spayed (122 adults and 90 prepubertal) and during that time two different approaches for ovariohysterectomy were compared: flank laparotomy and ventral midline celiotomy. The flank laparotomy approach was used in only 46 female cats (21.7%) due to some disadvantages observed – the need of an incision on each flank in prepubertal or nulliparous animals and the difficulty or impossibility of total uterus removal. In the same period, 105 male cats underwent orchiectomy via an open technique in which the spermatic cord was linked with nylon thread. From 2005 to 2010, 197 females (106 adults and 91 prepubertal) were spayed. The minilaparotomy technique was used to perform ovariohysterectomy on 139 female cats (70.6%). In this procedure, ovaries and uterus were exteriorized in a blind fashion with a hook through a small midline incision. The traditional midline ovariohysterectomy, which incision length permits direct visualization of the ovaries and uterus, had to be performed in 58 (29.4%) female cats due to advanced pregnancy, full urinary bladder during surgery or obesity. Over the past 6 years, 133 male cats (48 adults and 85 prepubertal) were castrated by means of an open technique in which the spermatic cord was tied to itself. The demand for surgeries during the project demonstrated that people are becoming aware concerning the importance of sterilization when facing cat overpopulation and abandonment.


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The zygomatic-maxillary complex due to its projection framed as one of the areas hardest hit by injuries, as well as the nasal bones. Component important in this context, the zygomatic arch fracture is under the direct action of forces due to its structure fragile, resulting in loss of normal convex curvature. Therefore, it is aimed to report a clinical case of male patient, who had leucoderma zygomatic bone fracture using access transcutaneous and intra-oral fracture reduction body of zygoma and zygomatic arch. In addition to evidence combination of closed and open techniques for solving the case. The technique provided the patient excellent cosmetic and functional results.


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In the last decade mini-screws have gained popularity in orthodontics field and a correct placement of mini-screws is a critical point to the success of the skeletal anchorage. A careful clinical and radiographic diagnostic before insertion mini-screw is an essential requirement to achieve the central point of the radicular septum. The correct application of these pre-surgical procedures should avoid possible iatrogenic damages in periodontal ligament, dental roots, nasomaxillary cavities, or even important vascular tissues. As of today, periapical radiographs is a regular pre surgical procedure during mini-screw insertion technique. Nevertheless, accurate execution of the radiographic parallax technique can offer to us useful and precise radiographic images, to decide the right local insertion of mini-screws in to the septum bone. The purpose of this paper is to describe the ¬application of new positioning circular guides in conjunction with a ¬parallax radiographic protocol before placement of orthodontic mini-screws.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Horticultura) - FCA


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Endovascular aortic aneurysm repair (EVAR) involving renal and visceral arteries remains a great challenge. Several techniques have been developed over the time to treat juxtarenal, pararenal and thoracoabdominal aneurysms, highlighting the fenestrated and branched endografts, parallel prostheses as Chimney, Periscope and Sandwich Techniques and the use of flow modulation by multilayer stent. We report a case of saccular juxtarenal aortic aneurysm with high surgical risk for complex airway access due to a history of radical laryngectomy for laryngeal neoplasm. Due to chronic aorto-iliac obstructive disease, ostial stenosis of renal artery and limited diameter of the suprarenal aorta, we discarded options involving fenestrated/branched endografts and involving parallel prostheses techniques. We present this case as a therapeutic challenge and a successful treatment option in the short-term evaluation.


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Contexto: É descrita uma síndrome congênita rara e suas manifestações típicas visando seu diagnóstico precoce. Descrição do caso: Pacientedo sexo feminino, com 15 anos de idade, com glaucoma congênito em acompanhamento pelo Serviço de Oftalmologia da UniversidadeEstadual Paulista (Unesp) foi encaminhada ao Serviço de Dermatologia com um ano de idade devido a manchas eritêmato-violáceasextensas distribuídas nos dois terços superiores da hemiface esquerda e em outras localidades do corpo desde o nascimento. A mãerelatava convulsões desde um ano e atraso do desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor. Nos antecedentes familiares, negava casos semelhantes.O diagnóstico da Síndrome de Sturge-Weber foi estabelecido pelo quadro clínico característico e pelos exames complementares quedemonstraram, no sistema nervoso central, atrofia e calcificação corticais, além de alterações oftalmológicas como glaucoma e buftalmo.Discussão: A síndrome de Sturge-Weber ocorre em 1 a cada 20.000 a 50.000 nascidos vivos e é caracterizada por malformações vascularesmanifestadas por manchas eritêmato-violáceas, mais conhecidas como manchas vinho do Porto , localizadas no território do ramooftálmico do nervo trigêmeo, com acometimento neurológico e possível acometimento ocular. O prognóstico depende das complicaçõesneurológicas, as quais não guardam relação com a extensão das lesões cutâneas. Conclusões: Relata-se afecção rara, cujo diagnósticoprecoce direciona o acompanhamento multidisciplinar.


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Contexto: Os hemangiomas infantis são os tumores vasculares benignos mais comuns da infância e representam um desafio em relação ao tratamento.Descrição do caso: Descrevemos o caso de uma criança do sexo masculino, de quatro meses de idade, que apresentava um hemangioma de grande extensão na região cervical direita.Discussão: Apresentamos as diversas formas de tratamento dos hemangiomas da infância, com ênfase no tratamento com betabloqueadores sistêmicos.Conclusões: Apesar de o diagnóstico dos hemangiomas infantis não apresentar complexidade, há várias formas de tratamento, com base na localização, no tamanho e nas complicações possíveis de cada lesão em particular.


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Spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage (SICH) is responsible for 10%-15% of the acute stroke. Hematoma or the occlusion of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flow by ventricular clotting can result in obstructive hydrocephalus, increasing intracranial pressure, which needs urgent decompression. We report our results of management of spontaneous deep cerebral hematoma by endoscopic approach.


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Diseases of the cerebellar system are common in small animals, and result in a clinical syndrome characterized by hypermetria, base-wide stance and intentional tremors of the head and body. All movements of the limbs are spastic and awkward. The neurological examination assists in the localization of lesions restricted to the cerebellum or in the detection of disorders relating to other parts of the nervous system, which characterizes a multifocal disease process. Neurological disorders in dogs and cats may suggest a very extensive list of differential diagnoses, since they may be caused by infectious, degenerative and traumatic processes, among others. The possible etiologies for cerebellar syndrome include: aplasia and hypoplasia, abiotrophy, cancer, vascular stroke and inflammatory disorders. The aim of this paper is to review the clinical signs that aid in the location of the cerebellar lesion and discuss the possible causes of this syndrome in dogs and cats.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)