254 resultados para plástico
In the early XX century scene, the poem writer Cecilia Meireles was the voice of the Portuguese Literature in Brazil. Probably as the writer´s fi rst husband, the Portuguese artist Fernando Dias, was in contact with the intellectuals from the Portuguese cultural universe, Cecilia certainly had access to Portuguese publishing before they were popular in Brazil. So, by printing, in 1944 the anthology Poetas novos de Portugal, by Dois Mundos Publishing house (directed by Jaime Cortesão), Cecília could spread the Portuguese poetry which had never been published in books in our country. As it has never been printed again, the anthology shows a detailed view about the Portuguese literature scene at that time. My work aims at looking thoroughly this volume, in order to understand the criteria used by Cecilia when selecting the authors and poems, in the light of such piece indicates certain understanding of the Portuguese Literature relations with Brazil.
This study aimed to develop, implement and evaluate the performance of a new type of bioreactor for anaerobic treatment of wastewater using different filling materials like trickling filters post-reactor. This bioreactor has mixed characteristics of the UASB reactors and horizontal flow from the point of view of removal of BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) ssed (settled solids), TS (Total Solids), SS (Suspended Solid), SD (Dissolved Solids) and turbidity. The experimental model consists of a bioreactor with a volume of 12 m³, 2/3 filled by fluidized bed and 1/3 for fixed. The fluidized bed is made of polystyrene plates used as a system percolation and compartmentalized trickling filters, where each compartment was filled with a support medium with different characteristics (gravel number 4, plastic rings of polystyrene, PET and HDPE) . In addition, the output of a filter system was installed three entries filled with activated carbon. The bioreactor was installed in private residence in the city of Igarapava-SP (20° 02'40.18"S and 47° 45'01.36" W). The system was highly efficient as the removal of organic contaminant load 92% on average reducing the BOD, a significant result when compared to other anaerobic systems. For the other parameters, the mean reduction was 96% for turbidity, 99% ssed, 67.5% ST, 57% SD and 88% of SS. As for its operation the system was capable of operating in continuous flow without the need for maintenance during the entire period of evaluation and without energy, as it operates taking advantage of the natural slope of the terrain where it is installed. The environmental impacts were minimized due to the preservation of local vegetation allowing the ecosystem to remain unchanged beyond the prototype was completely sealed preventing exhalation of odors and therefore not causing inconvenience to neighboring populations. Given these facts it was concluded that the prototype is shown to be highly feasible deployed as a new alternative for treatment of sewage in rural and urban settings (individual homes, condos, farms, ranches, etc.) Due to ease of design and operability, and sustainability at all stages of execution.
Pós-graduação em Artes - IA
There is great genetic diversity of rambutan plants, thus, to establish commercial orchards culture, it is recommended the use of plants vegetatively propagated. Therefore, this research aimed to determine the best method of grafting, graft protection and type of rootstock for its propagation. The experiment was repeated in two seasons (autumn/winter and spring/summer). The experimental design was completely randomized in both experiments, with four replicates, each experimental unit consisted of 10 plants analyzed in a 4x2x2 factorial with four types of grafting (whip graft-WG; cleft graft -CG; wedge graft-WG; and inverted wedge graft-IWG;), 2 types of graft protection (Biodegradable and plastic) and 2 types of rootstock (without or with leaves). The variables analyzed in this study were: percentage of grafting success, number and length of buds (cm). For grafting performed in autumn /winter, both by cleft grafting as whip graft with biodegradable strip and rootstock leafless provided the best results in propagation of rambutan tree. The best results were observed during the autumn / winter.
O caqui apresenta uma safra curta, sendo necessário estender seu período de comercialização utilizando técnicas adequadas de armazenamento. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o uso da radiação gama na qualidade pós-colheita de caquis 'Giombo' destanizados. Frutos colhidos meio-maduros e com aproximadamente 50 % da coloração verde, foram destanizados, acondicionados em bandejas de poliestireno expandido (EPS), revestidas por filme plástico de polietileno de baixa densidade (PEBD) e submetidos à radiação gama (60Co). Os frutos foram armazenados durante 35 dias, sob refrigeração (0±0,5 ºC e 85 ± 0,5% UR). Os tratamentos realizados foram: T1 - 0,0 kGy; T2 - 0,3 kGy; T3 - 0,6 kGy; T4 - 0,9 kGy; T5 - 1,2 kGy. As análises realizadas a cada 7 dias foram: perda de massa, atividade respiratória, teores de sólidos solúveis (SS), ácido ascórbico, acidez titulável (AT) e relação SS/AT. Os frutos submetidos à dose de 0,6 kGy apresentaram o menor percentual de perda de massa e produção de CO2 ao longo do período experimental. Os teores de SS e AT permaneceram estáveis e sem diferenças devido às doses de irradiação aplicadas. Os tratamentos com 0,3 KGy e 0,6 KGy foram os mais eficazes na manutenção da firmeza nos caquis. Nos teores de ácido ascórbico, observou-se redução ao longo do período experimental, sendo os menores valores apresentados para a maior dose de irradiação (1,2 KGy).
The aims of this study were to evaluate the effect of root canal filling techniques on root fracture resistance and to analyze, by finite element analysis (FEA), the expansion of the endodontic sealer in two different root canal techniques. Thirty single-rooted human teeth were instrumented with rotary files to a standardized working length of 14 mm. The specimens were embedded in acrylic resin using plastic cylinders as molds, and allocated into 3 groups (n=10): G(lateral) - lateral condensation; G(single-cone) - single cone; G(tagger) - Tagger's hybrid technique. The root canals were prepared to a length of 11 mm with the #3 preparation bur of a tapered glass fiber-reinforced composite post system. All roots received glass fiber posts, which were adhesively cemented and a composite resin core was built. All groups were subjected to a fracture strength test (1 mm/min, 45°). Data were analyzed statistically by one-way ANOVA with a significance level of 5%. FEA was performed using two models: one simulated lateral condensation and Tagger's hybrid technique, and the other one simulated the single-cone technique. The second model was designed with an amount of gutta-percha two times smaller and a sealer layer two times thicker than the first model. The results were analyzed using von Mises stress criteria. One-way ANOVA indicated that the root canal filling technique affected the fracture strength (p=0.004). The G(lateral) and G(tagger) produced similar fracture strength values, while G(single-cone) showed the lowest values. The FEA showed that the single-cone model generated higher stress in the root canal walls. Sealer thickness seems to influence the fracture strength of restored endodontically treated teeth.
The technique proposed aims at reducing the weight of individualized ample ocular prostheses using acrylic resins as well as simplifying laboratory procedure. For that, prefabricated hollow spheres made of plastic material, were inserted in the sclera. The average weights of the solid conventional sclera (5.30g) and those of the respective prefabricated plastic ones (3.91g) were compared. The weight reduction was significative with a confidence interval of 95% by the Student t test. ln addition, for illustration purpose, the technique was applied to patients in the ward of the Maxillofacial Prostheses Dicipline of the Dentistry School in the Campus of São José dos Campos - UNESP, having each patient received a solid prosthesis and a hollow prefabricated one made of plastic material. It has been concluded that the prostheses material spheres were inserted are lighter than the ones which received solid spheres; furthermore, thr technique is viable for ample anophtalmic cavities and requires few sessions
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
In the practice of dental radiology, although there was no production of aerosols, there is the contamination of equipment and surfaces by contact with blood and saliva. This is making necessary the adoption infection control procedures to protect patients and staff. The objective of this paper is to present the procedures of prevention during the radiographic examination and radiographic processing in the darkroom. The proposed recommendations for the area of Dental Radiology include efficient cleaning and protection of equipment and surfaces, personal protective measures and to avoid contamination of the darkroom. These recommendations are obtained by simple procedures as cover films and radiological equipment with plastic barriers.
O resgate da história e da memória do design gráfico brasileiro ainda possui algumas lacunas, pois muitos profissionais, seus projetos e obras não são lembrados ou ainda não foram estudados e registrados, deixando uma lacuna na história gráfico-visual de nosso país. Este artigo pretende contribuir nesse sentido, resgatando as capas de livros projetadas por Vicente Di Grado. Designer gráfico, artista plástico e docente, Di Grado (1922-2005) atuou como principal capista para a Editora Clube do Livro entre as décadas de 1950 e 1970, sendo seu maior período de produção a década de 1960, justamente o objeto deste estudo. Pelo conjunto de seu trabalho, recebeu o Prêmio Jabuti em 1963. Sua obra representa uma grande fonte de elementos e referências gráficas, além de ter marcado a linguagem editorial da Editora Clube do Livro.
The determination of loin eye area (LEA) is one of the most common methods to assess carcass quality and it is possible to adjust calculations to predict meat amount in the carcass which is one of the important features in the classification process. The aim of this study was to compare different methodologies used to determine LEA in swine. Fifteen crossbred pigs, Landrace x Large White, males and females, were slaughtered at 140 days of age. After 24 hours of cooling at 4°C, the Longissimus dorsi muscle was removed from the left half part of carcasses for evaluation of LEA between the 12th and 13th rib. The methods were: point counting on plastic grid of 1 cm2 and 0.25 cm2 (PCGP 1 cm2 and PCGC 0.25 cm2 ), circumference method by Echo Image Viewer (ECHO), circumference method using AutoCad ® program (CAD) and method of weighing paper (WP). The design was completely randomized with 15 replications per treatment and the data were subjected to Pearson correlation and variance analysis. Averages were compared by Tukey test at a significance level of 5%. LEA values were: 35.84, 35.69, 33.86, 34.22 and 36.71 cm2 , for the PCGP 1 cm2 , PCGP 0.25 cm2 , ECHO, CAD and WP methods, respectively. The LEA values determined by methods PCGP 1 cm2 , PCGP 0.25 cm2 and WP were similar; however they were higher than those obtained by the ECHO and CAD methodologies (P<0.0001). PCGP 1 cm2 , PCGP 0.25 cm2 and WP methods may overestimate LEA values. The choice of method to be used should be based on its practicality and availability of resources, since the difference obtained between them is low.
O desenvolvimento tecnológico crescente associado a profundas mudanças no modo de vida contemporâneo tem gerado volumes de rejeitos cada vez maiores. Um desses rejeitos são as garrafas feitas de PET. Essas garrafas podem ser aproveitadas para construções de ambientes em substituição dos tijolos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar os aspectos necessários para a realização das obras de construção de um ambiente com materiais recicláveis analisando tipos, quantidades e custos dos materiais de construção e mão-de-obra. Além disso, criou-se estratégias para a arrecadação de garrafas pet, métodos de preenchimento das mesmas e mecanismos de divulgação do projeto intitulado ?Projeto Casa PET?. O estudo comprovou que a garrafa pet pode substituir o tijolo, que um dos materiais adequados para preenchê-las é o solo-cimento e que este tipo de construção tem despertado o interesse de pessoas de diversos locais do Brasil e até mesmo de outros países. Em futuros trabalhos, pretende-se comprovar que o ambiente é uma alternativa viável tanto do ponto de vista econômico e ambiental.
Marchantia polymorpha develops under environmental conditions of high relative humidity and shading. As this habitat is the usually used in nurseries for the growth of seedlings of native tree species that species grows very quickly among developing tree seedlings and causes severe losses. This study was undertaken viewing more efficient either physical or chemical methods for the control of M. polymorpha. Two experiments were conducted under greenhouse conditions. In the first acetic acid (10, 20, and 40% of concentration), oxygenated water (50 and 100%) and the herbicides glyphosate (1,680 g AI ha) and fomesafen (375 g AI ha-1 ) were applied to the seedlings. In the second, the treatments consisted of soil previously submitted to a temperature of 105 °C for 48 hours, soil submitted to solarization in black plastic and in transparent plastic bags for 30 days, preemergence application of diuron (1,750 g AI ha-1 ) and trifluralina (1,575 g AI ha-1 ). The visual evaluations of the methods were performed 7, 14, 21, and 28 days after the application (DAA) and at 60 and 120 DAA, respectively, for the first and the second experiment. Only diuron and trifluralina resulted in a 100% control of M. polymorpha 120 DAA.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)