357 resultados para milk yield in cows
Growing corn mixed with forage crops can be an alternative for pasture and Mulch production during relatively dry winters in tropical areas, making no-till feasible in some regions. However, little is known about nutrient dynamics in this cropping system. The objective of the present work was to evaluate K dynamics in a production system in which corn was either grown as a sole crop or mixed with Brachiaria brizantha. In the second year of the experiment, nitrogen rates ranging from 0 to 200 kg ha(-1) were applied to the system. Dry matter yields and potassium contents in the soil, as well as residues and plants were determined at corn planting and harvest. Potassium balance in the system was calculated. Corn grain yield in mixed crop responded up to 200 kg ha(-1) N. The introduction of brachiaria in the system resulted in higher amounts of straw on the soil Surface and higher K recycling. Soil exchangeable K balance showed an excess K for both N rates only in the mixed system, however, when non-exchangeable K was also included in calculations, excess K was found in both mixed and sole corn systems. Large amounts of non-exchangeable K were taken up in the system involving brachiaria, which showed a considerable capacity in recycling K, increasing its contents in the surface soil layer. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Brazil has extensive area with acid soils. Using phosphogypsum and soil acidity tolerant cultivars are alternatives to crop establishment in no-till system without previous limestone incorporation in many agricultural soils of Brazil. However, it remains unknown how phosphogypsum and limestone surface application affects rice (Oryza sativa L.) and common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) nutrition and yield under a no-till system. A field experiment was conducted in a sandy clay loam, kaolinitic, thermic Typic Haplorthox, previously cultivated under conventional tillage, in Botucatu, Sao, Paulo State, Brazil. Treatments included four dolomitic limestone rates (0, 1100, 2700, and 4300 kg ha(-1)), two phosphogypsum rates (0 and 2100 kg ha(-1)), and two upland rice cultivars (Caiapo and IAC 202). in 2002-2003, and two bean cultivars (Perola and Carioca), in 2003-2004. Both amendments were applied on the surface, without soil incorporation. The content of Ca, Mg, and Mn in flag leaves and rice yield increased with limestone surface application. Liming increased the shoot dry matter of IAC 202 rice. Phosphogypsum increased S contents in leaves of both rice cultivars, and resulted in higher grain yield in the Caiapo rice. Liming increased K contents in leaves of both bean cultivars. In the absence of phosphogypsum, liming increased S contents and grain yield of bean. Content of Mg in leaves was reduced by phosphogypsum in lower limestone rates. In phosphogypsum presence, liming reduced Zn contents in leaves and increased bean shoot dry matter. Phosphogypsum increased Ca and S, and reduced Mg contents in bean leaves. Using soil acidity tolerant cultivars promoted higher crop yields in no-till systems establishment, even when the effective soil amelioration had not yet been achieved.
O presente trabalho estudou a intoxicação acidental por arsênico em um lote de 24 vacas Girolando, as quais tiveram acesso a pasto pulverizado com herbicida à base de metano arsonato ácido monossódico (MSMA). Os bovinos apresentaram apatia, anorexia e diarreia profusa. Foram necropsiados na fazenda dois animais de 14 que morreram. Os principais achados macroscópicos foram úlceras abomasais e congestão renal. No exame microscópico, as principais lesões observadas foram abomasite e omasite necro-hemorrágica multifocal acentuada e, nos rins, necrose tubular difusa. As concentrações médias de arsênico em vacas com sinais clínicos foram 1,19±0,40, 10,52±2,16 e 76,06±48,37ppm no sangue, leite e fezes, respectivamente. Os níveis de arsênico encontrados em dois animais necropsiados foram 25,58 e 23,85ppm em fígado, e 28,71 e 35,94ppm em rins, respectivamente. No feto de uma vaca necropsiada, os níveis de arsênico mensurados no fígado e rim foram 9,0 e 8,92ppm, respectivamente. A concentração de arsênico no capim do piquete pulverizado foi 111,58ppm. No Brasil, o uso MSMA na composição de pesticidas e herbicidas é permitido somente para uso agrícola, mas não pecuário. A utilização desse ou de outros produtos à base de arsênico na pecuária pode causar altos índices de mortalidade no rebanho, além de diminuição da produção e contaminação de produtos de origem animal.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Analisaram-se 464 amostras individuais de leite e 54 amostras de leite de latões, oriundos de leite dos mesmos animais, por meio do teste do anel do leite (TAL) visando à sua aplicação no diagnóstico individual e de rebanhos da brucelose bovina. Foram também avaliadas 464 amostras de soro sangüíneo por meio de provas do antígeno tamponado acidificado (ATA), soroaglutinação lenta em tubos (SAL) e 2-mercaptoetanol (2-ME), todas para brucelose. Cento e vinte e três amostras (26,5%) testadas pelo TAL apresentaram resultados positivos. Dessas, 30 resultaram positivas ao ATA, 28 ao ATA, à SAL e ao 2-ME e 18 à SAL. Das amostras positivas ao TAL, 95 pertenciam a animais sorologicamente negativos ao 2-ME, caracterizando 77,2% (95/123) das reações falso-positivas; dos resultados negativos ao TAL, 4 pertenciam a animais sorologicamente positivos, caracterizando 1,2% (4/341) de reações falso-negativas no TAL individual. Das 54 amostras de leite de latões analisadas pelo TAL, 17 foram consideradas positivas, das quais uma foi caracterizada como falso-positivo, pois todos os animais que a compunham foram negativos ao 2-ME. de 37 latões considerados negativos ao TAL, três continham leite de animais positivos ao 2-ME, caracterizando 8,1% de falso-negativos. O TAL individual demonstrou elevado percentual de resultados falso-positivos, enquanto o TAL em amostras de leite obtidas em latões detectou 84,2% de latões contaminados e 75% de rebanhos infectados.
The transfer of antirabies immunoglobulins in cows that were prime vaccinated and cows that were revaccinated against rabies correlated to the serum titers in their offspring was evaluated. The results demonstrated that revaccination against rabies during pregnancy induces neutralizing antibody titers at a protective level that are transferred directly to calves through colostrum and reinforce the importance of revaccination for improved colostral antibody transfer and offspring protection against rabies.
Babesia spp. infections were investigated in Bos taurus x Bos indicus dairy cows and calves and in Boophilus microplus engorged female ticks and eggs. Blood samples and engorged female ticks were collected from 25 cows and 27 calves. Babesia spp. was detected in ticks by microscopic examination of hemolymph of engorged female and by squashes of egg samples. Cattle infection was investigated in blood thin smears and by DNA amplification methods (PCR and nested PCR), using specific primers for Babesia bovis and Babesia bigemina. Merozoites of B. bovis (3 animals) and B. bigemina (12 animals) were detected exclusively in blood smears of calves. DNA amplification methods revealed that the frequency of B. bigemina infection in calves (92.6%) and in cows (84%) and of B. bovis in calves (85.2%) and in cows (100%) did not differ significantly (P > 0.05). Babesia spp. infection was more frequent in female ticks and eggs collected from calves (P < 0.01) than from cows, especially in those which had patent parasitemia. Hatching rates of B. microplus larvae were assessed according to the origin of engorged females, parasiternia of the vertebrate host, frequency and intensity of infection in engorged female tick, and frequency of egg infection. Hatching rate was lower in samples collected from calves (P < 0.01) than from cows, and in those in which Babesia spp. was detected in egg samples (P < 0.01). Published by Elsevier B.V.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A caprinocultura leiteira no Brasil, apesar de ser uma atividade rural consolidada há algumas décadas, tem se mostrado totalmente dependente de outros países no que se refere ao melhoramento genético. A maioria dos plantéis existentes atualmente tem como base animais importados, e a renovação do material genético é feita por meio da importação de sêmen. Inexistem informações sobre o valor genético dos animais e sua evolução no decorrer dos anos. No presente trabalho, foram estimadas a herdabilidade e a repetibilidade da produção de leite utilizando o REML. Os valores obtidos foram 0,21557 e 0,21564, respectivamente. Para a predição do valor gênico dos animais, foi usado o procedimento BLUP com modelo animal. A mudança na tendência genética anual estimada por um modelo quadrático foi -0,8109 kg/ano², indicando desaceleração no ganho genético. A correlação de Pearson entre os valores gênicos dos bodes estimados com base na média da capacidade provável de produção das filhas obtida pelo método de mínimos quadrados com as estimadas pelas equações do modelo misto foi de 0,5751. A correlação de SPEARMAN entre as classificações dos bodes obtidos pelos dois métodos foi de 0,5813.
Seis cabras da raça Alpina, com produção média de leite de 2,5 kg/dia, foram distribuídas aleatoriamente em dois grupos de três e submetidas à termoneutralidade ou estresse térmico por 56 dias em câmara climática. Usou-se um delineamento estatístico crossover. A temperatura média do ar diurna, incluindo radiação solar simulada, foi de 33,84ºC. Os animais estressados aumentaram a freqüência respiratória, o volume-minuto respiratório, a termólise-evaporativa respiratória, temperatura retal e a taxa de sudorese, enquanto o volume corrente respiratório e o volume globular diminuíram. Houve também perda de peso, redução da ingestão de alimentos e duplicação do consumo de água. A produção de leite e a porcentagem de gordura, proteína, lactose e sólidos totais diminuíram. Os teores de cloretos, cálcio e fósforo não sofreram alteração. Concluiu-se que, para manter a homeotermia, as cabras mobilizaram o sistema respiratório e sudoríparo para perder calor. A alta temperatura ambiente efetiva reduziu a produção e os teores de alguns componentes do leite.
Efeito da utilização da somatotropina bovina recombinante (bST) sobre a produção de leite em búfalas
O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o resultado da utilização da somatotropina bovina recombinante (bST) atuando na produção de leite em búfalas da raça Murrah. Empregaram-se 28 búfalas multíparas da raça Murrah, divididas em dois grupos homogêneos de 14 animais, recebendo os seguintes tratamentos: Grupo 1 ¾ Controle (solução salina) e Grupo 2 ¾ 500 mg de bST/cabeça a cada 14 dias, durante 7 meses. Búfalas tratadas com bST exibiram incrementos de 48,52%, 32,80% e 32,80% nas produções total de leite, corrigida, depois, para 4% de gordura e média diária, respectivamente. A somatotropina elevou a produção total de gordura sem alterar a porcentagem dela no leite. A administração de bST não afetou a porcentagem de proteína do leite todavia, a produção total de proteína foi aumentada. Quanto à duração da lactação, o tratamento com bST diferiu do controle, o que demonstra a maior persistência da lactação de búfalas tratadas com bST.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This study aimed at evaluating the effect of total replacement of dry corn by wet grain corn silage (WGCS) in the feed of label broilers older than 28 days of age on performance, mortality, carcass, parts, breast meat and thighs meat yields, and meat quality. A mixed-sex flock of 448 ISA S 757-N (naked-neck ISA JA Label) day-old chicks was randomly distributed in to randomized block experimental design with four treatments (T1 - with no WGCS; T2 - WGCS between 28 and 83 days; T3 - WGCS between 42 and 83 days; and T4 - WGCS between 63 and 83 days) and four replicates of 28 birds each. Birds were raised under the same management and feeding conditions until 28 days of age, when they started to have free access to paddock with pasture (at least 3m²/bird) and to be fed the experimental diets. Feed and water were offered ad libitum throughout the rearing period, which was divided in three stages: starter (1 to 28 days), grower (29 to 63 days), and finisher (64 to 83 days) according to the feeding schedule. During the short periods of WGCS use (group T2 during grower stage and T4 during the finisher stage), performance and mortality results were similar as to those of the control group (T1). At the end of the experiment, it was observed that the extended use of WGCS (T2 and T3) determined a negative effect on feed conversion ratio. However, the best results of breast meat yield were observed with birds fed WGCS since 28 days (T2). It was concluded that WGCS can replace dry corn grain for short periods during the grower and finisher stages with no impairment of meat quality and yield in slow growth broilers.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In Experiments 1, 2, and 3, we evaluated the effects of temporary weaning (TW), equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG), and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) treatments on results of it fixed-time artificial insemination (TAI) protocol in postpartum Bos indicus cows. In Experiment 1, treatment with 400 IU eCG or with TW for 48 h consistently improved pregnancy rates (PRs) at TAI, but, in Experiment 2, FSH treatment was less effective than eCG or TW. In Experiment 3, the inclusion of eCG treatment in cows subjected to TW did not improve PRs. We concluded that TW or 400 IU eCG should be included in the TAI protocol in postpartum Bos indicus cows to enhance fertility. In Experiment 4, we used records front heifers and cows treated with the proposed protocol during the 2006-2007 (n = 27,195) and 2007-2008 (n = 36,838) breeding seasons from multiple locations in Brazil to evaluate factors potentially affecting PRs. Overall PR at TAI was 49.6% (31,786 of 64,033). Pregnancy rate differed (P < 0.01) among farm within location (results ranging between 26.8% and 68.0%; P < 0.01), cow group within farm, by breed (Bos indicus, 48.3% [26,123 of 54,145]; Bos taurus, 61.7% [3652 of 5922]; and crossbred Bos indicus x Bos taurus, 50.7% [2011 of 3966]), category (nulliparous, 39.6% [2095 of 52901] suckled primiparous, 45.2% [3924 of 8677]; suckled multiparous, 51.8% [24,245 of 46,767]; and nonsuckled multiparous, 46.1% [1522 of 3299]), body condition score at TAI (<= 2.5 43.0% [3409 of 7923]; 3.0, 49.6% [18,958 of 38,229]; and >3.5, 52.7% [9419 of 17,881]). Days postpartum at beginning, of protocol did not affect PR (30 to 60 d, 47.6% [4228 of 8881]; 61 to 90 d, 51.7% 116,325 to 31,5721; and 91 to 150 d, 50.8% [7616 to 14,991]; P > 0.1). Pregnancy rate was also consistently affected (P < 0.01) by sire (results ranging from 7.2% to 77.3%) and artificial insemination technician (results ranging from 15.1% to 81.8%). (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.