360 resultados para intenção
O objetivo deste Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso é divulgar experiências bem sucedidas no campo de atenção psicossocial através de uma revista customizada desenvolvida para o Projeto Tear “Terapia e Arte”, da cidade de Guarulhos, segunda cidade mais populosa do estado de São Paulo. Mais do que levar credibilidade e, consequentemente, visibilidade às práticas desenvolvidas por eles, o produto tem a intenção de colocar em reflexão a questão da inclusão social pelo trabalho e pela arte, as principais atividades do organismo, e explanar a respeito dos avanços das diretrizes da Reforma Psiquiátrica às quais o Projeto Tear está alinhado. Por meio de entrevistas, pesquisas e vivência in loco, buscou-se por em prática as técnicas jornalísticas aprendidas ao longo do curso de graduação e levar ao leitor série de reportagens de forma clara e diversificada, que contribuam para a propagação do tema e para o exercício de um jornalismo com compromisso ético e cidadão
This study aimed to analyze the use of technological resources by teachers during their daily practice, especially the computer, in public and private elementary schools in Botucatu - SP. We know that today's society, called the Information Society and Knowledge, changes the context of education, since students have access to various information a short time. For this purpose, we use literature as a methodology and data collection through the application of a questionnaire answered by 49 students in public schools, state and private network cited. The choice of the students took place because of the diversity of schools in which they live. Our intention was not to make generalizations, but knowing more about the use of technology in these contexts from the perspective of students. The choice of subject had reason for their timeliness and necessity of knowledge, thus contributing to a comprehensive education and quality. Through data analysis, was explicit the difference between public and private schools, however, student interest was unanimous by the technologies and equitably
Technological development in the IT and telecommunications sectors have transformed the way organizations communicate with their audiences. Social Media allow the exchange of information instantaneously, in a communication from many to many. With few studies in the area, many companies venture into the social media without a strategy and a generally end up denigrating their image itself. Thus, this study was conceived from the idea of contributing, analytically, based on the main concepts of Public Relations so the organizations effectively take advantage of their online presence to generate relationships, more specifically, on Twitter.Twitter is a social media with a mature public, requiring dynamics of information and quick answers, based on dialogue, referring to the idea of text messages (SMS). To better expose the results of this research, three organizations with expertise in twitter were chosen: Bradesco , Positivo Informática and Ponto Frio. The choice of case studies was based on the different segments that each one operates and that they are large companies with reputable commercial operations in the Brazilian scenario. To analyze their profiles, several authors were studied, like Fábio França, Maria Aparecida Ferrari, Margarida Kunsch e Marlene Machiori.The intent of the analysis of the Twitter profiles of these organizations is to understand whether they are using strategies for creating and maintaining relationships with your followers and how this occurs from specific categories, as other companies have committed serious errors and impairing their business because of mismanagement in social media. Therefore, the profiles were analyzed from the netnográfica methodology. As a result, it was observed that organizations have not yet developed the character of relationships in social media , treating this channel as another advertising channel It was observed that Positivo Informática has no specific strategy for Twitter...
Studies on new adhesives and resins for bonding wood and wood products are being conducted with the intention of improving their properties, taking into account a lower environmental impact. For this reason new formulations of polyvinyl acetate (PVA) adhesives have been developed, because they have no chemicals in its composition extremely polluting and harmful to health, as is the case of formaldehyde-based resins, which in turn are the most commonly used today for wood panels production. This study tested three different formulations of PVA adhesives, with different times and temperatures of pressing for the production of Eucalyptus sp. Plywood, coming up in satisfactory results with respect to shear strength at the bondline, which was higher for the PVA adhesives compared with urea-formaldehyde and phenol. The results of MOE and MOR were lower than those values of the panels produced with urea and phenol-formaldehyde, and the results of physical tests showed to be close to the panels produced with these same adhesives
O presente trabalho de graduação final destina-se a elaboração de um Plano e Projeto de um novo desenho para a cidade de Coronel Macedo, localizada no interior de São Paulo. Através da análise da realidade do município, juntamente com leituras comunitárias já efetuadas, foram enumerados problemas e necessidades, dentre eles a falta de um instrumento gestor e a situação precária de suas vias de locomoção. Desse modo a intenção projetual desse trabalho será um desenho de ruas e calçadas, dando maior mobilidade e segurança. E um Plano viário que possa orientar o poder público e a iniciativa privada no interesse coletivo dos macedenses para a efetivação do projeto proposto, visando assegurar maior qualidade de vida para a população
O presente trabalho visa propor um estudo a fim de buscar um projeto para reverter o impacto de uma área ociosa no centro da cidade de Mogi Guaçu, levando-se em consideração o seu desenvolvimento histórico e sócio-econômico pelos anos que se sucederam desde seu surgimento. A intenção do projeto é atenuar ou modificar os efeitos prejudiciais à cidade nos aspectos de tipo de ocupação, desenvolvimento econômico e cultural e integração da área central. Para tal serão usadas ferramentas que permitam uma intervenção urbanística voltada para a dinâmica e para a imagem da cidade na atualidade
The society went through several transformations, especially technological. With the democratization of the Internet and social media, forms of relationships have turned up in between brand and consumer. Thus, marketing availed human characteristics in order to meet and interact with the consumer. So many print magazines have created profiles on Facebook and Twitter with the primary intent of disseminating original content and become a channel of dialogue with the reader. This research aims to reflect on the role of journalist as brand managers and social media acting as a magazine brand strength ening strategy. The research will examine the Todateen magazine, teen magazine focused on class C, and their profiles from Facebook and Twitter as a way to expand the relationship with the reader, to humanize the brand and strengthen the identity of the magazine. The methodologies used are exploratory and analytical to, first, discuss the issues: magazine journalism, media convergence, web journalism, social media, corporate communications, branding and marketing, and then analyze the Todateen case, describing the print media, the website, Twitter and Facebook
The characters of O mulato, Casa de pensão and O cortiço, well written books by the writer Aluísio Azevedo, may be considered predominantly flat, for they were built with a single or few features. This kind of character can be even defined by the type, which represents certain dominant features (professional, psychological, cultural, economic, religious, etc.) from the diegetic universe in which the action takes place. This character subcategory is present in certain artistic periods such as Realism and Naturalism, and can be understood as the main character between the individual and the collective, between the concrete and the abstract. Yet, the social space, in the novels of the above mentioned literary movements configures itself, especially in terms of the presence and types of extras: it is about describing environments that illustrate, almost always, in a historical period context of critical intent, vices and deformations of the society, as we can see depicted in the three novels of the author. In turn, the narrative categories that most decisively influence the space representation are the instance (the narrator) and the narrative perspective (focusing). In the case of O mulato, Casa de pensão and O cortiço, the dominance is in choosing the omniscient narrator, who prefers a panoramic view, limited to an exterior and strictly objective description. The survey was developed through readings, literary cataloging and corpus discussions, with a theoretical basis determined by three dimensions: a) critical essays about the author and his works, such as those by Jean-Yves Mérian, Aluísio Azevedo, vida e obra: (1857-1913) and parts of the literature histories which deal with Naturalism, such as those by Alfredo Bosi, História concisa da literatura brasileira, b) theoretical studies about the novel character, such as those by Antonio Candido, A personagem do romance, and the romantic space ...
Introdução: O bullying é um termo em inglês utilizado para descrever atos de violência física e psicológica, praticados por um individuo ou um grupo de indivíduos com a intenção de intimidar ou agredir outro individuo (ou grupo de indivíduos) incapaz de se defender. O bullying pode ser dividido em duas categorias: o direto e o indireto; o primeiro é causado e praticado majoritariamente, por agressores do sexo masculino, enquanto o segundo é realizado por bullys ( aquele que pratica o bullying, que faz a ação) do sexo feminino e crianças pequenas. Deliberadamente diversas atitudes podem ser caracterizadas como pratica de bullying, agressões físicas, agressões verbais, isolamento social, mensagens enviadas e disponibilizadas através da internet (cyberbullying). Objetivo: O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar os efeitos causados pelo bullying, sua relação com a atividade física e a educação física, a atuação do professor de educação física e suas problemáticas perante esse novo atenuante educacional, pois há carência de estudos voltados para esse assunto na literatura. Método: Foi realizada uma pesquisa documental com reportagens, artigos científicos, de revistas e jornais e sites da web, que serão analisados por blocos de conteúdo. Conclusão: No decorrer do projeto, o estudo apontou que a negligencia diante da agressividade escolar tem permitido o desenvolvimento de atitudes pouco recomendáveis ou não-sociais que interferem no desenvolvimento das relações humanas. Isto tem provocado alguns deslocamentos sócio-psicológico que gerará atitudes de inibição e medo, originando comportamentos patológicos no agredido e recompensando grosseiramente o agressor
The present study had the intention to demonstrate how the language used by official sources of economy helps to keep the limitation and lack of accessibility of economic journalism to non-specialist readers. Over two weeks, we compared the disclosures in the economics editorial office of the site Universo Online and the newspaper O Estado de S. Paulo to those cited in official reports. From this analysis of more than 50 issues selected for the sample, was observed how the technical language used by the official press makes more difficult the access to information and citizenship. Besides the comparison and description of the reports, the study involved the content analysis employed in the media. It was noted the presence of biased approaches and materials poorly cleared. The language used in many cases was not appropriate to the type of audience for which the news was heading. One of the most serious problems, perhaps, was the copy and paraphrase of press releases. The reports, most are limited to the specialist showed, contrary to the duty of public transparency, while highlighting the problems, the study also showed well-written texts that indicate a promising future for citizen and economic journalism
The intention of this survey is develop design actions about the site of the former steel from Lençóis Paulista, a large and impressive area, but underutilized in the town. The aim is to revitalize it since the analysis and knowledge from the place and its surroundings, in order to solve the analysis observed: the non integration of the town, neighborhoods and public adjacent devices with the interior of the mentioned spot
This study focuses on the current use of the relative pronoun qual and variants or alternatives (o/os/a/as/ qual/quais, preceded or not by prepositions) in Brazilian Portuguese concerning mainly on the phenomenon of hypercorrection. As a theoretical basis, it was used the study of William Labov about the phenomenon and also the rules of use of this pronoun present in both traditional grammars and linguistic studies. It was performed a qualitative analysis of a corpus of written language with the intention of describing the different uses of the pronoun, and looking for their possible motivations. There were also found different types of occurrences of hypercorrection, which has led to propose a scale of uses of this relative pronoun, which reveals an increasing loss of its functions towards an use as an index of prestige. It discusses also the stylistic factor as a potential motivator of this phenomenon
This paper aims to discuss the influence of new technologies in the field of media, more specifically, within the press. The discussion will contribute on concepts that emerge from new technologies in the environment of cyberspace, acceleration time; cyberculture, besides raising discussions on the social sphere in relation to the democratization of information via the Internet and the interests of political and marketing, which permeates the universe of the press professional. The intention of this work is to create an agenda for discussion around new technologies and their influence in changing the paradigm of communication and its impact cibersocial. Finally, the discussion of new technologies as an auxiliary tool in the work of the communicator in contemporary times
Com a revolução industrial e tecnológica, o trabalho braçal foi e vem sendo substituído por máquinas e equipamentos eletrônicos, na intenção de poupar o ser humano e diminuir gastos e despesas com salários e aumento da produtividade. Devido a esses fatores, o trabalho tornou-se repetitivo, o que possibilitou o aparecimento de doenças como a L.E.R./D.O.R.T.. Esse contexto despertou o interesse na realização desta pesquisa, cujo objetivo é relacionar essas patologias e suas incidências à personalidade das pessoas através de um sistema denominado Eneagrama. Por meio de uma revisão de literatura nas áreas de Ginástica Laboral, L.E.R./D.O.R.T. e Eneagrama, foi possível obter informações que levou à analisar que os Tipos do Eneagrama 1 (Perfeccionista), 3 (Bem Sucedido), 8(Confrontador) e 9 (Preservacionista), apresentam alta probabilidade de incidência de L.E.R./D.O.R.T.. Os Tipos 4 (Romântico), 5 (Observador), 6 (Questionador) e 7 (Sonhador), apresentam baixa probabilidade de incidência. Enquanto que o Tipo 2 (Prestativo) é neutro quanto ao resultado. Concluindo assim, que o aparecimento dessas doenças pode estar relacionado a um ou mais tipos específicos de personalidade, e que aplicando esse sistema nas empresas, acompanhado da realização da Ginástica Laboral, podemos contribuir na diminuição de casos como esses.
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is the most common heart disease in the feline specie, more frequently affecting pure-breed males such as Ragdolls and Maine Coons. HCM can be primary (idiopathic) or secondary, when other diseases such as hyperthyroidism are involved. The disease is characterized by an increase in the diameter and thickness of the left ventricular wall, with consequent diastolic dysfunction. Mitral regurgitation happens due to compromised ventricular filling, leading to an increased left atrium size and consequent cardiogenic pulmonary edema. Along with the progress of modern veterinary medicine, many diseases could be addressed more successfully on small animal internal medicine, such as feline HCM. This article brings a literature review of the feline hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, focusing on its etiology, physiopathology, clinical presentations, diagnostic methods, therapeutics and prognosis