293 resultados para gradiente florístico


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O Cerrado é uma vegetação que já chegou a ocupar mais de 2 milhões de quilômetros quadrados, o que correspondia a 22% do território nacional. Ele vem sofrendo intensas agressões e interferências do homem e, por isso, está quase desaparecendo. O município de Botucatu possui muitos remanescentes deste bioma, e um deles está situado na Escola do Meio Ambiente/EMA (22°55'23”S e 48°27'28”W), local onde foi realizado o presente estudo. O objetivo deste trabalho é a produção de uma publicação sobre o bioma Cerrado. Para a produção deste material levou-se em conta os dados de um levantamento florístico do fragmento de Cerrado inserido na àrea da EMA, bem como dados de um questionário, que visa testar a hipótese de que a maioria das pessoas desconhece a vegetação deste bioma, desconhecendo inclusive que ela existe em Botucatu. Com dez perguntas abertas e fechadas, este questionário foi aplicado à pessoas que trabalham e/ou frequentam sete instituições (E.E. Parque Residencial 24 de Maio, E.M.E.F. Nair Amaral, PSF - Posto Saúde da Família do Jd. Aeroporto, ITE - Instituto Toledo de Ensino, FATEC - Faculdade de Tecnologia de Botucatu, ETA - Estação de Tratamento de Água e a Fundação CASA - Centro de Atendimento Socioeducativo ao Adolescente de Botucatu) situadas no mesmo bairro ou bairros vizinhos à EMA, locais onde, ainda, existem remanescentes desta vegetação. O levantamento florístico no fragmento de Cerrado da EMA mostrou que até o momento foram identificadas cinqüenta e duas espécies vegetais. A análise dos questionários demonstrou o desconhecimento dos entrevistados em relação à Flora do Cerrado local. Após a análise dos dados ficou clara a necessidade de produção de um material sobre este bioma, assim como acentuar a importância do trabalho de Educação Ambiental realizado na EMA


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Apesar da reconhecida importância e utilização de inúmeros grupos de insetos como indicadores de qualidade de habitat, e da importância das análises das estruturas da paisagem para auxiliar a explicar os padrões de distribuição e biodiversidade de espécies, poucos estudos exploram os efeitos das matrizes sobre a vegetação nativa na distribuição das espécies de maneira gradual. O presente estudo tem por objetivo avaliar como a comunidade dos besouros da subfamília Scarabaeinae responde à transição e mudança de ambiente de fragmentos de cerrado à matriz. Foram amostradas 15 paisagens com vegetação de cerrado no interior paulista, sendo a riqueza e abundância registrada para cada região. A diferença de riqueza encontrada entre a matriz e o cerrado foi marginalmente significativa (p=0,0767), enquanto que diferença na abundância foi significativa (p=0,0024) e em ambos os casos, foram maiores para os fragmentos de cerrado em relação às matrizes. Foi analisado se um modelo de gradiente matriz-borda-interior do fragmento (M-B-I) explicaria melhor a abundância de besouros do que um modelo de quebra entre fragmento e matriz (Fragmento- Matriz). Apesar dos resultados mostrarem que o segundo modelo explicou um maior número de paisagens, o fato do modelo M-B-I explicar parte delas sugere a importância deste tipo de abordagem em forma de gradiente. Este estudo, além de levantar informações importantes sobre a distribuição espacial de escarabeíneos em paisagens fragmentadas, traz luz a como este grupo pode responder positivamente ao gradiente matriz-borda-interior; tais informações seguramente podem auxiliar significativamente em ações de cunho conservacionista e ainda orientar estratégias de restauração em paisagens fragmentadas de cerrado do interior paulista


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This study aimed the geological characterization at scale 1:50.000 of an area belonging to the southern sector of the Brasilia Belt, located in the western portion of the Passos Nappe, near the town of Cássia, MG. In this region, outcrops rock types belonging to Araxá Group, composed of metasediments associated with metavolcanics which form a tectonometamorphic terrain of great importance for understanding the geological evolution of southeast and midwest regions of Brazil. With the development of work was possible to group the rocks in 10 lithostratigraphic units and had been identified 3 different zones of metamorphism generated during the peak metamorphism. The structural pattern of the area shows that the main foliation has average dip 30 ° NW and mineral lineation parallel to the stretching direction with 290 °. Still, we can conf irm that this inverse gradient metamorphic rocks of the Passos Nappe, described by several authors. Also, were seen lithotypes of economic interest, some already in exploitation, such as clay and sand, and other mineral commodities, which are occurring and can be used: quartz, quartzite, garnet, kyanite, rutile and zircon.


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The São Paulo State has as one of its main rivers the Tietê, which is an extremely important source because of its biodiversity, use in navigation and mainly as direct supplier of water for thousands of people in the region. Currently, the biodiversity of marine and freshwater ecosystems has been threatened, primarily by environmental problems resulting from the degradation of ecosystems, an example is the stretch of the Middle Tietê River, where the Barra Bonita dam (SP) focused virtually the whole load organic effluents from the metropolitan region of São Paulo, leading to eutrophication with the loss of water quality. This basin is located in the Peixe’s River, a tributary of the Barra Bonita whose sources are on the slopes of the Cuesta de Botucatu, presenting an altitudinal gradient in a good state of conservation and water quality. From another perspective, the studies related to parasites and other pathogens of aquatic organisms have considerably increased the relevance, especially those hosts with potential for growing and marketing, given the significant increase these activities in Brazil and worldwide. Among the agents responsible for diseases in fish are the myxosporean, which can cause major economic damage, with high mortality ratios. Based on the above, this study evaluated the biodiversity of myxosporean parasites of two species of fish Acestrorhynchus lacustris and Steindachnerina insculpta. During the period January to November 2012, 40 specimens of Acestrorhynchus lacustris and 33 specimens of Steindachnerina insculpta were collected from the Peoxe’s river at four different points. The necropsies were performed and all organs were analyzed looking for myxosporean. Only the species Steindachnerina insculpta had their gills parasitized by two species of the genus Henneguya


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The use of multimodal neuroimaging techniques has been helpful in the investigation of epileptogenic zone in patients with refractory epilepsies. This work aims to describe an ictal event during EEG-fMRI performed simultaneously in a 39-year-old man with refractory epilepsy. The EEG data were recorded at a sampling rate of 5 kHz, using a BrainAmp (BrainProducts, München, Germany) amplifier, with 64 MR (magnetic resonance) compatible Ag/AgCl electrodes. MR images were acquired using a 3T scanner in 3 sequences of 6 minutes of echo-planar images (EPIs), with TR = 2s, being the last sequence stopped after the ictal event. The EEG was corrected for gradient and pulse artifacts using the Brain Vision Analyzer2 software (BrainProducts), and the functional images were realigned, slice-timing corrected, normalized and smoothed. The start of the ictal changes was used for the evaluation of the BOLD response in MR images, using a t-test with a minimum cluster of 5 voxels, p <0.005 (T>2.5). The patient had a partial complex seizure, as noted by neurologist. The fMRI data showed positive BOLD responses (activation) in dysplastic areas, but showed the most significant activation outside the lesion, in areas compatible with secondary spread of the epileptic focus, probably caused by motor reaction also observed during the seizure. As a conclusion, we note that the technique of EEG-fMRI can detect the epileptogenic zone in patients with refractory epilepsy, but areas of dissemination of primary epileptogenic focus may show significant activation, introducing additional difficulties to the interpretation of the results


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This study was developed to evaluate the performance of different coagulant and pH dosages by applying the use of Dissolved Air Flotation (FAD) to enable its use in effluent treatment of the extraction process of palm oil. The study was developed in the laboratory, where studies about emulsions stability were made for the production of a synthetic effluent which best suit the characteristics of raw effluent. The synthetic water that would be used in the tests of FAD was produced, once the stability and characterization which best approached the raw wastewater was obtained. Trials tested three coagulant doses, combined with various pH ranges and five upward velocities (Va), finding an optimal range of this combination. Some operating parameters such as time and gradient of rapid mixing (20 s / 1000 s-1), time and gradient flotation (15 min / 60 s-1), chamber pressure saturation (450 kPa) and recirculation rate (20%) were set. In this way, samples were collected for analysis of the removal of turbidity parameters, suspended solids and oils and greases. This one is obtained by a correlation turbidity x oils and greases, referring to the previous analysis. The degree of removal obtained were 73,97% for turbidity, 51,4% for total suspended solids and 86,2% for oils and greases. Removal rates may be increased in later studies, by ranging the velocity gradient and flocculation parameters and the recirculation ratio, and by using lower flotation speeds to these effluent characteristics.


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The studies of this work aimed to determine the labile fractions of manganese (Mn) in natural and drainage water samples collected around the Osamu Utsumi uranium mine, located in the municipality of Caldas, south-central region of Poços de Caldas- MG, using the technique of diffusion gradient in thin films (DGT). The DGT devices were mounted with Chelex-100 resin, polyacrylamide-agarose hydrogel (conventional porosity) and cellulose acetate membrane. The device were deployed up to 48 hours in six water samples collected from different areas around the uranium mine (075, 076, 022-E, 025-E, 014, and 041). The DGT devices immersed in each sample were gradually removed after 4, 8, 12, 24 and 48 hours. The pH of the samples ranged from 3.0 to 10.5, which influenced the lability and the sampling of the analyte by the Chelex-100 resin. The results showed a linear relationship between accumulated mass and sampling time (immersion curve) for samples 014 and 025-E (pH between 6 and 8) suggesting the ability of the DGT technique for sampling the analyte. The results obtained for samples 075 and 076 (pH<5) and samples 041 and 022-E (pH around 10) were characterized by nonlinear relationships. The values obtained by DGT were compared with Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) technique using Chelex-100. For samples 014 and 025-E, there was a good agreement between the results obtained by both techniques


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The study analyzed contours of the thoracic region of patients undergoing radiotherapy of breast tumors in Hospital Manuel de Abreu of Bauru (institution 1) and the Hospital da Faculdade de Medicina of Botucatu (Institution 2). Were prepared isodose curves corresponding to the contours of the patient, which were presented for radiotherapists doctors both hospital services that enabled the choice of the curve isodose that provides the best distribution of radiation dose in the irradiated volume. Some boundaries were digitized in one institution and sent for preparation of isodose lines in the institution 2, both curves plotted in each of the institutions and for the same contour, were compared, showing that the methodology of Curves of distance is feasible and reliable, while optimizing the routine procedures regarding the handling of isodose plans provided by different radiation equipment. It compares the calculation of the exposure time determined using the isodose curve selected by calculating the value obtained considering the PDP at the point of the middle line of separation between the internal and external fields, the difference between the two methods for determining exposure time was around 2.4%. A study on the angle of the radiation beam at the input field (region breast-air) was conducted showing that, once known a tangent angle of the input beam, one can estimate the angle of the wedge filter used in some procedures for uniformity of dose within the irradiated volume compensation and the lack of tissue in the treatment volume. A comparative study between the isodose curves produced manually with the curves obtained in a two-dimensional computer system, the computer system showed that provides further information regarding the dose gradient within the irradiated volume, in addition to reducing the time spent in preparing the curves isodose


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The aim of this work is to analyze the stability of the rotational motion’s artificial satellite using the Routh Hurwitz Algorithm (CRH) and the quaternions to describe the satellite’s attitude. This algorithm allows the investigation of the stability of the motion using the coefficients of the characteristic equation associated with the equation of the rotational motion in the linear form. The equations of the rotational motion are given by the four cinematic equations for the quaternion and the three equations of Euler for the spin velocity’s components. In the Euler equations are included the components of the gravity gradient torque (TGG) and the solar radiation torque (TRS). The TGG is generated by the difference of the Earth gravity force direction and intensity actuating on each satellite mass element and it depends on the mass distribution and the form of the satellite. The TRS is created by changing of the linear momentum, which happens due to the interactions of solar photons with the satellite surface. The equilibrium points are gotten by the equation of rotational motion and the CRH is applied in the linear form of these equations. Simulations are developed for small and medium satellites, but the gotten equilibrium points are not stable by CRH. However, when some of the eigenvalues of the characteristic equation are analyzed, it is found some equilibrium points which can be pointed out as stables for an interval of the time, due to small magnitude of the real part of these eigenvalue


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Uma das principais alterações ambientais decorrentes da ação antrópica é o efeito de borda, consequência direta da fragmentação, que altera condições microclimáticas nas bordas dos fragmentos. Este processo afeta a biodiversidade, interferindo na dinâmica das comunidades, tanto vegetais, quanto animais, alterando a composição e a estrutura das comunidades. Através da utilização de bioindicadores é possível compreender como alterações nos hábitats interferem nas comunidades locais, ou em processos ecológicos essenciais para a manutenção do ecossistema e da biodiversidade local ou regional. Devido à grande riqueza, abundância e importância em diversos processos ecológicos, como por exemplo, dispersão de sementes e ciclagem de nutrientes, as formigas têm sido utilizadas como indicadores ambientais. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram avaliar como as comunidades de formigas de fragmentos de cerrado respondem ao efeito de borda, especificamente se essa resposta ocorre de forma gradiente ou hábitat-matriz (formigas não estão presentes na borda). Também foi analisado se o tipo de matriz adjacente influencia nessas respostas observadas em 15 paisagens de cerrado circundadas por matrizes de pasto, cana-de-açúcar e eucalipto onde se utilizou armadilhas de queda ao longo de transectos posicionados tanto dentro como fora dos fragmentos. Para a riqueza total de formigas o modelo hábitat-matriz com interferência da matriz foi o que melhor explicou a distribuição. Os modelos que melhor explicaram a riqueza e abundância dos grupos funcionais variaram consideravelmente, o que evidencia a importância de buscar modelos mais complexos (modelo gradiente) que expliquem tanto as respostas mais simples (hábitat-matriz)como as mais multíplices. As comunidades analisadas apresentam diferentes funções dentro do hábitat e das matrizes, dessa forma participam de vários processos ecológicos sendo assim bons indicadores...


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This study focuses on metasedimentary rocks from the Passos Nappe in São Sebastião do Paraíso, southern Minas Gerais, Brazil. These rocks belong to the Internal Domain (Araxa Group) of the Southern Brasilia Belt, a Neproterozoic orogenic belt associated to the formation of the Gondwana Supercontinent. Rocks from the studied area are characterized by an inverted metamorphic gradient. Previously calculated metamorphic conditions show an increasing from geenschist facies at the base (450°C, 6 kbar), to upper amphibolite facies (750°C, 11 Kbar) at the top of the sequence. However, most of these estimates are based on Fe-Mg exchange thermometers and peak temperatures may be underestimated due to Fe-Mg exchange from cooling after peak metamorphism. In this study, we present new PT results for these rocks, based on metamorphic mineral assemblage LA-ICP-MS analyses. In the studied area, rocks from the top of the sequence have a typical granulite facies mineral assemblage: Grt+Ky+Kfs+/-Pl+liq. These rocks lack muscovite and have only minor amounts of Ti-rich, dark brown biotite. In a simplified NaKFMASH system the stability field for this mineral assemblage is bounded by the reactions Sil = Ky on the low pressure side, Ms+Ab = Ky+Kfs+liq on the low temperature side and for high-Mg bulk compositions Bt + Grt = Opx + Ky + liq on the high-temperature side. Minimum temperatures (considering post-peak reequilibration) of ca. 750°C are obtained by Fe/(Fe+Mg) values of 0.7 in garnets from a Grt+Ky+Kfs bearing sample. LA-ICP-MS results obtained for three samples show that rutiles included in garnets have up to 1847 ppm of Zr, which would translate into temperatures up to 830°C for a pressure between 12 to 15 kbar. Also for retroeclogite sample, the results indicate the contents of Zr in the garnet 537 ppm at a temperature of 708 ° C. It is noteworthy that several occurrences of retroeclogites occur in the upper part of the sequence and pressures...


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Stem cells are defined as cells capable of self-renewal and differentiation into specialized cells when submited to external signalings in the enviroment. Among adult stem cells, mesenchymal cells occupy an important position because they can differentiate into mesodermal cells such as osteoblasts, adipocytes and chondrocytes. Cell therapy consists in the use of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) in the treatment of degenerative diseases and harmed tissue reconstruction. Due to the longstanding and costly procedure for cultivation of MSC, it was proposed the use of low power light sources, such as light emitting diodes (LED), to optimize these factors. Recent works have shown a series of results from the influence of LED light on biological tissues such as increased rate of cell proliferation, increased RNA, DNA and ATP synthesis rate. The purpose of this study is to compare the biomodulator effect of LED light set at wavelengths 630nm ± 10nm and 805nm ± 10nm on the mesenchymal stem cells proliferation. For this, the mesenchymal stem cells culture adopted the procedure used in the Departament of Animal Reproduction and Veterinary Radiology of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences of Botucatu. MSC were obtained from an adult horse bone marrow, and isolated by density gradient separation, with the FICOLL reagent and by centrifugation. The pellet containing the stem cells was removed and these were placed in low glucose DMEM culture medium, containing 10% fetal calf serum and antibiotics. The material was observed daily by inverted microscopy for monitoring the progression of the cells and subsequently the amount of cells were counted in a Neubauer counting chamber. The amount of MSC was obtained by cell culture seeded in 24 wells culture plate and segregated into three distinct groups: Group 1 was irradiated with wavelength set at 630nm ± 10 nm, Group... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)