310 resultados para appendix carcinoma
Background: Glypican 3 (GPC3) is a member of the family of glypican heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs). The GPC3 gene may play a role in controlling cell migration, negatively regulating cell growth and inducing apoptosis. GPC3 is downregulated in several cancers, which can result in uncontrolled cell growth and can also contribute to the malignant phenotype of some tumors. The purpose of this study was to analyze the mechanism of action of the GPC3 gene in clear cell renal cell carcinoma.Methods: Five clear cell renal cell carcinoma cell lines and carcinoma samples were used to analyze GPC3 mRNA expression (qRT-PCR). Then, representative cell lines, one primary renal carcinoma (786-O) and one metastatic renal carcinoma (ACHN), were chosen to carry out functional studies. We constructed a GPC3 expression vector and transfected the renal carcinoma cell lines, 786-O and ACHN. GPC3 overexpression was analyzed using qRT-PCR and immunocytochemistry. We evaluated cell proliferation using MTT and colony formation assays. Flow cytometry was used to evaluate apoptosis and perform cell cycle analyses.Results: We observed that GPC3 is downregulated in clear cell renal cell carcinoma samples and cell lines compared with normal renal samples. GPC3 mRNA expression and protein levels in 786-O and ACHN cell lines increased after transfection with the GPC3 expression construct, and the cell proliferation rate decreased in both cell lines following overexpression of GPC3. Further, apoptosis was not induced in the renal cell carcinoma cell lines overexpressing GPC3, and there was an increase in the cell population during the G1 phase in the cell cycle.Conclusion: We suggest that the GPC3 gene reduces the rate of cell proliferation through cell cycle arrest during the G1 phase in renal cell carcinoma.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Selective neck dissection (SND) in clinical N-0 (cN(0)) cases of oral squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) has been performed by surgeons using a retroauricular or modified facelift approach with robotic or endoscopic assistance. However, these procedures provide cosmetic satisfaction at the cost of possible maximal invasiveness. In this prospective study, we introduced and evaluated the feasibility as well as surgical invasiveness and cosmetic outcome of endoscopically-assisted SND via a small submandibular approach.Forty-four patients with cT(1-2)N(0) oral SCC (OSCC) were randomly divided into two groups of endoscopically-assisted SND and conventional SND. Perioperative and postoperative outcomes of patients were evaluated, including the length of the incision, operating time for neck dissection, estimated blood loss during the operation, amount and duration of drainage, total hospitalization period, total number of lymph nodes retrieved, satisfaction scores based on the cosmetic results, perioperative local complications, shoulder syndrome, and follow-up information.The mean operation time in the endoscopically-assisted group (126.04 +/- A 12.67 min) was longer than that in the conventional group (75.67 +/- A 16.67 min). However, the mean length of the incision was 4.33 +/- A 0.76 cm in the endoscopically-assisted SND group, and the amount and duration of drainage, total hospital stay, postoperative shoulder pain score, and cosmetic outcomes were superior in the endoscopically-assisted SND group. Additionally, the retrieved lymph nodes and complications were comparable.Endoscopically-assisted SND via a small submandibular approach had a longer operation time than the conventional approach. However, endoscopically-assisted SND was feasible and reliable while providing minimal invasiveness and satisfactory appearance.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Squamous cell carcinoma is a keratinocytes malignant tumor, the definitive diagnosis of this disease is based on histopathology examination of the lesions. The cats nostrils is one of regions commonly affected by this neoplasm. The response to chemotherapeutic agents, cryosurgery and radiotherapy is poor and for this reason surgical resection is instituted for remove the greatest amount of tissue engaged and provide free margins, in case of nasal involvement are indicated nosectomy often needing reconstructive techniques using as advance flaps for synthesis of surgical wounds. Due to the high incidence of feline patients with this entity, this study aims to report and discuss the effectiveness of nosectomy in seven cats with the disease. It is concluded that nosectomy as a therapeutic technique effective in five of seven cats, resecting tumor margin and providing acceptable time and quality life.
The sonographic evaluation of thyroid glands in veterinary medicine presents challenges due to the complexity of the anatomical region, professional experience and type of ultrasonography equipment. The technique is considered a versatile diagnostic method that is noninvasive and has a low cost indicated in different clinical situations. Thyroid carcinoma is a malignant tumor that is often invasive and frequently metastatic to regional lymph nodes and lungs. The prognostic indicators for survival after surgery include tumor size, histological type, mobility and presence or absence of metastasis. The objective of the present report is to demonstrate the importance of ultrasound as a complementary method in the evaluation of thyroid carcinoma in dogs. At the Dr. Halim Atique Veterinary Hospital, an eight-year-old male Pit Bull was examined due to a history of firm painless swelling, approximately six inches in diameter, in the ventral cervical region, for about two months. The sonogram showed a nodular area, with defined and regular margins, and heterogeneous hypoechoic parenchyma, with areas of cavitation and swelling of the thyroid. Histopathology of the nodule was consistent with carcinoma. After thyreoidectomy and hormone replacemet, the patient is in good clinical condition.
Neoplasias malignas da pele são os cênceres mais comuns da espécie humana. No entanto há tipos raros como o Carcinoma de células de Merkel (CCM), cuja incidência tem aumentado em todo mundo. O CCM possui curso agressivo, com freqüente envolvimento de nódulos linfáticos regionais e metástases à distância. Adicionalmente, afeta predominantemente idosos e imunocomprometidos, fato que levou-se a suspeita de uma possível etiologia infecciosa para essa neoplasia. Nesse foi-se isolado e descrito o MCPyV, um novo poliomavirus humano, diretamente de células tumorais do CCM. O objetivo do presente trabalho é dar continuidade à pesquisa desse novo vírus apresentando dados iniciais da pesquisa do MCPyV em número significativo de casos de CCM de pacientes brasileiros. Para tanto, foram analisadas 24 biópsias de CCM fixadas e incluídas em parafina, das quais foram extraído o material genômico e o produto submetido à PCR convencional com três pares de iniciadores descritos pela literatura (LT1, LT3 e VP1), com a finalidade de se detectar segmentos do vírus. No presente estudo o genoma viral foi detectado em 11/24 (45,8%) das amostras avaliadas, sendo que a positividade para cada par de iniciadores foi de 4/24 (16,7%) para LT1, 11/24 (45,8%) para LT3 e 4/24 (16.7%) para VP1. Essas freqüências são menores do que a relatada pela literatura e essa diferença pode ser devida a diferença nas amostras analisadas e nas técnicas empregadas. Outros estudos são necessários para comprovar a relação de causalidade, assim como desvendar o ciclo do MCPyV
Câncer cervical é o segundo tipo mais comum em mulheres no mundo. Estudos apontam que a presença de certos tipos do HPV desempenha um papel central na formação do câncer. Apesar do grande sucesso da prevenção do câncer uterino com vacinas, o uso de produtos naturais para o tratamento de doenças é crescente e de grande importância econômica. Alcalóides guanidínicos isolados de Pterogyne nitens representam uma potencial fonte de novos tratamentos. O objetivo geral desse trabalho foi avaliar a atividade apoptótica induzida em células de carcinoma cervical infectadas (SiHa) e não infectadas pelo HPV (C33-A), tratadas com nitensidinas A e B, isoladas de folhas de Pterogyne nitens Tul. A citotoxicidade dos alcalóides foi avaliada utilizando o método de MTT. Para avaliar quantitativamente a apoptose e necrose celular, foi executado o ensaio de Anexina V por citometria de fluxo. Ambas as substâncias, nitensidinas A e B, apresentaram efeito citotóxico concentração-resposta em ambas as linhagens testadas (SiHa e C33A) e nos dois tempos de tratamento (24 horas e 48 horas). Não foi observada significância estatística quando comparados os perfis de ação citotóxica das duas substâncias em teste (nitensidinas A e B), em nenhuma das linhagens testadas (SiHa e C33A) e em nenhum dos dois tempos de tratamento (24 horas e 48 horas). Ambas as substâncias, nitensidina A e nitensidina B, apresentaram efeito indutor de apoptose precoce e, em menor número, de apoptose tardia/ necrose, em ambas as linhagens testadas (SiHa e C33A) e nos dois tempos de tratamento (24 horas e 48 horas)
It is believed that epigenetic mechanisms such as DNA methylation are important for the tumorigenesis and maintenance of the altered state of tumor cells. DNA methylation occurs by the addition of a methyl group to carbon 5 of cytosine, catalyzed by the enzyme DNA methyl-transferase, which can change the expression of a gene, including the tumor suppressor genes. In human squamous cell carcinoma, several features have shown the etiological role of genes in tumor development. Among them, FOXE1 gene (forkhead box E1 - thyroid transcription factor) is presented with an important role in susceptibility to disease. Similarly the FOXE1 methylation pattern could alter the expression of this gene in dogs and predisposed to tumor on. Therefore, this study aims to investigate in dogs, the validity of the strategy employed in humans to analyze the FOXE1 methylation status. DNA extraction from fresh frozen tumoral samples was performed by Wizard Genomic® DNA Purification Kit. The methylation status was determined by MSP-PCR (methylation-specific polymerase chain reaction), using 2.0 ng of DNA treated with sodium bisulphate. One hundred micrograms of bisulphite-modified DNA was amplified using primers specific for either methylated or unmethylated DNA (primers sequences are available at http://pathology2.jhu.edu/pancreas/primer.pdf). The analysis of fragments was loaded on to 7% polyacrylamide gels and silver nitrate staining. In this stage of technical approach, 60% were FOXE1 hypermethylated. In conclusion, it was observed that the standard technique for assessing the methylation pattern of gene FOXE1 in humans can be used for the same evaluation in dogs. The correlation of these molecular data with clinical and histopathological parameters may have diagnostic and prognostic value and still be used as a tumor marker for therapeutic decision and surgical approach
A infecção genital por Papilomavírus Humano (HPV) é uma das doenças sexualmente transmissíveis (DST), de origem viral, mais prevalente no mundo. As lesões intraepiteliais escamosas de baixo grau (LIEBG) e de alto grau (LIEAG), assim como carcinoma cervical invasor (CCI), estão associadas à presença do HPV. A resposta imune tem papel importante na infecção pelo HPV na cérvice uterina, sendo as citocinas importantes reguladoras da transcrição viral. Avaliar a concentração de IL-1β, IL-2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-12, IFN-γ e TNF-α no soro de mulheres portadoras de LIEBG, LIEAG e CCI. Foram incluídas no estudo 40 mulheres com diagnóstico histopatológico de LIEBG (n=11), LIEAG (n=10), CCI (n=10) e 9 mulheres com suspeita de doença HPV induzida, mas sem alterações histopatológicas na biópsia do colo do útero (controle), atendidas no Ambulatório de Colposcopia da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu (UNESP) e no Ambulatório de Ginecologia Preventiva do Hospital Amaral Carvalho, Jaú, SP. O sangue periférico foi colhido por punção venosa e o soro armazenado até o processamento. A dosagem das citocinas no soro foi avaliada por ensaio imunoenzimático (ELISA). A pesquisa de HPV foi realizada empregando-se a técnica da reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR). Os dados sócio-demográficos foram obtidos por entrevista no momento da consulta ginecológica. A mediana de idade das pacientes do grupo controle, LIEBG, LIEAG, e CCI foi de 38 (21-69), 32,5 (17-51), 39 (23-65) e 51,5 (29-72), respectivamente. Houve diferença estatisticamente significante de mediana de idade das pacientes do grupo CCI quando esta foi comparada com os demais grupos. Em relação às características das pacientes, 76% eram brancas, 68% relataram união estável, 31% concluíram o 2º grau, 42% eram fumantes, 37% das mulheres relataram 3 ou mais parceiros sexuais durante... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Chauliocheilos saxatilis, new genus and species, is described from headwater streams of the rio Itamarandiba, upper rio Jequitinhonha basin, southeastern Brazil. The new genus is diagnosed from all other Loricariidae members by having a unique labial appendix at laterodorsal portion of lower lip, associated to the proximal region of insertion of the maxillary barbel. From all Hypoptopomatinae genera, Chauliocheilos can be distinguished by having two additional series of lateral plates, one between the dorsal and mid-dorsal series, and the other between the mid-ventral and ventral series. In addition, the great number of lateral plates, the absence of the iris operculum, and the posterior dorsal-fin insertion contacting the neural spine of eighth vertebra, are other useful features to recognize the genus. The phylogenetic position of Chauliocheilos among the Hypoptopomatinae, as well as the morphology and possible functions of the labial appendix, are discussed.