257 resultados para Vacinas : Aves


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As atuais estratégias de formulação exigiram a aplicação de novas ferramentas computacionais, que utilizam a modelagem matemática, dando suporte na tomada de decisão para uma nutrição de precisão. Por este motivo, destaca-se a programação não linear, que não visa apenas formular uma dieta que atenda as necessidades do animal, segundo o custo mínimo, mas também maximizar a margem de lucro. Assim, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo validar a utilização do modelo/princípio não linear (PNL), com maximização do retorno econômico, através de estimativas de desempenho das aves e dos custos da ração, segundo a variação de preço do kg do frango de corte (preço médio histórico de 2009 e 2010), as fases de criação e do sexo. Para tanto, foram utilizados 480 pintos de corte, 240 machos e 240 fêmeas de mesma linhagem (Cobb 500), no período de 1 a 56 dias de idade. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente ao acaso, totalizando 6 tratamentos (aumentado ou diminuído em 25% ou 50% o preço médio histórico), com 4 repetições e 10 aves por parcela experimental. As aves foram alimentadas ad libitum com água e rações experimentais, formuladas à base de milho, farelo de soja, óleo de soja, suplemento vitamínico e mineral, calcário e fosfato bicálcico. Foi avaliado o desempenho (ganho de peso, consumo e conversão alimentar), consumo total energético e lucro nas diferentes fases (inicial, crescimento e terminação). O consumo de ração mostrou diferença significativa (P<0,05) entre as dietas que foram formuladas segundo o princípio não linear e linear. O consumo total energético foi significativamente influenciado (P<0,05) tanto pelo princípio de formulação como pela variação do preço histórico do frango, sendo o esperado, uma vez que essa condição é que viabiliza a aplicação do modelo para máximo lucro. Quanto ao lucro foi demonstrado que o princípio de formulação não linear permite minimizar as perdas significativamente (P<0,05), principalmente em condições desfavoráveis do preço do frango no mercado. Conclui-se que a programação não linear favorece a nutrição de precisão, partindo de um principio que este método oferece novas oportunidades para a produção de aves e melhorias de rentabilidade.


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Pets bring expressive benefits into the life of the elderly, so it becomes necessary to emphasize some of the concepts regarding responsible ownership consisting of a set of important attitudes that accounts for the well-being of all. In this context, non-governmental institutions represent an excellent mean of communication and information. Besides, the increase of the third aged people population indicates that a survey of parameters to this respect is necessary. Being thus, the objective of this work was to analyze the aged ones´ level of knowledge regarding their responsibility for their pet. A questionnaire was applied to 134 aged people, members of non-governmental organizations in the city of Araçatuba, SP, in order to find out how they took care of their pet animals. The pets aged from 2 to 336 months, being 43,3% mixed-breed animals. Out of that, 60,9% were male dogs and among cats, 65.2% were female cats. There was a 69.4% preference for dogs and a 17.9% preference for cats, only 10.5% of the elderly had preference for birds. From the descriptive statistics analysis it could be observed that 69.40% did not have any access to the street and that 50% did not have a veterinarian follow-up. Regarding vaccination it could be observed that 71.64% had received the rabies vaccine and 70.9% had received the combination vaccine. Also, 74.63% did not know the right moment to give medicines against animal worms. Another important fact was that 85.07% of the animals were not castrated and 84.91% were not under any preventive contraception method. In regard to food 50.75% of the animals were fed strictly with animal food, 12.69% with domestic food and 36.57% with both. Finally, 78.36% of the pets had never been ill. In this way, we can assure the importance of making responsible pet ownership measures well-known among third-aged people.


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Leishmania is a protozoan belonging to the family Trypanosomatidae, obligate intracellular parasite cells of the mononuclear phagocyte system. In the New and Old World several orders of wild mammals (natural reservoirs) and various species of sandflies (vectors) are involved in the transmission of leishmaniasis. The new settlements in rural areas, changes in the environment and unplanned urbanization increased human contact with vector and interaction with the animal reservoir. A simple prophylactic measure seems to be the vector control as well as disease reservoir. With the goal of raising the prophylactic measures that are being used in vector control, the reservoir of the disease and what the infrastructure accordingly. We conducted a literature review in July 2011 in the electronic databases of Bireme, Medline, CancerLit, Portal Capes, SciELO, PubMed and Medscape, the main texts on the subject. Thus, the development of a vaccine that is effective against various forms of leishmaniasis in the old and new world, it is necessary and has been recommended by WHO as a possible tool for effective eradication of the disease.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Zoologia) - IBRC


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Zoologia) - IBRC


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The genus Mycteria (Ciconiidae) is composed of species with controversial phylogenetic hypotheses of relationships. This study sought to describe the cranial osteology of the four species included in the genus Mycteria, comparing with representative species from other genera of the family. The monophyly of Mycteria coud be hypothesized based on the following cranial characters: 1) medial process of the mandible medially oriented and 2) pseudo temporal tubercle developed when compared to other species Ciconiidae. Mycteria ibis and M. leucocephala are sister groups supported by: 1) deep temporal fossa, 2) reduced “T” tubercle and 3) expansion of the caudal fossa coanalis relative to other species of Ciconiidae. Among the species studied, the most basal was M. cinerea and the taxon formed by M. ibis and M. leucocephala is sister group of M. americana, sustained by the presence of total fusion of lacrimal and frontal bones, whereas in remaining species of Ciconiidae the suture between these bones is visible.


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The cranial osteology of Micrastur gilvicollis (Vieillot, 1817), Micrastur ruficollis (Vieillot, 1817) and Micrastur semitorquatus (Vieillot, 1817) is comparatively and meticulously described to characterize each of the species and to determine which traits the species have in common and which are distinct. These traits will be used a posteriori for phylogenetic analysis. Our results indicate that M. gilvicollis and M. ruficollis are closely related, as they share a large number of traits, including a lacrimal bone with a distal portion that is approximately half as long as the proximal portion and a parasphenoid rostrum that covers 50% of the distance between the occipital condyle and pterygoid. Similarly, M. gilvicollis and M. semitorquatus both have a partially fused craniofacial flexion zone. In both M. ruficollis and M. semitorquatus, the symphyseal region of the mandible is 1/5 the total length of the mandible. The diagnostic traits for each of these species are as follows: a) in M. gilvicollis, the interorbital distance is 1/3 the length of the parietal, and the zygomatic process stretches 1/5 of the distance from the orbital arch to the jugal arch; b) in M. ruficollis, the interorbital distance is 2/5 of the length of the parietal and the zygomatic process extends 1/4 of the distance from the orbital arch to the jugal arch; and c) in M. semitorquatus, the interorbital distance is 3/7 the length of the parietal and the distal portion of the lacrimal is 1/3 the length of the proximal portion. Among the three species, M. gilvicolis and M. ruficollis share the most traits, which leads us to infer that these species are more closely related to one another than they are to M. semitorquatus. Phylogenetic analysis performed a posteriori may confirm the relationship between these three species.


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The Caracara genus (Aves: Falconidae) is composed by species C. cheriway, ("Crested Caracara"), and C. plancus (Southern Caracara). This study aimed to describe in detail and compared the cranial osteology of C. cheriway and C. plancus, identifying osteological cranial characters for a future systematic work. The two common characters of Caracara species are: the projection of rostro parasphenoid reaches 50% of the distance from the occipital condyle to the pterygoid; the upper maxilla has about 4/9 of the total length of theskull, the symphysial portion of mandible occupies about 1/7 of its total length, the proximal portion of lacrimal bone ends in a rounded shape and has about 1/4 of the width of the distal portion. The unique characters of C. cheriway are: the interorbital width is about 1/2 of the parietal region, shows a frontal bone prominence; presence of lacrimal process of frontal bone; the proximal portion of the lacrimal bone reaches 1/5 of the distance from the orbital arc to the jugal bone; the distance between the distal portions of two lacrimal bones reach 5/6 of the parietal width, the ratio between the interorbital diameter and parietal region ranges from 2 times; the zygomatic process occupies about 40% of the distance between its origin in the skull and jugal bone. The unique characters of C. plancus are: the interorbital width is approximately 4/7 of the parietal width; show a rostral medial concavity; the proximal portion of the lacrimal bone is about 1/4 of the width of the distal; the proximal portion of the lacrimal bone reaches 1/7 of the distance from the orbital arc to the jugal bone; the distance between the distal portions of two lacrimal bones reaches 6/7 of the width parietal one; the ratio between the interorbital diameter and parietal region varies 1, 75 times, the zygomatic process occupies about 35% of the distance between its origin in the skull and jugal bone.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Objective: to evaluate the standardization of vaccination rooms in the Municipality of Marília, State of São Paulo, Brazil. Methods: descriptive and exploratory study, realized in 2008-2009; the instrument used was the Supervision in Vaccination Rooms, of the Ministry of Health; variables analyzed were general aspects of the vaccination room, technical procedures, cold chain, information system, post-vaccination adverse events, special immunobiologicals, epidemiological surveillance and health education; the score achieved classifies the room (90.0-100.0% = ideal; 76.0-89.0% = good; 50.0-75.0% = fair; <50.0% = insufficient); overall index for each point was calculated as the average score of all rooms. Results: technical procedures, information system, post-vaccination adverse events and special immunobiologicals were scored as ideal; cold chain, epidemiological surveillance and health education were scored as good; and to general aspects of the vaccination room, the evaluation was fair. Conclusion: general index for vaccination rooms in the municipality was considered ideal.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)