309 resultados para TRATAMENTO DA ÁGUA
In different crops, the seeds treatment with the use of fungicides and/or insecticides has been performed before the storage or in the seeding moment as a guarantee form of longer conservation period and adequate initial stand. However, it is not known if the various products used for the treatment interfere with test results of electrical conductivity of corn seeds. The experimental design was completely randomized and the analysis carried out in a factorial 5x5x2 with four replications. The treatments consisted of five cultivars of corn (DKB 390YG, DKB 185YG, 2B710, AGN-30A91HX and AL Bandeirante) treated with four insecticides (imidacloprid+thiodicarbe, thiamethoxam, fipronil, fipronil+piraclostrobin+thiophanate-methyl), and the control previously treated by the company with fungicides (fludioxonil+metalaxyl-M e captan) and insecticides (pirimiphos-methyl, deltamethrin e bifenthrin), analyzed in two different times (after treatment and at 35 days of storage). Seeds were subjected to tests of germination, electrical conductivity and water content. The results showed that the treatment of corn seeds with insecticides and fungicides doesn't interfere on the test results of electric conductivity, even if the analysis is made after 35 days of storage of seeds.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA
Pós-graduação em Odontologia Restauradora - ICT
Pós-graduação em Nanotecnologia Farmacêutica - FCFAR
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The use of rainwater for non-potable purposes generates a reduction in the consumption of treated water, however, this reduction is not observed in the generation of wastewater, as this is independent of the water source. In Brazil, the pricing on the services of collection and treatment of sewage, in general, is based on the coefficient of return of the sewage disposal system, which has a relation sewer / water proportional to the consumption of treated water measured at the consumer unit. The use of rainwater originating from utilization systems infer on the coefficient, underestimating the volume of wastewater generated. Therefore, this study presents a methodology for setting the coefficient of return. Different roof areas, reservoir volumes and rates of water consumption situations were simulated. The behavior of adjustment of the coefficient of return were also analyzed for the average area per capita roof (m² / inhabitant) of Rio Claro - SP. As a result, it can be seen that the adjustment of the coefficient of return is directly proportional to the increase of the roof areas and the volumes of reservoirs, and inversely proportional to the total water demand. The corrected coefficient of return showed the minimum value of 0.83 and a maximum value of 1.45, this variation corresponds to the maximum ratio between the demands of total water and rainwater, since the exploitation of rain water should be used only for non-potable uses, according to NBR 15527 / 07. To the municipality of Rio Claro - SP was noted an adjustment of the coefficient of return ranging from 0.99 to 6.61
A large proportion of fresh water is greatly impaired due to increasing pollution; this could be minimized through the expansion of investment in sanitation programs. But the major problem faced by third world countries and developing ones in this respect, is the high cost of projects and their implementation. In an attempt to find a simple technology, efficient and inexpensive, this study aimed to verify the effectiveness of using constructed wetland systems (CWS) for removal of bacteria and nutrients from sanitary sewer effluent from the STS Piracicamirim - Piracicaba - SP. The installation of prototypes was followed, and testing prior to regularize the flow held, but due to malfunction of these and outages of the STS activity can not evaluate the effectiveness of both as to the parameters proposed: temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, total dissolved solids (TDS), nitrite, nitrate, ammonia, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, chemical oxygen demand (COD), sulfide, sulfate, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), total coliform and Escherichia coli. To establish results about the effectiveness of these types if the system were conducted literature reviews of papers published with the same theme. Analysis of these results showed fairly good efficiencies in wastewater treatment, especially for nutrients and coliforms
Human development and population growth during the twentieth century increased the water demand, tripling its consumption between 1950 and 1990. As the water streams were polluted; and as water is the source of minerals and also regulates vital functions, it becomes the vehicle of transmission and consequently spreads many diseases. Probably, the industries are the major responsible for this pollution when they dump untreated effluents to water streams, saturating the already insufficient net of sanitation facilities polluting water and soil. An effective treatment has been established with low cost in Europe and the United States, through constructed systems on wetlands Constructed Wetland Systems - CWSs, gradually used in other countries in the last three decades. Lately, we observe a continuous growth in Brazilian poultry business, and poultry industry showed greatest dynamism in the country, following the global market. Pondering this information and the efficiency of such treatment, this work aimed to study prototypes, in a laboratory scale, simulating ascending and descending types of CWSs, vegetated with aquatic macrophytes Eichhornia crassipes and the uses of aggregates and soil, to treat industrial wastewater from slaughterhouses and aviary. We conducted the initial characterization of the effluent to have an idea of its constituents and to scale the system and the continuous flow. Furthermore, we characterized the soil to be used in this system. The collects are periodically made in the refrigeration industry FRICOCK FRIGORIFICAÇÃO AVICULTURA INDÚSTRIA E COMÉRCIO LTDA. for local treatment simulation. The effluent that was treated with 12 prototypes of CWSs are analyzed with some frequency. The results of these reviews were compared to the effluent coming from the industry... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
This study was developed to evaluate the performance of different coagulant and pH dosages by applying the use of Dissolved Air Flotation (FAD) to enable its use in effluent treatment of the extraction process of palm oil. The study was developed in the laboratory, where studies about emulsions stability were made for the production of a synthetic effluent which best suit the characteristics of raw effluent. The synthetic water that would be used in the tests of FAD was produced, once the stability and characterization which best approached the raw wastewater was obtained. Trials tested three coagulant doses, combined with various pH ranges and five upward velocities (Va), finding an optimal range of this combination. Some operating parameters such as time and gradient of rapid mixing (20 s / 1000 s-1), time and gradient flotation (15 min / 60 s-1), chamber pressure saturation (450 kPa) and recirculation rate (20%) were set. In this way, samples were collected for analysis of the removal of turbidity parameters, suspended solids and oils and greases. This one is obtained by a correlation turbidity x oils and greases, referring to the previous analysis. The degree of removal obtained were 73,97% for turbidity, 51,4% for total suspended solids and 86,2% for oils and greases. Removal rates may be increased in later studies, by ranging the velocity gradient and flocculation parameters and the recirculation ratio, and by using lower flotation speeds to these effluent characteristics.
Os efluentes de indústrias, como refinarias e petroquímicas, frequentemente contém elevadas concentrações de substâncias tóxicas, dentre elas, os compostos fenólicos. Estas substâncias, mesmo em pequenas quantidades, afetam as propriedades organolépticas da água, além de que durante o processo de cloração da água potável, podem ser transformadas em clorofenóis e policlorofenóis, pela reação com o cloro, formando substâncias com características carcinogênicas. Neste sentido, o refino do petróleo produz grande variedade de poluentes cujas propriedades modificam-se em função dos processos utilizados. Os fenóis são compostos tóxicos, com características fungicida e desinfetante, sendo tóxico para a maioria dos microrganismos, além de apresentarem ação de carcinogenicidade, mutagenicidade e serem recalcitrantes, acumulam-se nos corpos receptores, gerando danos à saúde e à vida aquática. No entanto, embora o fenol possua ação bactericida, alguns microrganismos adquiriram a habilidade de se adaptar e utilizar este composto como fonte de carbono e energia. O presente trabalho pretendeu selecionar linhagens bacterianas, a partir do efluente de uma refinaria de petróleo, da região de Paulínia – SP, que sejam capazes de utilizar altos teores de fenóis como fonte de carbono e energia para seu crescimento e desenvolvimento, a fim de serem aplicadas nas estações de tratamento de efluentes industriais, com foco nas refinarias de petróleo. Foram isoladas 3 linhagens a partir das amostras enriquecidas do efluente da refinaria e, após os ensaios, constatou-se que 1 linhagem apresentou resistência à concentração de fenol de 1.000 mg.L-1. Os ensaios de biodegradação e crescimento em fenol como única fonte de carbono, demonstraram que estas linhagens são capazes de biodegradar aproximadamente 20% do fenol disponível no meio, no período de 24 horas. A quantificação do fenol residual foi realizada em...
Neste trabalho priorizou-se a visão da água enquanto bem público. No seu tratamento, dado que a economia neoclássica tradicional não nos oferece uma resposta desejável, pisamos o campo da Economia Institucional: da importância das instituições para o desenvolvimento até os diferentes arranjos institucionais, com o aparecimento de múltiplos agentes. Com isso procuramos atacar o problema do “carona”, e mostrar como pode haver cooperação entre os agentes para a produção de um bem público, no caso a água. Em posse desses argumentos, mostramos como é feita a atual gestão dos recursos hídricos no Brasil, descentralizada e participativa, através dos Comitês de Bacias Hidrográficas. Em seguida mostramos como a articulação regional, diante de um cenário de escassez hídrica para abastecimento antrópico, e seus consequentes conflitos, anterior à formação dos CBHs, contribuiu para pressionar um tradicional segmento da indústria na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo (RMSP), o Pólo Petroquímico, e como a opção pela reutilização da água tornou-se uma alternativa não só viável, como economicamente interessante, a ponto da Sabesp e da construtora Odebrecht iniciarem o projeto Aquapolo Ambiental
Brazil is a country with the largest world´s vegetal genetic diversity and the Environmental Protection Area (APA) of the “Serra da Mantiqueira” is a very heterogeneous region, representing one of the richest sources of pharmacologically actives materials. The population uses medicinal plants and according to the OMS, 80% of the population uses them in primary treatment of several diseases. Nevertheless, the loss of traditional knowledge associated with medicinal plants is occurring quickly. The ethnopharmacological strategy uses traditional knowledge to the search for medicinal plants that can have bioactive substances against diseases that afflicting the population and thus protect traditional knowledge. The “cipó-prata” (Trigonia nívea Cambess.) is a native plant normally found in the “Bacia do Paraná” region and present in the flora in the neighborhood of “Marins”, Piquete-SP and usually, said for the treatment of renal and urinary diseases. So, the objective of this study was test if the “cipóprata” (Trigonia nívea Cambess.) has effects on the renal excretion of water and salt, in anesthetized Wister rats. The tests were made in males Wistar rats and randomly distributed into 4 experimental groups: Group I – aqueous control, Group II – treated with aqueous extract (EA) of “cipó-prata”, Group III – water control + “tween 80”, Group IV – treated with ethanol extract (EE) and “cipó-prata”. All groups were subjected to experimental protocol, composed of three periods: Balance (40 minutes), Basal (30 minutes) and Experimental (90 minutes), occurring the urine collection every 30 minutes, from the basal period and measuring blood pressure every 10 minutes. The aqueous extract (EA) of “cipó-prata” (Trigonia nívea Cambess.) presented diuretic effect of 173% (B-2,4±1,19 μL/min reaching 6,6±1,45 μL/min, in the period EX3) and ...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)
The Therapy with proton beam has shown more e ective than Radiotherapy for oncology treatment. However, to its planning use photon beam Computing Tomography that not considers the fundamentals di erences the interaction with the matter between X-rays and Protons. Nowadays, there is a great e ort to develop Tomography with proton beam. In this way it is necessary to know the most likely trajectory of proton beam to image reconstruction. In this work was realized calculus of the most likely trajectory of proton beam in homogeneous target compound with water that was considered the inelastic nuclear interaction. Other calculus was the analytical calculation of lateral de ection of proton beam. In the calculation were utilized programs that use Monte Carlo Method: SRIM 2006 (Stopping and Range of Ions in Matter ), MCNPX (Monte Carlo N-Particle eXtended) v2.50. And to analytical calculation was employed the software Wolfram Mathematica v7.0. We obtained how di erent nuclear reaction models modify the trajectory of proton beam and the comparative between analytical and Monte Carlo method
Nosso organismo constantemente perde água e eletrólitos para o meio ambiente, principalmente pela excreção urinária.Porém, a osmolaridade e o volume de líquidos do organismo devem permanecer dentro de uma pequena faixa de variação para que nossas células funcionem perfeitamente e haja manutenção da pressão arterial. A regulação da osmolaridade e do volume dos líquidos corporais exige que a entrada de água e eletrólitos seja igual à perda pelo corpo e, para tanto, a regulação envolve a ação integrada dos rins e do comportamento de ingestão de água e sódio que é o principal íon extracelular. A ingestão de água e sódio é regulada por mecanismos centrais excitatórios e inibitórios. Os mecanismos excitatórios que desencadeiam a ingestão de água e sódio são ativados principalmente pelo peptídeo angiotensina II (ANG II), cuja produção apresenta-se aumentada em situações de hipovolemia e hipotensão. Por outro lado, destacam-se importantes mecanismos inibitórios da ingestão de água e sódio descobertos recentemente no núcleo parabraquial lateral (NPBL). O NPBL é uma estrutura pontina que recebe projeções aferentes da área postrema (AP) e da porção medial do núcleo do trato solitário (NTSm) e que faz conexões com áreas prosencefálicas envolvidas no controle do balanço hidroeletrolítico. Estudos prévios mostraram que injeções bilaterais do agonista opióide inespecífico β-endorfina no NPBL induziram ingestão de água e sódio em ratos saciados e aumentaram a ingestão de água e sódio induzida pelo tratamento com o diurético furosemida (FURO) combinado com baixas doses do bloqueador da enzima conversora de angiotensina captopril (CAP) injetados subcutaneamente (sc)... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)