417 resultados para PMMA elastomérico. PET grau garrafa. Propriedades mecânicas


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Materiais estruturais utilizados no projeto de equipamentos e instalações industriais podem apresentar mudança de seu comportamento à fratura quando se varia a temperatura. Este tipo de comportamento caracteriza-se pela existência de uma curva de transição, onde 3 regiões ficam bem definidas: os patamares inferior e superior e a região de transição. Na região de transição, os resultados experimentais apresentam alto espalhamento e são bastante dependentes da geometria ensaiada. Para solucionar este problema, foi desenvolvido um modelo analítico experimental, que resultou na edição da norma ASTM E1921-97. O trabalho inclui um estudo da influência de diversas rotas de tratamentos térmicos aplicadas em um aço 4130 utilizado pela indústria aeronáutica, um aço de qualidade API utilizado pela indústria petrolífera e um aço da classe A516 atualmente utilizado pela indústria nacional de vasos de pressão, na microestrutura, propriedades mecânicas de tração e tenacidade à fratura. Os resultados mostraram que o aço 4130 A450, apresentou a melhor correlação entre resistência e tenacidade entre as microestruturas pesquisadas. Este comportamento deve estar associado a rota de tratamento térmico aplicada a esta condição. O tratamento de austêmpera possibilita a formação de bainita que, tradicionalmente é conhecida por apresentar elevados valores de tenacidade. O método proposto pela ASTM pode ser considerado viável para as diversas microestruturas pesquisadas ampliando a aplicação da metodologia que recomenda o ensaio apenas para aços ferríticos. No entanto, a metodologia da Curva Mestra em materiais tratados termicamente deve ser conduzida de forma a se estabelecer parâmetros que considerem as modificações microestruturais sofridas pelo material.


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Atualmente o titânio é empregado como biomaterial devido à sua biocompatibilidade e resistência à corrosão. Entretanto, íons fluoretos, freqüentemente empregados em dentifrícios bucais, podem interferir no processo de corrosão. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a influência de um meio fluoretado com diferentes pH nas propriedades mecânicas e na resistência à corrosão dos conjuntos implantes/componentes protéticos à base de Ti c.p., a partir dos testes de fadiga, microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e dureza. Foram simulados cinco anos de uso regular de meios de higiene oral com conteúdo de 1500 ppm de NaF, com dois diferentes pH, 7,4 e 5,3, mediante imersão das amostras nesses meios durante 184 horas e também em água destilada, grupo controle. As amostras foram testadas num durômetro Micromet 2001 (500gf/30s). Os dados dos testes de dureza foram analisados pelo teste de Wilcoxon, demonstrando que as amostras sofreram influência negativa na dureza após a ação dos íons fluoreto. Entretanto, essa influência não ocorreu nos testes de fadiga realizados em uma máquina de ensaios mecânicos MTS-810, fixada a 100.000 ciclos, 15Hz e programada com força de fadiga a 150 N. Pela análise de MEV foram constatadas evidências de corrosão na superfície das amostras após ação de íons fluoretos, entretanto pelo EDS não se verificou incorporação de íons fluoretos sobre a superfície dos conjuntos. Concluiu-se que a concentração de flúor e o pH das soluções não exerceram influência nas propriedades mecânicas.


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2,25Cr-1Mo alloy steels are widely used in petrochemical plant equipments working in high temperature conditions because of their good mechanical proprieties in these conditions. Although, when exposed for a long time at high temperature, in the rage of 343 °C to 593 °C, may present the temper embrittlement phenomenon. The component named stripper of assembly converter of fluid catalytic cracking unit (UFCC) of studied plant is manufactured using this material, which is subject to temper embrittlement. The phenomenon of temper embrittlement refers to progressive lose of toughness, making the material brittle. With embrittlement, equipaments manufactured with this material are under risks to suffer brittle fracture in the cool down and start-up situations of them, which can cause catastrophic failures. By this reason, this research studies presence of temper ebrittlement phenomenon on this material. To verify the toughness of the material is conventionally used charpy V-notch test. However, this test requires the removing of samples of the material to make specimens. This fact becomes critical when talk about structural components of an equipment. So, this research also studies a non-destructive test that can be executes in-situ, known as instrumented indentation, as an alternative detection of the phenomenon at the component stripper, by comparative of the mechanical proprieties obtained by conventional tests in similar samples


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The relationship between the microstructure and the magnetic properties of soft magnetic materials, have been studied by different researchers who seek to employ electrical systems, increasing their life span and reduce their energy consumption. Following this same line the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory developed a new synchrotron light source, the Sirius, where magnetic materials with high magnetic permeability values are being studied for use in accelerator dipoles. The low carbon steel is a ferromagnetic material that has a great relationship between cost and magnetic permeability. Aiming to raise the values of permeability of the material, heat treatments were done and evaluated the magnetic properties, microstructure and mechanical properties to correlate them. It was noted that the thermal annealing were the most effective, and the annealing performed with a small time threshold, which only phenomenon observed was the primary recrystallisation, was the most elevated values of magnetic permeability of the material, due to the average grain size ideal achieved. The heat treatments do not guide the magnetic domains of the material and not influence the mechanical properties of the material due to lack of carbon in the microstructure. The annealing treatments were shown to be an alternative to raising the values of the magnetic permeability of the material and facilitate the implementation of ultra low carbon steel in the dipoles of Sirius


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This research project focused primarily on assessing the impact toughness of the weld and the base material of a steel pipe API 5L X70 submerged arc welded, used to conduct remote oil and gas (linepipes). The analysis followed strictly the Specification for Line Pipe - API 5L Standard, regarding the removal of the specimens of regions-of-proof-long section of the pipe, at 90o and 180o from the welded joint, and mechanical properties of toughness and Charpy-V, both the joint welded as the base material. Specimens of steel tube supplied by Tenaris Confab-SA were sized for tensile and Charpy-V, according to ASTM E 8M and ASTM E23, respectively. The result obtained showed that the API X70 steel tube has high Charpy-V toughness, near to each other at both 90o and 180o from the welded joint of the tube, and both higher than the weld metal. Microstructural and microhardness analysis complemented the present study


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This work was developed to evalute the physical and mechanical properties of a panel of three particle layers from the test specification of NBR 14810-3 (2006), using wood of Eucalyptus sp. and Eucalyptus saligna and Eucalyptus urograndis bark. The mechanical properties were evaluated to obtain the bending modulus of rupture (MOR) and modulus of elasticity (MOE) and Internal bond. The physical properties were obtained thickness sweeling, water absorption, moisture content and board density. Were evaluated four different compositions of panels containing 5, 10, 15 and 20% in the inner layer of bark. The results were compared with the Brazilian standard NBR 14810-2 (2006) and also with studies in the literature. The panels produced were adequate to all the optimal values suggested by the standard only in the composition with 5% skin in the inner layer. The other treatments showed satisfactory results in all tests except for moisture content


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Due to complications caused by metallic implants in the replacement of bone tissue, the biological application of ceramics raised and became a viable alternative. The titania has the ability to promote bone tissue regeneration based on its structure, mechanical and biologically properties compatibility. The present work aims at obtaining and characterization of Titania (TiO2) porous ceramics produced by the polymeric sponge method (replica method). Polyurethane sponge with 10 ppi and 15 ppi (pores per linear inch) were used. The process differentiation is the air blower used to remove excess slurry. The ceramics sponges were dried in an oven, then pre-sintered at 1000 o C and sintered at 1450 o C. The effect of direct sintering at 1450 o C was also assessed. The percentage of solids used to prepare the slurry was 40 to 45% by weight. To increase the surface porosity of the sponge, 20% of starch was added. There was difficulty on controlling the thickness of the slurry layers on the sponge which resulted in the variation of samples mechanical resistance. Despite this, the results obtained are quite promising for the proposed use, indicating that it is possible to obtain titania sponges with an apparent porosity of around 60%, a bulk density ranging from 40 to 47% and a compressive strength resistance – that with better control of layers depositions – can vary from 1 to 4 MPa


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Aluminum alloys are widely used in industry, because they combine different mechanical properties according to the alloying elements used in addition to thermal and mechanical treatments performed, resulting in materials with good weight/resistance relation. The 7XXX series alloys are worked heat treatable alloys commonly used in the aerospace industry, especially due to their high mechanical properties obtained after aging heat treatment, which increases the interest around 7075 alloy. Some studies with alloys which can be aged show that it is possible that cold word processes affect the results of aging. Thus, this study was intended to verify the influence of the aging process of AA 7075 alloy. There were three routes of aging with specimens previously treated thermally. In the first route T6 treatment was performed with a annealed specimen and other in solid solution. The second was the natural aging in a annealed specimen. In the last route was done aging by steps with a annealed specimen and other in solid solution with the intention to reduce the effects of natural aging. The results show that the routes 1 and 3 had similar hardness for all the samples, showing that the validity of Route 3 as an alternative and also the hardening did not affect the hardness at the end of the process, significantly reducing the time required for the highest hardness. Finally, natural aging was less effective in increasing hardness


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This work is the production of particleboard of particles reconstituted from MDP (Medium Density Particleboard) adding particles in the inner layer of Mimosa Scarelli, popularly known as bracatinga, the ratios of 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%. The panel produced is composed of three layers, two external particles with smaller particle size and an inner layer composed of particles of larger particle sizes. Assays were performed based on physical and mechanical NBR 14.810/2006 for the determination of the board density, thickness swelling, water absorption, moisture content, bending strength, shear strength and residual moisture, and testing of particle size not existing in the standard cited. The results were analyzed and compared the results of the commercial boards made from 100% eucalyptus, based on the limits specified by the ABNT NBR 14.810/2006. The values of the tests were close to the normative specifications indicating positively the production of MDP with wood decay.


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The nickel alloys have a chemical composition with high tenor of alloy elements which are responsible for the material's mechanical and thermal properties, but also are the main causative of problems during the machining, making the process difficult. The objective of this work is the study of the machining by external cylindrical turning of the nickel based alloy Nimonic 80A, seeking the machining optimization of this alloy, seeking the best condition of lubricant fluid use, providing real increases of productivity without the need of investments in new production means. Besides, the results of this work should offer more detailed information regarding the behavior of this alloy in relation to machining by turning. The machining experiences were accomplished in a specimen of the nickel alloy, considering the machining parameters: cutting speed (75 and 90 m/min), cutting depth (0,8 mm) and feed rate (0,15 and 0,18 mm/v). The valuations were accomplished in a CNC lathe and tools with of hard metal inserts. After each stage of the turning the measures of the cutting length were accomplished, of the waste of the tools through a magnifying glass (8x) and the roughness of the specimen evaluated in each phase of the process, with the aid of a portable roughness meter. Through light optical microscopy it was possible to observe the wear of the cutting tools for each appraised condition. The roughness values, Ra and Ry, for the appraised conditions were always superiors to the theoretical values. After analysis of the results it was possible to end that, the best acting for this work strip tested it was obtained for ap=0,8mm: f=0,15mm/rev and VC=75m/min, what resulted in a larger cutting length (1811 m)


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This work intends to investigate the biodegradation of the polymers and blend films of polypropylene (PP) and poly(hidroxybutirate-valerate) (PHBV), after UV radiation to facilitate the PP degradation, which is a polymer with long chains difficult to degrade by biological agents present in the environment. This polymer is outstanding by its mechanical properties and versatility of industrial and commercial use and the PHBV by its quick biodegradability in the environment. Blends of these materials could to present a commitment between mechanical properties and biodegradability to execute its function and after the discard to have lesser lifetime in the garbage landfills. Another aspect of this work is the controlling effect of PP on PHBV, influencing its degradation time


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The non-ferrous materials have got so many mechanical, physical and chemical advantageous properties so that is provided to them consolidated position in industry. In this context, aluminium alloys have been seen a lot on many applications of engineering areas – specially on automotive, aeronautical and aerospace due to their main properties such as low density, high corrosion resistance, favorable structure weight / material resistance relation, among others characteristics that are mencioned through this study. This study aims to analyze the aluminium alloys behavior on a general context when they are used on turning process, taking for examples the 6262 and 7050 aluminium alloys. In this way, the analysis studies the datas obtained during the turning tests realized on 3 steps each one; those datas are concerning the medium and total rugosities – obtained with the assistance of a portable Surface Roughness Finish Tester, as well as the chips obtained during the tests - visual analysis, and the cutting tools wear – with the assistance of an optical microscope, under different conditions of application of cutting fluids (dry machining, application of coolant in abundance and MQL – Minimum Quantity of Lubricant). The results concerning this study show detailed information about influence of cutting fluids on the machining by turning of the aluminium alloys related on this work and also about aluminium alloys in general when they are used on turning processes with different conditions from one another. By this way, it was evident the MQL technique is the best one for the 6262 alloy. However, for 7050 alloy, it was evident that the dry machining is responsible for the best results


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The concern with the environment preservation has done with that researchers as well as industries invest in the search for materials that come from renewable sources. Natural fibers, because they are ecologically correct and have low cost, have been studied as a possible substitute, even if partial, of synthetic fibers in the development of polymeric composites. In this context, the hybrid composites (natural/synthetic) increase considerably the range of application of natural composites. The auto industry, in its constant quest for good mechanical properties materials which are developed with sustainability, has in composites with hybrid reinforcement a very viable alternative. In the present work, the nature Crown pineapple fibers and nature Crown pineapple fibers treated with alkaline solution were studied in order to evaluate the influence of chemical treatment in its properties. For this techniques were used x-ray diffractometry, Thermogravimetry and Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). Composites have been developed using polypropylene, reinforced with pineapple fibers and pineapple fibers hybrids/glass fibres, both with levels of 5 and 10%. These composites were analyzed by Thermogravimetry techniques and tested by traction. The realization of this work indicated that although the chemical treatment did not affect the thermal stability of the fibers, caused an increase in crystallinity index fibers and decreased its hydrophilic. The tests performed on composite indicated that the composites process was suitable because it provided good dispersion of the polymer matrix. The addition of natural fibers from the pineapple's Crown, in a proportion of 10%, provided the greatest increase in modulus of elasticity (27%) when compared to the pure polymer


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Titanium and its alloys have been used for biomedical applications due their excellent properties such as high corrosion resistance, biocompatibility and mechanical properites. In this study, microstructural and mechanical properties of Ti-30Ta alloy was evaluated during its processing. Ti-30Ta alloy ingots were produced from sheets of commercially pure titanium (99.9%) and tantalum (99.9%). Its melting was realized in arc melting furnace in an argon atmosphere. After homogenizing at 1200ºC, ingots were cold worked by swaging. Samples with 13 mm in diameter were obtained. They were forging at the reduction ratios of 15%. After deformation, microstructure was evaluated by optical microscopy in each condition. Also, Vickers microhardness of samples was measured and phase constitution was evaluated using XRD analysis