305 resultados para Jornalismo Desportivo
The Physical education has as objective the students integration in the body movement culture, forming citizens to reframe different cultural aspects of the physical activity, enabling a more critical look. Currently selecting how the body movement culture has been widely approached by Mass Media it is detected a new pedagogical possibility. The several media equipment massively bomb (images, sounds and information) interfering on how the students interpret the reality, since they are exposed to these multiple information and at the same time are absent of a more critical look about what they receive. In this way, the objective of this work was to perform a research in the news/articles from the Jornal A Folha de São Paulo, that allows the development of classes based on the elements of body movement culture and apply them in a public school from Rio Claro-SP city, to detect possibilities and difficulties in the work with the media in the school environment. It employed a qualitative research. The data obtained in this study indicate that the media shows up as a good teaching tool for teaching physical education classes, since students found the classes to enriching the learning process, highlighting topics such as innovation and the closeness they had with the worked information. However, it is necessary to develop further studies to raise other possibilities as well as alternatives to deal with this new reality of the school context
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Este trabalho é uma proposta de grande reportagem para a revista Época em sua versão impressa. Diante da constatação segundo a qual a religião é assunto cada vez mais evidente na sociedade, o objetivo dessa produção é pautar um tema que é pouco difundido nos meios de comunicação de informação geral: o ecumenismo. A abordagem desse tema implicou desde a definição do conceito de ecumenismo, passando por uma breve trajetória histórica (limitações e progressos) até o relato da ação de organizações e pessoas que se envolvem concreta e cotidianamente com o ideal ecumênico. O processo de produção desse trabalho está descrito neste relatório e inclui as técnicas jornalísticas utilizadas, bem como a fundamentação teórica sobre jornalismo e sobre o tema
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Em um contexto globalizado, onde os acontecimentos possuem alcance mundial, torna-se necessário avaliar a eficiência do chamado Jornalismo Internacional na divulgação de informações. A singularidade do olhar jornalístico tem sido comprometida neste ramo, uma vez que a modalidade está cada vez mais ligada às agências de notícias, que apresentam uma cobertura pasteurizada dos assuntos em questão. O objetivo geral deste projeto foi contribuir para o enriquecimento das informações sobre a crise de origem econômica na Espanha, por meio da produção de conteúdo in loco, e retratar os reflexos deste contexto na vida da população europeia, nos âmbitos cultural, econômico, político e social, a fim de comprovar que é fundamental a presença do correspondente no local do assunto reportado. Além disso, constatou-se ser necessário reportar os efeitos da crise na vida comum dos habitantes da Espanha, uma vez que os meios de comunicação tradicionais se limitam a fornecer uma visão tecnicista do assunto, por meio de números e estatísticas. As notas, notícias, entrevistas, fotos e vídeos produzidos foram publicados em uma página experimental criada no Facebook, de modo a avaliar a eficácia das redes sociais enquanto novas plataformas do jornalismo digital
ports is an editorial present in every and any large scale news company, wheter it print, radio, television or web. However, their approach is made differently from other editorials, they have more freedom and constant use of elements that soften the text, leaving it close to entertainment. There fore, this work seeks to analyze and understand the sports broadcasting, which on the Brazilian television is usually limitate to the football. To perform the project of the conclusion of major, there was a need to study how the sport broke into television, how the sports broadcast is carried out by television media, which are the elements used for their coverage of sports events, especially football ones, and the effects that this broadcasting causes in society
Gastronomy is art. Perhaps the most popular of all, because there is always an achievement for all culinary tastes. In the search for a journalistic product that show the gastronomy not only with recipes and restaurant guides exponents, the creation of the blog - Pop With Farofa - seeks to bring to the newspaper market the gastronomy in its most popular and accessible art. The experimental design reported here seeks to relate the food editor with the culture, revealing to the public and the food is present in various cultura genres
The society went through several transformations, especially technological. With the democratization of the Internet and social media, forms of relationships have turned up in between brand and consumer. Thus, marketing availed human characteristics in order to meet and interact with the consumer. So many print magazines have created profiles on Facebook and Twitter with the primary intent of disseminating original content and become a channel of dialogue with the reader. This research aims to reflect on the role of journalist as brand managers and social media acting as a magazine brand strength ening strategy. The research will examine the Todateen magazine, teen magazine focused on class C, and their profiles from Facebook and Twitter as a way to expand the relationship with the reader, to humanize the brand and strengthen the identity of the magazine. The methodologies used are exploratory and analytical to, first, discuss the issues: magazine journalism, media convergence, web journalism, social media, corporate communications, branding and marketing, and then analyze the Todateen case, describing the print media, the website, Twitter and Facebook
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Hepatitis C is a disease that affects approximately four million Brazilians. It is a rare disease with symptoms but with a treatment that involves marked secondary effects. The silence of their symptoms, however, socially projected, build the social imaginary figures that send feelings and prejudices, being born therefore the social stigma. This situation fundamentally affects the welfare of their subjects. In this aspect, this research traces a parallel between the situation experienced by patients with hepatitis C and the use for these individuals from the World Wide Web and its interactive tools on overcoming limits the disease and in the reconstruction of their social identities.