400 resultados para Extração supercrítica : Óleo essencial


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Com o objetivo de verificar o efeito da adição de níveis crescentes de óleo no concentrado sobre a atividade plasmática das enzimas creatina quinase (CK), aspartato aminotransferase (AST) e lactato desidrogenase (LDH) como indicativo de metabolismo energético, foram fornecidas dietas experimentais compostas de cinco níveis de óleo (controle, 6, 12, 18 e 24% do concentrado). Utilizaram-se 20 equinos da raça Árabe, peso médio de 400 kg, submetidos a prova de enduro de 80 km em esteira rolante. O enduro foi dividido em quatro anéis de 20 km, com duração média de 1 hora e dez minutos. A adição de óleo e a distância percorrida tiveram efeitos sobre as variáveis AST, CK e LDH, que apresentaram as respectivas expressões: AST (7,045-0,2292x+0,007991x2+0,008517z- 0,0003282xz), CK (8,06-,07020x+0,05546x2-0,001262x3+0,01204z+0,0006207xz) e LDH (6,624-0,3522x+0,03448x2-0,0008382x3+0,02401z-0,0007489xz) . O óleo é uma importante e bem aproveitada fonte de energia para equinos em exercício, pois sua adição na dieta de animais submetidos a prova de enduro promoveu alteração metabólica que favorece a produção de energia. O metabolismo animal poupou suas reservas energéticas oriundas da glicose, favorecendo a utilização do óleo. A menor atividade plasmática das enzimas AST, CK e LDH com a adição de óleo nas dietas indica direcionamento do metabolismo energético para a β-oxidação. Como apresentam várias isoenzimas, as enzimas estudadas atuam amplamente no metabolismo energético, favorecendo a constante reposição de ATP ao longo do exercício.


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Os frutos de Pachira aquatica Aublet apresentam sementes comestíveis com características organolépticas muito apreciadas pelas populações amazônicas, sendo pouco utilizados em outras regiões. Este trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar as sementes quanto à composição centesimal e determinar as características físico-químicas e perfil de ácidos graxos. A determinação da composição centesimal das sementes (teores de umidade, lipídios, proteínas, cinzas e carboidratos) e análises do óleo extraído das mesmas (ácidos graxos livres, índices de peróxido, iodo, refração, saponificação, ponto de fusão e perfil de ácidos graxos) foram realizadas seguindo metodologia oficial. O teor de óleo nas sementes 38,39% demonstrou que estas têm potencial para aproveitamento industrial. Das características físico-químicas analisadas, o óleo extraído das sementes apresentou 39,2% de ácidos graxos livres (expresso em % ácido oleico), índice de iodo de 27,4 g I2.100 g-1, índice de saponificação de 208,0 mg.KOH g-1, índice de refração (40 °C) de 1,4569 e ponto de fusão de 41,9 °C. Quanto à composição de ácidos graxos do óleo predominaram os ácidos palmítico (44,93%), oleico (39,27%) e linoleico (11,35%). Tal fato favorece o uso deste óleo como matéria-prima para as indústrias alimentícia, farmacêutica e de cosméticos.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The main objective of this study was to evaluate the degree of degradation of the soybean oil used in frying processes. The quality of the oil during the frying process was evaluated by means of physical-chemical analyses, such: conjugated dienes (%) and TBA index (mmoles g(-1)), and determination of total polar compounds (%). It was observed that the values of conjugated dienes increasing significantly with time until 1.87% after 15 hours for fry pans I and 1.76% after 22.5 hours for fry pans II. The TBA indexes reached at the end the frying process values of 0.0265 and 0.0210 mmoles g(-1) for fry pans I and II, respectively. The percentages of total polar compounds have shown an increase of six and eight times in relation to the original sample starting from 5.9% and 3.7% and reaching values of 36.8% and 29.2%, for fry pan I and II, after 15 and 22.5 hours of heating, respectively. It has been concluded that the alterations of the soybean oil increased as the time of frying increased, for both fry pans. The oil used in fry pan I showed greater alteration than the that observed in the oil used in fry pan II, in spite of the time of heating being shorter. Taking into consideration that the levels of polar compounds should be less than 25% according to the legislation of several countries, the oils used in both fry pans were already inadequate conditions at the moment of disposal.


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This work aimed to study weed response to fusel oil rate applied at early and late post-emergence. The following species were studied at late and early post-emergence: Ipomoea hederifolia, Ipomoea quamoclit, Euphorbia heterophylla, Digitaria spp., Cenchrus echinatus and Panicum maximum.. The experiment was arranged in a completely randomized design with six treatments and four replications. Fusel oil, an alcohol distillation byproduct, was applied at rates of 50, 125, 250, 375 and 500 L ha(-1), plus control without application. The plots were constituted by polyethylene containers with 3 L capacity, filled with topsoil land from a fallow area. Visual symptoms of intoxication were verified at 7 and 30 days after application (DAA) and dry weight at 30 DAA. The variables were submitted to variance analysis according to the design, adjusting the data to obtain the dose-response curve by polynomial regression. The studied species were susceptible only to the application of 500 L ha(-1) of fusel oil at early or late plant post-emergence. The species Digitaria spp. was susceptible and E. heterophylla tolerant to fusel oil applied at early post-emergence, while the other species were moderately tolerant. E. heterophylla was susceptible, Digitaria spp., C. echinatus and P. maximum moderately tolerant and I. hederifolia and I. quamoclit tolerant to fusel oil applied at late post-emergence.


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The effects of ultrasound on the wound healing process after teeth extractions were studied histologically. The right upper incisor was extracted in 56 rats. They were divided into 2 groups, one control (I) and one experimental (II). Group II received ultrasound stimulation that was applied with the frequency of repetition of 1,000 Hz and pulse length of 2,000 us continuously, during five minutes daily since the extraction day until 24 hours before the death. The rats were sacrificed at 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, and 21 postoperative days. The results showed a precocious granulation tissue formation, faster remodeling of osseous ridges, and consequently acceleration of the alveolar wound healing process.


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In this work we used leaves of four species of Eucalyptus - E. bicostata Maiden, E. deanei Maiden, E. dunnii Maiden and E. viminalis Labill, grown in Colombo, Parana State, Brazil. Preliminary studies were done, in the following sequence: botanic identification, olfactory research, extraction and purification of the essential oil of each species. The physical and chemical tests done were the following: relative density, refractive index, optical rotation, solubility, coagulation point and cineol percentage. The essential oils analysed through gaseous chromatography, presented the following cineol percentage: E. bicostata Maiden - 26.92%, E. deanei Maiden - 70.21%, E. dunnii Maiden - 53.16% and E. viminalis Labill - 23.05%.


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Fifteen soil samples and four extradants (DTPA, Na 2EDTA, HCl and Mehlich 1) were used to study soil extraction methods for available zinc. Each extradant was studied in three soil:solution ratios (1:2, 1:4 and 1:10) and in three extraction periods in the ratio most frequently used. The zinc extracted by DTPA, Na 2EDTA and HCl was not affected by use of soil:solution ratios 1:2 and 1:4, but the amount extracted increased with the 1:10 ratio. In this relation, the variation coefficients increased. With Mehlich, no definite tendency was observed. The increase of extraction period for DTPA extractant, in 1:2 ratio, had little effect on the amount of zinc extracted and on the precision. As to Na 2EDTA extractant in 1:10 ratio, with the increase of extraction time, both increased. As to HCl and Mehlich, both in 1:4 ratio, the increase in extraction period had no effect on the amount of zinc extracted and no definite effect on the precision. Thus, the use of 1:2 ratio for DTPA and Na 2EDTA and 1:4 ratio for acid extractants is recommended. Concerning the period of extraction, 120 min should be used with DTPA and Na 2EDTA, 15 min with HCl and 5 min with Mehlich.


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The objective of this research was to evaluate the effectiveness of the extraction of Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli from naturally infected dry bean seeds. Extraction methods tested included soaking whole seeds in sterilized saline phosphate buffer and crushing seeds after soaking in sterilized saline phosphate buffer. The bacterium was isolated on a semiselective agar medium. The seed crushing method was found to be more effective. The bacterium strains isolated were pathogenic to bean leaves, reacted with X. campestris pv. phaseoli antiserum, and had morphological and physiological/biochemical characteristics typical of the X. campestris pv. phaseoli.


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This work describes a modified sol-gel method for the preparation of V 2O 5/TiO 2 catalysts. The samples have been characterized by N 2 adsorption at 77K, x-ray diffractometry (XRD) and Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR). The surface area increases with the vanadia loading from 24 m 2 g -1, for pure TiO 2, to 87 m 2 g -1 for 9wt.% of V 2O 5. The rutile form is predominant for pure TiO 2 but became enriched with anatase phase when vanadia loading is increased. No crystalline V 2O 5 phase was observed in the catalysts diffractograms. Two species of surface vanadium observed by FT-IR spectroscopy a monomeric vanadyl and polymeric vanadates, the vanadyl/vanadate ratio remains practically constant.


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In this work was developed an alternative methodology to separation of aquatic organic matter (AOM) present in natural river waters. The process is based in temperature decreasing of the aqueous sample under controlled conditions that provoke the freezing of the sample and separation of the dark extract, not frozen and rich in organic matter. The results showed that speed of temperature decreasing exerts strongly influence in relative recovery of organic carbon, enrichment and time separation of the organic matter present in water samples. Elemental composition, infrared spectra and thermal analysis results showed that the alternative methodology is less aggressive possible in the attempt of maintaining the integrity of the sample.


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Several kinds of research in road extraction have been carried out in the last 6 years by the Photogrammetry and Computer Vision Research Group (GPF&VC - Grupo de Pesquisa em Fotogrametria e Visão Computacional). Several semi-automatic road extraction methodologies have been developed, including sequential and optimizatin techniques. The GP-F&VC has also been developing fully automatic methodologies for road extraction. This paper presents an overview of the GP-F&VC research in road extraction from digital images, along with examples of results obtained by the developed methodologies.


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Purpose: To evaluate the characteristics of the essential blepharospasm and hemifacial spasm patients and the feasible treatment with botulinum toxin. A. Methods: Thirty-four essential blepharospasm or hemifacial spasm patients were evaluated according to gender, ocular complaint, time of disease, treatment outcome and complications. Results: Age median was 63 years and the mean was 61 years, with no difference regarding sex; 66.66% of the patients had hemifacial spasm and 33.33%, essential blepharospasm. Many patients complained of dry eye associated with involuntary spasm. Botulinum toxin A showed a positive outcome in 91.30% of the treated patients and complications observed after treatment were eyelid ptosis (8.33%) and buccal angle deviation (8.33%). Conclusion: Essential blepharospasm and hemifacial spasm occurred in the elderly, of both sexes. Treatment with botulinum toxin A was useful, with very low complication rates.