277 resultados para Escalas de desenvolvimento infantil


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This paper aims to trigger a reflection on inclusive education in early childhood education, considering education as an inclusive educational model endorsed by public policies, but still far from school reality. The reflection aims to think about necessary changes since early childhood education,because this is the first stage of basic education and it is a critical period in development and learning process of children with disabilities. The construction of the inclusive school since early childhood education involves thinking about its space, time, professional, educational resources etc..,turning to the possible access, retention and development to students with disabilities, students that, because of their particular characteristics, have a special educational necessity. The text discusses, among other things, the necessity to rethink pedagogical practice as a key of school inclusion in early childhood education. The inclusive pedagogical practice should be constituted by the junction of the acquired knowledge by the teacher throughout his career and by the availability to seek new ways to do it considering students diversity and their individual characteristics.


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This paper approaches the relation between school education and psychic development in the light of cultural-historical theory and critical-historical pedagogy, discussing the triad form-content-receiver of teaching in the context of early childhood education. Considering the goal of developing the bases of theoretical thinking in children, the paper analyses role-play as leading activity in preschool and explores the contributions of child literature, highlighting the importance of providing access to artistic works which depict reality in an imaginative form as multisided and in permanent movement.


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This article presents a descriptive-qualitative study aimed at investigating the perception of seven teachers, 5 parents and 18 mothers about the sexual expression of children until 6 years old, through a questionnaire with semi-open questions for content analysis. The sexual behavior identified by adults at home or school refers mainly to gender issues and the discovery of the body: the children reproduce conceptions of masculine and feminine, they manipulate their own bodies or that of others, and they talk about dating, kissing in the mouth and sex. The teachers have a higher perception of the children’s sexual behaviors than their parents at home, because they are more explicit in school. Teachers report that the observed behaviors cause anxiety and discomfort, while the parents report that they usually talk with their children about the theme. In general, there are reports of little knowledge about how to deal with children’s sexual manifestations: for teachers, who have little academic training in the area of sexuality, and for the family, who show some personal and moral difficulties. It was concluded that participants understand children as having sexuality because they perceive different expressions of infant sexuality that are typical in the development. It is necessary to invest in teachers’ academic and continuing education in early childhood, and in a joint work with family and school, in search of a positive experience of an emancipatory sexual education for children.


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The general objective of this work is to analyze the conceptions of teaching and learning of kindergarten teachers use in their teaching practices and resources they adopt to work the subjects with the children. As a starting point for the research we considered the assumption that the teaching activities of teachers were supported by some principles of the psychogenetic paradigm, the theoretical basis of the constructivist pedagogical movement. However, by means of the observations and analysis carried out, our hypothesis was not consolidated because the practices of teachers and their conceptions of learning differ from the constructivist perspective announced. What can be concluded is that these teachers understand their role and the role of the school, more specifically the processes of teaching, as something that actually promotes the intellectual development of children effectively.


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Objective: The aim of this study was to develop an educational oral health digital game for 5-to-7-year-old children. Method: The game, called “Dr. Trata Dente”, was based on the approach to three different oral health-related topics: a) bacterial plaque and the main diseases caused by it; b) oral hygiene methods for bacterial plaque control; c) dental caries and preventive measures for this disease. These topics were discussed in sequential order in three different stages of the game. Dr. Trata Dente is represented by the figure of a little super-hero dentist, who talks to the children about oral health during the game. The game is sub-divided according to its propositions to the children, into an association game, a memory game and a coloring game. After its development, the game was evaluated by three professionals of each of the following areas: Dentistry, Pedagogy and Psychology (n=9), who verified the suitability of the concepts presented in the game as regards oral health, linguistic abilities worked with the children, fulfillment of the intended didactic criteria, and the playful aspect of the game. Results: According to the dentists, the dental concepts presented in the game are adequate. According to the pedagogues, the choice of a super-hero was correct and the given explanations are well elaborated, organized and have accessible language, although long. For the psychologists, the game has a potential positive effect on the children’s learning, but there should be more interaction of the character with the children. After this evaluation, changes were made in the game according to the professionals’ suggestions. Conclusion: It was concluded that in spite of the suggested alterations, the game is suitable for teaching oral health by means of children’s play.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The Waldorf pedagogy, based on anthroposophy, was designed by Rudolf Steiner in Germany. The first school was founded in 1919. The main objective of this proposal is human development. From the literature survey, this paper presents concepts and principles of Waldorf education, as well as its history, motivations and characteristics, aiming to increase the understanding of this Pedagogy and describing its foundations. The literature search was performed using books and data. While result of bases, from the study of the theo retical concepts, it was possible to describe the fundamentals, present concepts and principles, in addition to expanding the understanding of the Waldorf pedagogy. Starting from the Waldorf context, were also exposed the principle sofearly childhood education


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Present research investigated how morality has been developed from kinder garten through care relationships established between the nursery assistants, caregivers calls, and children aged 0-2 years old in order to identify if there the action of caring expressions of generosity, considered one of the virtues that are the genesis of human morality, as well as to analyze the conceptions of these nursery assistants about care as a possibility for the moral development of children. The research was based on theoretical studies of Jean Piaget (1932), a pioneer in psychological research on the development of moral judgment in children, and others who own research in the field of moral psychology related to the educational context as well as the care relationship with morality in order to support the research. The results show that the understanding of care in early child hood education is still superficial and based on concepts related to welfare, including caring in a limited way, just as an action aimed at the physical integrity of children. Unable to note concerns and moral development of children, taking care as a support. We hope this research instigate reflections on the importance of care in day care and their contributions to the moral awakening the children they serve


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This article aims to question the knowledge created with psychology, taking a quick passage through the discourses of this science since its birth and questioning what is the implication of this knowledge to the children constituition. Then, we will reassemble the context in which it was forged and what revolutions in the ways of conceiving life became possible after the psychology advent being estabilished as a field of autonomous knowledge. Furthermore, as a way to illustrate what we understand about the psychology constituition of childhood we will discuss some aspects of Jean Piaget's theory in an attempt to elucidate how this speach was (and is) widely applied and "naturalized" in such way, that nowadays it is common to speak of "stages of development" when referring to children. To realize that problem, we will support the studies of Michel Foucault about the production of knoledge and especially of knowledge “psy” and what is its importance for the children.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Childhood is a theme that has attracted many controversies and discussions, and winning approaches to the increasingly large over time: biological, psychological, educational, welfare and, more recently, sociological. It is known that the movement, play and game activities are important recurrent and integral development of children, and should be present prominently in early childhood institutions. Based on these assumptions is that this study aimed to analyze the didactic-pedagogical principles postulated by the law, official guidelines didactic teaching and literature, with regard to meeting the needs of children in early childhood education. Unveiling the expectations of the families responsible for children in relation to early childhood education, especially with regard to movement, and play games and compare to what extent these expectations turn away or close to the guidelines on teaching and pedagogical movement, games and postulated in official documents, legislation and literature. To this end, we carried out literature search, selection and analysis of texts relevant to the understanding of the theme. Fieldwork was conducted in a Municipal School of Early Childhood Education Full-time (Emei) of Bauru/SP, and involved the analysis of the Political-Pedagogical Project of the institution, semi-structured interviews with five teachers and five children in the family responsible for Garden II (ages 5 to 6 years). Data were analyzed using thematic content analysis of Bardin and triangulated by the confrontation of literature/legislation, the Pedagogical Political Project of the institution and the expectations of families/guardians. We also realize that the Pedagogical Political Project of EMEI is in routine activities with the children, movement, and play the game are covered and are worked. According to teachers interviewed they assist in learning other areas of work (Oral and Written Language, Nature and Society, etc.) learning of moral...


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Currently, we can observe a significant increase in the disappointment of the world population about education, which raised doubts about the current school system and resulted in a forced increase of interest in an education reconstruction. The investigation process of this research based itself in the qualitative exploratory approach, since it allows the interpretation of the reality of the investigated environment, and it is concern about the process and not the quantification of data. Five professionals who work for the prefecture in the city of Bauru participated in this study and they graduated in the third module of the continuing education of the department of physical education from UNESP/Bauru, which occur in the second semester of 2010. The purpose of the present study was to identify the reasons why teachers who work for the prefecture in the city of Bauru look for the continuing education in physical education and explore their expectations and perception about the course. Considering the analysis presented in this study, we can observe that the search for continuing education based itself in issues such as: the confusion that exists between theory and practice, where the teachers exemplifies that, after their initial education, theory was not consistent with the real needs of their pedagogical practice; the entry of students younger and younger in the infant and fundamental education; the search for contents that answer the needs of psychomotor development of children between 2 and 5 years old and, at the same time, contents for the inclusion of children with special needs; as well as political pedagogical issues. Even though the reasons presented in this research for the teachers to justify the search for the continuing education in physical education were of distinct natures, at the end we observed that the teachers had their expectations fulfilled, demonstrating that the course of continuing education can be a space of dialog...


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From a bibliographical study, the objective is the study of children's literature and its contributions in the lives of pre-readers, especially from zero to three years. This course of completion of work includes Children's Literature and Visual Arts, addressing the relationship between the illustration and children's books, indicating the importance of their contact from the first years of life, and how much contribute to the emotional, cognitive and child's learning, also helping to solve problems they will face throughout life, awakening the imagination and creativity, necessary factors in the child's education. By reading the stories, by adults, children are immersed in an imaginary world which stimulates the drawing, the music, to leave, thinking, imagining, playing, seeing the book and write, so the allies books Early Childhood Education will help the child, making it capable person, critical and interested in learning. In addition to attracting and marvel children, illustrations and graphic design aroused the interest in books and reading, inspiring the imagination and creation, therefore, the books submitted for babies should be made of materials that are suitable for their age group therefore more resistant and attractive, containing attributes for the development of motor and sensory skills of babies and children


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Obesity is defined as excess body fat. It is considered today a serious public health problem and has reached high proportions in childhood and adolescence. Among factors highlight the lifestyle, poor diet and little physical activity for their development. Childhood obesity is not treated can become permanent in adulthood increases the risk of several diseases such as cardiovascular, metabolic and other disorders such as depression, low self-esteem among others. It's extreme need multidisciplinary intervention to prevent it, with guidelines on healthy eating habits and regular physical activity. Treatment is necessary in a multidisciplinary team of doctors, nutritionists, physical educators, psychologists and family that has a decisive weight in the treatment of obese children. The media could give more space for the disclosure of childhood obesity, so that the population is aware of this epidemic in a more serious understand its risks and health effects. This bibliographic study has character and aims to seek the causes of obesity, its consequences in adulthood and possible forms of intervention