319 resultados para Elementary school teaching


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This paper emerged from a reflection on the troubles afflicting and shocked teachers, especially early in his career, among which stands out both in studies and in reports propagated by the teachers themselves: the violence manifested in and out of classrooms. Given this finding and the obvious need for overcoming beyond ephemeral measures, this research outlines two equally important goals: a) incite the discussion of violence at the time of initial teacher training as well as the emergence of new studies concerning this subject in academic research and b) transgress the tradition of research that consists in recommending prescriptions to be applied about how banning school violence, disregarding the peculiarities of each context. These objectives are derived from following question: which strategies are developed in undergraduate courses that aim to preparing of future teachers to deal with the phenomenon of violence in elementary school? Intending to answer this question and, therefore, contemplate the objectives outlined we opted for specialized bibliographic material analysis, systematically selected as the method. As a main result, it was found that the discussion of the theme of school violence in the initial teacher training is something still scarce in practice and incipient in the sphere of research. Therefore, we emphasize the importance of strengthening of this discussion so that when they get into career teaching, future teachers feel adequately subsidized up to face the everyday challenges that may manifest over the profession.


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This article aims to show the interdependence between teaching practice and the construction of body hexis of Physical Education teachers and its consequences at schools. It can be observed by the social workers that teach it in a elementary school in the city of Araraquara- -SP. It was established, as basic assumption of this issue, that the social construction of body hexis of Physical Education teachers is a process in constant evolution, because it is the result of the life story with interventions from the social context in which the learner lives. The hexis is the dimension that allows the internalization of the consequences of social practices, and also its body exteriorization, through the way of speaking, gesturing, looking, walking, head posture, faces, ways of sitting, to handle instruments, more and more associated with the voice sound of social workers. Children are particularly attentive, in all societies, to these gestures and postures in which they express themselves in their eyes, anything that features an adult. Finally, it understands the importance of the body hexis in the learning process specifically in school physical education. This practice will incite important behavioral changes in their residence within the school and possibly in a higher education.


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Action-research conducted in a a Brazilian public elementary school. Using the tools provided by Meirieu, the point was to offer teachers the possibility of improving their perception of their own knowledge and practice. The process consisted in filming classes and watching the films together for reflexive interaction. When given the chance to look at themselves, their practice and their students, the teachers started to do build a new perspective of the learning process and to deconstruct certain truths regarding their interventions, which brought in new outlooks, new discourse and new practices.


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This article aims to show the interdependence between teaching practice and the construction of body hexis of Physical Education teachers and its consequences at schools. It can be observed by the social workers that teach it in a elementary school in the city of Araraquara- -SP. It was established, as basic assumption of this issue, that the social construction of body hexis of Physical Education teachers is a process in constant evolution, because it is the result of the life story with interventions from the social context in which the learner lives. The hexis is the dimension that allows the internalization of the consequences of social practices, and also its body exteriorization, through the way of speaking, gesturing, looking, walking, head posture, faces, ways of sitting, to handle instruments, more and more associated with the voice sound of social workers. Children are particularly attentive, in all societies, to these gestures and postures in which they express themselves in their eyes, anything that features an adult. Finally, it understands the importance of the body hexis in the learning process specifically in school physical education. This practice will incite important behavioral changes in their residence within the school and possibly in a higher education.


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This study compares two educational practices: the Rural School method (Escola do Campo) and the SESI teaching method, suggesting that the latter one is inefficient when applied to rural schools, as illustrated with a case study of a rural school that was obliged to adopt this method in 2012. The epistemological basis of a dialogical pedagogy for rural education has been used in order to criticize the practices of a method whose origins in the industrial ideology and in consumerism promotes a true cultural invasion, according to Paulo Freire, hindering the students' dialogues with respect to the ways of life in rural areas and in towns – an interaction that assured school performance in the previous educational system, which has been arbitrarily discontinued by the political power. Different surveys were used in this study for both compared cases, specially dissertations that have evaluated the Rural School project (Projeto Escola do Campo), adopted in Araraquara in 2004, a dissertation about the SESI teaching method that has discussed its new didactic material and, also, an evaluation of the contents of a representative sample of textbooks of History, Geography, Sciences and Mathematics for the 6th grade of elementary school. It is a theoretical text, not an essay, considering that it is based on concrete situations, which were explained using researches on the implicit themes and summarizes the analytical procedures that have allowed to unveil, in the textbooks prepared by SESI, the stimulus and the valorization of consumerism, without any criticism and environment concerns.


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Teaching foreign languages, especially English, has been highly valued and widespread in Brazil in recent decades; so many schools now offer it from the earliest grades of Elementary school or already in kindergarten. This fact can be observed mainly through the spread of bilingual schools and private ones in which individuals begin language instruction as earlier as possible. In this article we report the experience developed in the project “Oficina de Inglês para crianças”, conducted at a Child Care Unit in São Carlos Federal University (UFSCar), and that had counted with the use of various pedagogical materials with the goal of providing a first contact of children with the English Language through a fun and enjoyable way.


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Literature is a treasure for humanity and for the school. It causes psychological function of the individual, inserts it in the context of various cultures and historic moments, and, by having formative nature, School and Literature are intrinsecally related institutions. But literature is not the end of the first teaching, while the school has the purpose of teaching literature. Literature is not a source of good leads standards; have to be educated without this process to misrepresent. Thus, it was estalished is to investigate the inadequacy of schooling of Children's Literature pointed out by Soares in 2006, is still reality that becomes present in school or if there was any change in that status. Specific objectives were established: 1)Scanning separately in each of the books education system, from first to fifth grade of elementary school, according to the following categories involving education of literary reading: selection of genres and authors; presentation of these genres and no change from one genre to another; 2)analyze the way children's literature is presented by note-books analyzed education system develop the sensitivity of the student for pluris-signification and expressiveness of literary language, while fulfilling its social function and knowledge; 3)review the comprehension activities of literary reading proposed by notebooks to seize their educational goals. Therefore, we carried out basic theoretical research, demonstrating the functions of literature and the teaching of literature in school, and documentary research. Were analyzed 20 documents (the system apostilled notebooks), paying attention to classwork it to him of genres, authors and works chosen to be worked out, observing the cases of texts fragmentation and transport the genre to the page of the notebook system apostilled, and investigating the goals of literary reading instruction through the analysis of comprehension activities. The data received quantitative...


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This study aimed to analyze the limits and possibilities of a didactic sequence, addressing the concept of proportionality in the learning of students in 5th year of elementary school. From the results of the Diagnostic Assessment Initial applied to students in a class of 5th grade of elementary school, we selected eight (8) students who participated in the constituent activities of that instructional sequence. For the development of this sequence were used theoretical elements of Genetic Epistemology (Piaget, 1990), the theory of fields of Conceptual Vergnaud (1996) and the definition of instructional sequence proposed by Zabala (1998). Finally, after 20 days of application of these activities, we applied the Diagnostic Assessment Final aimed at investigating which concepts related to proportionality were built by the participating students. By analyzing the collected data, it can be concluded the following about the possibilities of teaching sequence: 1) students who, in Diagnostica Home Assessment used the multiplication algorithm, but also did not indicate the comparison between quantities are now performing; 2) students who, in the Diagnostic Assessment Initial, used the addition algorithm, now gradually are using the multiplication algorithm; 3)students who, in the Diagnostic Assessment Initial, could not solve problems involving the idea of proportionality, are now resolving, however, still use, in large part, the addition operation as a strategy for this proportional thinking. Now, in relation to the limits of the sequence noted: 1)time sufficient to propose a higher number of problem conditions to be carried by students who may have been a trigger of construction have not through the proportional multiplication;2)the distant proposition situations of assimilation schemes (interpretation) of the students, which may have caused certain imbalance in them, preventing them from thinking about the problem situation;3)the rapid passage of...


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In order to ensure the teaching and learning process of written and spoken language, the state government of São Paulo established as the official curriculum Read and Write Program (2007) and EMAI (2012). In municipal elementary schools in Bauru SP, since 2013, went into action the Common curriculum, targeting a unified curriculum. The curriculum has a wide range of definitions, which vary according to the conception of the authors, as well as its practice can occur of different ways resulting from the worldview and teacher's work. So, this study aimed to analyze the relationship between the curriculum of state and municipal schools in Bauru regarding its articulation with the use of technology in the early years of elementary school, opposing proposal curriculum and teaching practice. For this, was necessary check the view of teachers on this process, because they are responsible for putting the curriculum in action and link it with the use of technology. Several authors report that the use of technology in education to provide qualitative advances in school learning, thereby we asked whether there is a joint in the daily life of state and municipal schools, through the existing curriculum. To answer these and other questions in this work, we realized a qualitative empirical research base that used as an instrument of data collection: literature review, documentary, interview and questionnaire with nine teachers from public schools in the city Bauru, on which we identified that there curricular flexibility to articulate the use of technologies. However, there are also many challenges and opportunities related to public policies and training of teachers to cope with the demands of the digital age


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This work was to study how the playful approach occurs in schools in the cycle of Fundamental Education. Know childhood representations from the rise till the present, the importance of playfulness in the formation and development of the child, also investigated the role of schools in the contribution to the process of human development, in view of the process through which pass the grown up most children of the age group studied. The methodology consisted of bibliographical and documentary research on related topics and field research with participant observation with children six years old in the first year of elementary school and conducting semi-structured interviews with teachers of a public school in the city of Bauru. Also analyzes the concepts of teachers on the playful using semi-open interview as the initial resource. We found that 40% of participants are unaware of such term and work with the playful from time to time in the classroom. The introduction of recreational activities in school had a satisfactory repercussion with the entry of other classes in the course of project development. Students were involved, participated in the whole process. However for the playful become effective in school, there must be enough basic training and also continuous education to teachers to break with paradigms crystallized in their teaching practices. Also and above all that, public policies have to consider the children and the children before they become adults as beings with their own identity


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The theme of African-Brazilian culture is still little explored in the school environment, in spite of the 10.639/03 law which prescribes its mandatory teaching as well as that of African-Brazilian history and African culture in all schools, public and private, from the Elementary School level to High School. Moreover, this law emphasizes the importance that these cultures had in the formation of Brazilian society. Considering this issue, this paper aims to analyze the work Três anjos mulatos do Brasil (2011), by Rui de Oliveira, which brings together three sensitive and touching biographies, followed by beautiful and artistic pictures. hese narratives address the genius of three great artists –Aleijadinho, Mestre Valentim and Father José Maurício–, their styles, their creations and struggle for recognition, as well as the sufering they experienced, primarily caused by racial discrimination. Also, we intend to present in this text a suggested pedagogical use of the work by Oliveira, by applying the “Recepcional” method, as it was deined by Bordini and Aguiar (1993).


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This study aims to investigate the design of elementary school teachers on the use of concept maps as way to organize, assess and facilitate student learning and see how many use them in their practice. For the study, literature search were made, seeking theoretical and methodological and descriptive field research with a questionnaire to teachers from six public schools of the early years of elementary school in the city of Bauru, closed questions with multiple choice to gather information about teacher’s knowledge about the subject.


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This study describes how adult and teacher-centered rationale, which has been ruling school relations for a long time, might be a threat to didactics and its methodologies, especially when it comes to teaching and learning package. The theoretical framework of this study is based on Dewey and Peirce pragmatic views, founding the languages analysis, which are interwoven in the content design. Some tasks from a 4th grade elementary school package sold nationally, related to Geography and Mathematics subjects were examined. It is possible to assert that the child real life learning experiences was poorly considered, which partly explains the lack of interest of most children in pedagogical-scientific discourses as they are presented on their books. As a possible answer regarding that issue, the encounter between teacher and learner subjectivities is proposed.


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This paper presents an alternative way of working with the theme of symmetry in the elementary school classroom. The proposal is based on qualitative research developed in the Professional Masters degree program in Science and Mathematics Teaching. We conducted field-work consisting of applying a sequence of activities for students in the seventh grade. The sequence was developed from the perspective of mathematics teaching using problem solving, taking into consideration aspects relevant to the study of geometry, such as intuition and visualization. In carrying out the activities, the dialogues between students and teacher were recorded and later transcribed. For data analysis we used the procedures of phenomenology. When interpreting the data, we observed that the teaching of symmetry using problem-solving enhances learning. We also found that, in an investigative environment, students are able to identify properties, argue about the geometric characteristics, and justify their opinions.