282 resultados para Design de comunicação e novos media
Not intending to exhaust the subject, we will attempt to show the issue status in the construction of the History of Mass Media. An initial literature review, in order to identify works relating to the subject, shows us how this issue has gone unnoticed in Academy. Expert authors in the history of every media outlet (newspaper, radio, television, movies, and more recently, internet) have been rising, but few have faced the challenge of building a History of Media. There are many reasons to justify this. It comes from the fact it is a young science, in construction, to the absence of a clear definition regarding the subject matter, sources, and methods of their own area of expertise. After all, journalism and film, for example, can be inserted in the same methodological procedure?
The questions arise about the teaching and practice of the methodology of communication research. The aim is to reflect on the possibility of building research projects and develop research and scientific production in the area of social communication at the graduate level, articulating the epistemological interfaces, methodical, theoretical and methodological techniques for design of empirical research in communication, developed by Lopes (2010), adapting it to the Spiral model of knowledge creation, developed by Takeuchi and Nonaka (2008), to support the learning of the methodological procedures that involve scientific research in communication.
Cultural events are changing significantly since the arrival of Web 2.0, where the company now has the ability to interact with the content available on the Internet, and also produce their own channels of media content. Among the existing manifestations, stands out by a bias folk-communicational, content production Comics, which consists in the narrative reconstruction of existing audiovisual products, making the author of the new work in an agent folkcommunicational. This article presents new perspectives on the issue, proposing a new reading of the mediations folk-communicational from transmedia storytelling.
This dissertation shows a new tool in the process of producing specialized printed media: desktop publishing. Because it is an important tool to this communication media, the visualization of its evolutionary journey began in the pre-history of informative vehicle, advancing to the informatics society. And it was just in this last social stage that desktop publishing legitimated its function, resulting in impacts on the production of these media and conditioned new styles. At the presentation of this new post-industrial society, a change of work and leisure sphere was verified, whose fusion is present and in this iteration, desktop publishing arose at home, in the little bureau. In this journey, desktop publishing became an object of reflection because of its conditioning aspects that fostered moments of observation in relation to a possible threat to creativity, thanks to its facilities and clichés. On the other hand, different positive aspects of desktop were also shown, at the same time, its conditioning aspects resulting into a restudy of its execution in different printed medias, showing its effects and sharing points of view. So, new styles and an editorial way of production were seen as well. Add to this aspect, desktop publishing – in general meanings – the informatization of magazine offices – has been producing dismissing of journalists, which is another important aspect in the presenting dissertation.
Introdução: O Laboratório de Design Solidário (Labsol) é um projeto de extensão criado em 2007 que tem como objetivo aperfeiçoar e revitalizar objetos artesanais e arranjos produtivos locais, baseando suas atividades no tripé conceitual: ecodesign, sustentabilidade e economia solidária. O LabSol visita grupos de artesãos, analisa seus produtos, métodos de produção e matérias primas e a partir daí, cria-se projetos e protótipos. O Laboratório conta com a atuação de alunos de Relações Públicas desde 2009 e estes têm como função promover ações de/para aprimoramento da comunicação interna e externa, além da parte burocrática e análise de propostas e projetos. No ano de 2011, ocorreram quatro exposições de produtos feitos pelo LabSol. Em cada uma destas exposições, o papel do profissional de RP foi fundamental, pois avaliou os convites, verificou a abrangência de cada público, a relação entre o projeto e os eventos, e tornou possível a sua efetiva realização. Objetivos: O estudo tem como objetivo analisar a validade e o alcance das exposições do Labsol no primeiro semestre de 2011. As exposições ocorreram no evento “Ecorreto” em 07 e 08 de maio; no Festival da Rádio UNESP em 26 de maio; no projeto “Perspectiva” – projeto de extensão da UNESP – em 01 de junho; e na XII Semana do Meio Ambiente de Bauru no Horto Florestal da cidade em 05 de junho. Métodos: As exposições aconteceram por meio de convite dos organizadores dos eventos e se deram através da exibição dos produtos, criados para os grupos de artesões, em pedestais individuais ou em mesas com produtos e cartazes explicativos. A análise será baseada no número de expectadores de cada evento e no interesse do público em relação ao projeto e aos produtos. Resultados: O público de interação em cada evento variou em numero de expectadores. O Festival da Rádio UNESP, contou com uma média de mil e duzentos; a Semana Integrada do Meio Ambiente, cento e cinqüenta; o “Ecorreto”, quinhentos expectadores (durante a exposição e através do site, onde estão fotos e informações sobre o evento); e o Projeto Perspectiva, realizado na cantina da Faculdade de Engenharia da Unesp, não foi mensurado, porém, alcança principalmente os alunos de período vespertino e noturno dos quatro cursos desta faculdade por ser espaço de fluxo constante de alunos. Cada uma destas exposições foi acompanhada pelos RPs. Durante as exposições, diversas pessoas se interessaram pelo trabalho e, conseqüentemente, perguntaram sobre o Laboratório, demonstrando grande interesse. Acredita-se que por meio destes interessados, a informação sobre o trabalho é multiplicada e, portanto, o conhecimento sobre o projeto alcança maior amplitude. Divulgando não apenas o projeto, mas principalmente o tripé conceitual sobre o qual se apoia.
Introdução: Na sociedade contemporânea costuma-se associar Design ao consumo de luxo, entretanto o design encontra-se aplicado a todos os objetos, do automóvel ao clips, todavia o Design parece estar sempre atrelado à sociedade de consumo, à indústria a serviço do capital e das relações de subordinação e expropriação a ele atrelado. Assim faz-se necessário despertar no aluno do curso de Design a possibilidade da aplicação de seu conhecimento a serviço de uma sociedade mais democrática e solidária, de não apenas produzir a serviço do capital, mas pensar de forma mais abrangente, considerando o bem comum. Objetivos: O Labsol, desde 2007, procura: Otimizar, revitalizar e qualificar a produção artesanal através dos conceitos de ecodesign, sustentabilidade e economia solidária, tendo em vista a auto sustentabilidade das comunidades produtoras. Desenvolver projetos e ações que promovam encontros entre o Design e o patrimônio cultural do artesanato. Preocupar-se com a qualificação do produto artesanal e sua inserção no mercado, tendo em vista a auto sustentabilidade das comunidades produtoras. Métodos: A formação dos integrantes do LabSol é continua e baseada em três conceitos fundamentais: sustentabilidade, economia solidária e eco design. As ações se dão a partir do convite de uma comunidade de artesãos na perspectiva da qualificação estética ou produtiva de seus trabalhos e a melhoria da geração de renda. Utiliza-se o método empírico, de caráter prático, através de estudo de caso. Em uma visita aprende-se métodos e técnicas utilizados pela comunidade, e de volta à sede, faz-se revisão bibliográfica e utiliza-se a metodologia do projeto em design para melhoria das técnicas produção, o redesenho de produtos e a geração de novos objetos de design. Construídos modelos e protótipos e avaliado seu potencial de comercialização são submetidos a aprovação da comuni-dade através de oficinas. O diferencial no trabalho do LabSol se dá na maneira que os projetos são entregues aos grupos. Entende-se todo o processo como um aprendizado de mão dupla, da troca de saberes, onde os membros do laboratório aprendem da comunidade dados de sua cultura e de seus modos de fazer, em contrapartida novos produtos são levados de volta a comunidade, entendidos como mais um dado cultural posto a disposição da comunidade podendo ou não ser por ela incorporado. Resultados: Com mais de 20 grupos atendidos, e centenas de produtos de eco design, as ações o LabSol resultam na pesquisa de eco design, materiais, técnicas, métodos e de novas tecnologias sociais, gerando um número significativo de publicações e exposições de divulgação. Tem recebido graduandos de relações públicas e engenharia de produção, a junção de saberes tem permitido um aprimoramento na qualidade de atendimento ás comunidades.
Produce radio advertisements to convey social UNESP FM Radio. This is the purpose of “Agência PropagAção”, extension project of the Faculty of Arts, Architecture and Communication Unesp, Bauru, SP, composed of 15 students of Communication and Design, coordinated by the teacher responsible. This extension project, however, over the four years of operation, has evolved from a manufacturing space of advertisements for a creative environment where teaching and learning are associated with teaching, research and extension. In this group, converge knowledge from different areas of social communication, resulting in scientific research initiation, completion of course work and professional practice with the provision of community services. Organized as an advertising agency, teachers and students experience education tutorial, extracurricular, adding, as a collective, integrated and interdisciplinary knowledge for the training of professionals with technical expertise, scientific, technological and academic.
Grandes mudanças de ordem tecnológica e social colaboraram para a transformação na forma de comunicação do homem ao longo da história, que compartilha informações e transforma conceitos através de novos meios e novas narrativas, construindo e reconstruindo informações. O compartilhamento desses novos conteúdos vem colaborar na divulgação de diversidades culturais e regionais de todo o país fazendo jus a um dos objetivos da televisão digital que é a democratização da informação e do conhecimento.
This research has as its main reference, the need to detect the development initiatives by public higher education, concepts, methods and teaching and pedagogical tools and to investigate the ability to transfer knowledge and practices of teaching and learning produced for other levels education. The task of providing appropriate training of teachers of basic education to university education is a vital political and administrative demands for a large country, which needs to adequately educate its people, so he can face in the right conditions, the huge and complex demands of regional and national development. The research presented here, aims to gauge the extent and adequacy of current media and information as tools for teaching and pedagogical transfer the knowledge and practices of teaching and learning as a tool for updating and also for training or non-presence blended Primary School Teacher Education. From the established goals will be carried out research, conceptual and field, to analyze and evaluate some educational practices and resulting forms of communication and also to assess the effects brought about by replacing the linear communication model and the model of unilateral to multilateral communication networks on digital models, and practices of schooling. The results obtained from both theoretical and practical will be on the selection of concepts, content production, methodologies and resources run by different "means" integrated with the cultural, economic and social development, both locally, regionally or nationally. The strategic aim will be to expand from the analysis, production and dissemination of concepts, methods and tools made by teachers of Basic Education and Higher Education, teaching and pedagogical possibilities of media and digital devices that are emerging as the derivation of network communication.
Technological innovations associated with the media made changes in the production, transmission and reception of mediatic messages. Among them, we highlight the convergence of media, and the consequent multimediality and the emergence of new possibilities of interactivity, allowing the audience to become increasingly active. But for that to happen properly, it is necessary to promote actions aimed to critical and creative use of media. Thus, this paper aims to refl ect on the need for literacy initiatives for the formation of publics, aiming what is considered a productive interactivity.
The media received from Brazilian Constitution an extensive regulatory role, however, despite the constitutional requirement, until these days, over twenty years after its promulgation, the Brazilian Congress hasn’t regulated all constitutional rules for the sector. In addition, some rules related to the media that were produced before and after the Constitution were expurgated by Brazilian Supreme Court decisions. This text is part of ongoing research that aims to present the constitutional regulation of the media and the development/implementation of these legal standards through decisions of the Supreme Court.
Scientific research has shown remarkable advances in the formulation of criteria for assessing the quality of journalism practiced in the commercial media and public broadcasting, comprising aspects such as management models, business principles, parameters to the assessment of results and exercise of social responsibility. However, there are fewer investigations on the practice of journalism in digital public communication formats explored by government web portals. The contribution of this paper lies in a proposal of elements for the construction of parameters for evaluating the quality of journalism in the digital public communication. The proposal is inspired by criteria for evaluating the quality of commercial media and public broadcasting and suggests means for its application in the journalism practiced in the context of government web portals.
Information and communication technologies (ICT) pervade the daily lives of people affecting relations and social subsystems. Education is not unrelated to this process and in this scenario the distance education (EaD). Considering as a starting point the information society and its characteristics, the objective of this paper was to analyze the relationship between the new information and communication technologies, teaching and learning in the virtual classroom, seeking to understand what is the design of teaching and learning inherent in the current generation of EaD. Thus, by means of analytical, descriptive and exploratory research, bibliographic and qualitative approach oriented, it was concluded that ICT has a very important role in the context of EaD, allowing the creation of interactive virtual learning environments that enable communication between teachers, tutors and students, making possible the Exchange and sharing of key information on the teaching and learning process.
The paper analyzes the regulatory framework for the Media in Brazil in the Federal Constitution and the nexus between democratization and constitutional process, interpreting relevant actors (government, political parties, civil society) and figured as the themes of communication and institutional political agenda. The obstacles to the regulation of many of the statements remain constitutional (right of communication; seal monopolies / oligopolies; regionalization of cultural production; nationalist character in control of broadcasting; compatibility between segments state, public and commercial; Social Communication Council), that replaces debate on the very principle of the right to communication regulation by analyzing the corresponding decisionmaking processes. This conflictual agenda-setting involves multiple interests, from strictly commercial aspirations of companies operating in this market, going by the increasing share of religious institutions who also want to expand upon practices of proselytizing until the interests of policy makers who also have control over a slice of that business.