256 resultados para Dengue nas regiões do Brasil
Objective: to describe the profile of non-fatal cases related to interpersonal violence treated in an emergency care unit of reference that serves seven municipalities of the state of São Paulo, Brazil, from 2008 to 2010. Methods: the study data came from the cases reported from the Epidemiological Vigilance in Penápolis-SP to the Brazilian Information System for Notifiable Diseases; variables were shown according to the Notification/Investigation Individual Formulary of Domestic, Sexual, and/or other Types of Violences. Results: 109 occurrences were studied; most of the victims were young and female (93.6%); and the aggressors, mostly were men (57.8%), partners or relatives/acquaintances of victims. Physical violence was the main form of aggression (93.6%), principally in the home (67.9%), on Sunday (16.5%), between 6:01pm and 12:00pm (57.8%). Conclusion: the cases reported had a consistent profile of domestic family violence against women, different from other studies about interpersonal violence in large cities and metropolitan regions
The implement of Specialized’s Dentistry Centers in Brazil is, on present-day, one of the prime faces of Oral Health Brazilian Political, of which is to amplify and to qualify the specialized’s dentistry services proffer. The aim of this study, done with indirect dates, was to analyze the implantation and geographical distribution of these Centers in Brazil and try to make a relationship between this information and social and oral health factors. The results obtained showed the presence of 339 Centers already implanted in Brazil, homogeneously allocated in 283 cities, by a total of 5.560 brazilian cities, presented in the five Greater Regions. The most of the Centers were presented in large load cities. The data showed Southeast, Central West and Northeast regions with the major percentage of cities carrying Specialized’s Dentistry Centers (7,6%; 6,5%; 6,1%, respectively), while North and South regions present the minor covering taxes (4,0% and 4,5%, respectively). Relation to population’s social and buccal needs, North and Northeast Regions have the most adverse conditions, on the contrary to South, Southeast and Central West Regions who show the best one. Although the finded results were not so expressive, reflecting the brazilian geographical and populational characteristics and the essential development of specialized dentistry services, this initiative presents a real progress over the reorganization of dentistry’s practice.
The objective was to map the prevalence of nutritional disorders in children attending the 1st to 4th grade of 12 public elementary schools located in the 5 administrative regions of Piracicaba, SP, each with its own socioeconomic profi le, from 2003 to 2006. A total of 16,068 children, divided into 8,133 (50.6%) girls and 7,935 (49.4%) boys, aged 7 to 11 years, were weighed and measured. Their nutritional status indicators heightfor-age (H/A), weight-for-age (W/A), and body mass index-for-age (BMI/A) were compared with those of the NCHS/CDC 2000 reference population and classifi ed according to the z-score cut-off points recommended by the World Health Organization. During that period, the Western Region, which has the lowest socioeconomic indicators, had the lowest z-score medians of the three anthropometric indicators assessed (p<0.0001) and was the only region to have a higher-than-expected stunting prevalence (3.0% with Z < -2). Excess weight prevalence was higher than expected in all regions. The Central Region, which has the highest socioeconomic indicators, had the highest excess weight prevalence (6.0% with Z > 2). Time had a positive effect on the stunted children, reducing the stunting rates in the regions with the lowest socioeconomic indicators. In conclusion, the three nutritional status indicators showed results suitable to the social and economic characteristics of each region. Although nutritional disorders have particular characteristics, they are a problem to the entire population.
The organization and dynamics of the energetic-sugarcane sector in Brazil have suffered the impacts of the “deregulation” process that took place in the 1990s, since when it is no longer monitored by the State. In this scenario, the agribusiness enterprises, in order to survive, act over production, marketing and management of their activities, among others areas, demanding financial investments. The credit lines offered by BNDES (National Bank for Economic and Social Development) are one of the factors that enable the implementation of these actions. In this context, the aim of this study is to assess the connections between BNDES's outlays for the sugarcane sector in Brazil from 2001 to 2008, and the activities of this sector, according to the federation unity and the region in the country. The work is based on: i) literature review and ii) secondary selected data collection aimed at the composition of data series. The organization and analysis of data indicates that the largest amount of money is destined to the south-central region, specifically the state of São Paulo. This is the only state that receives almost all types of financings, an equivalent to 68% of the receptions in the period. The concentration of BNDES's outlays in the south-central region may be linked to the dominance of the sector in this region, either in terms of harvested area, amount of production, employment contracts or number of enterprises.
Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE
Pós-graduação em Doenças Tropicais - FMB
The objective of this study was to simulate the potential stem and sugar yield of sugar cane (Saccharum officinarum L.) in the Northeastern Brazil (Petrolina-PE and Teresina-PI) and analyze 4 varieties in different planting seasons in two environments: irrigated and rainfed cultivars. The model of simulation was DSSAT/CANEGRO (Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer) and the four sugar cane varieties were as follows: RB86 7515, CTC 4, CTC 7 and CTC 20 (all in 1.5 year cycle). Analysis of variance was performed on the results and means were compared using the Tukey test with probability level at 5%. March is the recommended month for planting in Teresina, PI. In Petrolina, PE, rainfed planting is not advisable because of the extended water deficit all year long. In an irrigated environment, no difference was found concerning stem yield as a function of planting season, for all varieties in the study regions. The stem and sugar yields were always higher in irrigated environment as compared with those in rainfed environment in all municipalities and study varieties. The simulation model provided good estimate of stem and sugar yields as compared with experimental data in Teresina, PI.
Many people who live in the cerrado regions use plant species for therapeutic purposes. However, due to intensive extraction of some species, native botanical populations are at risk of disappearing or suffering a dramatic decrease, such as, for instance, individuals of the Lychnophora genus. This has 24 species distributed into the categories vulnerable, endangered, critically endangered, and possibly extinct. These individuals are known in folk medicine as “arnica” and their leaves and flowers are commonly used as anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and healing agents. The chemical profile of the genus is characterized by the presence of sesquiterpene lactones, sesquiterpenes, diterpenes, triterpenes, flavonoids, steroids, polyacetylenes, and caryophyllene derivatives which also have lignans with analgesic activity. Studies with Lychnophora species show significant results with regard to their biological activities against Leishmania amazonensis, Staphylococcus aureus, and Tripanosoma cruzi. Therefore, this study aimed to perform a survey of the morphology, chemical composition, and biological activity, as well as the use and current conservation status of the Lychnophora genus in Brazil.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
In the past few years, the Brazilian oil and gas sector had a considered growth, gaining enough relevance at international level, and being extremely important for the Brazilian socioeconomic development. However, the sector is still limited due to technical deficiencies. This work aims to conduct a current study, comprehending the entire oil chain, since it is possible to mention the Brazilian market updates on this context. To support this study, the historical development of the Brazilian petroleum industry was presented and the main stages of the production process were exposed with an emphasis on exploration and production phases. The new technologies developed for deepwater extractions, such as the pre-salt regions, were also discussed and, in the end, the relation of this growing market with the opportunities of the Human Resources Program of n. 48 was highlighted. This program identifies the market's actual needs and it's scarce's areas with the purpose of building capacity and qualified workforces, since it is also aimed, in a national level, a self-sufficient human resources for the sector
Pós-graduação em Patologia - FMB
Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE