260 resultados para Congelação de sêmen


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O estresse oxidativo é um dos fatores mais importantes na diminuição da qualidade do sêmen, pois leva a perda da integridade da membrana dos espermatozóides e de danos estruturais ao DNA através da cascata de lipoperoxidação. Os danos funcionais relacionados ao estresse oxidativo como a diminuição da motilidade e da viabilidade do espermatozóide são algumas das principais causas de infertilidade masculina. Ainda, os lipídios que compõe a membrana plasmática são macromoléculas que, além de estarem envolvidas em complexos sistemas biológicos e processos metabólicos da célula, são altamente susceptíveis ao processo de lipoperoxidação desencadeado pelo estresse oxidativo. Neste contexto, este projeto propôs o estudo das alterações no perfil lipídico do plasma seminal que pudessem estar relacionadas ao estresse oxidativo e posterior comparação destes perfis em busca de biomarcadores de infertilidade. Para isso, foram coletadas amostras de sêmen de 116 pacientes que procuraram o setor de Reprodução Humana da Universidade Federal de São Paulo. Estas amostras foram submetidas a técnica de TBARS para quantificação dos produtos finais do estresse oxidativo e separação dos grupos, e em seguida, ao protocolo de extração de lipídios para obtenção dos espectros de massa através da técnica de MALDI (Matrix Assisted Laser Disorption Ionization). Com esta análise foi possível a identificação de 31 lipídeos super representados nos diferentes grupos e que, futuramente, poderão vir a ser utilizados na avaliação da qualidade seminal


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The success in implementing an embryo transfer program derives from many factors. The embryo recovery rate is one of the most important factors, and allows the transfer to the recipient mare. This rate comes from a group of elements such as donor´s characteristics, collection date, reproductive management, semen quality, technician skill. Mainly because of the great importance of this direct interference on the results of an embryo recovery program, this study aimed to review the factors involved in embryo recovery rates in donor mares during an embryo transfer, suggesting some ways of improving these results


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O DNA existe por um único motivo – criar mais DNA. Em cada célula do nosso organismo, o filamento estendido de DNA chega a ter cerca de 2 metros. Se você imaginar que em nosso corpo há perto de 10 trilhões de células, você terá uma ideia da enormidade de DNA que nós possuímos. Assim, se todo o seu DNA fosse emendado em um único filamento, seria tão comprido que se estenderia da Terra à Lua, ida e volta, várias vezes. Pudera, você é proprietário de 20 milhões de quilômetros de DNA. Seu corpo, em suma, é uma máquina de produzir DNA e sem ele você não conseguiria viver. Mas o próprio DNA, apesar de ser considerado “a base da vida”, não está vivo. Ao contrário de qualquer outra molécula, ele é, por assim dizer, “inanimado”. Não é reativo e quimicamente inerte. Por essas razões, pode ser recuperado de restos de sangue, de sêmen, ou de pele secos há muito tempo – milhares de anos, até.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Zoologia) - IBB


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As técnicas de reprodução assistida utilizadas para os equinos estão em grande desenvolvimento, mesmo com a escassa disponibilidade de ovários de abatedouro para serem feitos estudos e a relação animal/indivíduo entrando, neste caso, a política do bem estar animal e outros fatores que serão discutidos ao longo desta revisão. Podemos afirmar que a técnica de ICSI promove resultados favoráveis à evolução da reprodução assistida, juntamente com outras técnicas, as quais muitas vezes são utilizadas para aprimorar o desenvolvimento e a produção de embriões, não mais necessitando do animal em si e sim de novas técnicas em produção in vitro. Oócito equino tolera o estresse de injeção mecânica de espermatozoides no ooplasma, ou seja, há grande viabilidade da técnica em discussão. O sêmen de baixa qualidade ou com baixo número de espermatozóides pode ser utilizado, seguramente na ICSI, o método pode ser uma ferramenta para avaliar a maturação citoplasmática ou mesmo para substituir outras técnicas já descritas em literatura, mas que não alcançaram a eficiência esperada


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The routine semen evaluation assessing sperm concentration, motility and morphology, does not identify subtle defects in sperm chromatin architecture. Bulls appear to have stable chromatin, with low levels of DNA fragmentation. However, the nature of fragmentation and its impact on fertility remain unclear and there are no detailed reports characterizing the DNA organization and damage in this species. The intensive genetic selection, the use of artificial insemination and in vitro embryo production associated to the cryopreservation process can contribute to the chromatin damage and highlights the importance of sperm DNA integrity for the success of these technologies. Frozen-thawed semen samples from three ejaculates from a Nellore bull showed high levels of morphological sperm abnormalities (55.8±5.1%), and were selected for complementary tests. Damage of acrosomal (76.9±8.9%) and plasma membranes (75.7±9.3%) as well as sperm DNA strand breaks (13.8±9.5%) and protamination deficiency (3.7±0.6%) were significantly higher compared to the values measured in the semen of five Nellore bulls with normospermia (24.3±3.3%; 24.5±6.1%; 0.6±0.5%; 0.4±0.6% for acrosome, plasma membrane, DNA breaks and protamine deficiency, respectively) (P<0.05). Motility and percentage of spermatozoa with low mitochondrial potential showed no differences between groups. This study shows how routine semen analyses (in this case morphology) may point to the length and complexity of sperm cell damage emphasizing the importance of sperm function testing.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Brucellosis is a zoonosis caused by bacteria of the genus Brucella. Man infection occurs through contact with reproductive secretions as placenta and its lochia, semen and penile secretion of infected animals or by consuming unpasteurized milk and dairy products. With the objective of investigating the presence of bacteria in milk, 30 samples of raw milk sold illegally in the region of Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil, as well as 50 samples of milk delivered to a dairy industry previously to its pasteurization were evaluated by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique. Of the 80 samples analyzed, 10 samples (12.5%) were positive and 70 (87.5%) were negative. Among the  positive samples,  5 (16.6%)  were from  illegal traders  and other  5  (10%) were obtained  from the dairy industry. Brucella spp. positivity shows that the pathogen is representatively present in Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil, and the risk associated to public health due to the commercialization of illegal products without pasteurization is real.


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The aim of this work was to examine both the influence of anatomical and technical aspects on fertility rate of sheep based on the performance of transcervical artificial insemination (TCAI). Transcervical artificial insemination was performed with traction of the cervix in 122 ewes using frozen semen from 11 rams, both Santa Ines breed. The data collected were: type of external cervical opening (CO) (P - papilla; FL - flap; DB - duckbill, S - spiral; RO - rosette), duration of cervical manipulation (2-3, 4-5 and 6-7 minutes), degree of difficulty in cervical transposition (low, moderate, high) and presumed semen deposition site (SC - superficial cervical; DC - deep cervical; IU - intrauterine). The influence of these variables on pregnancy rate was evaluated. Cervical opening type and duration of cervical manipulation had no influence (p>0.05) on fertility. The degree of difficulty in cervical manipulation influenced (p<0.05) pregnancy rate, since insemination classified as low grade had 52% of pregnancy, while those classified as high recorded only 20%. The presumed site of semen deposition influenced significantly (p<0.05) fertility. Pregnancy rates of deposition at each site were: UI – 45.8%, DC – 25.7%; SC – 15.4%. As expected, deeper depositions resulted in higher fertility. In conclusion, the performance of TCAI did not depend on the anatomical classification of external cervical opening of ewe and the duration of cervical manipulation within the range tested (2-7 minutes). The TCAI may have higher fertility rates if difficulties in the application were reduced and the semen deposition was deeper.


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The main disturbs affecting the genital segment of bulls are balanitis, phimosis and preputial injuries, abscesses or prolapses, resulting in decreased libido or mating ability. One case of traumatic phimosis with partial obliteration of preputial lumen is reported in Aberdeen Angus bull. During anamnesis, it was reported that the animal was unable to expose the penis and presented increased penile and preputial volume of unknown etiology after being submitted to a libido test. During clinical examination, a firm preputial mass of 15 cm in diameter was observed in the middle third of the prepuce and stenosis of preputial lumen was detected approximately 17 cm from the preputial orifice. Reconstructive surgery was the chosen therapy, with amputation of the affected foreskin portion. A skin segment of about 12 cm and affected mucosal portion were removed. Postoperative therapy consisted of dressing with chlorhexidine digluconate based ointment, povidone iodine and topical insect repellent (cypermethrin and carbamyl), systemic antibiotic therapy with benzathine penicillin (30,000 IU / kg, repeated after 48 hours) and anti-inflammatory therapy with flunixin meglumine (2 , 0 mg / kg SID) for three days. After twenty days, semen was collected by massage of the accessory glands. The ejaculate volume was 3 mL, with 200x106 spermatozoa / mL, white color, "suis generis" odor, 88% of motile sperm, 64% of progressively motile sperm and 82% of rapid sperm. Thus, the chosen surgical treatment was effective to correct the pathology and reintroduce the animal into reproductive activity