316 resultados para Atividades criativas na sala de aula


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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo descrever e analisar sob os aspectos da autonomia e do prazer pelo aprender, aspectos metodológicos do projeto “Aprendendo com Alegria”. Este projeto foi desenvolvido entre 29/03/2007 a 18/06/2008, e propôs-se contribuir para melhorar as relações de alunos com problemas de comportamento. Participaram de três a seis alunos nas suas diferentes etapas e/ou ciclos. Os dados da pesquisa foram construídos por meio de entrevistas com os pais, com os respectivos professores, com a diretoria da escola e da observação dos encontros semanais com os alunos, quando se realizaram as atividades. Os resultados revelam relação entre as estratégias utilizadas no decorrer do projeto (carinhas, conversas com os pais, caixinha dos segredos, temas geradores, entre outras) e a mudança no comportamento dos alunos em aspectos como cooperação, autonomia, diálogo e solidariedade. As conclusões básicas que se chegou evidenciam a necessidade de verdadeiro diálogo entre professor e aluno e práticas mais colaborativas dentro da sala de aula


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Este estudo foi desenvolvido a partir da atuação, como educadora-bolsista, em uma sala de aula possibilitada pelo projeto EJA/PIBID (Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Incentivo a Docência) assim, a partir da vivência junto às práticas escolares diárias e na busca de novas formas de ensinar os conteúdos escolares foi elaborado este estudo que visa refletir sobre as práticas da escrita e os sentidos que os alunos da EJA vão atribuindo a esse ato. As práticas aqui trazidas referem-se às práticas de registros escritos e da oralidade em sala de aula, que desafiam para outros olhares, principalmente por se tratar de jovens e adultos pouco ou não escolarizados. Para pensar a importância dos registros em sala de aula, que é o objeto principal deste estudo, parte-se de alguns apontamentos sobre a oralidade, na e pela oralidade; assim vai se delineando o objeto do estudo. Como referenciais teóricos foram escolhidos autores como Ana Maria de Oliveira Galvão, Anabela Brito de Freitas Mimoso, Valdemir Miotello, Elizabeth Vencio, entre outros que fazem referência à oralidade vinculada às práticas de escrever; nesses autores, busco estabelecer um espaço para a mesma aprendizagens em sala de aula. São referências também autores como João Wanderlei Geraldi e Paulo Freire que pontuam e defendem que a aprendizagem da escrita deve ser um processo com sentido para o aluno. O trabalho contempla como material de análise os registros elaborados a partir de experimentações em uma sala de educação de jovens e adultos, envolvendo a oralidade, e os registros escritos, produzidos pelo grupo, em um caderno denominado “Caderno de Registro das Aprendizagens”; nele, os registros eram feitos, ao final das aulas, pelas alunas e pelas educadorasbolsistas. O trabalho apresenta algumas considerações acerca da oralidade, reconhecendo sua presença e importância na produção da escrita na sala de aula, da sala de aula para a vida dos alunos na EJA


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When I set out to attend degree in mathematics was because I believed that mathematics could be taught to students in a way closer to their daily lives, thereby making it a more attractive school discipline, gradually, eliminating its reputation of a difficult school subject. Then, during my observations in supervised, I realized that one of the greatest difficulties in mathematics was related with geometry, in which the concepts of area and perimeter were often confused. Using the methodological tool of problem solving, something to bring the concept to be developed and the cultural context in which the student is in, I developed some educational activities in which, using concrete materials, students were encouraged to construct their own knowledge about the concepts of area and perimeter. Moreover, such activities were designed to place the student as the center of attention in the classroom. The main objective of this work is to encourage and observe how this methodology, based on the solving problem process, can be used within the classroom, to better understand the concepts to be taught, always looking for improvement of the student learning


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Os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCNs), indicam que o ensino de ciências deve contribuir com eficiência para o desenvolvimento de uma sociedade mais esclarecida, que consiga compreender os avanços científicos e tecnológicos do mundo. Com isso, o ensino das ciências naturais pode ser articulado, apresentando-se de forma interdisciplinar, pois abrange aspectos da Física, Química, Biologia, incluindo Ciências Sociais e Tecnológicas. Focado nessa proposta, esse trabalho tem como finalidade disponibilizar ao professor de Ensino Fundamental aulas experimentais e práticas para serem utilizadas nas escolas. Consiste em uma lista de experimentos, entre outras práticas, organizados segundo os Eixos Temáticos previstos no PCNs. As práticas selecionadas se apropriam de materiais simples, de fácil obtenção e custo reduzido, podem ser realizadas tanto em ambiente laboratorial como em sala de aula, viabilizando sua utilização. Todos os experimentos foram extraídos de diferentes fontes de pesquisa: livros didáticos, apostilas didáticas e da Rede Internacional de Telecomunicação (Internet). Espera-se com esse material que o professor encontre um suporte para auxilio em aulas práticas, que proporcione ao aluno, atividades dinâmicas, facilitando a interação do educando com o conhecimento, atingindo o principal objetivo, a aprendizagem


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This research project aims to determine the main way that the inclusion of topics of history and philosophy of science education activities aimed at high school, influence the process of teaching and learning of chemistry. The subject of research will be a teacher, undergraduate student in chemistry and public school students that the teaching units developed will be applied. The literature presents a large of research indicating the need to include these topics in education and present the results of large withdrawals of original sources of the development of scientific knowledge. Despite of the large number of these works are not very common reports of application of the results of these studies on activities of the classroom, which reinforces the importance of this study


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This work aims to show the importance of Baja SAE Project in engineering education, as well as the development of the student, being an outstanding tool for the engineering student has an education that meets the objectives of the pedagogical university and also the guidelines Ministry of Education curriculum for engineering courses. The Baja SAE Project provides the engineering students the chance to apply in practice the knowledge acquired in the classroom, to enhance their preparation for the labor market. The student becomes involved with a real case of project development, from concept design, detailed design and construction. The Baja SAE Project redefines the position of the student as an active element in the learning process engineering, leaving behind the simple condition of receiving information. Values procedures that provide students the opportunity to learn in contexts of professional practice, while offering the opportunity to contextualize the execution of a project. From an analysis to develop personal skills, Baja SAE Project has its own characteristics and essential for professional practice, however, not specific to the engineering course. For example, capacity for teamwork, communication skills written and oral, ethical behavior, critical, overview, entrepreneurial spirit, leadership, etc


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With the implementation of new technologies on the world stage of communication, Internet access has become increasingly numerous. Being sought by this means all kinds of information, from knowledge to entertainment. This paper intends to report the experience in two communities of the Internet, particularly in the social network Orkut, entitled I Hate Mathematics and I Love Mathematics, whose members are students, teachers and people who want to express how they feel about mathematics. The goal is to understand what took the members of these communities to hate or love Mathematics, clarifying the nature of the network Orkut and its contribution to mathematics education. For the analysis of data from field work, we use the phenomenological approach. The procedures followed by such approach allowed us to build four open categories: Research and Background, revealing that the research activities allow students to develop strategies, develop creativity and shows that what is learned in classroom is not just an accumulation of knowledge; Teacher's Role shows that it is necessary that the teacher understands the meaning of being a teacher and worry about being a student; Acquisition Technique, it is necessary that students be able to understand what is done and how it is done, and Sense of What is Done, to do is not directly linked to comprehend. The interpretation of these categories helped us understand the investigated giving us source to analyze how Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) can help the teacher understand the student's relationship with Mathematics


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A busca de compreensão da complexa dinâmica envolvendo os processos interativos entre professores e alunos tem motivado o desenvolvimento de pesquisas relacionadas a padrões de interação em sala de aula e suas consequências para o no contexto do ensino e da aprendizagem. Este trabalho sistematiza e analisa os conteúdos tratados, bem como as questões levantadas por uma monitora de um Projeto de Extensão em Anatomia Humana e alunos de ensino médio durante as atividades realizadas na bancada do sistema excretor-reprodutor em um laboratório de Anatomia Humana, além de identificar as classes de abordagens comunicativas presentes nessas interações. A ênfase em aspectos morfofisiológicos dos sistemas humanos, assim como a opção por um estilo de trabalho baseado na argumentação retórica, adotado pela monitora, renegou a um segundo plano tanto a interatividade quanto a dialogicidade como padrões de interação neste contexto estudado


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The goal of this study was to identify some of the new responsibilities that have been assigned to the elementary school teachers , under the mediation of continuing education courses . We start from the idea that these courses , especially those offered by the SECADI, are proposed teachers and aims to train them for a performance at school that exceeds the activity of teaching in the classroom . The teacher has been summoned to attend these courses in which is prepared to act on school performing tasks rather related to the care of students than teaching , assisting them in their basic needs such as health, protection, inclusion and human rights. Asked ourselves if there was a reconfiguration of the responsibilities of education professionals in order to make use of oneself given by the State. We chose as sources of research documents the SECADI such as legislation , manuals and instructional materials that will proceed to the analysis , in each course , the target populations privileged , purpose, remuneration and certification , pre - requirements to participate in the courses and duration ; partnerships involved if the courses are face , semi-distance or distance ; activities that teacher should develop in school after completion of the courses ; loads hourly . We will seek to analyze the documents and materials of School programs that Protects, School Health Program , Network Education for Diversity. The theoretical and methodological framework is dialectical and historical materialism, from assumptions which we choose as the class character of society in capitalism and alienation as a phenomenon that affects the work in all its manifestations . Thus , our general hypothesis is that the enrichment tasks of teachers in public schools can contribute to basic disposition Teacher education


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This is a study on importance the discourse of the teacher associated with social interactions triggered in classroom from of an experimental activity. We will analyzed a trial class in which a physics teacher of a public school Guaratinguetá city interacted with their student, seeking to categorize certain movements of the teacher's speech and identify the moments when this could establish the definition of the situation, mediation semiotic and intersubjectivity


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Autism is the theme of this study and the occurrence of the teaching-learning process of students with autism was observed. The study took place in a special education school. Nowadays, infantile Autism is classified as one of the “Development Global Disorders” and it is characterized by serious and global impairments in several aspects of the development, as the reciprocal social interaction, communication abilities and presence of behavioral stereotypes, interests and activities. Notwithstanding, these subjects present a triad of impairments concerning the development areas, such as: communication incapacity for social interaction and imagination, which affect directly the learning process. Thus, the aim of this study was to identify the teaching methodology employed for children with autism concerning special education and to verify in which aspects this methodology can help the teachinglearning process of those students. For this reason, a specialist teacher and three students with autism, of a special Education School, located in the interior of São Paulo state, took part in this study. For data collection, a total of 19 activities realized by the students with autism were observed inside the classroom. The specialized teacher answered a semi structured interview. The results demonstrated that the specialized teacher does not employ any specific teaching methodology, in order to help the teaching-learning process for those students, although there are some specific methodologies for children with autism, which are employed in special education schools. Nevertheless, it can be observed a lacuna concerning the teaching process employed by the teacher, and some uncertainly referring to the leaning process of those students with autism who attend that school


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The experimentation in the teaching of physics has been extensively studied over the years because of its potential as a tool demonstration of physics phenomena studied in classroom. In such a perspective view of the action of apprentice student involving teaching future teachers of physics, under the Program PIBID CAPES, developed since 2009, seeks ways to improve the teaching of physics experiments using the theme chosen for the electrostatic work was . In this particular work, we report the development of the project in a State School located in the city of Rio Claro, in two rooms in the 9th grade in elementary school. It is planned with the activities of teaching physics at this level of education, look at how two different ways of displaying the contents of electrostatics in a playful way for elementary students and implement a library of experiments so that students can take the experiments to their homes


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Some experiments in Physics teaching have an amazing effect among the students, that is, generally be characterized by counteracting the initial expectations of students. This characteristic may contribute to the emergence of learning situations extremely promising. However, the privilege, by the teacher, the description of certain results shortens the involvement that the student could establish on teaching situations favor a more careful observation that can be done. We discuss in this paper, the that surprise may be manifested in the student on an experimental demonstration and its ability to mobilize the interest and curiosity of this student. We intend to observe the pedagogic value that represents the amazing effect such in situations of teaching and learning, particularly for the Teaching of Physics, as well as the possibilities for educational approaches.Through an extensive analysis of several authors who address about experimental learning activities, Epistemology of Science and Education, we found some results that lead us to understand some of the possibilities that the surprise element can propose. We describe a demonstration activity that we consider amazingly from our point of view and that was realized in a regular classroom in a of Rio Claro Public High School in the year of 2011


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When it comes to teaching physics in the early years of elementary school, the first question is: but there are opportunities to teach concepts to children of such complexity? This study sought to examine approaches and strategies to enter the Basic Education in Physics. To this end, we used low cost materials testing, taking as its starting point the work of Ferreira (1978) instrumentation for Teaching Physics, particularly with the theme electrostatics. The present study was made from the use of prototypes developed with the materials cited. Observations were made in the classroom looking for, from the records of teaching, analyzing the behavior of children and their arguments, possibilities for Physics Teaching this age group as well as some evidence of their cognitive development. In teaching discussions were held with students of the early years of elementary school involving conceptual and phenomenological aspects, adapting such knowledge at the level of logical and mathematical thinking that was still under development. The work shows that it is possible to work on electrostatic physical concepts with children belonging to the age group of nine to ten years. With the support of the group Pibid Physics city of Rio Claro, I realize my observations and practices at the Municipal School Marcelo Schmidt, which proved to be available and open for acceptance of this proposal


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In this research, we analyzed the use of manipulative materials and games as motivators tools that facilitate the comprehension of fractions content when presented to a class of students from the 9th grade from a public school in Guaratinguetá-SP city. The students are 14 and 17 years old. Initially we presented the benefits that could bring manipulative materials for teaching and learning with understanding, followed by historical accounts of the Tangram material. We show the advantages of the games, when properly used in activities classroom. The game titled Dominoes fractions using the Tangram was applied in order to check if students retook properly the fractions contents. This research was motivated students to participate in math classes and this motivation may have promoted the understanding of the contents worked