278 resultados para modelo linear com resposta em platô
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic and relapsing disease caused by exaggerated response of the immune system. It represents a significant health problem by limiting the quality of life and being the main risk factor for colorectal cancer. Despite of its importance, the high worldwide incidence and being the object of research for several decades, the etiology remains unknown. Studies indicates an interaction between genetic and environmental factors which together with the intestinal microbiota, leads to an uncontrolled immune response. One of the aggravating environmental factors often discussed is stress, as the daily life of the population in general is increasingly rushed. In order to demonstrate the influence of stress on IBD, this study aimed to standardize an experimental model of colitis induced by instillation of a trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS) noninflammatory concentration plus exposure to stress that intensify the inflammation. Therefore, an experiment was done to determine what would be the noninflammatory concentration. In this step, four different concentrations of TNBS (1, 6, 12.5 or 40mg/ml) were tested and the lowest concentration capable of inducing a noninflammatory response in the gut was defined as 1 mg/ml. Then, a second experiment was performed which induced colitis and exposed the animals to restraint stress. The results, however, showed that this stimulus was not enough to exacerbate the damage caused by the 1 mg/ml concentration of TNBS in the colon. With some changes in the protocol, the third experiment associated cold and restraint, as well as changes on the day of euthanasia, which occurred immediately after the stress session. The results of myeloperoxidase activity measurement were unexpected due to the noninflammatory concentration of TNBS caused an intestinal inflammation similar to the concentration of 40 mg/ml. However, the results of glutathione quantification and the corticosterone ...
In our experiments, we studied the classical dynamic of a particle in vertical motion subject to a constant gravitational field and the partial shock with an elastic wall with oscillatory motion located below the particle. The motion of the particle was confined to the vertical direction by a glass guide tube, which was initially evacuated, allowing viscous drag forces to be disregarded. The time between impacts, as well as the time between the reference phase of the movement of the base and the moment of impact and the period of oscillation of the base will be acquired by a hardware and software to obtain the phases space to be compared later with the description of the system through mapping discrete variables via the 'particle velocity immediately after shock 'and' phase of the movement of the base at the instant of shock 'obtained by computer simulation. This requires developing an electronic analog system followed by Digital implemented in reconfigurable logic, more specifically a sequential machine able to discriminate the impact with the metal base from the impacts of the glass guide tube, based on the frequency spectrum of the response of the microphone to these different impacts
Embora a fragmentação da paisagem seja apontada como uma das principais alterações antrópicas ao meio ambiente, sabe-se que nem todas as espécies são afetadas da mesma forma por este processo. Resultados obtidos na Reserva Florestal do Morro Grande (RFMG) encontraram ainda relação entre a vulnerabilidade diferenciada à fragmentação e a dinâmica sucessional em roedores. Estudos recentes sugerem que estas respostas diferenciais poderiam estar associadas a perfis metabólico/comportamentais, com consequências para a capacidade de exploração do habitat e utilização de recursos. Neste trabalho investigamos aspectos comportamentais e do metabolismo energético de três espécies de roedores da RFMG, já classificados como sensíveis (Euryoryzomys russatus) e tolerantes à fragmentação (Akodon montensis e Oligoryzomys nigripes), a fim de testar se estes fatores explicariam em parte suas diferentes vulnerabilidades. Analisou-se ainda a relação existente entre o metabolismo energético (expresso pela taxa metabólica basal, TMB) e o comportamento em nível de indivíduos. Por meio de testes comportamentais verificamos que não há diferença significativa entre os níveis exploratórios de espécies tolerantes e sensíveis à fragmentação. Por outro lado, a tendência de diferenciação na TMB entre as espécies foi bastante clara, com Euryoryzomys apresentando o mais alto metabolismo basal. As características de baixo metabolismo basal e plasticidade metabólica encontradas em Akodon e Oligoryzomys podem, de fato, estar contribuindo para o sucesso dessas espécies em áreas fragmentadas e alteradas. Foi encontrada ainda relação negativa entre a TMB e comportamentos custosos para duas das espécies, demonstrando predomínio do Modelo da Partilha, aparentemente adaptativo em ambientes imprevisíveis e com baixa produtividade, já que caracteriza animais com baixa demanda... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Tricyclic antidepressants, such as amitriptyline, are inhibitors of serotonin and norepinephrine neuronal reuptake and this action has been implied in changes in pain threshold supporting its use to alleviate neuropathic pain. Although is known that 1 adrenoceptors participate in the antinociceptive effect of amitriptyline it is unclear which receptor subtype is the target for the increased synaptic levels of norepinephrine resultant from the inhibition of neuronal uptake. Paradoxically, several tricyclic antidepressants including amitriptyline also behave as antagonists of 1 adrenoceptors with different affinities for its subtypes: these drugs have 10 to 100-fold higher affinities for 1A than for 1B and 1D adrenoceptors. This work investigated the involvement of 1 adrenoceptors subtypes in the antinociceptive effect of the amitriptyline in a constriction of the sciatic nerve in rats by determining the effects of subtype selective 1 adrenoceptors antagonists. Fifteen days later, mechanical hyperalgesia was analyzed in a Randall-Selitto test. The 1A-selective antagonist RS100329 was the most potent antagonist of the contractions of the rat prostate, whereas the 1D-selective antagonist BMY 7378 (up to 100g/Kg) was unable to affect these contractions. The antagonist prazosin, BMY 7378 and 5-methyl urapidil inhibited the antinociceptive effect of the amitriptyline. However, the highly selective 1A adrenoceptor antagonist RS100329 was unable to affect the antinociception induced by amitriptyline. These results point out that 1B and/or 1D adrenoceptors, but not 1A, are involved in the antinociceptive effects of amitriptyline
This work aims to study the movement periodically interrupted realized by four handmade toys. Such movement can be studied by nonlinear dynamics, but this topic is not covered in the general undergraduate courses in Physics. The study presented aim to observe, search, identify and measure physical quantities characteristic of toys according to the information provided by the dynamic, in this case, the formalism of moment of forces and energy. It also allows an approach to non-formal education in physics, since the measures and instruments differ from formal laboratory approach. These toys are unknown examples of simple machines studied in Mechanics and allow to illustrate passive walkers in Robotics
Pipelines are linear engineering works, designed mostly for transporting oil and its derivatives for long distances, furnishing even the farthermost zones of the country. Due to oil sector needs to ensure for the safety and conservation of its properties, several geotechnical studies are being held at the pipelines field, in order to preserve this important transportation, and also to prevent accidents, which might seriously compromise the environment and the population who lives around it. The OSBRA pipeline, who connects the city of Paulínia to the capital Brasília, is one of these engineering works that deserves to be pointed out. This research, performed at the Ribeirão da Prata Basin, was a pilot study conducted with the main objective of testing the current methodology efficiency, for future applications in the closest watersheds to the OSBRA pipeline. The objective of this research is to analyze flood wave and debris flow processes in a non-fictional watershed, by comparing two different kinds of methods: the first one based on simulation models (software ‘ABC 6’), and the other one by flood wave and debris flow susceptibility mapping. The results from the hydrological modeling were both hydrographs and ietographs that estimated values of outputs and infiltration. To construct the susceptibility maps were necessary three other maps: ground use and occupation maps, divided according to the different protection degrees that were offered to the ground; maps of dam locations in the area and physiographic compartimentation maps, divided according to the local geology. To complete the methodology, the results were collected from both methods for comparison. The obtained product for this methodology was series of data whose different susceptibility degrees to flood wave and debris flow could define the safest route for a pipeline crossing in this watershed...
For the development of this graduate work of fractal fracture behavior, it is necessary to establish references for fractal analysis on fracture surfaces, evaluating, from tests of fracture tenacity on modes I, II and combined I / II, the behavior of fractures in fragile materials, on linear elastic regime. Fractures in the linear elastic regime are described by your fractal behavior by several researchers, especially Mecholsky JJ. The motivation of that present proposal stems from work done by the group and accepted for publication in the journal Materials Science and Engineering A (Horovistiz et al, 2010), where the model of Mecholsky could not be proven for fractures into grooved specimens for tests of diametric compression of titania on mode I. The general objective of this proposal is to quantify the distinguish surface regions formed by different mechanisms of fracture propagation in linear elastic regime in polymeric specimens (phenolic resin), relating tenacity, thickness of the specimens and fractal dimension. The analyzed fractures were obtained from SCB tests in mode I loading, and the acquisition of images taken using an optical reflection microscope and the surface topographies obtained by the extension focus method of reconstruction, calculating the values of fractal dimension with the use of maps of elevations. The fractal dimension was classified as monofractal dimension (Df), when the fracture is described by a single value, or texture size (Dt), which is a macroscopic analysis of the fracture, combined with the structural dimension (Ds), which is a microscopic analysis. The results showed that there is no clear relationship between tenacity, thickness and fractal values for the material investigated. On the other hand it is clear that the fractal values change with the evolution of cracks during the fracture process ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Through observation of production process of a Vale do Paraiba’s automobile industry, one can encounter in need of improvement related to large uncertainties and variations in the production environment, a fact that inspired the search for solutions that can respond quickly to these changes. This way, the paper describes the development of a flexible manufacturing model, which aims to optimize the process in an automotive sub-assembly industry of the Paraíba Valley. The main objective is to propose a method to promote viable alternatives to easing the assembly of parallel sub performed the assembly of cars. For the construction of the model was necessary to explore concepts of flexible manufacturing and making the data presented in literature, which were vital to ensure the development of the method. The concepts discussed are usually presented at an undergraduate degree in Engineering. Data compiled by the model are able to serve as a strategic benchmark for decision making by managers. Featuring alternative response variables and uncertainties of the organizational environment, a fact that facilitates the management of human resources and productive
The N6 Plateau presents an iron-ore occurence in Carajás Mineral Province, standing near to actually operating deposits. Geological mapping in 1:10,000 scale and integration of geochemical, geophysical, petrography and drilling turns possible interpretation of his geological evolution. The mapped area has lithotypes from Archean Grão Pará Group, comprising very lowgrade metamorphic basic rocks and iron formation and an Proterozoic sedimentary association of conglomeratic sandstones called as Caninana Unity. The structural geology in given by a regional scale homoclinal, where the Grão Pará Group strata dips towards SW, as a part of the Northern Limb of the Carajás Fold. Subsequent deformation associated to the installation of the Carajás Shear Zone presents as E-W fold axis. Geochemical evidence permits to consider de Parauapebas Formation as the rocks which has been hydrothermally-altered to outsourcing fluids responsible to deposition of iron formations in the oceanic system, including different signatures which can be interpreted as possible sub-embayments in the Carajás Basin. The iron ore in the area occurs in subsurface as very fine friable hematite generated by supergenous enrichment of the iron formation. The conceived geologic model differs from the current academic proposal on the fact that hydrothermal alteration has been involved on the jaspelite enrichment. Metamorphism on the Parauapebas Formation presents paragenesis considered as ocean-floor metamorphism which precedes de deformation insofar as the rocks show no tectonic fabric referring to shallow crust evolution. Geophysical methods such as magnetometry and gravimetry presents excellent results for structural interpretation in uneven exposed terrain
Uma das principais alterações ambientais decorrentes da ação antrópica é o efeito de borda, consequência direta da fragmentação, que altera condições microclimáticas nas bordas dos fragmentos. Este processo afeta a biodiversidade, interferindo na dinâmica das comunidades, tanto vegetais, quanto animais, alterando a composição e a estrutura das comunidades. Através da utilização de bioindicadores é possível compreender como alterações nos hábitats interferem nas comunidades locais, ou em processos ecológicos essenciais para a manutenção do ecossistema e da biodiversidade local ou regional. Devido à grande riqueza, abundância e importância em diversos processos ecológicos, como por exemplo, dispersão de sementes e ciclagem de nutrientes, as formigas têm sido utilizadas como indicadores ambientais. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram avaliar como as comunidades de formigas de fragmentos de cerrado respondem ao efeito de borda, especificamente se essa resposta ocorre de forma gradiente ou hábitat-matriz (formigas não estão presentes na borda). Também foi analisado se o tipo de matriz adjacente influencia nessas respostas observadas em 15 paisagens de cerrado circundadas por matrizes de pasto, cana-de-açúcar e eucalipto onde se utilizou armadilhas de queda ao longo de transectos posicionados tanto dentro como fora dos fragmentos. Para a riqueza total de formigas o modelo hábitat-matriz com interferência da matriz foi o que melhor explicou a distribuição. Os modelos que melhor explicaram a riqueza e abundância dos grupos funcionais variaram consideravelmente, o que evidencia a importância de buscar modelos mais complexos (modelo gradiente) que expliquem tanto as respostas mais simples (hábitat-matriz)como as mais multíplices. As comunidades analisadas apresentam diferentes funções dentro do hábitat e das matrizes, dessa forma participam de vários processos ecológicos sendo assim bons indicadores...