240 resultados para fertilizante com aguapé


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Composting is considered a process that enables adding value to organic solid waste turning them into organic fertilizer. In this process, factors such as mishandling the windrow, failed to control the temperature, aeration and moisture content will result in the quality of waste decomposition, and thus affect the quality of the final compound. Decentralized systems such as home composting, composting in restaurants, food courts and schools are one of the solutions for valuing these waste in a non expensive way and with greater quality. For this purpose, the project aims to analyze the conditions for composting of solid waste of the University Restaurant of Rio Claro- SP, through two different composting systems: manual revolving windrow and static pile. It was found that in University Restaurant (RU) on average 33% by weight of the total waste generated in the property are capable of composting. In this sense, in order to investigate the preliminary process operation parameters were mounted one manual windrow composed of 100% of the UR waste and a static pile composed of 60% of the UR waste and 40% of pruning and grass residues (PG). This study analyzed the manual revolving windrow and static pile systems for the parameters: moisture content, pH, C / N ratio and temperature. The study of the proportions of the PG and UR waste pointed to the need for pruning and grass residues addition for composting, considering that the manual revolving windrow composed by 100% of the UR waste had no satisfactory performance due to low temperatures measured during 60 days analysis. The best ratio for manual revolving windrow method analyzed in this study was 60% of the UR waste and 40% of PG waste, in dry weight. From this proportion a static pile was assembled, composed of 60% of UR waste e 40% of PG waste from the maintenance activities of the green area of the university. The biological activity in the static pile reached the maximum temperature of ...


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This work describes instrumental strategies for the determination of Mn in a wide range concentration by high-resolution continuum source flame atomic absorption spectrometry technique (HR-CS F AAS) by means of different atomic lines (primary at 279.482 nm, secondary at 403.075 nm and alternative at 209.250 nm). These lines provided complementary concentration intervals, and large sample dilutions became unnecessary. The proposed method was applied to tap water, metal alloy certified material and foliar fertilizer. Accuracy for secondary line were evaluated by tests of significance (t Student test) with reference materials from the Institute of Technological Research of São Paulo, and the results were in agreement at the 95% confidence level. For primary and alternative lines, recovery is were in the 84-116% range and the RSD were 6.1% for all wavelengths. Analytical curves in the 0.1 - 2.0 mg L-1 (279.482 nm), 2.0 - 25 mg L-1 (403.075 nm), 25 - 500 mg L-1 (209.250 nm) intervals were obtained with linear correlation coefficient better than 0.9991. The detection limits were 3.3x10-3 mg L-1 (279.482 nm), 7.4 x 10-3 mg L-1 (403.075 nm), 3.9 mg L- 1 (209.250 nm). The found Mn concentrations were < 3.3x10-3 mg L-1 (tap water), 1.00 ± 0.04 (% m/m) (alloy IPT 25), 7235 ± 175 mg L-1 (foliar fertilizer 1), 4990 ± 132 mg L-1 (foliar fertilizer 2). A method was developed to detect interference of Fe in the Mn primary line (279.482 nm) using the ratio of absorbances of other lines of the triplet (279.827 nm and 280,108 nm).


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Gaseous losses are the main factors affecting the efficiency of nitrogenous fertilizers in pastures. To evaluate NH3-N volatilization losses in Tanzania grass fertilized with urea in autumn, spring and summer, a completely randomized design with repeated measurements over time and fifteen replicates was used. Plots were represented by urea levels (50; 100 and 150 kg ha-1 N) and subplots by time after fertilization (1; 2; 3; 6; 9; 12 and 15 days). The interaction between fertilization leveland time after urea application was significant for the accumulated NH3-N volatilization. Urea application leads to higher percentage N losses in the first three days after application. The average cumulative NH3- N loss for the three occasions (different seasons of the year) was 28%, 20% and 16% of N applied for fertilizer doses of 50; 100 and 150 kg ha-1 of N, respectively. The season of the year influenced NH3-N loss pattern and volume, with the lowest values recorded in spring, followed by summer and autumn. The cumulative NH3-N volatilization loss varies from 78 to 90% up to the third day after application of the total NNH3 loss.


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A invenção se refere ao desenvolvimento de um composto para ser empregado como fertilizante de liberação controlada de micronutrientes para os solos. Para isto, apresenta como grande diferencial o uso de turfas e de substâncias húmicas extraídas de turfas enriquecidas com os micronutrientes essenciais cobre, cobalto, ferro, manganês, níquel e zinco no preparo do fertilizante, bem como o encapsulamento do fertilizante com material polimérico. O uso de turfas e de substâncias húmicas infere ao composto um alto teor de matéria orgânica e o encapsulamento com o material polimérico permite dar forma esférica ao fertilizante, além de permitir a entrada gradual de água dentro do fertilizante.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A perspectiva de aumento da produção de álcool combustível causa preocupação a respeito da vinhaça, subproduto da destilação do etanol de cana. A vinhaça é um poluente com alto teor de orgânicos e que precisa ser tratada. Atualmente, a utilização da vinhaça in natura no solo é comum, porém, há controvérsias sobre salinização do solo e contaminação de aqüíferos subterrâneos. Dentre os processos de tratamento da vinhaça, encontram-se na literatura científica, vários trabalhos a respeito da fertirrigação e digestão anaeróbia, mas não a respeito da evaporação da vinhaça, que pode ser realizada através de evaporadores tipo falling film. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar o potencial de redução da quantidade de vinhaça através da evaporação, o que não descarta a utilização da vinhaça concentrada como fertilizante. Para isto, elaborou-se o balanço de massa e energia de uma planta de evaporação de vinhaça localizada na cidade de Potirendaba – SP, confrontando os resultados obtidos com os dados obtidos na unidade. A unidade de evaporação tem capacidade de processar cerca de 100 m3 vinhaça, retornando cerca de 80 m3 elaborado através de um software comercial (SugarsTM). Os resultados obtidos pela simulação refletiram os dados coletados na planta. /h de água para o processo da usina. O balanço foi elaborado através de um software comercial (SugarsTM). Os resultados obtidos pela simulação refletiram os dados coletados na planta.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Apesar da grande importância da adubação na qualidade das uvas, ainda existem poucos estudos sobre a fertirrigação em videira de vinho no Vale do Submédio São Francisco. Com o objetivo de avaliar a produção de uvas sob a influência de doses de potássio e de adubo orgânico, um experimento foi realizado na Embrapa Semiárido, em Petrolina-PE, com videiras (Vitis vinifera L.), ‘Syrah’, enxertadas sobre o porta-enxerto ‘Paulsen’ 1103 e cultivadas no espaçamento 3 x 1 m. As plantas foram irrigadas por um sistema de gotejamento, com um emissor por planta, com vazão de 2 L h¹. Os tratamentos foram constituídos de cinco doses de potássio (0, 20, 40, 80 e 160 kg ha¹) e duas doses de adubo orgânico (0 e 7,5 m³ qual o adubo orgânico constituiu as parcelas e as doses de potássio as subparcelas. Foram avaliados na colheita o número de cachos por planta, a produção total por planta, o peso médio dos cachos e o rendimento total das plantas. As diferentes doses de potássio aplicadas pelo sistema de irrigação e de adubo orgânico aplicados via solo não influenciaram significativamente as características avaliadas.


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The application of industrial and municipal waste in the soil may be recommended by your corrective and fertilizer value, giving the great potential for agricultural reuse, improves physical, chemical and biological soil properties and helps to reduce the consumption of fertilizers and correctives, without contamination by heavy metals. This study aimed to evaluate the absorption of nutrients and potentially toxic elements, and their effect on the development of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) grown under No-Tillage system (NT). The work was developed in the field, at the Experimental Farm Lageado - FCA / UNESP, Botucatu (SP) in an Oxisol under tropical climate of altitude. The experimental design was randomized blocks, factorial 4x4+1, with four replications. The treatments consisted of four residues: two sewage sludge, one centrifuged and treated with quicklime (LC) and a biodigester (LB) and two industrial wastes: steel slag (E) and lime mud (Lcal) , applied in dosages of 0, 2, 4 and 8 Mg ha-1. The surface application of LC, LB, Lcal and E residues in soil under NT favored the development of soybean, with no heavy metal contamination, given the current legislation.


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Importance of silicon fertilization is related to the benefits that silicon is able to promote tolerance to heavy metals, reduce the incidence of pests and diseases, increased productivity, drought tolerance, among others. The objective of this study was to evaluate the phyllosilicates effect on biomass formation, nutrients and silicon on the early stages of corn plants compared to wollastonite. Experiment was installed and conducted in a greenhouse located at the Universidade Estadual Paulista, UNESP, in Registro, SP. Consisting of 10 treatments established in a randomized block design in scheme factorial (2 x 5), with five replications. First factor corresponds to the two types of soil (Oxisol and Ultisol) and the second factor, five treatments (control, 0 kg ha-1 Si; wollastonite W13, 13 kg ha-1 Si; wollastonite W26, 26 kg ha-1 Si; phyllosilicates F13, 13 kg ha-1 Si; phyllosilicates F26, 26 kg ha-1 Si). In Ultisol, phyllosilicates increased production of fresh, dry biomass and silicon content in shoots of corn compared to treatment with wollastonite and control. Highest Si content compared to control (6.2 g kg-1) was obtained with 13 kg ha-1 Si of phyllosilicates (9.8 g kg-1). The greatest accumulation mass and Si in plants by applying phyllosilicates were observed in Ultisol, although this display Si content higher than Oxisol.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)