317 resultados para aplicações tardias


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The ozone therapy is the therapeutic administration of ozone, which can be: subcutaneous (SC), intramuscular (IM) Intradiscal; intracavitary (pleural and peritoneal spaces); intravaginal, intrauretral, in the bladder; ozonated autohemotherapy. This therapy is being increasingly studied in order to help in some treatments and is being proven to be very effective in most cases, especially in acting on disinfection and healing of extensive wounds. There are over 6000 articles on the medical use of ozone in the literature, but the concentration used varies with each author. Most diseases have a positive response because ozone increases tissue oxygenation and metabolism. Discovered in Germany in the nineteenth century, ozone therapy still needs further study to clarify its mode of action and demonstrate its benefits. The objective of this review is to discuss some of the studies in the literature and try to clarify the main directions and forms of action of ozone therapy in medicine, showing the possibilities of getting good results including in veterinary medicine


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In many movies of scientific fiction, machines were capable of speaking with humans. However mankind is still far away of getting those types of machines, like the famous character C3PO of Star Wars. During the last six decades the automatic speech recognition systems have been the target of many studies. Throughout these years many technics were developed to be used in applications of both software and hardware. There are many types of automatic speech recognition system, among which the one used in this work were the isolated word and independent of the speaker system, using Hidden Markov Models as the recognition system. The goals of this work is to project and synthesize the first two steps of the speech recognition system, the steps are: the speech signal acquisition and the pre-processing of the signal. Both steps were developed in a reprogrammable component named FPGA, using the VHDL hardware description language, owing to the high performance of this component and the flexibility of the language. In this work it is presented all the theory of digital signal processing, as Fast Fourier Transforms and digital filters and also all the theory of speech recognition using Hidden Markov Models and LPC processor. It is also presented all the results obtained for each one of the blocks synthesized e verified in hardware


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O emprego significativo de polímeros na sociedade moderna causou um grande desenvolvimento tecnológico em torno de sua produção a partir do petróleo. Contudo a limitação crescente de disponibilidade e as altas sucessivas do preço do petróleo têm estimulado, cada vez mais, novas pesquisas no desenvolvimento de biopolímeros provenientes de recursos renováveis. O biopolímero dextrana tem origem da conversão do substrato promovida pela enzima dextranasacarase que é secretada por micro-organismos principalmente pertencentes à família Lactobacillaceae. O objetivo desta pesquisa tem por meio do levantamento bibliográfico reunir conteúdos relacionados ao biopolímero dextrana, a enzima dextranasacarase, os micro-organismos produtores e suas aplicações industriais. Devido a algumas características da dextrana (Hidrofobicidade, estabilidade, pureza e habilidade de formar soluções claras e estáveis, entre outras), a mesma apresenta um grande leque de aplicações na indústria farmacêutica, alimentícia, petroquímica e química. As pesquisas que vinculam a dextrana às aplicações industriais estão em plena expansão e sabendo que a produção de dextrana é proveniente de recursos naturais renováveis e de origem microbiana, o momento atual é favorável para um aumento de sua produção, causando a valorização deste biopolímero no mercado nacional e internacional


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This work presents a study about the use of standards and directions on parallel programming in distributed systems, using the MPI standard and PETSc toolkit, performing an analysis of their performances over certain mathematic operations involving matrices. The concepts are used to develop applications to solve problems involving Principal Components Analysis (PCA), which are executed in a Beowulf cluster. The results are compared to the ones of an analogous application with sequencial execution, and then it is analized if there was any performance boost on the parallel application


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O uso de novas tecnologias para o desenvolvimento de medicamentos constitui uma estratégia promissora no campo da biotecnologia. Nesse sentido, peptídeos com efeito antimicrobiano, produzidos por plantas, animais e microrganismos estão sendo utilizados como modelos para o desenvolvimento de novos medicamentos com aplicações em saúde. Resultados promissores têm sido obtidos em relação à inibição da atividade das enzimas bacterianas DNA girase e topoisomerase IV por derivados peptídicos de toxinas bacterianas, comprovados em ensaios in vitro. Porém, ensaios in vivo não demonstraram reprodutibilidade, basicamente devido à baixa permeabilidade da célula bacteriana a estes compostos. Desta forma, o objetivo deste projeto consiste em aplicar sistemas eficientes para promover o acesso de moléculas peptídicas sintéticas derivadas de toxinas bacterianas, ao meio intracelular e, consequentemente, aos seus alvos intracelulares: as enzimas DNA girase e/ou topoisomerase IV. Com isso, pretendemos solucionar a barreira técnica em que se encontram as aplicações dessa classe de biomoléculas como precursores de novos agentes antibacterianos, o que certamente causaria um importante avanço nas pesquisas desenvolvidas pelo grupo


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This study has as objective determining the chemical properties that serve as the basis for potential scientific and technological applications of seven species of fibrous plants cultivated in Brazil, which are: Banana” (Musa spp.), “Coco” (Cocos nucifera), Curauá (Ananas erectifolius), Fique (Furcraea andina), Piteira” (Furcraea gigantea), Sisal(Agave sisalana) and “Taboa” (Typha domingensis). The tests for determining the percent dry completely, extractives soluble in cold water, in hot water, in sodium hydroxide 1% and in ethanol-toluene, and the percentages of ash, hydrophobicity, lignin, holocellulose and cellulose were performed at the Department of Environmental Sciences, Agronomy College (FCA) of UNESP – Botucatu, São Paulo State. It also presents a literature review about these fibers and their potential applications. Differences between the results obtained and those found by other authors are possibly explained by variations on the origin of plant material, the harvest season, the climate and soil where they were grown. However, the results and the methodology used, serve as a basis for further studies with natural fibers


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This monograph aims to study the problem of thinning, also known by Image Skeletonization, to explore their applications in areas such as, Biometrics, Medicine, Engineering and Cartography. The algorithms of thinning can be classi ed into two major groups: iterative algorithms and non-iterative algorithms. Iterative are sub-divided into sequential algorithms and parallel algorithms. In order to develop a computer system able to extract the skeleton of an image, were studied, analyzed and implemented di erent algorithms for this problem, precisely those of Stentiford, Zhang Suen, and Holt


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Electrical installations in industries involving high currents and voltages considered. On the other side is the common appearance of electrical failures, caused by human error, defects in electrical equipment or electrical installation aging itself. These failures are varied, those with the highest rate of occurrence and cause much damage to electrical installations, are overcurrent and overvoltage. Therefore there is a need to project a system that can detect and minimize possible effects caused by faults in electrical installations industries. Protection systems in electric industries emerge as an alternative to control especially voltage and current magnitudes. Engineered based on the functions of the relays, protection systems are an indispensable tool for any industrial substation. But the project of such systems becomes increasingly more complex, due to technological development. Electrical equipment not develop at the same speed that the protective devices (relays), making it indispensable knowledge of integration of technologies


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O presente trabalho busca apresentar os conceitos principais referentes à Teoria do Desenho de Mecanismos e sua aplicação à Teoria dos Conflitos Internacionais, e como sua utilização pode solucionar alguns problemas referentes à metodologia mais utilizada na análise dos conflitos, baseada na Teoria dos Jogos tradicional. Através de uma análise game-free, estabelecem condições gerais para a resolução de conflitos entre países, sem a necessidade de estabelecer formas de jogo específicas. Desse modo, determinam-se resultados para qualquer equilíbrio de qualquer forma de jogo que envolva países em disputa. O trabalho segue apresentando a relação causal entre incerteza e incentivos para revelar de maneira desonesta informações privadas como causas fundamentais de guerra. Analisam-se separadamente as condições que levam à guerra em dois tipos de incerteza, constantemente discutidas na literatura de conflitos internacionais: incerteza em relação ao custo de guerra e em relação à força relativa. Os resultados são apresentados com a devida formulação matemática


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Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which is studied since 1938, is a technique used in medicine to produce high quality images from inside the human body. These images are produced non-invasively and without ionizing radiation. In addition, MRI is an extremely flexible technique, with which it is possible to produce images with different contrasts that provide different information about the anatomy, structure and function of the human body, and it is therefore one of the techniques preferred by radiologists. The phenomenon of MRI is based on the interaction of magnetic fields with the nuclear spins of the scanned sample. In this work a detailed study of the technique of magnetic resonance imaging is presented, with a description of the main features of the images produced by the technique and an analysis of its application to the fields of applications Neurology and Neuroscience


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A análise estatística multivariada, extensão da análise univariada, consiste num conjunto de técnicas estatísticas, aplicadas quando há diversas variáveis relacionadas simultaneamente, sendo todas elas, em princípio, consideradas importantes no fenômeno em estudo. É de grande aplicação a conjuntos de dados das mais diversas áreas do conhecimento, principalmente da área biológica. Seu desenvolvimento teve um grande impulso na primeira metade do século passado. Entretanto, devido a complexidade dos cálculos matemáticos, principalmente envolvendo operações com matrizes de altas ordens, as aplicações somente se popularizaram nos dias atuais, com o desenvolvimento dos computadores e aplicativos computacionais. Técnicas estudadas: distâncias multivariadas, componentes principais, análise fatorial, correlações canônicas, análise de correspondência, teste t² de Hotelling, análise de variância multivariada (Manova), teste de normalidade multivariada, igualdade de matrizes de variâncias e covariâncias para populações multinormais


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As they have excellent mechanical properties, corrosion resistance and biocompatibility, much research has been conducted with respect to biomedical applications of titanium alloys. This work aims to study the experimental system binary alloy Ti-15Mo, in the raw state of fusion and heat treatment after homogenization, solubilization and calcination (simulating conditions employed for nanotube growth) targeting biomedical applications. Samples were obtained by casting the components in an electric arc furnace with inert atmosphere of argon. After obtaining the alloy, it was heat treated at three different heat treatments, namely homogenizing, calcining and simulation solubilization. The phases present were analyzed by X-ray diffraction, optical microscopy and microhardness testing


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After the discovery of ionizing radiation, its applications in various fields of science began to take significant proportions. In the case of medicine, there are the application areas in radiotherapy, diagnostic radiology and nuclear medicine. It was then necessary to create the field of radiological protection to establish the conditions necessary for the safe use of such ionizing radiation. Apply knowledge obtained during the graduation stage and in the practice of radiological protection in the areas of nuclear medicine and diagnostic radiology. In the area of nuclear medicine, tests were made in the Geiger-Muller counters (GM) and the dose calibrator (curiometer), the monitoring tests of radiation, waste management, clean of the Therapeutic room and testing the quality control of gamma-chambers. In the area of radiology, were performed tests of quality control equipment for conventional X-ray equipment and x-ray fluoroscopy, all following the rules of the National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), and reporting of tests. The routine developed in the fields of nuclear medicine in hospitals has proved very useful, since the quality control of GM counters contribute to the values of possible contamination are more reliable. The control of dose calibrator enables the patient not to receive different doses of the recommended amounts, which prevents the repetition of tests and unnecessary exposure to radiation. The management of waste following the rules and laws established and required for its management. Tests for quality control of gamma chambers help to evaluate its medical performance through image. In part of diagnostic radiology, tests for quality control are performed in order to verify that the equipment is acceptable for usage or if repairs are needed. The knowledge acquired at the internship consolidated the learning of graduation course


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Currently, Brazil has one of the largest cattle herds worldwide. In order to keep that milk and meat were introduced reproductive biotechnologies such as artificial insemination, embryo transfer and in vitro fertilization. In certain situations the technique may have undesired effect, for example, the production of calve calves due to the very large increase in the gestation period when performed in vitro fertilization. To avoid this problem we perform the induction of labor in order to prevent the product is longer the womb. This induction can also be made in case of diseases that compromise the life of the mother, twin pregnancy an abnormal size calf. The administration of short acting steroids, prostaglandins, association of short acting steroids and prostaglandins and association of short acting steroids, prostaglandins and long-acting corticosteroids are some of the possibilities of induction


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV