408 resultados para Nile filapia
Energia digestível para larvas de tilápia-do-nilo (oreochromis niloticus) na fase de reversão sexual
This experiment was conducted to evaluate different levels of digestible energy on the performance of Nile tilapia larvae (Oreochromis niloticus) during the sexual reversion phase. Three hundred and seventy-five larvae with initial average length and weight of 21.0±4.0 mg and 1.19±0.72 cm, respectively, were allotted to 25 30L-aquarium. A completely randomized design with five treatments and five replicates was used. The aquarium with 15 larvae was the experimental unit. The diets were formulated to contain levels of 3,300, 3,525, 3,750, 3,975, and 4,200 kcal/kg of digestible energy and to be isoprotein (38.6% digestible protein). The animals were fed ad libitum five times a day. At the end of the experiment, the averages of weight (PF), survival rate (SO), condition factor (FC) and length (CF) were analyzed. Linear reduction of fishes PF and CF, as the dietary digestible energy levels increased, was observed. No differences on fish SO and FC of different treatments were observed. Deleterious effects on performance due to the increasing dietary digestible energy levels were noticed for Nile tilapia larvae during the sexual reversion.
This study describes the occurrence and the seasonality of parasites of cultivated fish from a fee fishing farm located in Guariba, São Paulo State, Brazil (21°15'22'' S, 48°18'58'' W and 595 m of altitude), from August, 2001 to July, 2002. The presence of parasites was researched in pacu Piaractus mesopotamicus (Characidae), common carp Cyprinus carpio (Cyprinidae), nile-tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (Cichlidae), tambacu hybrid (male of P. mesopotamicus x female of tambaqui-Colossoma macropomum) and piraputanga Brycon hillari (Characidae). Results demonstrate that out of 100 fish examined, 15% were sponged for at least one of the following parasites: Trichodina sp.; monogenean helminths; copepodits of Lemaea cyprinacea; adults of L. cyprinacea; or Dolops carvalhoi. In decreasing order, the susceptibility degree of the hosts was C. carpio, P. mesopotamicus, B. hillari, tambacu hybrid and O. niloticus. In decreasing order the reported parasites were monogenean helminths, Dolops carvalhoi, Trichodina sp., adults of Lernaea cyprinacea and their young shapes.
The effects of inclusion of whole yeast, autolyzed yeast and yeast cell wall on hematological parameters and gut villus perimeter were evaluated in juvenile Nile tilapia, after 80 experimental days. Isoproteic (32.0% DP) and isoenergetic (3200 kcal DE kg -1) practical diets were supplemented with three levels of whole yeast or autolyzed yeast (1.0, 2.0 and 3.0%) and three levels of yeast cell wall (0.1, 0.2 and 0.3%), plus a control diet (with no test microingredients). Red blood cell count, hemoglobin concentration, total plasmatic protein, hematocrit percentage, mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration and gut villus perimeter were evaluated. Variations on hematological parameters in animals fed diets with whole yeast; autolyzed yeast and yeast cell wall were observed to be within normal ranges for this species. There was significant influence (p<0.05) of different levels of yeast and derivatives on intestinal villus perimeter. Results showed that experimental period and proposed levels of whole yeast, autolyzed yeast and yeast cell wall do not provide undesirable alterations on standard hematological parameters to Nile tilapia and can be safely used to compound diets for this species. Results also showed that supplement of yeast cell wall provide higher intestinal villus perimeter.
This research was carried out to compare the effect of phytase on performance, in the incorporation and excretion phosphorus in Nile tilápia. Four diets were used: one standard (contol), composed by 3,200 DE kcal ED/kg of ration and 30.0% CP and supplemented with phosphorus (4.0% of dicalcium phosphate), considering the treatment control, and others three, without phosphorus supplementation, with different phytase levels (1,000, 1,500, and 2,000 uf/kg), with four replication, per a period of 82 days. Circular tanks of fiber glass, with constant flow and aeration were used. The results demonstrated that the use of phytase in diets for fish production can reduce the levels of inorganic phosphorus in the diets and minimizing the impacts caused by phosphorus in the production system and in the natural environment and also can improve the productivity, increasing the amount of feed to be supplied and, consequently, facilitating the increase of biomass of fish to be used per production area. © 2007 Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia.
This paper proposes a method to determine iron in samples of fish feed and feces using ultrasound in the extraction of the analyte and in subsequent quantification by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. Using HCl 0.10 mol L -1 as the extraction solution, the optimal conditions of extraction were found to be: granulometry of the sample <60 μm; a sonication time of five cycles of 10 s and sonication power of 136 W. The method was applied in studies of the availability of iron in four food sources used in the diet of Nile Tilapia. The results obtained with the proposed extraction method allowed us to calculate the coefficients of apparent digestibility of iron in the food sources, which was not possible when using results obtained from samples mineralized by acid digestion. © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2008.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of fresh water shrimp Macrobrachium amazonicum (Heller, 1862) in performance of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) cultivated in polyculture system and feeding with ration pelleted and mashed. The work was realized in Centro de Pesquisa em Aqüicultura Ambiental-CPAA/IAP - Toledo/PR during 37 days. Were utilized like experimental unit 16 ponds excavated, covered with concrete but with bottom of soil with dimension the 4 x 3 m and useful volume the 3,5 m 3. Were utilized 30 tilapias e 150 shrimps for experimental unit distributed at an entirely randomized design with 4 treatments and 4 replications, where TF: tilapia feeding with ration mashed; TCF: tilapia and shrimp feeding with ration mashed; TP: tilapia feeding with ration pelleted; TCP: tilapia and shrimp feeding with ration pelleted. The density used were the 2,6 fishes/m 2 with medium initial weight the 5,58 ± 0,10 g and initial length the 5,56 cm, and the density of shrimp was the 13 shrimps/m 2 with initial length the 1,04 cm. The temperature was gauged daily, while the variables dissolved oxygen, pH and electrical conductivity, weekly. The quantity of ration supplied was the 10% of total biomass of fishes, with feed frequency the 4 times a day, being corrected weekly in function of the biometry. During the experimental period the medium values of temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH and electrical conductivity of the ponds water were 23,42 ± 0,83°C, 5,32 ± 0,52 mg/L, 7,02 ± 0,39, e 100,96 ± 1,81 μS/ cm respectively. Won't registering any influence of shrimp during the cultivation and the ration pelleted provide the better conversion alimentary and performance of tilapias.
Cottonseed meals (CSM) with different protein levels (35, 39 and 40%) were evaluated to determine their chemical composition and measure apparent digestibility coefficients (ADC) of dry matter, protein, amino acids, energy, lipid and minerals for Nile tilapia. Apparent digestibility coefficients were determined using a reference purified diet containing 0.1% of chromic oxide indicator, and test diets contained 60% of reference diet and 40% of test ingredients. Results showed that apparent digestibility coefficients of cottonseed meals were different (p < 0.05). The apparent digestibility coefficients were: dry matter, 53.45-54.32%; crude protein, 71.56-74.81%; energy, 53.80-58.60%; lipid, 85.37-89.11%; phosphorus, 33.75-34.50%; calcium, 41.21-43.75%; iron, 62.02-79.85%; zinc, 0-67.41%; copper, 13.37-14.27%; essential amino acids, 71.39-79.17%; and non-essential amino acids, 77.08-82.58%. The ADC of protein did not reflect the majority of amino acids ADC showing variation in individual digestibility of amino acids and among cottonseed meals. Cottonseed meal can be used as protein succedaneum in Nile tilapia diets.
Filleting yield of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (L.) is low (30%) and generates large amount of wastes that may turn into environmental and economic problem. However, these wastes can be used for the extraction of minced fish (MF) which can be used in the preparation of sausages. The objective of this study was to assess the quality of sausages prepared with 0, 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100% of MF from Nile tilapia filleting waste during storage at 0±0.3°C. Alterations in the instrumental color (L*, a* and b*), lipid oxidation (TBARS), total volatile nitrogenous bases (TVB-N), pH, microbiological condition (pathogenic bacteria and aerobic psychrotrophic bacteria), and sensory attributes (color, odor, flavor, texture and overall acceptability) were evaluated for up to 40 days. The addition of MF to sausages increased TBARS values and decreases TVB- N, L*, a* and b* values. Acceptability of color attribute decreased with increasing MF; best flavor, texture and overall acceptability scores were registered for sausages containing 40 and 60% MF; best odor was registered for 100% MF. Pathogenic microorganisms were not detected, but decrease in pH and proliferation of aerobic psychrotrophic bacteria which, however, did not compromise sensory evaluation of sausages were registered throughout storage. Sausages prepared with MF from tilapia filleting waste have a shelf-life of 40 days when stored at 0±0.3°C, and the maximum recommended MF inclusion to maintain good sensory quality is 60%.
The aim of the study was to evaluate the serum biochemical parameters of the Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), Thai Chitralada lineage, raised under an intensive pisciculture system and captured by the cast net technique. Blood samples from 40 individuals were obtained by caudal venopuncture. Mean body weight was 453 ± 52 g. The serum biochemical parameters evaluated were total protein, albumin, globulins, acid uric, creatinine, urea, calcium, inorganic phosphorus, Ca/P ratio, alkaline phosphatase, and magnesium. In general, the data showed similar parameters in comparison to those established for scale fish, exception of the acid uric.
The present study evaluated the microbiological water quality and tissue lesions in gills from Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and hybrid tambacu (Colossoma macropomum female x Piaractus mesopotamicus male). For this, water and gills were collected from fish farming at six locations in Itapecuru- Mirim County, Maranhão State. Microbiological water analyses revealed contamination by total coliforms, Escherichia coli and heterotrophic bacteria. In the gills, we observed a diversity of Gram-positive and Gramnegative bacteria. The tissue lesions were: lamellar fusion, interlamellar hyperplasia, sub-epithelial edema and telangiectasia. Inflammatory lesions were not observed. Significant statistical difference (p > 0.05) was not detected when comparing different gills lesions during rainy and dry season. The correlation between lesion and pond type was statistically different (p < 0.05) for lamellar fusion and interlamellar hyperplasia which occurred more frequently at ground ponds. Regarding the frequency of lesions in the different fish species, there was statistical difference (p < 0.05), and the tambacu was more sensitive to lamellar fusion while tilapia was more sensitive for the other lesions. In relation to the sampling stations, there was statistical difference for all the gill lesions. In conclusion, tissue lesions are nonspecific and function as a defense mechanism against polluted aquatic environments, without infectious character.
Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), which is exotic to South America, is the most common species caught in artisanal fisheries at the Barra Bonita Reservoir, Southeastern Brazil. This species is of great socioeconomic importance for the region and keeps active a population of about 500 fishers. In the present study we assess reproduction, food dynamics and level of exploitation of O. niloticus, caught by artisanal fisheries in the Barra Bonita Reservoir. Specimens were collected monthly, from July 2004-June 2005, and a total of 1 715 specimens were analyzed. Each specimen was examined to obtain biological and biometric data: standard length (cm), total weight (g), reproductive data (sex and stage of maturation), and stomach contents (empty, partly full, and full). We also estimated the sex ratio (by macroscopic observation of gonads), reproductive period (by ovarian development and seasonal average of gonadosomatic index in females), and feeding habits (by stomach contents). The possible relationship between abiotic factors and the reproductive period was statistically verified using Spearman's Rank Correlation. The FiSAT (ELEFAN I) package was used to assess growth parameters, mortality rates and to infer exploitation rate from standard length frequencies. The O. niloticus population had a sex ratio of 1.3:1 (M:F). Results indicated that ripe females were captured throughout the year, with a higher frequency during the winter-2004 (with a frequency of 59%, at a mean temperature of 20.5°C), and in spring-2004 (with a frequency of 60.5% at a mean temperature of 21.18°C). The GSI mean values obtained by season were: winter-2004: 1.71; spring-2004: 1.72; summer-2005: 0.80, and autumn-2005: 1.19. The Spearman correlation indicated positive values with respect to pH, dissolved oxygen, electric conductivity, transparency and chlorophyll a, and negative values with respect to temperature, accumulated rainfall and altimetric benchmark. The main food items were phytoplankton and periphytic algae, observed in 99.6% of the analyzed stomachs. The estimated growth and mortality parameters were: L∞=33.60cm, k=0.63/year, longevity= 4.76years, Z=2.81/ year, M=1.20/year and F=1.61/year. The weight-length relationship was Ln Wt=-2.8532+2.8835 Ln Lp. The estimated yield per recruit values were as follows: E=0.570, Emax=0.776, E0.1=0.604 and E0.5=0.349. These results indicate that a well established population of O. niloticus is present at Barra Bonita Reservoir; with an active reproduction throughout the year, more intense during winter and spring, and that O. niloticus is a phytoplanktophagus species. There were no indications that this species is being overfished, we therefore recommend that, due to its exotic condition, no restrictions need to be taken on its fishing activities.
The Nile Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, and the Congo Tilapia, Tilapia rendalli, are important members of the African cichlids, and have been introduced to many Brazilian lakes and reservoirs. These species exhibit a large feeding flexibility and may modify their habits during their growth. In the Barra Bonita reservoir, these species are well adapted, representing more than 80% of fish. This study aimed to analyze ontogenetic variation with regard to the diet of these species in this important reservoir. Samples were taken monthly, from March 2007 to February 2008, in Anhembi, São Paulo State. Both species were analyzed by grouping individuals according to size classes. The coexistence of these species was observed in this environment, to which fish were introduced, as well as discreet differences in diet, being that Oreochromis niloticus was considered as an detritivorous, since the detritus was constant in the diet of almost all size classes, and presents some changes in its diet according to the different size classes. While T. rendalli may was defined as herbivorous, and the contribution of food resources to the diet of T. rendalli seems to be different from that of O. niloticus along the size classes.
Chilodonelids are small ciliated protozoans found worldwide and can be dangerous in culture conditions. This study presents morphometric data on the ciliate Chilodonella that is found in cultured Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), native bait fish tuvira (Gymnotus aff. inaequilabiatus) and native pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus) and includes a histopathological assessment of the changes that occur in the pacu. For parasitic diagnosis, skin and gill samples were scraped onto slides, dried at room temperature, stained with Giemsa or impregnated with silver nitrate, and the measurements were obtained from photomicrographs. In the diseased pacu, the first gill arch was collected and fixed in a 10% buffered formalin solution for histopathological analysis. Parasite specimens from the different collection sites were identified morphologically as C. hexasticha Kiernik (1909). Diseased fish exhibited depigmentation, skin ulceration, scale loss, excessive mucus production and gill lesions. Histopathological analysis of pacu gills displayed epithelial proliferation with mononuclear inflammatory infiltrate, hemorrhages, and scattering necrosis. In Brazilian-farmed fish this is the first record of C. hexasticha, which has great pathogenic potential in cultured freshwater species. In addition, two new hosts are presented. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.
Nile tilapia fish were individually reared under similar light levels for 8 weeks under five colored light spectra (maximum wavelength absorbance): white (full light spectrum), blue (~452 nm), green (~516 nm), yellow (~520 nm) or red (~628 nm). The effects of light on feeding, latency to begin feeding, growth and feed conversion were measured during the last 4 weeks of the study (i.e., after acclimation). We found that red light stimulates feeding, as in humans, most likely by affecting central control centers, but the extra feeding is not converted into growth. © 2013 Volpato et al.
This study evaluated the physicochemical changes in Nile tilapia (n = 82, 373.71 ± 61.91 g) refrigerated for up to 92 h and in the frozen fillets. The tilapias were captured with nets, slaughtered by ice and water shock (1:1) in a temperature of approximately 2°C for 30 min, and stored refrigerated at 4°C in polystyrene boxes containing ice. The fish were filleted, and filets were weighed and frozen. The drip loss and protein were determined after 23 days of frozen storage. After 4 h of storage, all fish were in full rigor mortis. The pH of the muscles decreased for up to 45 h of the storage period. The fillets obtained from tilapia stored for more than 72 h lost more weight and protein. Thus, the filleting or processing of tilapia should be done before 72 h of cold storage, since deterioration of the fish starts to occur after this period. Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.