245 resultados para Maxilla


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Fundamentation: The correction of maxillary transverse deficiencies involves orthodontic and surgical procedures that can be performed before or after skeletal maturity. The surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion (SAR ME) is performed by osteotomies through the lateral walls of the maxilla, zygomatic and canines buttresses, palatal and pterygomaxillary sutures, causing the maxillary disjunction. Followed by activation of the expander to the desired over-expansion in order to correct intercuspal later. Objective: The purpose of this study was to discuss the issues involved in the diagnosis of maxillary atresia, SAR ME indications, as well as surgical technique, through a case study. Methods: The male patient, 19 years old, had severe transverse maxillary deficiency with facial pattern III , Class III , with great lip incompetence. The patient underwent general anesthesia in a hospital environment, the osteotomies was done according to the technique described by Epker and Wolford (1980). Postoperatively, the patient underwent activations daily for 15 days and after 6 months, the orthodontist installed fixed orthodontic appliance to prepare the patient to orthognathic surgery later. Conclusion: The diagnosis by clinical evaluation and models study is essential for the indication of SAR ME and this procedure provides good predictability in the correction of transverse deficiency, with minimal morbidity.


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The florid cemento-osseous dysplasia is an asymptomatic lesion present in the fibro-osseous maxilla and mandible of uncertain etiology. It has higher expression in females, and patients melanoderm, middle-aged to elderly. This dysplasia is an asymptomatic condition that can be discovered when a radiograph is performed. A biopsy is contraindicated to avoid infection difficult to treat. We report the case of a white woman 52 years old, who searched the Clinic of Surgery and Traumatology Bucco-maxillofacial surgery, Faculty of Dentistry of Araçatuba with pain in the posterior portion of left mandible. After radiographic examination was diagnosed with florid cementoosseous dysplasia. Treatment was instituted clinical and radiographic.


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Próteses sobre implantes esteticamente favoráveis estão diretamente relacionadas com a condição dos tecidos moles e duros que as envolvem. A preservação dos tecidos mucogengivais ao redor de implantes dentários instalados na maxila anterior propicia um sorriso harmonioso, com uma estética bastante agradável. No entanto, em alguns casos, isso não ocorre principalmente pela grande reabsorção tecidual na região, na qual deveria ter sido realizado enxerto ósseo, antes mesmo da instalação dos implantes. Desse modo, o objetivo deste trabalho foi apresentar uma solução reabilitadora estética para essas possíveis falhas durante o planejamento com reabilitações sobre implantes, por meio de gengiva artificial cerâmica.


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Background: Considering the limited qualitative and quantitative bone in the posterior arch, this modality of prosthetic treatment could provide a positive emotional factor reestablished by immovability of the anterior fixed implant-supported segment. Objective: This clinical report demonstrates the possibility of achieving positive results with a removable partial denture connected to an implant-supported fixed prosthesis associated to an extra resilient attachment. Clinical significance: In cases of posterior mandibular and maxilla atrophy added to the patients desire against the bone graft, this kind of prosthetic treatment has an important place as an alternative.


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Many patients seeking dental care wish to improve facial and smile aesthetics to be accepted in modern day society. In denture wearers, the physiological resorption causes atrophy mainly in the maxilla, being necessary to carry out reconstruction techniques and sometimes orthognathic surgery to improve occlusal stability and facial harmony. The aim of this study is to discuss the features related to the rehabilitation of edentulous patients with indication for reconstruction of the maxilla using bone grafts and orthognathic surgery by means of a clinical case. In the present case, after the prosthetic rehabilitation, the patient was full satisfied with obtained results and dismissed the initially proposed surgical protocol. Therefore, professionals should provide therapeutic options but the patient’s opinion should prevail provided its clinical feasibility.


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The residual alveolar ridges may be unfavorable for implant placement. The edentulous maxilla is often challenging for the oral surgeon because of the lack of bone as a consequence of alveolar ridge resorption and/or maxillary sinus pneumatization. Accidents or complications may occur when some of these issues are not being known. This article reports one case of implant displaced into the maxillary sinus, 27 days after sinus bone augmentation with simultaneous dental implant installation, causing moderated sinusitis symptoms. The implant was removed through oral cavity access to maxillary sinus.


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The Peripheral ossifying fibroma is a reactive proliferative lesion, non neoplastic, slow growth, which can produce recurrence after removal. It´s etiology is uncertain, but is associated with local irritants, and is found mostly in the anterior maxilla. Clinically it is characterized by an asymptomatic increase in volume, which may, over time, facial asymmetry. The aim of this paper is to describe a case of peripheral ossifying fibroma in a patient 40, female, exophytic lesion in the jaw, unusual for its large dimensions and with a history of three recurrences, leading to facial asymmetry. She underwent surgery to remove the lesion along with the likely irritants, and the pathological diagnosis of peripheral ossifying fibroma. We conclude that it is fundamentally important for complete removal of the lesion to reduce the tendency to relapse, including the periosteum and the periodontal ligament, in addition to possible causes.


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The microbial infections involving the craniofacial skeleton, particularly maxilla and mandible, have direct relationship with the dental biofilm, with predominance of obligate anaerobes. In some patients, these infections may spread to bone marrow or facial soft tissues, producing severe and life-threatening septic conditions. In such cases, local treatment associated with systemic antimicrobials should be used in order to eradicate the sources of contamination. This paper discuss the possibility of spread of these infections and their clinical implications for dentistry, as well as their etiology and aspects related to microbial virulence and pathogenesis.


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Aim: the purpose of this study is to present a case of surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion using piezosurgery and describe the benefits of using this device in this type of procedure. Case description: patient had adento-skeletal deformity Cl III with asevereatresia of jaw and underwent a rapid maxillary expansion and surgically assisted with the use of piezosurgery. Conclusion: the piezosurgerycan be used as an alternative in oral and maxillofacial surgery wich features provide greater accuracy and safety in surgery


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Bone reconstructions are traditionally conducted with autogenous grafts harvested from intra- or extra-oral donor sites to reestablish the lost bone volume for further implant-prosthetic rehabilitation. The calvarial bone has been studied as an excellent donor site in large atrophic situations, presenting low resorption rates, as well as complications and minimal morbidity. The hospitalization time is short, with low pain levels, short functional limitations, and invisible scars. The skull microarchitecture is predominantly cortical in the presence of growth factors that demonstrate their osteogenic, osteoinductive, and osteoconductive abilities resulting in low resorption rate and high predictability when compared to the iliac crest. Dural lacerations, extra and subdural bleeding, cerebrospinal fluid leakage, and brain damage have been minimized due to the development of surgical technique. The delimitation of diploe, preserving the internal skull cortex before osteotomy at the donor made it possible to reduce accidents and complications. The aim of this paper is to show a technical and to discuss aspects of the use of calvarial bone in the reconstruction of severely atrophic maxilla for oral rehabilitation with osseointegrated implants.


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Calvaria grafts provide good bone quantity for the reconstruction of the atrophic maxilla, and have lower morbidity and resorption rates when compared to iliac crest. The aim of this paper is to present the technique for obtaining a graft of the skull. Initially, the depth of the osteotomy is determined by a manually conducted bur, which establishes the limits of the structures of the skull (outer table, diploe and inner table), making the removal of bone blocks easier and safer. Thus, osteotomies of the blocks are made with greater security, avoiding the complications inherent to surgical technique. The case that will be presented it is from a male patient of 65 years who refused to submit to the iliac crest graft, opting for the calvaria, despite being bald, that is a contraindication for this treatment modality. A delicate suture associated with placement of titanium mesh to maintain the conformation of the patient's skull in the region of the bone defect, created after removal of the graft, provided a good cosmetic result at the donor site. The use of titanium mesh for re-anatomization of bone defects created in the grafts is well indicated for bald patients.


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The techniques of bone reconstruction for atrophic maxillae have been improved in order to promote bone tissue growth in both height and thickness. The grafts performed with use of autogenous bone is considered the gold standard by most researchers, for demonstrating osteogenic capacity and not to promote antigenic response. However, this type of grafting is not possible to get bone tissue in large quantity for extensive renovations. In recent years, alternatives have been researched to overcome the limitations of autogenous bone. Several alternatives have been investigated to supply the disadvantages of autogenous bone grafts. In such studies, allogeneic bone grafts which are obtained from individuals with different genetic load, but from the same species have been extensively used. They can be indicated in cases of arthrosplasty, surgical knee reconstruction, and large bone defects as well as in oral and maxillofacial reconstruction. Besides showing great applicability and biocompatibility, this type of bone is available in unlimited quantities. To rehabilitate atrophic maxillae an option that has been performed with high success rate is the reconstruction with bone graft followed by osseointegrated dental implants to rehabilitate the patient aesthetics and functionally. This paper aims to show the feasibility of allogenic bone as material for reconstruction of atrophic maxilla, and subsequent rehabilitation with metal ceramic fixed prosthesis implant and dental restoration with accompanying three years through literature review and clinical case report.


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Many patients seeking dental care wish to improve facial and smile aesthetics to be accepted in modern day society. In denture wearers, the physiological resorption causes atrophy mainly in the maxilla, being necessary to carry out reconstruction techniques and sometimes orthognathic surgery to improve occlusal stability and facial harmony. The aim of this study is to discuss the features related to the rehabilitation of edentulous patients with indication for reconstruction of the maxilla using bone grafts and orthognathic surgery by means of a clinical case. In the present case, after the prosthetic rehabilitation, the patient was full satisfied with obtained results and dismissed the initially proposed surgical protocol. Therefore, professionals should provide therapeutic options but the patient’s opinion should prevail provided its clinical feasibility.


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Objectives: to evaluate implant survival immediately placed after tooth extraction considering different sites, prosthodontic modalities, and the need for biomaterials. Material and methods: dental records of 500 patients treated with dental implants between 2004 and 2011 were screened. Results: only 200 records (20%) corresponded to immediate implants. Reasons for tooth extraction included extensive caries, bone loss, and root fractures. From the 197 immediate dental implants, 86 were placed in the maxilla with a survival rate of 93.9% and 111 in the mandible (survival rate of 99.1%). The overall survival rate was 97.46%. Prosthodontic modalities identified were: Brånemark classic complete denture screwed prostheses (36%), overdentures (5.6%), fixed partial denture (31%), and single-tooth prostheses (27.4%). Also, it was observed that in 33% of cases there was a need for the use of grafts and/or biomaterials. Conclusion: it can be concluded that, when correctly indicated, immediate implants are an excellent choice. The anterior mandibular region, screwed and overdenture-type prostheses presented higher success rates when associated to immediate implant placement. The need for bone graft/biomaterial does not affect the clinical results.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)