595 resultados para MOLARS
OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this in vitro study was to quantify the alterations in human root dentin permeability after exposure to dietary acids and to evaluate the effect of toothbrushing after acid application. METHOD AND MATERIALS: Extracted human third molars had their crowns sectioned above the CEJ, pulp tissue removed, and cervical root dentin exposed using a high-speed bur (approximately 1 mm in depth of substance loss). From each root fragment, one specimen was prepared. A total of 25 specimens were used and distributed randomly into five groups. The specimens were attached to a hydraulic pressure apparatus to evaluate the alterations of root dentin permeability after exposure to different acids. Dentin permeability was measured after the following sequential steps: (1) treatment with EDTA for 3 minutes to obtain the maximum permeability; (2) root planing to create a smear layer; (3) exposure to different acidic substances for 5 minutes (vinegar, cola drink, lemon juice, white wine, and orange juice); and (4) brushing for 3 minutes. RESULTS: All acidic substances increased dentin permeability after root planing. Lemon juice produced higher values for permeability when compared to the other substances (P = .009); moreover, orange juice showed similar results (P < .02) except when compared to vinegar (P = .12). Brushing right after acid exposure significantly reduced dentin permeability except in the vinegar group (P = .07). CONCLUSION: Under the experimental conditions, dietary acids increased root dentin permeability, and immediate brushing reduced permeability levels.
The frequency of simultaneously impacted second and third molars in teenagers is increasing and becoming a common occurrence in adolescent oral surgery practice. The traditional treatment is the removal of the third molar by conventional access but repositioning of the surgical flap to the distal face of the first molar can predispose to complications such as pericoronitis and delayed healing of the attached gingiva. We present a case in which we use the germectomy approach to remove the impacted third molar for the eruption of the second molar through a vestibular incision. This incision offers excellent bone exposure and exit route for the third molar without disturbing the gingiva attached architecture on the distal face of the first molar providing good healing environment.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of ICDAS training in a group of dental students for occlusal caries detection in permanent teeth. Premolars and molars (N=104) with occlusal surfaces varying from ICDAS scores 0 to 6 were cleaned, one occlusal site per tooth was selected, and a photograph taken to identify the site. Eight senior dental students examined the teeth twice with a one-week interval between examinations during each of two phases: before and after the ICDAS e-learning program. Teeth were histologically assessed for caries extension. Intraclass correlation coefficients for intra- and interexaminer repeatability were high, both before (0.75 and 0.72, respectively) and after e-learning (0.82 and 0.78, respectively). The ICDAS scores decreased significantly from before to after e-learning (p=0.0001). Correlation between ICDAS scores and histology scores was moderate (0.57 before e-learning and 0.61 after). Although the ROC curve shows an improvement in the use of the ICDAS scoring after e-learning, the difference was not significant (p=0.10). Specificity of the ICDAS scores significantly improved after e-learning (77 percent vs. 36 percent), and sensitivity was reduced slightly after e-learning (87 percent vs. 92 percent). The ICDAS e-learning program improved the performance of the diagnostic skills of the investigated students for the detection of occlusal caries lesions.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of manual and rotary instrumentation techniques for removing root fillings after different storage times. Twenty-four canals from palatal roots of human maxillary molars were instrumented and filled with gutta-percha and zinc-oxide eugenol-based sealer (Endofill), and were stored in saline for 6 years. Non-aged control specimens were treated in the same manner and stored for 1 week. All canals were retreated using hand files or ProTaper Universal NiTi rotary system. Radiographs were taken to determine the amount of remaining material in the canals. The roots were vertically split, the halves were examined with a clinical microscope and the obtained images were digitized. The images were evaluated with AutoCAD software and the percentage of residual material was calculated. Data were analyzed with two-way ANOVA and Tukey's test at 5% significance level. There was no statistically significant differences (p>0.05) between the manual and rotary techniques for filling material removal regardless the ageing effect on endodontic sealers. When only the age of the filling material was analyzed microscopically, non-aged fillings that remained on the middle third of the canals presented a higher percentage of material remaining (p<0.05) compared to the aged sealers and to the other thirds of the roots. The apical third showed a higher percentage of residual filling material in both radiographic and microscopic analysis when compared to the other root thirds. In conclusion, all canals presented residual filling material after endodontic retreatment procedures. Microscopic analysis was more effective than radiographs for detection of residual filling material.
The aim of this study was to use photoelastic models to analyze the distribution of stress caused by the incidence of loads on a mandibular distal extension removable partial denture, both on the abutment teeth and on differently shaped residual ridges: distal ascending, descending-ascending, horizontal and distal descending. The best type of retainer and location of the rest on the last abutment tooth were determined for the different types of ridge. Four models were made from photoelastic resin (PL-1 for the teeth and PL-2 for the alveolar ridge), one for each kind of ridge. For each model, 4 removable partial dentures (RPD) were made (16 RPD altogether): T-bar retainer and distal rest, T-bar retainer and mesial rest, circumferential retainer and distal rest, and circumferential retainer and mesial rest. The models were placed on a circular polariscope and a 100 N axial load (point load) was applied to premolars and molars of the RPD. The formation of photoelastic bands was photographed for qualitative analysis. Results showed that the horizontal ridge had better distribution of stress, while the distal descending ridge had greater concentration of stress. The circumferential retainer had greater areas of stress for all types of ridges except the horizontal ridge, where there was no influence related to retainer type. The distribution of stress was similar among the different types of ridges when the rest was mesial or distal to the last abutment tooth, except for the distal descending ridge, where there was greater concentration of stress when the rest was located distally to the last abutment tooth. Thus, it may be concluded that (1) the situation was least favorable for the distal descending ridge and most favorable for the horizontal ridge, (2) the T-bar retainer had more favorable stress distribution, except when the ridge was horizontal, in which case there was no influence in relation to the type of retainer, (3) the location of the rest showed similar behavior in all except the distal descending ridge.
Objeti vo: Avaliar os efeitos da expansão lenta na maxila e na mandíbula com o aparelho ortodônti co removível superior com torno de expansão simétrico e mediano, nas regiões oclusal, gengival e alveolar de pacientes jovens com atresia maxilar. Método: A amostra compreendeu 18 indivíduos leucodermas (11 meninas e 7 meninos; idade média: 8 anos e 10 meses no início do tratamento) que apresentavam atresia da maxila, acompanhadas ou não de mordida cruzada posterior uni ou bilateral na fase de denti ção mista. Todos os pacientes foram tratados com aparelho ortodônti co removível superior com torno de expansão simétrico e mediano, sendo o tempo médio de tratamento de 15,4 meses (± 7,6). Para avaliar a infl uência do tratamento nas mensurações dos pontos demarcados nas regiões oclusal, gengival e alveolar, foram uti lizados os modelos de gesso dos arcos superior e inferior (36 pares) obti dos em dois tempos: T1: início do tratamento e T2: ao fi nal do tratamento. Para cada paciente em ambos os tempos, foram mensuradas as distâncias transversas na região oclusal entre caninos decíduos, 1o molares decíduos ou 1o pré-molares permanentes e entre 1o molares permanentes, superiores e inferiores. Para verifi car se a movimentação ocorreu por inclinação ou por movimento de corpo, foram uti lizadas também medidas nas regiões gengival e alveolar. Os dados foram avaliados estati sti camente pelo teste “t student para amostras pareadas (5%). Resultados: Observou-se que em T2, todas as distâncias mensuradas para as regiões oclusal, gengival e alveolar apresentaram valores estati sti camente superiores às mesmas medidas em T1 (p<0,05). Conclusão: O aparelho ortodônti co removível superior é efeti vo nos casos de expansão lenta da maxila, agindo também indiretamente nas dimensões transversas do arco inferior.
This study quantified alterations in root dentin permeability after exposure to different acid beverages. Twenty-five third molars were sectioned below the cementoenamel junction, the root segment was collected, and the pulp tissue was removed. The root segments were connected to a hydraulic pressure apparatus to measure the permeability of root dentin after the following sequential steps, with 5 specimens in each: 1) phosphoric acid etching for 30 s (maximum permeability), 2) root planning to create new smear layer, 3) exposure to different acid substances for 5 min (orange, cola drink, vinegar, white wine, lemon juice), 4) toothbrushing with sonic toothbrush for 3 min, 5) toothbrushing with sonic toothbrush plus dentifrice for 3 min. Considering step I as 100%, the data were converted into percentage and each specimen was its own control. Data were analyzed statistically by Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn's post test at 5% significance level. All acidic substances increased dentin permeability significantly after scraping (p<0.05). Toothbrushing after exposure to acid substances decreased dentin permeability and the association with dentifrice accentuated the decrease (p<0.05), except for the specimens treated with cola drink. Thus, it may be concluded that all tested acid fruit juices increased dentin permeability, and toothbrushing with or without dentifrice can decrease root dentin permeability after dentin exposure to acid diet.
Objective: Although direct bonding takes up less clinical time and ensures increased preservation of gingival health, the banding of molar teeth is still widespread nowadays. It would therefore be convenient to devise methods capable of increasing the efficiency of this procedure, notably for teeth subjected to substantial masticatory impact, such as molars. This study was conducted with the purpose of evaluating whether direct bonding would benefit from the application of an additional layer of resin to the occlusal surfaces of the tube/tooth interface. Methods: A sample of 40 mandibular third molars was selected and randomly divided into two groups: Group 1 - Conventional direct bonding, followed by the application of a layer of resin to the occlusal surfaces of the tube/tooth interface, and Group 2 - Conventional direct bonding. Shear bond strength was tested 24 hours after bonding with the aid of a universal testing machine operating at a speed of 0.5mm/min. The results were analyzed using the independent t-test. Results: The shear bond strength tests yielded the following mean values: 17.08 MPa for Group 1 and 12.60 MPa for Group 2. Group 1 showed higher statistically significant shear bond strength than Group 2. Conclusions: The application of an additional layer of resin to the occlusal surfaces of the tube/tooth interface was found to enhance bond strength quality of orthodontic buccal tubes bonded directly to molar teeth.
Recent and historical biomarkers assess chronic or subchronic exposure to fluoride. The most studied recent biomarkers are nails and hair. Both can be non-invasively obtained, although collection of nails is more accepted by the subjects. External contamination may be a problem for both biomarkers and still needs to be better evaluated. Nails have been more extensively studied. Although the available knowledge does not allow their use as predictors of dental fluorosis by individual subjects, since reference values of fluoride have not yet been established, they have a strong potential for use in epidemiological surveys. Toenails should be preferred instead of fingernails, and variables that are known to affect nail fluoride concentrations - such as age, gender and geographical area - should be considered. The main historical biomarkers that could indicate total fluoride body burden are bone and dentin. Of these, bone is more studied, but its fluoride concentrations vary according to the type of bone and subjects' age and gender. They are also influenced by genetic background, renal function and remodeling rate, variables that complicate the establishment of a normal range of fluoride levels in bone that could indicate 'desirable' exposure to fluoride. The main issue when attempting to use bone as biomarker of fluoride exposure is the difficulty and invasiveness of sample collection. In this aspect, collection of dentin, especially from 3rd molars that are commonly extracted, is advantageous. However, mean values also span a wide range and reference concentrations have not been published yet. © 2011 S. Karger AG, Basel.
Fluoride was introduced into dentistry over 70 years ago, and it is now recognized as the main factor responsible for the dramatic decline in caries prevalence that has been observed worldwide. However, excessive fluoride intake during the period of tooth development can cause dental fluorosis. In order that the maximum benefits of fluoride for caries control can be achieved with the minimum risk of side effects, it is necessary to have a profound understanding of the mechanisms by which fluoride promotes caries control. In the 1980s, it was established that fluoride controls caries mainly through its topical effect. Fluoride present in low, sustained concentrations (sub-ppm range) in the oral fluids during an acidic challenge is able to absorb to the surface of the apatite crystals, inhibiting demineralization. When the pH is re-established, traces of fluoride in solution will make it highly supersaturated with respect to fluorhydroxyapatite, which will speed up the process of remineralization. The mineral formed under the nucleating action of the partially dissolved minerals will then preferentially include fluoride and exclude carbonate, rendering the enamel more resistant to future acidic challenges. Topical fluoride can also provide antimicrobial action. Fluoride concentrations as found in dental plaque have biological activity on critical virulence factors of S. mutans in vitro, such as acid production and glucan synthesis, but the in vivo implications of this are still not clear. Evidence also supports fluoride's systemic mechanism of caries inhibition in pit and fissure surfaces of permanent first molars when it is incorporated into these teeth pre-eruptively. © 2011 S. Karger AG, Basel.
Objective: To analyze the effects of thermal cycling on the microtensile shear bond strength of a self-etching and a conventional pit and fissure sealants to dental enamel. Material and Method: Twenty-four healthy human molars extracted for orthodontic reasons, were sectioned in the mesio-distal direction and divided into two groups (n=24) according to the sealant to be applied: GI - conventional sealant Climpro (3M/ESPE) and GII - self-etching sealant Enamel Loc (Premier Dental). The sealants were applied on flattened enamel in matrixes 1 mm in diameter, in accordance with the manufacturers' recommendations. The specimens were stored in distilled water at 37°C for 24 hours. After this, half the samples of both groups were submitted to 500 thermal cycles in 30s baths at temperatures between 5 and 55°C. Forty-eight hours after the samples were made, the microtensile shear test was performed in an Instron 4411 test machine, with a stainless steel wire with a cylindrical cross section of 0.2mm in diameter at a constant speed of 0.5mm/s. The bond strength values were submitted to ANOVA for 2 factors and the fracture patterns were examined under an optical microscope at 65X magnification. Results: Thermal cycling did not influence the bond strength of the two sealants. The conventional sealant Climpro presented a statistically higher microtensile shear bond strength (11.72MPa, 11.34MPa with and without cycling, respectively) than the self-etching sealant Enamel Loc (5.92MPa, 5.02MPa with and without cycling, respectively). Fracture pattern analysis showed the occurrence of 100% of adhesive failures for Enamel Loc, while the conventional sealant Climpro presented 95% of adhesive failures and 5% of mixed failures. Conclusion: The conventional sealant presented higher microtensile shear bond strength to dental enamel in comparison with the self-etching sealant. Thermal cycling did not affect the bond strength of the sealants used in this study. © 2011 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Conservative prosthetic-periodontal treatment for molar class iii furcation involvement: Case report
Purpose: The treatment for furcation involvement is a great challenge to the general dentists. Tunneling may be a treatment alternative for class II and III furcation involvements in mandibular molars with large angle separation and great divergence between the mesial and distal roots. This alternative is a conservative treatment that allows a great condition to oral hygiene maintenance by the patient. Thus, the aim of this case report was to describe a conservative and therapeutic treatment modality for the horizontal defect of periodontal tissues in the furcal area with buccal-lingual extension (class III furcation involvement). Case Report: A patient with class III furcation involvement in the first mandibular molar was submitted to root resection and periodontal surgery to expose the clinical crown for the full-coverage restoration with tunnel preparation. Results: The final result of the treatment with tunneled crown was favorable and predictable due to adequate hygiene condition to avoid plaque accumulation and occurrence of root caries. Clinical Significance: A multidisciplinary approach is essential to achieve a correct treatment plan including surgical-periodontal procedures integrated to the prosthetic rehabilitation. Besides, the recommendation for oral hygiene maintenance is essential for the treatment longevity with tunneled crown. © 2011 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the use of a two-step total etch and rinse adhesive, the correlation between the hyybrid layer thickness (HL) and bond strength (BS), and between resin tag length (RT) and bond strength in the same teeth, and also to evaluate the fracture patterns of the tested specimens. Ten human molars were used for the restorative procedure and then sectioned in two halves (mesio-distally). The materials used were Adper Single Bond 2, 3M ESPE, Ultra etch gel, Ultradent and Filtek Z250, 3M ESPE. One half were utilized to measure the HL thickness and RT length through light microscopy analysis (400x), and the other half was subject to a microtensile test to measure the BS. The fractured surfaces were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy and fracture patterns classified. The Pearson correlation test was applied (p = 0.05). The results of the analyses of each specimen then were correlated: mean HL thickness = 4.39 (0.48) microm, mean length of RT = 9.94 (1.69) microm, mean BS = 23.98 (10.24) MPa. A statistically significant correlation between HL thickness and bond strength was found (r = 0.93). The two step etch and rinse adhesive system, showed a strong correlation between HL thickness and bond strength. The most common fractures were adhesive, followed by cohesive in resin.
The purpose of this in vitro study was to quantify the alterations on human root dentin permeability after exposure to different acid fruit juices and to evaluate the effect of toothbrushing with electric or sonic toothbrush after acid exposure. The root dentin of 50 extracted third molars was exposed with a high speed bur. Crowns were sectioned above the cementoenamel junction and root fragments were used to prepare dentin specimens. Specimens were randomly assigned to 5 groups according to the fruit juice (kiwifruit, starfruit, green apple, pineapple and acerolla). Each specimen was connected to a hydraulic pressure apparatus to measure root dentin permeability using fluid filtration method after the following sequential steps: I) conditioning with 37% phosphoric acid for 30 s, II) root scaling, III) exposure to acid fruit juices for 5 min and IV) electric or sonic toothbrushing without dentifrice for 3 min. Data were analyzed statistically by the Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney tests at 5% significance level. All fruit juices promoted a significant increase of dentin permeability while toothbrushing decreased it significantly (p<0.05). It may be concluded that all acid fruit juices increased root dentin permeability, while toothbrushing without dentifrice after acid exposure decreased the permeability. The toothbrush mechanism (electric or sonic) had no influence on the decrease of root dentin permeability.
This study aimed to assess the performance of International Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS), radiographic examination, and fluorescence-based methods for detecting occlusal caries in primary teeth. One occlusal site on each of 79 primary molars was assessed twice by two examiners using ICDAS, bitewing radiography (BW), DIAGNOdent 2095 (LF), DIAGNOdent 2190 (LFpen), and VistaProof fluorescence camera (FC). The teeth were histologically prepared and assessed for caries extent. Optimal cutoff limits were calculated for LF, LFpen, and FC. At the D 1 threshold (enamel and dentin lesions), ICDAS and FC presented higher sensitivity values (0.75 and 0.73, respectively), while BW showed higher specificity (1.00). At the D 2 threshold (inner enamel and dentin lesions), ICDAS presented higher sensitivity (0.83) and statistically significantly lower specificity (0.70). At the D 3 threshold (dentin lesions), LFpen and FC showed higher sensitivity (1.00 and 0.91, respectively), while higher specificity was presented by FC (0.95), ICDAS (0.94), BW (0.94), and LF (0.92). The area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve (Az) varied from 0.780 (BW) to 0.941 (LF). Spearman correlation coefficients with histology were 0.72 (ICDAS), 0.64 (BW), 0.71 (LF), 0.65 (LFpen), and 0.74 (FC). Inter- and intraexaminer intraclass correlation values varied from 0.772 to 0.963 and unweighted kappa values ranged from 0.462 to 0.750. In conclusion, ICDAS and FC exhibited better accuracy in detecting enamel and dentin caries lesions, whereas ICDAS, LF, LFpen, and FC were more appropriate for detecting dentin lesions on occlusal surfaces in primary teeth, with no statistically significant difference among them. All methods presented good to excellent reproducibility. © 2012 Springer-Verlag London Ltd.