346 resultados para Felicia Sartori
Spindle cell lipoma (SCL) is a benign lipomatous tumor predominantly occurring at the posterior neck and shoulder area. Face, forehead, scalp, cheek, perioral area, and upper arm are less common sites. In oral cavity, it is a relatively uncommon neoplasm, particularly in tongue, which is relatively devoid of fat cells. We present a case report of SCL located on the left lateral border of the tongue in a 64-year-old Caucasian female patient with diabetes mellitus type 2 and arterial hypertension.
In 2003 the construction team of the 1st grade of the medical and nursing courses from a medical school began a work aiming at curriculum reconstruction, and restructured cognitive contents and the integration of basic and clinical aspects, in order to adapt to the incentive program for Curriculum Changes (PROMED) which allows for the continuity of curricular innovations. This team worked considering the group dynamics, a method already used in tutorial sessions which teachers have some familiarity with. For a good group performance the team participants were divided into two subgroups: one for constructing educational problems and the other for doing cognitive assessment exercises. The team and the subgroups met weekly, and every 15 days the group met for socialization of information, identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the process and/or products. A good adhesion, an active involvement of participants and satisfaction expressed by each participant with their inclusion in the group were reflected in the final product and contributed to the subjects' commitment to the proposal. This way, in the process the individual transformations and relations in a situation requiring the collaboration of professionals were essential in the process of permanent curricular reconstruction.
Isoflavones are phenolic compounds widely distributed in plants and found in a high percentage in soybeans. They have important biological properties and are regarded as potential chemopreventive agents. The aim of this study was to verify the preventive effect of two soy isoflavones (genistein and daidzein) by a micronucleus assay, analysis of GST activity, and real-time RT-PCR analysis of GSTa2 gene expression. Mutagens of direct (doxorubicin) and indirect (2-aminoanthracene) DNA damage were used. Hepatoma cells (HTC) were treated with genistein or daidzein for 26 h at noncytotoxic concentrations; 10 μM when alone, and 0.1, 1.0 and 10 μM when combined with genotoxic agents. The micronucleus test demonstrated that both isoflavones alone had no genotoxic effect. Genistein showed antimutagenic effects at 10 μM with both direct and indirect DNA damage agents. On phase II enzyme regulation, the current study indicated an increase in total cytoplasmic GST activity in response to genistein and daidzein at 10 μM supplementation. However, the mRNA levels of GSTa2 isozymes were not differentially modulated by genistein or daidzein. The results point to an in vitro antimutagenic activity of genistein against direct and indirect DNA damage-induced mutagenicity. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
Rabbits are very sensitive to heat stress because they have difficulty eliminating excess body heat. The objective of the current study was to evaluate the effects of heat stress on slaughter weight, dressing percentage and carcass and meat quality traits of rabbits from two genetic groups. Ninety-six weaned rabbits were used: half were from the Botucatu genetic group and half were crossbreds between New Zealand White sires and Botucatu does. They were assigned to a completely randomized design in a 2 × 3 factorial arrangement (two genetic groups and three ambient temperatures: 18°C, 25°C and 30°C) and kept under controlled conditions in three environmental chambers from 5 to 10 weeks of age. Slaughter took place at 10 weeks, on 2 consecutive days. Meat quality measurements were made in the longissimus muscle. Actual average ambient temperature and relative humidity in the three chambers were 18.4°C and 63.9%, 24.4°C and 80.2% and 29.6°C and 75.9%, respectively. Purebred rabbits were heavier at slaughter and had heavier commercial and reference carcasses than crossbreds at 30°C; however, no differences between genetic groups for these traits were found at lower temperatures. No genetic group × ambient temperature interaction was detected for any other carcass or meat quality traits. The percentages of distal parts of legs, skin and carcass forepart were higher in crossbred rabbits, indicating a lower degree of maturity at slaughter in this group. The percentage of thoracic viscera was higher in the purebreds. Lightness of the longissimus muscle was higher in the purebreds, whereas redness was higher in the crossbreds. Slaughter, commercial and reference carcass weights and the percentages of thoracic viscera, liver and kidneys were negatively related with ambient temperature. Commercial and reference carcass yields, and the percentage of distal parts of legs, on the other hand, had a positive linear relationship with ambient temperature. Meat redness and yellowness diminished as ambient temperature increased, whereas cooking loss was linearly elevated with ambient temperature. Meat color traits revealed paler meat in the purebreds, but no differences in instrumental texture properties and water-holding capacity between genetic groups. Purebred rabbits were less susceptible to heat stress than the crossbreds. Heat stress resulted in lower slaughter and carcass weights and proportional reductions of organ weights, which contributed to a higher carcass yield. Moreover, it exerted a small, but negative, effect on meat quality traits. © 2012 The Animal Consortium.
Rehabilitating atrophic maxilla poses many challenges. Reconstructive techniques that require sinus grafting are viable and acceptable; however, these techniques also are considered to be expensive, invasive, and time-consuming. Tilted implants anchored in distal areas using available bone have been reported as a less invasive and highly predictable treatment option. This article presents a case involving implant anchorage via tilted implants as an alternative technique to bone grafting procedures. Copyright © 2013 by the Academy of General Dentistry.
Seedling morphology is relevant in classification, taxonomy, and vegetation studies to understand plant life cycles, germination succession and requirements, and developmental progression. However, most morphological studies of seedlings lack analysis of organ anatomy, impeding the comprehension of series of development and establishment in a particular environment. Here, we have taken a traditional anatomical approach to examine the stages of seedling development in Epiphyllum phyllanthus, a holo-epiphytic cactus of tribe Hylocereeae. The goals were 1) to offer a comprehensive description of growth series in E. phyllanthus seedlings based on morphological and anatomical analysis and 2) to examine the initial growth phases in the life cycle of this species to identify organ development and understand their adaptive significance in relation to seedling establishment. Our results include descriptions of seed morphology, embryonic features, and seedling vascularization pattern in the root, hypocotyl, cotyledons, and epicotyl. The morphological and developmental patterns in E. phyllanthus seedlings have potential phylogenetic and ontogenetic implications in the Cactaceae. Characters such as the presence of mucilage on the seed coat, the lack of seed operculum, and large cotyledons in E. phyllanthus are comparable to basal cacti, but the root anatomy is more similar to columnar relatives. At the familial level, there is an apparent trend in decreasing number of phloem and xylem poles in the stele of primary root, correlated with degree of specialization and advanced phylogenetic position: tetrarch to septarch-octarch in basal lineages, tetrarch Cereus-type in columnar species, to the diarch vascular system in Rhipsalideae and some species with cylindric/globose stem. © Torrey Botanical Club.
The present study was designed to compare Day 14 bovine embryos that were produced entirely in vitro using the post-hatching development (PHD) system with in vivo-derived embryos without or with transient PHD culture from Day 7 to Day 14. Embryos on Day 14 were used for sex determination and gene expression analysis of PLAC8, KRT8, CD9, SLC2A1, SLC2A3, PGK1, HSF1, MNSOD, HSP70 and IFNT using real-time quantitative (q) polymerase chain reaction (PCR). First, Day 7 in vivo-and in vitro-produced embryos were subjected to the PHD system. A higher rate of survival was observed for in vitro embryos on Day 14. Comparing Day 14 embryos produced completely in vivo or completely in vitro revealed that the mean size of the former group was greater than that of the latter (10.29±1.83 vs 2.68±0.33mm, respectively). Expression of the HSP70 and SLC2A1 genes was down-and upregulated, respectively, in the in vitro embryos. The present study shows that in vitro embryos cultured in the PHD system are smaller than in vivo embryos and that of the 10 genes analysed, only two were differentially expressed between the two groups. These findings indicate that, owing to the poor survival rate, the PHD system is not reliable for evaluation of in vitro embryo quality. © 2013 CSIRO.
(-)-Cubebin is a lignan extracted from the seeds of the pepper Piper cubeba, a commonly eaten spice with beneficial properties, including trypanocidal, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-proliferative and leishmanicidal activities. Because of its therapeutic potential, we investigated the effects of (-)-cubebin on the cytotoxicity, cell proliferation kinetics, mutagenicity and expression of p38 MAP kinase and glutathione S-transferase a2 (GSTa2) using real-time RT-PCR in Rattus norvegicus hepatoma cells. We found that 280 μM (-)-cubebin was cytotoxic after 24, 48 and 72. h of exposure, but not mutagenic at 0.28 μM, 2.8 μM and 28 μM after 26. h. Similarly, exposure to 0.28 μM, 2.8 μM and 28 μM (-)-cubebin for 24, 48, 72 and 96. h did not alter the cell proliferation kinetics. Cells exposed to 28 μM (-)-cubebin for 24. h did not exhibit changes in p38 MAP kinase and GSTa2 expression, indicating that cellular changes were not induced by extracellular stimuli and that (-)-cubebin is likely not metabolized via this pathway. Our results suggest that high levels of (-)-cubebin should be consumed with caution due to the cytotoxic effect observed at the highest concentration. However, at lower concentrations, no cytotoxic, mutagenic or proliferative effects were observed, providing further evidence of the safety of consuming (-)-cubebin. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.
Epidemiological and experimental studies support the idea that helminth infections can induce a protective effect against the development of autoimmune and allergic diseases. In this study we characterized the immune response induced by Strongyloides venezuelensis infection in C57BL/6 mice and then evaluated the effect of a previous contact with this helminth in the outcome of type 1 diabetes. Animals were initially infected with 2000 L3 larvae from S. venezuelensis and euthanized 22. days later. An acute phase, identified by a high amount of eggs per gram of feces, was established between days 7 and 9 post-infection. Recovery from infection was associated with a Th2 polarized response characterized by a significant level of serum IgG1 specific antibodies and also a significant production of IL-5 and IL-10 by spleen cells stimulated with S. venezuelensis soluble antigen. Immunization with soluble S. venezuelensis antigen associated with complete Freund's adjuvant followed by infection with S. venezuelensis protected mice from diabetes development induced by streptozotocin. Protection was characterized by a higher body weight gain, lower glycemic levels, much less severe insulitis and preserved insulin production. Together, these results indicate that S. venezuelensis contributed to protect C57BL/6 mice against experimental diabetes induced by streptozotocin. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.
The polysaccharide β-glucan has biological properties that stimulate the immune system and can prevent chronic pathologies, including cancer. It has been shown to prevent damage to DNA caused by the chemical and physical agents to which humans are exposed. However, the mechanism of β-glucan remains poorly understood. The objective of the present study was to verify the protective effect of β-glucan on the expression of the genes ERCC5 (involved in excision repair of DNA damage), CASP9 (involved in apoptosis), and CYP1A1 (involved in the metabolism of xenobiotics) using real-time polymerase chain reaction and perform metabolic profile measurements on the HepG2 cells. Cells were exposed to only benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P), β-glucan, or a combination of B[a]P with β-glucan. The results demonstrated that 50 μg/mL β-glucan significantly repressed the expression of the ERCC5 gene when compared with the untreated control cells in these conditions. No change was found in the CASP9 transcript level. However, the CYP1A1 gene expression was also induced by HepG2 cells exposed to B[a]P only or in association with β-glucan, showing its effective protector against damage caused by B[a]P, while HepG2 cells exposed to only β-glucan did not show CYP1A1 modulation. The metabolic profiles showed moderate bioenergetic metabolism with an increase in the metabolites involved in bioenergetic metabolism (alanine, glutamate, creatine and phosphocholine) in cells treated with β-glucan and to a lesser extent treated with B[a]P. Thus, these results demonstrate that the chemopreventive activity of β-glucan may modulate bioenergetic metabolism and gene expression. © 2013 The Author(s).
Basic research is fundamental for discovering potential diagnostic and therapeutic tools, including drugs, vaccines and new diagnostic techniques. On this basis, diagnosis and treatment methods for many diseases have been developed. Presently, discovering new candidate molecules and testing them in animals are relatively easy tasks that require modest resources and responsibility. However, crossing the animal-to-human barrier is still a great challenge that most researchers tend to avoid. Thus, bridging this current gap between clinical and basic research must be encouraged and elucidated in training programmes for health professionals. This project clearly shows the challenges faced by a group of Brazilian researchers who, after discovering a new fibrin sealant through 20 years of painstaking basic work, insisted on having the product applied clinically. The Brazilian government has recently become aware of this challenge and has accordingly defined the product as strategic to the public health of the country. Thus, in addition to financing research and development laboratories, resources were invested in clinical trials and in the development of a virtual platform termed the Virtual System to Support Clinical Research (SAVPC); this platform imparts speed, reliability and visibility to advances in product development, fostering interactions among sponsors, physicians, students and, ultimately, the research subjects themselves. This pioneering project may become a future model for other public institutions in Brazil, principally in overcoming neglected diseases, which unfortunately continue to afflict this tropical country. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.
Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) is an artificially induced demyelination of the central nervous system (CNS) that resembles multiple sclerosis in its clinical, histopathological, and immunological features. Activated Th1 and Th17 cells are thought to be the main immunological players during EAE development. This study was designed to evaluate peripheral and local contribution of IL-17 to acute and chronic EAE stages. C57BL/6 mice were immunized with MOG plus complete Freund's adjuvant followed by pertussis toxin. Mice presented an initial acute phase characterized by accentuated weight loss and high clinical score, followed by a partial recovery when the animals reached normal body weight and smaller clinical scores. Spleen cells stimulated with MOG produced significantly higher levels of IFN-γ during the acute period whereas similar IL-17 levels were produced during both disease stages. CNS-infiltrating cells stimulated with MOG produced similar amounts of IFN-γ but, IL-17 was produced only at the acute phase of EAE. The percentage of Foxp3+ Treg cells, at the spleen and CNS, was elevated during both phases. The degree of inflammation was similar at both disease stages. Partial clinical recovery observed during chronic EAE was associated with no IL-17 production and presence of Foxp3+ Treg cells in the CNS. © 2013 Sofia Fernanda Gonçalves Zorzella-Pezavento et al.
A chorioallantoic membrane artery in embryos of the red-footed tortoise, Chelonoidis carbonaria was occlusively cannulated for measurement of blood pressure and injection of drugs. Two age groups of embryos in the final 10 % of incubation were categorized by the ratio of embryonic body to yolk mass. All embryos first received cholinergic and β-adrenergic blockade. This revealed that β-adrenergic control was established in both groups whereas cholinergic control was only established in the older group immediately prior to hatching. The study then progressed as two series. Series one was conducted in a subset of embryos treated with histamine before or after injection of ranitidine, the antagonist of H2 receptors. Injection of histamine caused an initial phasic hypertension which recovered, followed by a longer lasting hypertensive response accompanied by a tachycardia. Injection of the H2 receptor antagonist ranitidine itself caused a hypotensive tachycardia with subsequent recovery of heart rate. Ranitidine also abolished the cardiac effects of histamine injection while leaving the initial hypertensive response intact. In series, two embryos were injected with histamine after injection of diphenhydramine, the antagonist to H1 receptors. This abolished the whole of the pressor response to histamine injection but left the tachycardic response intact. These data indicate that histamine acts as a non-adrenergic, non-cholinergic factor, regulating the cardiovascular system of developing reptilian embryos and that its overall effects are mediated via both H1 and H2 receptor types. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
Cellobiohydrolases hydrolyze cellulose releasing cellobiose units. They are very important for a number of biotechnological applications, such as, for example, production of cellulosic ethanol and cotton fiber processing. The Trichoderma cellobiohydrolase I (CBH1 or Cel7A) is an industrially important exocellulase. It exhibits a typical two domain architecture, with a small C-terminal cellulose-binding domain and a large N-terminal catalytic core domain, connected by an O-glycosylated linker peptide. The mechanism by which the linker mediates the concerted action of the two domains remains a conundrum. Here, we probe the protein shape and domain organization of the CBH1 of Trichoderma harzianum (ThCel7A) by small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and structural modeling. Our SAXS data shows that ThCel7A linker is partially-extended in solution. Structural modeling suggests that this linker conformation is stabilized by inter- and intra-molecular interactions involving the linker peptide and its O-glycosylations. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.
Aflatoxins (AF) and fumonisins (FU) are a major problem faced by poultry farmers, leading to huge economic losses. This experiment was conducted to determine the effects of AF (1 mg/kg of feed) and FU (25 mg/kg of feed), singly or in combination, on the lipid metabolism in commercial layers and investigate the efficacy of a commercial binder (2 kg/t of feed) on reducing the toxic effects of these mycotoxins. A total of 168 Hisex Brown layer hens, 37 wk of age, were randomized into a 3 × 2 + 1 factorial arrangement (3 diets with no binder containing AF, FU, and AF+FU; 3 diets with binder containing AF, FU, and AF+FU; and a control diet with no mycotoxins and binders), totaling 7 treatments. The hens contaminated with AF showed the characteristic effects of aflatoxicosis, such as a yellow liver, resulting from the accumulation of liver fat, lower values of plasma very low-density lipoprotein and triglycerides, and higher relative weight of the kidneys and liver. Hepatotoxic and nephrotoxic effects of FU were not observed in this study. On the other hand, the FU caused a reduction in small intestine length and an increase in abdominal fat deposition. The glucan-based binder prevented some of the deleterious effects of these mycotoxins, particularly the effects of AF on hepatic lipid metabolism, kidney relative weight, and FU in the small intestine. © 2013 Poultry Science Association Inc.