264 resultados para Ensino de física e química
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Variação da comunidade planctônica e fatores físico-químicos da água em dois sistemas de aquicultura
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Agricultura) - FCA
A presente invenção refere-se a um processo para aprimoramento e recuperação das propriedades eletrónicas não-óhmicas de peças cerâmicas, particularmente cerâmicas vanstoras à base de áxidos metálicos. Este processo aprimora as propriedades eletrónicas não-óhmicas de peças cerâmicas varistoras como obtidas durante a fabricação e recupera tais propriedades em peças cerâmicas que sofreram degradação, tanto física quanto química, durante o uso.
The one-dimensional Schrödinger equation with the singular harmonic oscillator is investigated. The Hermiticity of the operators related to observable physical quantities is used as a criterion to show that the attractive or repulsive singular oscillator exhibits an infinite number of acceptable solutions provided the parameter responsible for the singularity is greater than a certain critical value, in disagreement with the literature. The problem for the whole line exhibits a two-fold degeneracy in the case of the singular oscillator, and the intrusion of additional solutions in the case of a nonsingular oscillator. Additionally, it is shown that the solution of the singular oscillator can not be obtained from the nonsingular oscillator via perturbation theory.
Investiga-se a equação de Schrödinger unidimensional com uma classe de potenciais V(|x|) que se anulam no infinito e apresentam singularidade dominante na origem na forma α/|x|β(0 < β < 2). A hermiticidade dos operadores associados com quantidades físicas observáveis é usada para determinar as condições de contorno apropriadas. Dupla degenerescência e exclusão de soluções simétricas, consoante o valor de β, são discutidas. Soluções explícitas para o átomo de hidrogênio e o potencial de Kratzer são apresentadas.
The study of oscillatory phenomena is an important topic in several areas of knowledge. The understanding and the solution of many problems that scientists and engineers confront nowadays can be formulated, at least as an analogy, in terms of an oscillatory movement. The description of the motion of this nature has remarkable contributions to the mathematical and conceptual formation of the students and for solving daily problems in several areas. In this paper we propose a theoretical and experimental approach involving the phenomenon of harmonic oscillations in two dimensions. Lissajous curves were used as experimental demonstration of the resulting trajectories. These curves were obtained from relatively simple experimental apparatus, which is affordable in most teaching laboratories of physics.
The problem of bound states in a double delta potential is revisited by means of Fourier sine and cosine transforms.
Montagem de um conjunto experimental destinado à verificação do princípio da incerteza de Heisenberg
In this paper we present the an experimental setup to check the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. The description of the experimental setup and of the theoretical foundations is aimed at promoting the familiarization of the students with the involved concepts.
The Schwinger quantum action principle is a dynamic characterization of the transformation functions and is based on the algebraic structure derived from the kinematic analysis of the measurement processes at the quantum level. As such, this variational principle, allows to derive the canonical commutation relations in a consistent way. Moreover, the dynamic pictures of Schrödinger, Heisenberg and a quantum Hamilton-Jacobi equation can be derived from it. We will implement this formalism by solving simple systems such as the free particle, the quantum harmonic oscillator and the quantum forced harmonic oscillator.
The classic Millikan experiment to determine the electron charge is very interesting from the point of view of statistics of experimental measurements. In a physics laboratory it is suggested to divide the obtained values of the electric charge by the value of an electron charge, and it is possible to experimentally establish that the oil droplets carry integer numbers of electrons. This work presents a new statistical algorithm for the treatment of measurements and for determining the best value of the electron charge in a Millikan experiment.
In this paper we present an alternative approach due to Bondi for the special theory of relativity. During the development, we analyse the Bondi diagrams, visual resources from which we can take some information about the analysed systems, and we discuss the K factor of Bondi's theory, which is in the core of this work. We then discuss some of the main results obtained from Einstein's special theory of relativity such as the time dilation, spatial contraction and simultaneity of spatially separated events, besides the Lorentz transformations. We also show other two important results in physics coming from K calculus: the relativistic linear momentum and the total relativistic energy.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)