258 resultados para Educação não-formal : Música : Adolescentes
Este estudo buscou compreender traços da trajetória histórica e filiações teóricas na construção da Fundação CASA, logo, no significado da privação de liberdade em medidas socioeducativas. A partir disto, refletimos sobre o modo como as práticas educacionais artístico-culturais, aparecem enquanto elementos desestabilizadores da ordem, confrontando e sendo confrontadas pela lógica persecutória, comportamentalista e punitiva, inerentes ao ambiente carcerário. Neste contexto, a pesquisa investigou a tensa relação entre o canto do anum e as gaiolas, ou seja, a educação em arte-cultura e a privação de liberdade. Para tanto, realizamos um estudo bibliográfico que colocou em diálogo: documentos institucionais como o Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente - ECA, o Sistema Nacional de Atendimento Socioeducativo - SINASE e Regimento Interno da Fundação CASA; com produções teóricas que permitiram a reflexão e auxiliou na compreensão da complexidade destas relações como, Loïc Wacquant, Michel Foucault e Roberto da Silva, sobre o sistema carcerário; Stuart Hall, Frantz Fanon e Muniz Sodré, sobre identidade cultural e cultura negra; Paulo Freire e Boaventura de Souza Santos sobre educação, e por fim, nossas memórias enquanto arte-educador que, há mais de dez anos, atua diretamente com adolescentes em diversas unidades desta instituição. Enfim, buscamos responder a inquietação central deste trabalho: Como se dão os movimentos de captura e esquiva entre arte-cultura e privação de liberdade? Com a intenção de contribuir com processos de reflexão e construção de práticas educacionais direcionadas aos adolescentes encarcerados
Numerous studies in physical education and music's area have been conducted to improve the quality of life and health of people, all of them under physiological, psychological and social fields. Thus, when properly analyzed, both Areas are connected, because the movement itself, main subject of physical education, has a close proximity to the rhythm, an essential element of music. That's why it is important to discover the benefits of this relationship, because, in many of its practices, physical education makes use of music, for example, in aerobic gymnastic and dance classes. As a consequence, this study aims to investigate, through literature, the influence of music in physical activities and its imprinting in the states of mind and body of practitioners, as well as clarify the criteria for choice of songs that are used in such practice. This research occurred under literary explore, done through theoretical analysis of the thematic. At first place, a contextualization of the auditory system and its relationship with the music and the perception of sound were made, then the main theme was explored. The music, even before generate and influence motor and psychic movements in the human body, is already moving in space, because it is formed through vibrations of molecules. It is decoded first as a movement from the ears, and then decoded as sound, when in the brain. It is important to worry about sounds at high intensities and also with those which are outside the hearing thresholds within physical activities involving music, because they may be harmful to health and also to states of mind. As far as music and movement is concerned, they are closely linked, and the human being has an instinctive sense of rhythm that can be seen when listening to music, because the motor cortex is also activated. Therefore, it is important to work the sound and body movement together, because in practice they are inseparable and they contribute greatly to...
The present study is a qualitative research supported by Paulo Freire's writings. It presents the structure of a discipline-Nursing Teaching Practice-which searches for an amplification of opportunities provided by the Nursing School in order to improve the student's consciousness of his/her role as a future educator.
O Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA) preconiza que crianças e adolescentes são sujeitos de direitos e que esses direitos precisam ser obrigatoriamente assegurados e efetivados. Para que o ECA seja efetivado, se faz necessário o conhecimento e compreensão sobre o que esse documento prevê. Assim, chama-se as instituições formadoras a assumirem seu o compromisso éticopolítico de formação da sociedade. Reflete-se, portanto, sobre a inquestionável necessidade da utilização de estudos e pesquisas dentro das Universidades para que se possa construir espaços de formação diferenciados. Neste contexto, a pesquisa desse Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso objetivou uma análise sobre a formação e influência na vida profissional e pessoal de alunos universitários que participaram de um curso de extensão denominado Formação de Agentes Sociais, Professores e alunos em Políticas de atendimento a Criança e ao Adolescente. Tratou-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, com a utilização de três instrumentos de coleta de dados: um questionário inicial; observação e registro em Diário de Campo e entrevista individual semi-estruturada. Na análise dos dados, tem-se que a maioria dos sujeitos participantes da pesquisa afirmou que foram atendidas muitas de suas expectativas, que tiveram bom aproveitamento do curso, e que o mesmo trouxe grandes contribuições para seus processos de formação acadêmica, pessoal e profissional. Os resultados desse trabalho também indicaram a necessidade de que os conteúdos referentes ao ECA e a política de atendimento a criança e ao adolescente sejam incorporados aos cursos de formação básica profissional
Hypertension (H) affects approximately 1,2 billion of people in the world. Among the main risk factors are weight excess, sedentary lifestyle, socio economic condition and family history of H. The main aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of hypertension in teenager scholars in Ibitinga, finding the role of family history of H and to correlates these results with nutritional condition, anthropometric variables and socio economic condition. This research analyzed 150 participants (50 teenager students and their parents) in public and private schools. All the volunteers had their weight (kg) and height (m) measured to calculate the body mass index (BMI). The students were classifieds from table of percentile of obesity (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC). The blood pressure (BP) was evaluated according to V Arterial Hypertension Brazilian Guidelines (VAHBG, 2006). The high values considered of BP were: ≥140x90 mmHg for adults and percentile >95 for teenagers. The socio economic condition was categorized from IBGE. Among the students, 36% had high BP and 20% borderline. The percentage of high BP were bigger in the public (44%) than private schools (28%), showing a negative correlation between socio economic condition and systolic BP (SBP, r=0.2857) and diastolic BP (DBP, r=0,0165). The prevalence of elevated BP was higher in the girls of public schools (47% vs 40% boys) and in the boys at the private schools (33% v s23%). Weight excess was present in 42% of children (12% obesity and 30% overweight). Again, public schools had prevalence of obesity (52% vs 3% in the private) which was not correlated with socio economic condition. Percentage of overweight and obesity were bigger in the girls of both public (54% vs 50% boys) and private (38% vs 25%) schools. Among the students with H, 67% were overweight. Elevated BP was found in 54% of the fathers and 32% of the mothers. With respect to nutritional condition, 56% of the...
O estilo de vida é a forma com que cada indivíduo conduz a suas atividades diárias, as quais refletirão diretamente na sua saúde. Dessa forma, a prática da ginastica laboral busca oferecer um novo espaço de qualidade de vida, saúde e lazer para o trabalhador. A música nas atividades físicas é utilizada no sentido de motivar a continuidade dos exercícios físicos ou de distrair o praticante de estímulos não prazerosos como cansaço, dor ou até tensão psicológica. Estudos afirmam que os estados de animo melhoram em consequência da atividade física. Sendo assim, o objetivo do trabalho será analisar os efeitos da música nos estados de ânimo de trabalhadores durante aulas de um programa de ginástica laboral. Para isso, este estudo contou com 20 participantes, de ambos os gêneros, funcionários da UNESP - diversos setores, localizada na Av. 24A, nº1515, Bela Vista, Rio Claro/SP, que realizam funções semelhantes em cada ambiente de trabalho. Como forma de avaliação foi utilizado um questionário de dados cadastrais, um questionário relacionado à preferência musical e uma lista referente aos estados de ânimo. Obtivemos como resultado que a prática de ginástica laboral pode ser significativa para os estados de ânimo de seus praticantes em situação sem música e ainda mais com a presença de música da preferencia dos participantes. Verificamos que só com a audição de músicas não trouxe alterações significativas nos estados de ânimo. Verificou-se que a união da música preferida com a atividade física é a situação que mais traz benefícios ao estado de ânimo do trabalhador. Portanto, concluímos que a música, quando do gosto do praticante, aliada a atividade física pode trazer benefícios emocionais significativos à prática de ginástica laboral no ambiente de trabalho
Abstract Intellectual disability is development atypical conditions that involve issues on a number of factors, such as intellectual skills, adaptive behavior, interactions and social roles. Furthermore, they report higher rates of physical inactivity than the general population, as well as participating less and less of regular physical activity, as they grow and age. The participation of people with intellectual disabilities in physical activity programs promotes, benefits of prevention of diseases, particularly cardiovascular, improvement of intellectual and cognitive ability in addition, regular physical activity promotes reduction of body fat. Therefore the aim of this study was to identify through a systematic review, physical activity programs for adults with intellectual disabilities and their extension of the benefits, limitations and recommendations, moreover, the following objectives: to analyze the types of physical activity programs and determine which is the most suitable for adults with intellectual disabilities, and to determine the benefits that physical exercises programs entail for adults with intellectual disabilities. The initial electronic search resulted in 2808 manuscripts. The predetermined exclusion criteria were: review process of the studies involved reading titles, abstracts and full texts checking. After all these phases, eight manuscripts met the inclusion criteria of the review. Articles presented participants aged between 18 and 67 years with mild to moderate intellectual disability. The intervention period was from 2.5 months studies ranged up to 9 months and the weekly frequency was from one to three times a week. The intervention types differ between the articles analyzed, including leisure and recreation activities, combined exercises of strength and muscular endurance, aerobic activities of hiking, with races and exercise bikes, widespread activities and sports specialization, athletics and...
In this work we present a didactic proposal to use song lyrics for Physics Teaching aimed to High School level. Based on the work proposed by Zanetic (1990) that Physics is also Culture, we understand that its influence extends beyond the scientific boundaries, reaching spheres of knowledge where its presence is less obvious, such as the arts, especially Music. Based on proposals for Ramos and Gomes (2013), activities were conducted in two groups of second year of high school in the city of Rio Claro, each with an approach. In one of the classes the students received as material the lyrics of the songs printed and the other students were given a table along with the lyrics. In these materials the students identified physical concepts present in the songs Nuclear Shelter of the São Paulo band Premeditando the Breque and Manhattan Project of the Canadian band Rush. We observed during activities an improvement in the participation of students in theoretical discussions, probably due to a more favorable context for students to express themselves assigned by us to the activities with the songs. After performing the activities we demonstrated that you can enter the Music in the classroom not only as entertainment but as an aid in research and understanding of physical concepts
Este trabalho coloca em pauta os problemas de sociabilidade e convivência existentes dentro da escola em busca de algumas respostas e de uma compreensão mais aprofundada sobre os motivos pelos quais alguns alunos não se sentem acolhidos na instituição, o que os afasta da convivência social e reflete negativamente em sua aprendizagem, em sua trajetória social e em seu futuro desenvolvimento profissional. Partimos da hipótese de que o envolvimento de alunos em atividades culturais tais como cinema, música, literatura, teatro, visita a museus, etc., seja participando como ouvintes ou em oficinas, pode, através de suas várias formas, resgatar um convívio produtivo entre alunos e a instituição fazendo-os querer estar na escola, propiciando oportunidades de desenvolvimento a partir da aquisição de bens culturais, complementando a formação intelectual formal. O trabalho visa acompanhar uma turma do 6° ano de uma escola estadual de Rio Claro, participante do Projeto de Extensão Educação, Cultura e Inclusão Social e verificar os efeitos do acesso aos bens culturais no desempenho escolar, nas relações com seus pares, com seus professores e com a instituição. A pesquisa fundamentar-se-á teoricamente na Sociologia de Pierre Bourdieu e nos escritos de Juarez Dyrell sobre escola e cultura. Os dados foram coletados por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica, pesquisa documental e observação participante
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo investigar os sentidos de educação e de escola construídos por jovens/adolescentes que cumprem medida socioeducativa e/ou encontram-se em situação de vulnerabilidade social, evadidos ou não do sistema escolar. Nossa intenção com a pesquisa foi ouvir os jovens/adolescentes para saber quais são os sentidos construídos ao longo da vida escolar sobre educação, sobre a formação recebida na escola e suas relações cotidianas no interior da instituição escolar. Para alcançarmos tais resultados, foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa, empírica, utilizandose como instrumento de coleta de dados a entrevista semi-estruturada. De forma geral, com esse trabalho pretendeu-se apresentar uma reflexão sobre os significados do processo de escolarização desses jovens/adolescentes, buscando, assim, contribuir com um conhecimento mais aprofundado, que possa subsidiar a prática com esses sujeitos, no que refere a pensar em um modelo de educação mais significativo, e adequado a esses jovens, que afirmam gostar da escola, pelo seu potencial socializador
Pós-graduação em Educação Sexual - FCLAR
Adolescents with a course of life based on the lack of ethical and moral values are more vulnerable to the practice of infractions, and in this case the statute of the child and adolescent assumes their insertion on socio educative measures. The objective of this research is to identify the moral development phase in adolescents who are in confl ict with the law. Thirty male adolescents between fi fteen and eighteen years old, who are inserted on the socio educative care Center, were studied. Data were collected through futsal game observation, without the presence of a referee and structured interview, according to the general lines of the Clinical Method of PIAGET (1994). The arrangement of the collected data confi rmed our hypothesis – these adolescents are still with the characteristics of a heteronomical moral, confi rmed by the differences between conscience and the practice of rules in a game situation. Although they know the rules, these are only respected in order to get some benefi ts, like not charging foul, deceive the opponent or simply win the match. It is presumed that the rules would only be respected in the presence of an authority (referee), because he would impose punishments and privations. However, it is believed that the results of this study may become a parameter to educators in order to create favorable situations which can be preventive and interventive to the socio moral development, minimizing suffering and seizing opportunities to the formation of citizens with higher ethical and moral standards, who are able to choose the way to the solidarity, cooperation and justice.
This paper presents an analysis of the content in acoustics present in physics textbooks recommended by PNLEM, which used the same criteria of evaluation from used by experts in the analysis of such books. In this way, we observed that such texts have evolved little in comparison with the textual presentations reviewed in 1998 and published in the journal Science and Education [1], which were analyzed ten physics textbooks for high school, among which the most commom, at the time, in Brazilian schools. Although we identified the inclusion of some aspects of the culture of sound and music, there are still several conceptual and historical distortions, besides the little importance has been given to links CTSA, among them, studies of soundscapes that, even, are mentioned.
This paper aims to present a study about the importance of Education as a public policy for the integral development of children and adolescents in street situation. As theoretical foundation, the authors used constructs from the National Policy of Special Education in the perspective of Inclusive Education, the Statute of the Child and Adolescent emphasizing the importance of family and social networks as a way to protect children and adolescents who left school and live under the precarious situation of street. In this sense, the National Policy of Special Education in the perspective of Inclusive Education has just pointed to the issues that pass by the inclusion of these children and adolescents to put them back to school. To do this, it is necessary to implement policies designed to the care of children and adolescents victimized by the living on the streets.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)