225 resultados para queima das folhas
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Introduction: Bamboos belong to the family Graminae, Bambusoidae subfamily, represented by about 1,250 species worldwide. Originally employed in construction and power, are currently the subject of investigations related to its therapeutic properties in neoplasms. The main species used for therapeutic purposes based on popular knowledge are: Phyllostachys nigra; Bambusa breiflora; tuldoides Bambusa textilis and Bambusa. The literature on the therapeutic action of bamboo species is scarce, but recent studies report a promising effect in the treatment of cancer and other chronic diseases. Objective: This study aimed to evaluate qualitatively the phytochemical composition of plant extract obtained from the leaves of the bamboo species Bambusa textilis, comparing this composition from vegetable leaves with 18 and 24 months of age. Methodology: After collecting plant leaves with 18 or 24 months, they were identified and submitted to drying and milling. For qualitative analysis of its components were employed methods of macroscopic evaluation (mucilage), method of benzoin (resin), reaction Shinoda (flavonoids), reaction with gelatin solution (tannins), boiling and foaming (saponins) and jobs of reactive Wagner, Bertrand, Dragendorff, Mayer, picric acid and tannic acid (alkaloids) (Biavatti; MILK, 2007). Results: in the youngest leaves were found positive for alkaloids, flavonoids, resins and saponins. In the leaves of the plant with 24 months were found only alkaloids flavonoids and resins. Conclusion: the composition of vegetable substances were found associated with a significant therapeutic potential difference and the phytochemical composition in comparison with plant leaves 18 or 24 months. Additional studies are needed to quantify these components, as well as the clarification of its action in the fight against cancer and chronic diseases.
Atualmente a implantação de qualquer planta industrial que possa gerar impacto ambiental, ou até mesmo adequação de equipamentos já instalados para a não geração de poluentes ou geração dentro de limites adequados, passa cada vez mais por fiscalização rigorosa dos órgãos ambientais. A ventilação industrial tem sido e continua sendo a principal medida de controle efetiva para ambientes de trabalho que contenham dispersão de efluentes gasosos e material particulado de natureza prejudiciais, e baseado neste fato de relevância inegável é que se fundamenta este estudo. Um sistema de tratamento de gases com enfoque em ventilação local exaustora engloba vários equipamentos, e dentre eles o filtro de mangas é considerado um dos principais, pois sua função é a de efetuar a filtração dos gases proporcionando emissões dentro das tolerâncias dos órgãos ambientais, refletindo desta forma o objeto principal deste estudo de caso, a eficiência do equipamento. Especificamente neste estudo apresentam-se dados de eficiência do filtro de mangas em questão, componente de um sistema de desempoeiramento de uma caldeira de queima de resíduos sólidos. Foram utilizados dados coletados em campo em dois pontos do circuito do sistema, entrada do filtro de mangas e descarga de gases limpos, além de análise do elemento filtrante. As coletas e análises foram realizadas de acordo com as normas para a correta aferição dos dados gerados. Os resultados permitiram observar patamares de eficiência de filtração para os resíduos gerados na queima, demonstrando os cuidados a serem tomados no dimensionamento do equipamento para esta aplicação.
The Dipteryx alata is a tree specie with possibility of use in human and animal nutrition, and in the pharmaceutical industry. For reclamation of degraded areas, the revegetation has been an alternative, however, requires fertilizer addition. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the nutritional status and growth of Dipteryx alata seedlings, introduced in degraded soil under recovery process, with residues (organic and agroindustrial), compared to collected seedlings in preserved Cerrado, and evaluate the residues impact on soil chemical properties. In this work the degraded soil received the incorporation of residues, organic - RO (macrophytes) and agroindustrial - RA (ash derived from burning bagasse from sugarcane), with the following doses: 0, 16 and 32 t ha- 1 and 0, 15, 30 and 45 t ha-1 respectively. Within three months of incorporation of residues into the degraded soil, the D. alata seedlings were introduced in the experimental area, and 12 months later were evaluated for height, stem diameter, chlorophyll content and leaf contents of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, B, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn. For purposes of comparison, the foliar concentration of those elements was determined in Dipteryx alata seedlings collected in preserved Cerrado area. Concomitant with the collect of leaves, at Cerrado and experimental area, soil was collected (0.0 - 0.20m deep) for evaluation of chemical parameters (P, OM, pH, K, Ca, Mg, H + Al, Al, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn). Comparing the seedlings collected in the Cerrado with the seedlings from experimental area it is observed that the leaf concentration of N, P, K and Mg was higher in seedlings from preserved Cerrado in relation to those introduced in the experimental area. Fe, Mn and Zn, have lower foliar concentration in plants collected in the Cerrado, in the case of Mn the worst results occur in the absence of macrophytes indicating the importance of organic residue. The foliar concentration of Ca, S and Cu was similar in...
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Cassava leaves can be considered an important nutritional source when compared to other commonly consumed vegetables leaves. Cassava leaves have high levels of protein, fiber and minerals, and arestill underexplored due to the lack of information regarding the use of them as afood product, as well as, their use as an industrial raw material. The consumption of cassava leaves in fresh form is impractical due to the presence of cyanide, thereby it is required a pretreatment to be performed to reduce this component. The objective of this study was to produce and characterize the four made with cassava leaves as its chemical composition, color, indices of absorption and water solubility, and pasting properties, aiming to provide information of interest for possible application as an ingredient in the food industry. Cassava leaf flour showed low moisture content (6.6 %)and significant amounts of fiber (30.68 %), protein (23.00 %), and total carbohydrate (22.27%). Drying and milling processes allowed to obtain a flour with a low content of total cyanide (0.3 mg 100g-1 ), and the presence of vitamin C (56.6 mg 100g-1 ) and β –carotene (38 mg 100g- 1 ). The color analysis of cassava leaf flour showed low lightness with, predominantly, green and yellow pigments. The cassava leaf flour presented good solubility (14.85 %) and water absorption (6.87 g gel. g-1 ). Pasting properties showed a low peak of viscosity and a higher final viscosity with a retrogradation tendency, indicating a low capacity of this flour to form gel. The flour of cassava leaves can be a good source of nutrition when used as a food ingredient in soups and pasta. However, it is not indicated to products that require high gel formation.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This work is part of several research related to the plan of design and construction of a sustainable house. The previous researches focused on sustainable materials and it have shown that ceramic material are more interesting to improve the thermal comfort and the reduction of fees and prices of the house, making possible to construct popular home, mainly clay bricks, that have high thermal inertia and low costs, besides the fact that it is easy to find the raw materials in nature and process them. However, a major issue in using clay bricks is that it uses too many energy to be processed during the sintering (burning), a crucial part of the process that assures mechanical resistance. Alternative materials are being proposed by the researchers, as the clay bricks without the sintering mixed with Portland cement, assuring the proper resistance to the brick. Raw materials of cement, however, also need to be thermally processed in rotary kilns, in a process called clinckerization. This research was proposed for comparing the energy used by the two types of bricks and other objectives, in order to determinate which one uses less thermal energy. The intention was to compare the energy used during the sintering of regular clay bricks and the unfired bricks with 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90% and 100% of Portland cement. The paper also investigated and compared the use of electrical and thermal energy of all the bricks to identify how important were the thermal stages (sintering or clinkerization) relatively to the total energy spent. At last, a resumed analysis was performed to identify the possible health damages of the many life cycles of the bricks. The conclusion was that unfired bricks with less than 40% of cement use less thermal energy to be processed. In addition, their carbon dioxides emissions were less dangerous to ... (Complete abastract click electronic access below)