421 resultados para mahogany shoot borer


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Grande parte do sucesso de uma cultura está em implantá-la com mudas de alta qualidade. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar métodos de formação de mudas de maracujazeiro amarelo quanto à qualidade das muda formada. Os tratamentos utilizados foram: 1- Mudas formadas em sacolas plásticas, preenchidas com terra adubada e misturada com esterco de curral curtido, com fertirrigação uma vez por semana; 2- Mudas formadas em tubetes de plástico rígido, com substrato à base de casca de pinus e vermiculita, mantidos em bancada e recebendo fertirrigação uma vez por semana; 3- Idêntico ao tratamento 2, utilizando-se bandejas de poliestireno expandido; 4- Idêntico ao tratamento 3, sem fertirrigação, mas com uso de floating a cada dois dias; 5- Idêntico ao tratamento 4, com o uso de floating todo o período. O delineamento experimental foi completamente aleatorizado, com cinco tratamentos e quatro repetições. Na casa de vegetação, cada parcela foi composta por 64 plantas, sendo avaliadas semanalmente em oito plantas por parcela as seguintes variáveis: altura da planta; comprimento da raiz; matéria seca da parte aérea; matéria seca da parte radicular. O restante das mudas foi levado a campo para determinação da percentagem de pegamento e análise do desenvolvimento vegetativo inicial. Neste segundo estágio, cada parcela foi composta por cinco plantas. Sob casa de vegetação, o tratamento 5 apresentou os maiores valores para todas as variáveis, exceto para comprimento de raiz, onde houve superioridade do tratamento 1. em campo, observou-se 100% de pegamento para todos os tratamentos, sendo que o tratamento 5 apresentou as maiores médias para altura de plantas.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A cultura da figueira é afetada pelo vírus-do-mosaico e a cultura de tecidos é uma alternativa para se proceder à limpeza clonal. Neste trabalho, objetivou-se estudar o efeito da cinetina e GA3 na multiplicação in vitro da figueira. Segmentos nodais foram inoculados em meio de cultura WPM contendo as seguintes combinações de cinetina (0; 0,5; 1; 2 e 4 mg.L-1) e GA3 (0, 2, 4, 6 e 8 mg.L-1). Avaliaram-se número e comprimento dos brotos, peso da matéria fresca e seca da parte aérea, número de raízes, peso da matéria fresca e seca do sistema radicular e de calos. A utilização de 0,5 mg.L-1 de cinetina promoveu melhor taxa de multiplicação in vitro de Ficus carica. O GA3 reduziu a formação e multiplicação dos brotos e induziu ao estiolamento, à hiperidricidade, clorose e necrose apical das plântulas.


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O plantio de mamona (Ricinus communis L.) através de mudas pode ser uma alternativa para um melhor aproveitamento da curta estação chuvosa do semi-árido brasileiro, porém ainda não se dispõe de informações básicas para o emprego desta técnica. Na formulação de substratos para produção de mudas de mamona, as características físicas, principalmente a aeração, são fatores de grande importância. O presente estudo objetivou avaliar a composição de substratos utilizando misturas de solo, esterco bovino, casca de amendoim, mucilagem de sisal, bagaço de cana e cama de frango. Utilizou-se delineamento em blocos casualizados com 12 tratamentos e quatro repetições. Sementes da cultivar BRS Nordestina foram semeadas em sacos plásticos de 17 x 28cm, contendo misturas dos materiais a serem testados. Valores de altura, área foliar, número de folhas e diâmetro caulinar foram registrados semanalmente entre 15 e 43 dias após a emergência. Na última coleta também se registraram a massa seca da parte aérea e das raízes. O substrato composto por solo + casca de amendoim + cama de frango + mucilagem de sisal propiciou o melhor crescimento das mudas. A cama de frango contribuiu para o enriquecimento químico do substrato, enquanto a casca de amendoim e a mucilagem de sisal contribuíram para adequar as características físicas de aeração e retenção de água.


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A mamoneira (Ricinus communis L.)é uma oleaginosa bem adaptada ao cultivo na região semi-árida por sua rusticidade e resistência ao estresse hídrico. Seu plantio é tradicionalmente feito por sementes, mas o uso de mudas pode se tornar atraente como estratégia para melhor aproveitamento da curta estação chuvosa. Para adoção desta tecnologia, a definição de aspectos técnicos como volume de recipientes, composição do substrato e período de permanência da muda no viveiro são fundamentais para o êxito da técnica. Conduziu-se experimento em casa-de-vegetação da Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA) Algodão em Campina Grande, com sementes da cultivar de mamona de porte médio BRS Nordestina, em delineamento de blocos casualizados com 4 repetições e 25 tratamentos em distribuição fatorial 5², sendo os fatores cinco volumes de recipientes e cinco composições de substratos. Entre 15 e 43 dias após a emergência (DAE) foram feitas cinco coletas destrutivas semanais para obtenção de dados de altura, diâmetro caulinar, área foliar, número de folhas e matéria seca da parte aérea e radicular. Com os dados obtidos calculou-se o tamanho da folha. Detectaram-se efeitos significativos dos tratamentos em todas as variáveis estudadas. O crescimento das mudas estabilizou-se aproximadamente aos 36 DAE, independente do volume do recipiente. Os substratos compostos por mistura de areia com esterco bovino ou casca de amendoim propiciaram o melhor crescimento das mudas, enquanto aqueles contendo bagaço de cana ou mucilagem de sisal foram os piores. Recipientes de 2 L de volume foram os mais adequados para a produção de mudas de mamoneira.


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Ageratum conyzoides L. (Asteraceae) é uma espécie herbácea que ocorre em áreas de cerrado e, por se tratar de planta medicinal, é cultivada em escala familiar. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar possíveis alterações no desenvolvimento das plantas quando cultivadas em solos com texturas diferentes (solo de cerrado, franco arenoso ou solo de terra roxa, muito argiloso). Foram analisados aos 40, 70 e 90 dias, o comprimento do caule e da raiz, massa seca da parte aérea (caule e folhas) e das raízes, número de folhas e área foliar; além de parâmetros anatômicos foliares, como a densidade de tricomas. Os resultados mostraram que os comprimentos do caule e da raiz aumentaram no decorrer do experimento, independentemente do substrato (com exceção do comprimento da raiz de plantas cultivadas em solo de terra roxa). Porém, o comprimento do caule foi sempre maior nas plantas cultivadas em solo de cerrado, enquanto o comprimento da raiz foi significativamente maior somente aos 90 dias de cultivo neste solo. As biomassas secas da raiz e do caule também foram maiores nas plantas cultivadas em solo de cerrado por 70 e 90 dias, respectivamente. A massa seca foliar foi maior nas plantas cultivadas em solo de cerrado a partir dos 70 dias de experimento. Esse aumento foi devido ao maior número de folhas produzidas e a maior área foliar dessas plantas. No geral, a anatomia foliar não diferiu, porém o número de tricomas glandulares foi maior nas plantas cultivadas em solo de cerrado. Os resultados indicaram que esta espécie tem melhor desenvolvimento quando cultivada em solo mais arenoso.


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We present evidences that ultrastructural electron microscope findings are valuable ways to understand the in vitro regeneration process, in particular in the yellow passion fruit. Shoot-regeneration was induced in hypocotyl and leaf-derived explants using 4.44 mu M BAP, and the entire organogenic process was analyzed using conventional histology, scanning and transmission electronic microscopy. Both direct and indirect regeneration modes were observed in hypocotyl explants, but only direct regeneration occurred in leaf-derived cultures. In the direct pathway from both explant types, meristemoids developed into globular structures, here called protuberances. The peripheral meristematic layers of the protuberances displayed ultrastructural characteristics indicative of a high metabolic activity, and only these cells originated shoots and leaf primordia, the latter being frequent when leaf explants were used. Moreover, the peripheral cells of the protuberances derived from leaf explants lost adhesion during the culture, diminishing the regeneration rates. We recommend the use of hypocotyls as a source of explant to obtain shoots as well as a genetic transformation system for the yellow passion fruit. However, the direct pathway is preferred because a type of amitosis occurred in the peripheral cells of hypocotyl-derived calli, which has the potential to result in genetic instability of the regenerating plants/tissue.


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This experiment was conducted in green house conditions to evaluate the DM accumulation in the shoots and in the roots of two cultivars of Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet. A 2x3 factorial (two cultivars and three evaluation dates) was conducted according to a randomized complete block design with four replications, being the cultivars Highworth and Rongai evaluated at 42, 56, and 70 days after seedling emergence (DASE). The results indicated that the cvs. Highworth and Rongai have the same pattern of DM accumulation in the shoots. In the upper layer of the soil (0-0.20 in) it was found 38.83% and 43.64% of the DM accumulated in the roots down to 2.00 in depth, in the cvs. Highworth and Rongai, respectively. In the deepest layer (1.80-2.00 in) it was found 3.02% and 1.5% of the DM accumulated in the roots of the cvs. Highworth and Rongai, respectively. The root density showed a striking decrease upper layer from the soil (0-0.2 m) down to the depth of 0.60 0.80 in (from 10.83 to 1.75 cm.cm(-3) in the cv. Highworth and from 10.76 to 1.28 cm.cm(-3) in the cv. Rongai). At the bottom layer (1.80-2.00 in) the root density values were 0.98 cm.cm(-3) and 0.59 cm.cm(-3), respectively for the cvs. Highworth and Rongai. The root/shoot ratios were similar in both cvs. and decreased from 42 to 70 DASE showing that the cvs. evaluated had the same dynamics of DM accumulation.


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Stenoma catenifer Walsingham is the major pest in avocado groves (Persea americana Mill.) in the Neotropical region. Management has been difficult for many reasons related to the reduced knowledge on its bioecology and the avocado growing systems. The goal of this work was to study the vertical distribution of S. catenifer in avocado plants, the gagging effect of infested fruit on its survival, and the losses caused. The experiments were conducted in a commercial grove located at the Sao Tomas de Aquino, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, during the 2001/2002 and 2002/2003 growing season. S. catenifer was observed especially at the lower and central part of the plant, and the inner canopy was the least attacked in comparison with the north, south, east and west quadrants. These results may be important indicators for the use of am adequate sampling procedure. The highest percentage of attacked fruit had one to four larvae; in some cases up to eight individuals per fruit were found. The losses caused by the borer varied during the agricultural season, with figures close to 5% in a single evaluation, and the harvest loss may reach 27%. The bagging of infested fruit caused mortality of S. catenifer, as observed through the evaluation carried out four days later.


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The Lyonet's gland is found in Lepidoptera larvae, close to the excretory duct of the silk gland. The role played by this gland is still uncertain. This work aims to describe the ultrastructure of the Lyonet's bland in Diatraea saccharalis larvae, offering suggestions regarding its possible function. The insects were reared under laboratory-controlled conditions. The glands were conventionally prepared for transmission (TEM) and scanning (SEM) electron microscopy. SEM showed that Lyonet's glands are paired small structures located in the ventral side of the head. They are composed by clustered long cells resembling leaves. Under TEM observations, each cell is surrounded by a thin basal lamina and contains large stellate nucleus. The cytoplasm presents large and empty canaliculi with small microvilli. The basal plasma membrane forms numerous infoldings where numerous and well-developed mitochondria are concentrated. The cytoplasmic membrane system is poorly developed. Our ultrastructural results suggest that the Lyonet's gland in D. saccharalis larvae may be involved in the uptake of small molecules from the hemolymph no morphological evidences of macromolecules synthesis and secretion were noticed. The detection of nerve fibers in the gland suggest a neural control for the glandular cell function.


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Soil compaction has a negative effect and Ca was shown to enhance root growth. The effects of soil subsurface compaction and liming on root growth and nutrient uptake by soybean were studied at the Department of Agriculture and Plant Breeding, São Paulo State University, Brazil. A Dark Red Latosol, sandy loam (Haplortox) was limed to raise base saturations to 40.1, 52.4 and 66.7%. The experimental pots were made of PVC tubes with 100 mm of diameter. Three rings with 150, 35 and 150 mm long were fixed one on the top of the other. In the central ring of 35 mm, the soil was compacted to bulk densities of 1.06, 1.25, 1.43 and 1.71 g.cm(-3). There was no effect of base saturation on soybean root and shoot growth and nutrition. Subsurface compaction led to an increase in root growth in the superficial layer of the pots with a correspondent quadratic decrease in the compacted layer. There was no effect of subsoil compaction on total root length and surface, soybean growth and nutrition. Soybean root growth was decreased by 10% and 50% when the soil penetrometer resistances were 0.52 MPa (bulk density of 1.45 g.cm(-1)) and 1.45 MPa (bulk density of 1.69 g.cm(-3)), respectively. In spite of the poor root growth in the compacted layer, once it nas overcome the root system showed an almost complete recovery.


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The effect of magnesium levels in nutrient solution upon relation between shoot and root, leaf weight ratio and assimilate partitioning of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv Carioca) was studied. Bean plants (3 per pot) were grown in 6 l pots containing Hoagland & Arnon n. 2 solution modified to obtain 2.4, 24.3, 48.6, 72.9 and 97.2 ppm of magnesium. The experimental design was a completely randomized factorial replicated 3 times with 5 levels of magnesium and 5 samplings wich were done forthnightly. Therefore, it may be suggested that the 48.6 ppm of magnesium level proposed by Hoagland & Amen (1950) is the best choice for the common bean, according to the conditions of this experiment. Magnesium concentrations over 48.6 ppm didn't show significant alterations of the evaluated parameters. Nutrient solution with 2.4 ppm of magnesium content provides higher efficiency to the common bean plants during almost all its cycle, except the final of the reproductive phase. These results suggest that magnesium concentration increased to 48.6 ppm, in the cycle final perhaps could increase the productivity.


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Extracts and pure amenthoflavone isolated from Byrsonima crassa (Malpighiaceae), a shrub growing in the semi-arid region of Brazil Cerrado, were evaluated in vitro, at different doses, for their effects on tomato seed germination and subsequent growth of seedlings. A hydromethanolic extract showed general stimulatory effects. The EtOAc extract stimulated root elongation and root weight of tomato; shoot elongation was inhibited, while shoot weight was not altered. The pure amenthoflavone isolated from the plant, stimulated shoot elongation at concentrations ranging between 10(-4) M and 10(-6) M.


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Citrus variegated chlorosis (CVC) and coffee leaf scorch (CLS) are two economically important diseases in Brazil caused by the bacterium Xylella fastidiosa. Strains of the bacterium isolated from the two plant hosts are very closely related, and the two diseases share sharpshooter insect vectors. In order to determine if citrus strains of X. fastidiosa could infect coffee and induce CLS disease, plant inoculations were performed. Plants of coffee, Coffea arabica 'Mundo Novo', grafted on Coffea canephora var, robusta 'Apuatao 2258' were mechanically inoculated with triply cloned strains of X. fastidiosa isolated from diseased coffee and citrus. Three months postinoculation, 5 of the 10 plants inoculated with CLS-X. fastidiosa and 1 of the 10 plants inoculated with CVC-X. fastidiosa gave positive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and/or polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Eight months postinoculation, another six plants inoculated with CVC-X. fastidiosa gave positive PCR results. The two X. fastidiosa strains were isolated from the inoculated plants and showed the same characteristics as the original clones by microscopy, ELISA, and PCR. None of the plants inoculated with sterile periwinkle wilt (PW) medium as controls gave positive reactions in diagnostic tests, and none developed disease symptoms. Six months postinoculation, seven plants inoculated with CLS-X. fastidiosn and eight inoculated with CVC-X. fastidiosa began to develop characteristic CLS symptoms, including apical and marginal leaf scorch, defoliation, and reductions of internode length, leaf size, and plant height, terminal clusters of small chlorotic and deformed leaves, and lateral shoot dieback. We have demonstrated that X, fastidiosa from citrus plants is pathogenic for coffee plants. This has important consequences for the management of CLS disease and has implications for the origin of citrus variegated chlorosis disease.