308 resultados para educação do campo


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This study presents results a research held in the framework of, literacy projects and the process of formation of critical consciousness (instances considered, research, literacy essential to the process) and was based on the theory and design education and literacy of Paulo Freire, as well as theories that deal with the acquisition of the writing system and the process of social literacy. The objective is to see how the process of literacy and literacy for children of elementary school second, through teaching practices arising from the current state program, Read and Write and analyze the processes of formation of conscience in this age group, from the educational concepts of Paulo Freire. Was aimed also consider and describe the possible confluence between the pedagogical praxis based on state curriculum and educational proposals frerianas. For the survey, we used the field study of exploratorydescriptive and the methodology developed in three stages, namely: literature review, field research in locus, and data analysis. The instruments used were literature review and annotated by syntheses, systematic observation recorded in field notebook; open a questionnaire, and protocol of semi-structured interview. The survey was conducted in a state school in the city of Bauru, in a classroom of second year of elementary school, I cycle and the research subjects were a literacy teacher and 18 students in that room. This study developed a historical overview of literacy methods, and present the concepts of literacy and literacy in which it is based. The survey results indicate that, on the literacy practices, proposals and guidelines of the Reading and Writing Program meet the expectations which they propose to achieve, on the literacy practices in the classroom are used various kinds of texts, however, not explored are the social aspects of production, ...((Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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O presente estudo foi realizado na Escola do Meio Ambiente (EMA) (22°55'23”S e 48°27'28”W), com a parceria da Escola Estadual “Parque Residencial 24 de Maio”, ambas localizadas no município de Botucatu. O objetivo deste trabalho foi a elaboração de um material de apoio pedagógico. À aula de campo dada aos alunos da Escola Estadual, comprovando a importância dessas atividades no processo de sensibilização dos mesmos. Para investigar os conhecimentos prévios dos alunos do primeiro e segundo ano do Ensino Médio da Escola Estadual, escolhidos como público alvo do trabalho, foi aplicado um questionário. Esse contava com sete perguntas dissertativas sobre o tema anfíbio anuros. Após a análise desses resultados, foi elaborado o referido material de apoio. Um folder que recebeu o titulo de “Salve os anfíbios anuros! - preservar os anfíbios é ser humano”. Este material foi utilizado e distribuído na aula de campo elaborada para esse grupo de alunos. Na atividade de campo os alunos puderam ter contato com esses animais, perdendo medos e sanando dúvidas sobre os mesmos. Para finalizar, o questionário foi reaplicado aos alunos, comprovando-se assim, a relevância da atividade proposta a eles


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A formação profissional é uma área de estudo que procura, através de estudos sistematizados, entender, entre outras coisas, os processos que se dão na constituição do ser profissional, os saberes que se produzem e as identidades que se formam. Especificamente na área de Educação, analisar a formação dos professores é de suma importância para refletirmos a respeito das práticas profissionais. Há alguns anos a temática da identidade docente ou identidade profissional vem sendo discutida na área de educação. De acordo com André (apud ALVES et al., 2007), os temas identidade e profissionalização docente apareceram como temas emergentes de pesquisa no início da década de 1990. Já no ano de 2003, do total de teses e dissertações defendidas sobre formação de professores, verificou-se que 43% dos temas eram sobre a identidade docente (ANDRÉ, 2005 apud ALVES et al., 2007). Além disso, Pimenta (2002) acrescenta que, na mesma época, os estudos sobre a formação inicial e contínua, repensadas a partir da análise das práticas pedagógicas e docentes, se revelaram uma demanda importante. Sendo a identidade docente um tema relevante para a área da Educação, é considerável a reflexão acerca dela bem como o levantamento de questões pertinentes que viabilizem o debate. Nesse trabalho buscamos analisar a constituição da identidade de futuros professores na fase de pré-ensino através dos seguintes objetivos: (a) Averiguar no processo de formação do professor de Educação Física as dimensões da docência que são exercitadas por ocasião dos estágios curriculares supervisionados de Prática de Ensino e; (b) Identificar nos relatórios e trabalhos de campo da disciplina Prática de Ensino e também por meio de questionário, as principais dificuldades que são assinaladas neste processo de formação, bem como na passagem de estudante-estagiário... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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This work offers an overview about didactic reflections in the introduction of the electrical field concept in Physics Teaching activities aimed to the High School by means of a teaching methodology based in a low cost experiment (FERREIRA E RAMOS, 2008). We analyzed the particular use of an experiment named electrostatic vector and its use in the teaching of the line force ideas, proposed by Faraday in 19th century. In the frame of this work we analyzed how this unconventional approach differs of the methodology generally presented in the didactic textbooks. We discussed that the use of low cost experiments, will not cause the student to learn, but the work of the teacher, offering an interaction between the student and the electrostatic vector, play an important role in the classroom


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A história da Educação Física Escolar (EFE) apresenta diversas questões que são interessantes de serem estudadas. Para compreensão do quadro atual dessa disciplina na escola é relevante analisar a sua história, pois esse quadro é conseqüência dos fatos passados. Na tentativa de atender o objetivo do trabalho o recorte feito foi a partir dos pontos relacionados com professor de Educação Física. Deste modo parte-se da formação inicial desse profissional, considerando que no Brasil são oferecidos dois tipos de formação, as ocorridas no modelo tradicional-esportivista e as que apresentam um currículo com caráter técnico científico. Acredita-se a formação inicial contribuí na constituição da concepção pedagógica do profissional em formação, porém não se pode desprezar as suas experiências anteriores essa formação e nem as experiências vividas no mercado de trabalho. Contudo o objetivo do trabalho é: a) identificar a concepção pedagógica de um professor de Educação Física Escolar e b) identificar quais foram os fatores determinantes para se chegar a essa concepção. Para realização da pesquisa utilizou-se a metodologia qualitativa do gênero história de vida. Essa metodologia permite a entrada no campo subjetivo das pessoas, uma vez que ela trabalha com as experiências dessas, nesse caso não há tanto um roteiro factual, porque as narrativas se fazem por meio de impressões, sentimentos e sonhos, o colaborador é objeto central do estudo, que nesse caso será um professor. A seleção do sujeito se fez com a utilização do critério do professor colaborador ser formado em uma Instituição de Ensino Superior Pública e estar atuando na rede de ensino, mas as características pessoais do professor que são bastante peculiares também... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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The goal of this research is to identify and describe the recreational objects, or toys, children’s play and games offered by teachers from a public municipal school of early childhood education in Pederneiras, a city located inland São Paulo State. The research has started with a retrospective look of the childhood concept and of the recreational objects with in the classical era till the modernity, what has allowed to identify how to play was in history and what is its relation with education. In order to understand how the recreational objects have been seen at school we have made a survey of the oficial Brazilian documents related to the childhood education. The benchmark survey has allowed the organization of a half structured questionnaire and the Kobayashi studies (2009, 2011), was the mean used to identify and classify the recreational objects found at school. The data collected in the benchmark survey in the field remark and by the questionnaire have permitted to identify here recreational objects available by teachers in early childhood education of 3 to 5 years old children at the school mentioned and what they think about the theme, on the other hand the studies performed have allowed us to analyse the adaptation and validity of the recreational objects already found


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The aim of this study was to identify which have the concept of curriculum kindergarten teacher municipal, city Sheets Pta.-SP, Dalben Marta Conti for how to translate the proposed curriculum for teaching daily. So whether using the guidelines of RCNEI pedagogical practice they do. The work begins with a short discussion on some theoretical curricular themes and a brief analysis of the National Curricular References for Child Education, from then to field research that describes the location where it was applied questionnaire surveyed the teachers, ending with data analysis collected by this instrument. This paper highlights some relevant concerns about the conceptions of curriculum and links witch the practice in teacher


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This work presents results of art state that searched articles to bring in its wake the relationship between Teaching of Chemistry (TC), Environmental Education (EE) and the Teaching of Chemistry directed from the Science Technology and Society (STS) standpoint. The research was carried by articles surveying in major magazines Brazilian Environmental Education and a reference in the research magazine of Science Education, being performed a qualitative analysis of those items that were identified. It was noted that little is produced on the subject of interest within this field, in mid-1998 to June 2012. In the articles analyzed did not find a perspective that allied relationship STS and EE, or EE, STS and TC. Nine articles were found in relation EE and TC, and TC and three articles STS, constituting two thematic axes: Relationship between Environmental Education and the Teaching of Chemistry and Relationship between Science and Technology Society and Chemistry Teaching, The discussion was given from the contents that comprised the categories created. The first axis involved: a) Teacher of Chemistry and EA b) Contents of Chemistry and EE, and c) Concepts and practices of EE Chemistry teachers. The second axis of the categories are: a) formative processes and conceptions of chemistry teachers in STS: b) Analysis of TC practice focusing STS. There were works produced by the same authors, who mostly used the same theme in different magazines for publication only changing the perspective of analyzing the results. Finally, a scenario indicates that restricted thematic research and the need to advance with future work


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Desde a década de 1960, atividades humanas negativas vêm crescendo em relação ao meio ambiente. Diversos caminhos vêm sendo apontados como recursos para minimizar ou solucionar os problemas alarmantes da alteração ambiental. A educação ambiental é compreendida como um desses recursos e para sua efetivação são necessárias propostas que envolvem estratégias e recursos didáticos diferenciados . Este trabalho visou à criação de um guia destinado ao professor, para auxiliá-lo no desenvolvimento de aula de campo, com a temática mamíferos, favorecendo a conscientização dos alunos sobre a importância biológica desses animais e de sua conservação. O guia propõe uma atividade de campo para a aprendizagem dos alunos pela observação e identificação de pegadas de mamíferos presentes na Fazenda Edgárdia


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This paper aims at discussion the construction of autonomy of cognitive development and child morality, according to the Piagetian approach view of the influence of socio-moral classroom in kindergarten. It is known that education is a very important part of participation in relation to the development of autonomy by the child, especially when it comes to kindergarten who becomes responsible for performing the initial encouragement of this ability, respecting the phase cognitive development in which the child is. We focus, therefore, the need for education and teaching activities that enable this construction offering little opportunity to exercise and build their first signs of autonomy. For their achievement, in addition to literature, which has been supported by theoretical studies of Jean Piaget, we chose a field research where we look, from the interview and observation, investigate the socio-moral environment of a room class of a school Kindergarten, highlighting the important opportunities for the exercise of autonomy for the children, amid the routine of the group. The interview was focused on the pursuit of basic knowledge of the educator on the subject, as well as what would be aware of the role of preschool in the process of moral development and about their own role as an educator this mode of education. Since the remark was directed at the teacher's procedures against the encouragement of social and moral ability, focusing mainly on interpersonal relationships in the classroom. Our classroom has proved to be a cooperative environment and therefore we emphasize the importance of the teacher's conduct that permeated the day-to-day classroom and encouraged to start building this skill by the student. The main objective of this study therefore was to investigate the possibilities and outcomes that have a school experience for the development of autonomy for children


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This paper analyzes the transformations in Brazilian society, especially in relations between the fields of work, education and youth. The implementation of a new logic in the process of capital accumulation, changes meant to hit the job market, causing new social issues, especially for youth, which can be translated by rising unemployment and new job settings, thus, have sparked a broad debate around the requirements that the market imposes on that intend to engage in it, relations skills, knowledge and ability to enter the labor market of the population, reissuing the discussion on social inequalities that required the field of alternative public policies to address this situation of exclusion. Turning to the reflection on the process of qualification / training and placing young people in employment relationships, this study aims to address and reflect on educational policies aimed at the inclusion ofyouth in the labor market, as well as analyze the actions of generating jobs and skills for young people between 18 and 29 years to do so, we will examine the National Youth Inclusion Program- PROJOVEM - sponsored by the Federal Governrnent, which aims to expand the service to the youngsters excluded from school and vocational training, allowing young people to be reintegrated into the educational process, receiving social skills training


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Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FCT