274 resultados para Sangue - Exame


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ


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This study was carried out to evaluate the breed resistance against ectoparasites infestations in Crioula Lageana and crossbred Angus male calves under natural condition. Ten weaned and neutered male calves (6-8 months) of each group were kept together in winter and summer pastures in Monte Castelo, Santa Catarina State. Every 28 days, female ticks (Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus) more than 4 mm long were counted on the right and left side of the body of each animal, as well as the D. hominis nodules. Coat thickness also was measured at each sampling and all animals were classified according coat color. Crioula Lageana group was less infested by D. hominis than crossbred Angus in five times and by ticks in the infestation peak (P<0.05). There were no differences in the distribution of the ticks and grubs between animal body sides. Dark-haired animal in both groups were the most susceptible.


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Considering the importance of umbilical cord blood as a potential source of stem cell and, on the other hand, the use of the domestic swine (Sus scrofa) as a useful model for biomedical research in regenerative medicine and aiming to contribute about the quantification of lymphocyte subsets in umbilical cord blood and peripheral blood of newborn piglets, this study aimed to quantify CD4+, CD5+ and CD8+ cells from umbilical cord blood and peripheral blood from pigs at term blood samples. Were analyzed samples of the umbilical cord blood and peripheral of 48 piglets of Topigs lineage, from healthy mothers, artificially inseminated and natural birth. Blood samples were collected from the umbilical cord at birth, by the umbilical vein, and peripheral blood by venous sinus retro-ophthalmic. The immunological measurements of CD4+, CD5+ and CD8+ were obtained by flow cytometry. The relative average values for the CD4+, CD5+ e CD8+ counts in umbilical cord blood and peripheral blood of newborn piglets were inferior to those reported for peripheral blood in adult pigs, suggesting immunological immaturity. The ratio CD4+:CD8+ in umbilical cord blood (3.2±1.2%) and peripheral blood (3.2±1.7%) showed a predominance of TCD4+ over TCD8+. The percentage of CD4+ and CD8+ cells was 1.37±0.86% and 1.15±0.57%, respectively, in umbilical cord blood and peripheral blood.


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Dermatosparaxis in animals is an autosomal recessive disorder of the connective-tissue clinically characterized by skin fragility and hiperextensibility. The disease in White Dorper sheep is caused by mutation (c.421G>T) in the ADAM metalloproteinase with thrombospondin type 1 motif, 2 (ADAMTS2) gene. This study describes the dermatological, histological and the molecular findings of the dermatosparaxis in White Dorper sheep from a herd located in the center-west of São Paulo State. The herd consisted of one ram, four ewe and their lambs. In this herd two lambs had clinical signs consistent with dermatosparaxis. Histopathological evaluation of the affected skin of these two animals also revealed consistent findings with dermatosparaxis, characterized by dysplasia of the collagen, which were arranged in small and fragmented collagen bundles and with foci of degeneration of collagen. Prominent cutaneous appendages and severe hemorrhagic focus in dermis region associated with mild neutrophilic infiltrate in the deep dermis. PCR using DNA blood and specific primers to amplify the mutation region c.421G>T was optimized in order to perform molecular diagnosis of the disease. The direct sequencing of the PCR products proved that the two clinically affected animals had the mutation responsible for dermatosparaxis, previously described for this breed and allowed the definitive diagnosis of the disease. This is the first report of the dermatosparaxis in White Dorper sheep in Brazil and the methodology used to confirm the diagnosis could be used in future studies to assess the prevalence of this mutation in Brazil, allowing the adoption of measures to prevent the spread of this mutation in the Brazilian White Dorper herd.


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The objectives of this study were to evaluate the characteristics of ruminal fluid, blood gas analysis, pedometer activity and suclinical laminitis occurrence, through the presence of secondary foot diseases in high production dairy cows, from a commercial herd. 200 Holstein cows originating from the same farm, located in Araçatuba/SP, Brazil, were divided into four groups, which are established from the daily milk production. Initially clinical examination of the cows was procedure, followed by sampling of rumen fluid, by esophageal tube. Fluid was evaluated for pH, color, odor, consistency, sedimentation, flotation and methylene blue reduction test. Venous blood samples were also collected for blood gas analysis, in addition to collecting data from pedometrics (number of steps) and daily milk production. Data were tabulated and submitted to correlation analysis. No animal had reported changes in rumen pH. Non-acid base imbalance were found, since the values of blood pH, PCO2, TCO2, HCO3- and BE were normal during hemogasimetric analysis. The pedometric was effective as a screening method to cows with foot diseases. It demonstrated reduction in the number of steps due to pain, correlated with lower milk production. However, the identification of foot lesions was only possible through specific digital clinical examination. The occurrence of 49.5 % of herd foot problems was due to the risk factors present in the farm. The abrasive concrete and inadequate facilities, also associated with the possible occurrence of sub-acute ruminal acidosis, were observed as risk factors. However, sub-acute ruminal acidosis was undiagnosed by the methods used. The correlation between the values of ruminal pH, and blood gas analysis pedometrics showed efficient for the early diagnosis of foot diseases and also in establishing the etiology of these diseases. Subclinical laminitis occurred primarily in cow's herd, considering the multifactorial etiology of this disease, occurrence and distribution of foot diseases diagnosed.


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The present study aims at the identification of undesirable effects of ribavirin, predinisone and DMSO in dogs naturally infected by canine distemper virus. The research analyzed 60 dogs with clinical neurological signs and 10 days of evolution. The animals were hospitalized for the appropriate support treatment; were daily observed, and complete blood cells count, biochemical analysis, and urine exam type I were conducted. Groups 1 and 2 were treated with ribavirin and its combination with DMSO; Groups 3 and 4 treated with prednisone and DMSO, Group 5 treated with ribavirin and prednisone, while Group 6 with ribavirin, prednisone and DMSO. Before the treatment, animals were anesthetized for the cerebrospinal fluid, bone marrow and blood samples collection for the diagnosis based on RT-PCR. The negative samples were analyzed using the hn-PCR technique. All the animals presented positive results in at least one of the 2 tests. The adverse result of ribavirin and its association with prednisone was characterized by haemolytic anemia, confirmed by the evaluation of bilirrubin occurrence only in the urine of dogs treated with ribavirin.


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The study evaluated the performance and carcass composition index of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fed with diets containing increasing levels of spray-dried blood meal (SDBM) and vat-dried blood meal (VDBM) and formulated based on digestible amino acids. Two hundred and fifty-two fingerlings were distributed in a completely randomized design, in a (2 x 4) + 1 factorial model, two types of blood meal with four levels of each blood meal in the diet, and a control diet (without blood meal), with four replications. The treatments consisted of soybean meal-based control diet, with 34% digestible protein (DP) and 3,200 kcal of digestible energy kg-1 (DE), plus four diets formulated with SDBM and four diets with VDBM, containing 5, 10, 15 and 20% of each meal in feed, maintaining identical DP, DE, phosphorus, calcium, lysine, methionine, threonine and tryptophan levels as those of the control diet. The results show that it is possible to use up to 15% VDBM in diets of Nile tilapia (O. niloticus) between 5 to 150 g of body weight.


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In a view to determining the outlines of the Freedom of Speech and to specify its contents, we face hate speech as an offensive and repulsive manifestation, particularly directed to minority groups in contemporary society. Thus, the study sought to promote, in the foreground, a study of the Freedom of Speech, in the liberal molds. Considered this way, Freedom of Speech will tend to accept hate speech as a legitimate manifestation, albeit at the injury of the victims. On the other hand, when we are dealing with the exhaustion of the liberal paradigm and the affirmation of the Welfare State, we note the recognition by the social state of the asymmetries and commitment to redistributive justice. The Freedom of Speech, warded by welfare state will tend to suffer major restrictions on its self-determination power, rejecting hate speech.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O presente artigo tem por objetivo apresentar sumariamente tendências importantes na literatura acadêmica a respeito dos movimentos sociais entre 2008 e 2013 e seu nexo com a formulação de políticas públicas. Ele apresenta os resultados embrionários e iniciais de uma pesquisa ressaltando o caráter dinâmico e complexo do tema, apontando a necessidade de uma avaliação atenta às particularidades que uma avaliação sobre tais movimentos políticos demanda, sugerindo uma “tradução” ou ressignificação enriquecedora da compreensão dos mesmos, em conformidade com a formulação do italiano Antonio Gramsci.