269 resultados para Preocupações parentais


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The aim of this study was to identify which have the concept of curriculum kindergarten teacher municipal, city Sheets Pta.-SP, Dalben Marta Conti for how to translate the proposed curriculum for teaching daily. So whether using the guidelines of RCNEI pedagogical practice they do. The work begins with a short discussion on some theoretical curricular themes and a brief analysis of the National Curricular References for Child Education, from then to field research that describes the location where it was applied questionnaire surveyed the teachers, ending with data analysis collected by this instrument. This paper highlights some relevant concerns about the conceptions of curriculum and links witch the practice in teacher


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Studies of mafic-ultramafic bodies have been carried out through the years due to their great use on the interpretation of geochemical and geotectonic processes that took place in Earth's history. Amongst them, chromitites are notably recognized for being excellent indicators of their parental magma chemistry and of different geotectonic environments, as well for frequently containing associated noble metals mineralization. Thus the investigation of one of this ultramafic bodies that occurs inside the Pilar de Goiás Greenstone Belt was proposed, resulting in a detailed map of the chromitites and country rocks, as well as innumerous new data on the chemistry of chromite and associated matrix and accessory minerals. These studies were based upon geological field observations, optic and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), besides electron microprobe and cathodoluminescence analysis performed at the “Eugen F. Stumpfl Laboratory” of the Montanuniversität Institute of Resource Mineralogy, University of Leoben - Leoben, Austria. The chromitites are composed of 40-70% in volume of chromite (~50% on average), 14-55% of talc (~30% on average), 3-60% of chromium rich chlorite (~20% on average), traces to 4% of iron hydroxides and traces to 3% of rutile (1,5% on average). The chromite occurs as large spherical aggregates or as fine grained subhedral crystals disseminated in the matrix. This aggregates have diameters of 0.3-1.5 cm (1 cm on average) and are extremely well rounded, massive to intensively fractured, and commonly deformed to ellipsoids. When observed under the microscope, these aggregates show well rounded to slightly irregular borders, but on their interiors, these structures are represented by fine to medium grained euhedral to subhedral chromite crystals that have sharp contacts between themselves. The rock's matrix is basically made of chlorite and talc that define a metamorphic foliation (Sn), being the talc an alteration product ...


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O contexto esportivo é repleto de muitas manifestações psicológicas. Para se ter sucesso é necessário que ocorra uma grande preparação destes atletas, que devem estar preparados fisicamente, tecnicamente e taticamente para responder às necessidades do esporte, buscando sempre a vitória e a melhor performance nas competições desportivas. A Psicologia do Esporte vem desenvolvendo programas de treinamento psicológico envolvendo técnicos, treinadores e atletas na busca de melhor desempenho nas competições. Hoje em dia o voleibol é um dos esportes mais praticados e assistidos no mundo inteiro, sendo no Brasil o segundo esporte mais praticado. O estado emocional se altera tanto em um período pré-competitivo, onde a incerteza de futuros acontecimentos provoca uma ansiedade, tensão e certo desconforto, quanto no momento da competição e também no período póscompetitivo. O sentimento de vergonha também é manifestado em muitas ocasiões. Várias são as definições encontradas para essa emoção: sentimento penoso de desonra; humilhação; rebaixamento; sentimento de insegurança provocado pelo medo do ridículo; embaraço; indignidade; timidez; acanhamento; sentimento de desconforto, entre outras. . A pesquisa buscou analisar teórica e praticamente as alterações emocionais de atletas em suas funções esportivas. Foi realizada com uma equipe de voleibol feminino, onde se aplicou um questionário fechado, a 21 atletas, com idades entre 13 e 16 anos. Verificou-se com que freqüência as manifestações dos sentimentos de vergonha e ansiedade ocorriam e possivelmente prejudicavam o desempenho das atletas. Após análise dos resultados pode-se concluir que as manifestações de ansiedade foram mais evidenciadas se comparadas as de vergonha. Notamos que, as preocupações quanto ao desempenho e aos erros que podem ser cometidos são muito evidenciados na equipe. A vergonha-meta... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Recently, the environmental concern has grown due to the higher awareness about the availability and the importance of natural resources for survival on the Earth. So, laws and regulations were implemented aiming the environmental preservation. It has being developed new systems, technologies and techniques in order to minimize wastage of resources and minimize waste generation that may cause environmental impacts, in order to abide by the laws and regulations. These techniques and systems have been developed mostly for the industrial sector, because it’s one of the most responsible for the waste generation and impacts. One of the most employed systems is the environmental management, performed during the environmental diagnosis of the area/activity. So, this study aimed the environmental assessment and the establishment of proposals for the mitigation of the most significant environmental impacts generated in five industries of the Antonio Crepaldi industrial district – Presidente Prudente, in order to contribute to environmental issues and provide greater efficiency in the productive process of these industries... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Falar sobre imagem corporal têm se tornado cada vez mais frequente no mundo atual. A cada dia que passa evidenciamos estereótipos corporais sendo nos concedidos por inúmeros meios de comunicação através da sociedade para uma padronização da nossa estética corporal. Com esse quadro de incessante insatisfação corporal da população diante de seus corpos, inúmeros distúrbios relacionados à imagem corporal que antes eram exclusivamente relacionados ao público feminino começaram a surgir para o público masculino, como a anorexia, a bulimia e o mais recente deles, o transtorno dismórfico corporal, conhecido por vigorexia. Os vigoréxicos, muitas vezes, acabam buscando seu aprimoramento estético através do uso de anabolizantes. Diante disso, o objetivo do estudo foi analisar a insatisfação corporal, a vigorexia e os esteroides anabolizantes androgênicos. Optou-se por um questionário de 13 questões de múltipla escolha e a identificação do indivíduo, adaptado do Questionário do Complexo de Adônis (POPE JR. et. al., 2000), aplicado numa academia de classe média na cidade de Rio Claro, interior de São Paulo. O questionário foi respondido por 93 indivíduos do sexo masculino com idade entre 14 e 53 anos, com tempo médio de treinamento de 39,3 ± 57,62 meses. Para este estudo, foram utilizadas apenas quatro questões do questionário para análise de resultados e discussão, de modo a trabalhar nosso objetivo. Como resultado da analise das questões escolhidas, obtivemos na questão 2, 48,39% dos indivíduos relatando se perturbar as vezes com suas preocupações com a aparência e 5,38% frequentemente. Enquanto que na questão 4, constatamos que 90,32% dedicam mais de 30 minutos do seu dia envolvidos em atividades destinadas a melhorar sua aparência, deixando muitas vezes de se sociabilizar e fazer seus demais afazeres para dedicar-se a sua estética, corroborando... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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From the twentieth century is witnessing a gradual increase in the debates and issues related to the degradation of nature, making the twenty-first century begins under the aegis of speeches linked to this concept as one of the axes of the concerns of humanity. There are several movements that are related to the degrading way of contemporary society and how we are called upon daily to save and defend nature, from the consumption of sustainable products through environmentally friendly lifestyles. While this may appear to be explicit that the current form of metabolic interaction man / nature in the current historical period of capitalism converges in a bleak scenario, however, there is an ideological and peacemaker convergence between productively and the systematic appeal to the consumption. Given these assumptions could be palpable the question that in the course of human history would be ideological conceptions of nature? Being a true statement what is the conflict present in the ideological struggle over nature with regard to the genesis of modern geography? Would it be overt or covert? These questions lead us to the present study, whose goal is to bring some notes about the ideological conceptions of the nature in human history, culminating in the possible influences upon the institutionalization of Modern Geography


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As preocupações referentes a esse trabalho estão relacionadas à humanização de estabelecimentos assistenciais de saúde de unidades de diálise. Em função de processo de hemodiálise, a população portadora de Insuficiência Renal Crônica (IRC) possui uma rotina de tratamento que a desgasta física e emocionalmente. A fim de proporcionar-lhes bemestar, tornam-se essenciais projetos arquitetônicos mais apropriados às necessidades de seus usuários. Por meio da leitura de bibliografia específica, além do diálogo com profissionais da saúde e também da análise de projetos representativos e concretizados de arquitetura hospitalar, este estudo empreende uma compreensão das motivações funcionais e clínicas das unidades de diálise, em conjunto com o entendimento dos processos de elaboração de ambientes mais favoráveis ao restabelecimento médico. Dessa maneira, o resultado dessas reflexões encaminha para diretrizes projetuais, e por fim a elaboração de um projeto arquitetônico para uma clínica de hemodiálise autônoma, na cidade de Presidente Prudente, que vise à contribuição para a recuperação do indivíduo com ambientes adequados, além das preocupações com a qualidade do serviço prestado


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The act of containing water is one of the most practiced by the civilizations along history, in the will to increase the offer of water to many uses. The raise of environmental worries surround many human activities has given a big attention to dams. Indeed, the environmental consequences about dams are proporcional to their size, what gives to the big dams a more detailed Project and a bigger political concerning that increases the built, estability and maintenance of them. Then, the projects of medium and small dams are weak, limitaded to handbooks, textbooks and empirical recommendations, while the constructions of small dams are growing everytime more. With that being said, the present work intends to analise the geological and geotechnical conditionants that can cause break of small earth dams by making a case study in the Jaguari Mirim Watershed, located in the city of São João da Boa Vista (SP), and can be used to encourage the concern with small dams. In the area of study were identificaded, from satellite images, 248 dams. The map of physiographical compartmentalization defined by Pilachevsky (2013) was used to define the locations in the study área that would have bigger risk to the break of dams. Then, 9 of this dams were analised in field research, using references made by Cerri, Reis e Giordano (2011) and the risk of the analised dams were defined. A study about this type of structure is highly necessary to avoid big damages. An analysis of the geological and geotechnical conditionants that can cause break of dams guides the project in a way to avoid adverse consequences, especially when integrated with locacional conditions observed in the place of the dam’s building


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Genética e Melhoramento de Plantas) - FCAV


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Due to growing concerns for reducing environmental damage caused by the use of non-renewable raw materials, there is a growing demand for research related to aggregate technology with environmental preservation. Thus, the use of non-renewable materials and less aggressive materials has been gaining attention. About composite materials, the exchange of synthetic fibers by natural fibers, especially vegetable fiber as reinforcement, has been increasing, due to its physical-chemical properties such as mechanical strength, nontoxic, low cost, low density, processing flexibility, non-abrasive to the process equipment, requiring simple surface treatments, etc. This objective was to process composites reinforced with long fibers of sapegrass in epoxy matrix and characterize the composites through mechanical tests. Three groups of composites were prepared according to the treatment received by the reinforcement: without treatment, alkali treatment at concentration of 5% w/v and alkali treatment at 10% w/v concentration. The materials were analyzed by tensile and flexural, and tests also optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results were statistically analyzed. As the main result, the alkali treatment of 5% in the sapegrass fibers increases the tensile and flexural strength, as a consequence of the improve adhesion between matrix and reinforcement


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEIS


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)