232 resultados para Perspectivas da sociedade da informação


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Thinking about improving public education in Brazil means thinking not only on what we wish to develop, skills and abilities in individuals, but understand and clearly identify the type of citizens we are devoloping and what kind of society we want for the future. In this context it is important to note that the practice in the classroom today can not be considered without regard to education steeped in culture and, therefore, in the forms of modern communication. So if there is a crisis in education, it can not be solved only within the classroom. The challenge for school education is to show students within the classroom how they will be out of school. Quality education is a blueprint for the future, to the unknown, to a world we do not know now. In this sense, to direct the education only for the labor market is a mistake, because the market is so today, but may be another in ten or fifteen years. Precisely because we do not know what are the requirements for citizens of the future, we must focus on what is essential in the formation of our youth. Is essential then to understand the ideas, learn to discuss them, argue and learn to recognize the role of technology in social and cultural evolution of mankind.


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Over the last years, the new technologies have changed the way we relate to information and communicate with other people, which has brought on impact to foreign language teaching and learning, and, consequently, to the area of foreign language teacher education. The abbreviation CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning) has been used to designate the processes of language teaching and learning with the use of computers, and language teacher education in CALL to name teacher education for and with the use of new technologies, since a number of authors point to the interdependence of both processes. We intend in this article to present an overview of the literature of the area of language teacher education in CALL nowadays and discuss issues related to the use of new technologies concerning its integration to teacher education and the functional and institutional roles to be taken. We also present two proposals of teacher education with the use of new technologies which are being implemented and at the same time studied in Brazil, which we believe have essential elements for the development of language teachers for and with the use of new technologies currently.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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It should be noted that the studies for some time been considering the historical importance of objects and space as components of memory - or “places of memory” in the words of Pierre Nora. The memory would thus be defi ned as an imaginary dimension of society, a mental universe that acquires and social substance that creates the individual with a “social whole” in an open line of work by M. Halbwachs. And this notion of memory allows us to grasp the question sheet. This cult of memory had its place also rise through the delimitation of national heritage - as Françoise Choay, since the establishment of categories of historical monuments in France in 1837. The discussion on equity has progressed in recent decades, as it is conceived as objects, spaces, knowledge and events become “intangible heritage” because it has reference value to the community. It is considered that the references are the property constituting the objects of memory formation, forms of work-life past or present. Anyway, heritage presents itself as the embodiment of a discourse about the past.


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The physical, psychological, sexual, moral and patrimonial violence affects women of different ages, social classes, ethnic and racial groups, levels of education and religion, all over Brazil. One of the obstacles in the strategies of prevention and facing violence against women, in public care services, focuses on the absence of an information system, automation of data and care flows. The existence of reliable data is essential for performing diagnoses, goals and conducting research on women in situations of violence who access the service agencies. In this sense, the goal of research is to present the experience of implementing a policy of data management called Woman System, in Ednalva Bezerra Women's Reference Center, which offers host/psychological and social care, guidance and legal referral for women that face any violence situation. As methodological paths, we adopt research in action. In our analyzes, we found that in this kind of public service, the use of the data system may improve the full and humanized care to women in situations of violence. Thus, the System Woman Care, still a developing phase, appears to improve the flow of relevant information within the institution, driving a process of knowledge, decision-making and intervention against gender violence.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A abordagem territorial do desenvolvimento tornou-se um referencial importante para a elaboração de políticas públicas de desenvolvimento rural. No Brasil, a Secretaria de Desenvolvimento Territorial, criada em 2003 e vinculada ao Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrário, o adotou estrategicamente. O Programa Nacional de Desenvolvimento Sustentável dos Territórios Rurais (Pronat), lançado em 2003, prevê a execução de um conjunto de ações voltadas a municípios rurais articulados territorialmente. Em 2008, ocorreu a implantação do Programa Territórios da Cidadania, desdobramento do Pronat e política de desenvolvimento rural para dinamizar territórios economicamente deprimidos. A gestão decisória compartilhada entre Estado e sociedade é uma das premissas e objetivos do Programa. No estado do Paraná, o Projeto de Inclusão Social e Desenvolvimento Rural Sustentável converge com as políticas territoriais estabelecidas na esfera federal, tanto em termos de conteúdo como de procedimentos. A análise da constituição do Território Integração Norte Pioneiro (PR) fundamenta o argumento de que a formulação do Pronat, e do Programa Territórios da Cidadania, tem como um de seus objetivos centrais a constituição de uma esfera decisória microrregional que atue nas questões rurais, priorizando-se a descentralização das atribuições no que concerne ao desenvolvimento rural.


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This study presents different approaches to interdisciplinary management-related concepts. It is still a new area that lacks sufficient theoretical basis for library science and information science. The purpose herein is to ponder and raise the awareness about the transposition and applicability possibilities of the theoretical principles that involve this type of management behavior within Brazilian libraries and information services. It has an outstanding influence as a differential for organizations that adopt a strategic stand to overcome challenges and demands posed by contemporary society.


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No mundo, a fase atual pode ser caracterizada de sociedade do conhecimento na era da informação. A prática científica está associada a um ordenamento socio-politico-econômico, logo é justificável o porquê dos questionamentos na prática científica ser uma constante, em virtude das alterações ou modificações dos meios de controles científicos. A comunicação social por meio dos programas radiofônicos sobre divulgação de informações científicas pode ser funcionar como um instrumento de instrução ou de educação, algo que possivelmente estimule o gosto do público pela cultura científica. A evolução da tecnologia radiofônica, em sintonia com a informática e a microeletrônica, proporcionou as condições de produção direcionadas para a criação tanto de programas de caráter cultural educativo e científico como também para a criação de programas populares visando lazer diversão. O presente trabalho discorre sobre re-organização da emissora de rádio enquanto empresa que, atualmente, deve planejar técnica e administrativamente sempre que necessário visando melhorar as condições de produções de programas radiofônicos para a transmissão da informação científica.


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O rádio é o veículo de comunicação que as pessoas mais usam para receber informação e entretenimento diário. A portabilidade, a proximidade das emissoras com seus públicos e os receptores de baixo preço sustentam há várias décadas, a popularidade radiofônica. Mais recentemente, o rádio se beneficiou do crescimento da frota automotora e da enorme quantidade de celulares, que embutem gratuitamente receptores de rádio. Uma pesquisa realizada em 2010, pelo GPR (Grupos dos Profissionais do Rádio) sobre consumo radiofônico pelos brasileiros, apontou que 74% deles ouvem Rádio em receptores tradicionais, 63% ouvem pela internet, 61% pelo rádio do carro, 37% sintoniza rádio pelo celular, 21% por meio de dispositivos como MP3, MP4 e iPhone; 12% por meio de canais de áudio da TV a cabo e 3% via internet do celular. A pesquisa GPR apresenta números significativos de ouvintes em cada modalidade de dispositivo para recepção radiofônica. São indicadores claros de que um mesmo ouvinte está sintonizando regularmente suas emissoras prediletas em mais de um tipo de receptor de rádio. A nova variável demonstra que a digitalização da produção, da transmissão e da recepção, além de transformar o rádio em um veículo com linguagem multimídia, também lhe agregou a possibilidade de multi-sintonia. Ou seja, as mensagens radiofônicas passaram a ser recebidas pelos ouvintes em diversos terminais, todos dotados de ferramentas multimídia e de recursos para interatividade. É a evidência de que o rádio ingressou definitivamente no território binário e convergente do ciberespaço. De agora em diante, a formação das várias carreiras profissionais para a produção radiofônica terão que atentar para as transformações do veículo na era digital.


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We present the importance of information management and competitive intelligence as generating factors of competitive advantage in organizations. Through a study from the company Mizumo (SP) was possible demonstrate how obtaining and using of strategic information tools supported by in competitive intelligence can bring benefits and subsidies to organizations in identifying opportunities and threats, or even contribute to building and implementation of innovative projects aimed at ensuring quality of life for society.


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We live in a society governed by information, knowledge and social inclusion. This leads us to reflect on the importance of access and use of information for people with visual disabilities to build knowledge, exercising citizenship and contribute to lifelong learning. We are faced with a society more open to diversity, questioning their mechanisms of segregation and envisions new ways of social inclusion of people with disabilities. Hence the importance of understanding the inclusive practices, especially for the visually impaired person. Thus, we sought to perform a literature search to understand the theoretical corresponding to the selective approach of the existing literature on the subject. It was considered as a concept of this type of research, which provides that a systematic search for information on existing sources, ie, in all the literature that has become public in relation to the subject studied in order to offer reflections and contributions on issues of access and use of information, emphasizing the role of social responsibility of mobilizing information professionals are considered mediators and actors of vital importance in this scenario.


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The purpose of this article is to reflect on the movement of professionalization of teaching, emphasizing the importance given to vocational training (initial and continuing) in this context. The research is qualitative in that it sought in the testimonies of eight physical education teachers, the São Paulo public state educacional, to elucidate the reflections from the literature review. It was found that although the social and political discourses glimpse the teacher as the main agent of social transformation, this possibility still presents far for this group, especially in view of the heavy workload and poor remuneration, hindering investment in training. It was concluded that this group is immersed in speeches ambiguous and contradictory processes, characterizing a movement of professionalization and concomitant deprofessionalization in teaching.


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In this contribution, we discuss and analyze some aspects of nanoscience and nanotechnology, based on the approach kwon as Science, Technology and Society (STS), as well as the prospects of Philosophy of Technology. In this context, we specify the constitute the nanoscience and nanotechnology analytic research field. I is also reported its genesis and limits, emphasizing the impacts of nanotechnology in the development of the contemporary society, such as the possible benefits and problems associated to the use of nanotechnology, as well as environmental impacts, doubts and uncertainties that permeate this areas, in addition some ethical questions and public policies for the sector are analyzed.


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Este estudo teve como objetivo mapear as concepções de professores de diferentes níveis de ensino sobre a maior contribuição do Ensino de Ciências para a sociedade. A proposta faz parte de uma pesquisa realizada pelo grupo de pesquisa Formação e Ação de Professores de Ciências e de Educadores Ambientais. Os dados foram coletados por meio de uma questão contida em um questionário, com 75 professores. As respostas foram organizadas em categorias relacionadas: à maior contribuição, às características envolvidas e ao elemento objeto da contribuição. Os professores revelam aproximação com discurso hegemônico e distanciamento das perspectivas críticas, indicando a necessidade de problematização da perspectiva política–pedagógica dos professores de Ciências Biológicas.