464 resultados para Laringe : Patologia
OBJETIVO: Investigar as alterações laríngeas e vocais em pacientes com sintomas de refluxo gastroesofágico e correlacioná-las com o exame de phmetria. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo que incluiu os pacientes atendidos nos ambulatórios de Distúrbios da Voz da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu no período de cinco anos com sintomas vocais e gastroesofágicos. Os pacientes foram submetidos à videolaringoscopia, às análises vocais perceptivo-auditivas, a analise vocal acústica computadorizada e ao exame de pHmetria de dois canais com monitorização durante 24 horas. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídos 57 pacientes (entre 21 a 65 anos; 45 mulheres e 12 homens). Desses, 18 apresentavam pHmetria normal (31,6%) e 39 alterada (68,4%). As videolaringoscopias registraram diversas lesões laríngeas tanto nos pacientes com pHmetria normal como alterada, sendo mais relevantes neste último grupo, destacando-se a paquidermia posterior. As avaliações vocais perceptivo-auditivas identificaram alterações vocais de diversas intensidades em ambos os grupos, mais importantes nos pacientes com pHmetria alterada. Todos os parâmetros acústicos, exceto Fo, mostraram-se alterados em ambos os grupos, quando comparados aos controles. CONCLUSÕES: Alterações vocais perceptivas e acústicas, e lesões laríngeas foram registradas tanto nos pacientes com phmetria normal como alterada, sinalizando para a importância da historia clínica e dos achados videolaringoscópicos no diagnóstico das laringites ácidas.
Discutimos a epistemologia das ciências da vida e das ciências da saúde de Georges Canguilhem, revendo sua crítica à concepção mecanicista da normalidade e da patologia e seu posicionamento frente ao vitalismo. Sugerimos que, enfatizando o conceito de normatividade da vida, Canguilhem teria apontado para uma superação da oposição entre mecanicismo e vitalismo. Para tal, fazemos uma breve comparação da normatividade da vida com o conceito contemporâneo de auto-organização de Michel Debrun, argumentando que a emergência da norma vital se situa num estágio secundário de um processo de (auto-)organização da vida e, portanto, tal normatividade não teria a conotação vitalista, erroneamente atribuída a Canguilhem.
A uricemia foi estudada em uma amostra de 192 indivíduos de uma região altamente endêmica para a doença de Chagas (Bambuí, Estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil). A amostra continha 50 indivíduos sorologicamente negativos (controles) e os positivos foram classificados na base da presença de alterações eletrocardiográficas (63), esvaziamento esofagiano alterado (16), ou ausência de sinais ou sintomas da doença (76). Somente os indivíduos com a forma digestiva da doença de Chagas crônico mostraram hiperuricemia, quando comparados com controles adequados. Dados familiares sugerem que a hiperuricemia é um efeito da patologia digestiva em vez de causa, uma vez que os irmãos não afetados dos pacientes com megaesôfago não apresentaram níveis elevados de ácido úrico sérico. São postulados alguns mecanismos possivelmente responsáveis pelos achados.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Avaliaram-se a associação entre o número de células inflamatórias no intestino delgado e a resistência à infecção por Trichostrongylus colubriformis em ovinos de três raças (Santa Inês, Suffolk e Ile de France), naturalmente infectados. Mastócitos, eosinófilos e leucócitos globulares foram quantificados na mucosa intestinal. A concentração de histamina foi estimada em amostras teciduais do intestino, bem como foi determinado o comprimento de machos e fêmeas de T. colubriformis. A resposta celular foi similar na mucosa intestinal das três raças ovinas (P>0,05). Houve grande variação entre os ovinos em relação aos resultados parasitológicos e celulares, mesmo nos animais de mesma raça. em geral, os animais que apresentaram número menor de células inflamatórias tiveram cargas parasitárias maiores, contagens de ovos por grama de fezes mais altas e exemplares de T. colubriformis maiores. Os resultados indicaram que mastócitos, eosinófilos e leucócitos globulares prejudicaram o estabelecimento, o desenvolvimento e a sobrevivência dos parasitas.
Os objetivos do presente trabalho foram estudar a fidelidade ao abrigo diurno por indivíduos de ambos os sexos da espécie Desmodus rotundus e verificar a eficácia da ação da pasta vampiricida 2% na redução do tamanho de suas colônias no estado de São Paulo, por meio de estudo experimental de campo. Durante os anos de 1999 e 2000, 626 morcegos distribuídos em 12 abrigos foram capturados com redes-de-espera (armadas durante a noite) e marcados. em seguida, 10% da população previamente estimada recebeu a pasta vampiricida. No Experimento I foram tratados apenas machos, no Experimento II apenas fêmeas e no Experimento III, 5% dos machos e 5% das fêmeas foram tratados. Após 5 e 10 dias, foram feitas contagens dos morcegos que sobreviveram e morreram. As fêmeas mostraram-se mais fiéis aos abrigos (p<0,01) e melhores disseminadoras de pasta vampiricida (p<0,01).
As alterações que envolvem as globinas devem-se a modificações em genes responsáveis pela seqüência e estrutura das cadeias polipeptídicas, bem como aos genes reguladores da síntese destas cadeias. Hemoglobinas variantes apresentam estrutura química diferente da hemoglobina normal correspondente, resultante de mutações em uma ou mais bases nitrogenadas, ocasionando a troca de aminoácidos nas globinas alfa, beta, delta ou gama. A hemoglobina N-Baltimore é uma variante de globina beta, com substituição da lisina, na posição 95, por ácido glutâmico, apresentando mobilidade eletroforética mais rápida que a hemoglobina A em pH alcalino. Nas análises eletroforéticas em pH alcalino realizadas em doadores de sangue do Hemocentro de São José do Rio Preto (SP) identificamos a presença de portador de hemoglobina rápida em heterozigose, posteriormente confirmada por focalização isoelétrica e cromatografia líquida de alta pressão (HPLC). Os estudos de hemoglobinas anormais em doadores de sangue permitem a identificação de variantes raras e possibilitam o aconselhamento genético adequado a cada caso com estudo familial.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to research a membrane material for use in guided bone regeneration. Study design: In this study, 25 male Wistar rats were used to analyze the biocompatibility and degradation process of biomembranes. The morphological changes in subcutaneous implantations were assessed after 7, 14, 21, 28 and 70 days. The materials were made of polyurethane polymer (AUG) obtained from vegetal oil (Ricinus communis) and polytetrafluoroethylene membrane (PTFE). The surface characteristics of the physical barriers in scanning electronic microscopic (SEM) were also evaluated. Results: In both groups, the initial histological analysis showed moderate inflammatory infiltrate, which was predominantly polymorphonuclear. There was also a presence of edema, which was gradually replaced by granulation tissue, culminating in a fibrous capsule. In the AUG group, some multinucleated giant cells were present in the contact interface, with the space previously occupied by the material. However, membrane degradation was not observed during the period studied. According to the present SEM findings, porosity was not detected in the AUG or PTFE membranes. Conclusion: The researched material is biocompatible and the degradation process is extremely slow or may not even occur at all.
Odontogenic anomalies can occur as a result of conjoining or twinning defects. These include fusion, gemination and concrescence. This article presents two case reports of double teeth. In the first case reported, a 4-year-old white boy presented primary double teeth associated to the absence of the right permanent mandibular lateral incisor. In the second case, a 5-year-old white girl had a family history of anomaly in primary dentition. The girl and her mother presented double teeth in the primary dentition. Her mother showed hypodontia in the permanent dentition. Extra and intra oral clinical examination was made in both cases. Radiographic analyses showed the involvement of the permanent tooth. Authors conclude that double teeth in primary dentition have to be carefully analysed as they may be associated with anomalies in the permanent dentition. Correct diagnosis of the condition implicates in a better prognosis for the patient.
Ameloblastic fibro-odontoma (AFO) is a rare, benign, slow-growing odontogenic tumor, generally asymptomatic and more prevalent in children and adolescents. We report a case of AFO in the mandible of an eight-year-old Caucasian male patient, and review the literature. Intraoral examination revealed a swelling extending from the deciduous second molar to the retromolar triangle, covered with normal mucosa. A panoramic radiograph showed a large, well-demarcated radiolucency with radiopaque areas. The provisional diagnosis was of AFO, and so an incisional biopsy was performed. Histologically, the lesion was composed of connective tissue resembling the dental papilla, with epithelial strands or islands, as well as denticles and amorphous masses of enamel and dentin consistent with a diagnosis of AFO. Surgical excision and curettage of the lesion were performed. The patient has been monitored for eight years and the lesion has not recurred.
Objectives: The aim of the present study was to analyze the main clinical and histopathological features of autoimmune diseases with oral manifestations such as oral lichen planus (OLP); mucous membrane pemphigoid (MMP); pemphigus vulgaris (PV) and erythema multiforme (EM). Study design: Retrospective review of 5770 files from the Oral Pathology Laboratory of Sao Jose dos Campos Dental School, São Paulo State University (UNESP) comprising a 27- year period from 1974 to 2000.Results: The cases accounted for 64 (1.10%) of 5770 anatomopathological examinations performed over the study period. Among the autoimmune diseases diagnosed, 49 (76.56%) were OLP, 6 (9.37%) were MMP, 5 (7.82%) were em and 4 (6.25%) were PV. Descriptive statistical analysis was used.Conclusion: The initial manifestations of most autoimmune diseases occur in the oral mucosa. An earlier diagnosis and proper therapeutic protocol will delay the dissemination of the lesions, thus greatly contributing to a better prognosis and quality of life of the patient.
The purpose of this article was to describe the clinical and microscopic features of an intraosseous foreign-body granuloma in the mandible that developed after the traumatic implantation of metal fragments during a work-related accident. A 65-year-old male patient had a severe pain in the body of mandible. Clinical examination showed facial asymmetry and a scar, extending to the left mental region. Intraoral examination revealed a soft mass involving the left alveolar bone with normal appearance of the mucosa surface. Panoramic radiographs showed a radiolucent lesion along the mandible extending from the central incisive to the first molar. Computed tomography revealed an osteolytic mass in the same area. His medical history included a work-related accident twenty years prior to evaluation. During the biopsy an important amount of bright metal-like pieces surrounded by soft tissue were found. A microscopic examination showed a foreign body associated with an aggregation of multinucleated giant cells. The final diagnosis was a foreign body granuloma. Even though foreign-body granulomas in the mandible are rare lesions, dentists should be familiar with their features and include them in the differential diagnosis of tissue masses.
Objectives. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of Chamomilla recutita on the healing of ulcers in rats.Study Design. A 5-mm wound was inflicted on the tongue of 36 rats. Treatment group animals were treated topically with 0.04 mL/day of chamomile ointment, whereas control group animals were not treated. Animals were sacrificed after 3, 7 or 10 days. Semi-quantitative analysis of the degree of inflammation, fibroblast count and wound size was performed, as well as histometric analysis of re-epithelialization and percentage of collagen fibers of the lesion.Results. Animals treated with chamomile showed the best results regarding epithelialization and percentage of collagen fibers after 10 days. As expected, time had a statistically significant effect (p<0.05) on fibroblast count, epithelialization, inflammation and wound size; animals sacrificed at 3 days showed the worst results.Conclusions. Chamomile stimulated re-epithelialization and the formation of collagen fibers after 10 days of treatment; it did not, however, influence inflammation or fibroblast count.
Objective: The aim of this study was to carry out an in vivo assessment of bone ingrowth in two different types of porous titanium -the first being completely porous, and the second with a porous surface and dense nucleus, manufactured by powder metallurgy- and to evaluate their mechanical properties. Study design: Ten scaffolds from each group were submitted to metallographic analysis and compression tests. Next, two scaffolds of each type were inserted into 14 rabbits, which were sacrificed 8 weeks after surgery. The samples were submitted for histological examination. Results: Metallographic analysis revealed interconnected pores, and the average interconnected pore diameter was about 360 mm, with 36% total porosity. The totally porous titanium samples and the titanium samples with porous surface and dense nucleus showed an average compressive strength of 16.19 MPa and 69.27 MPa, respectively. After 8 weeks, the animals showed bone ingrowth, even into the most internal pores. Conclusions: The pore morphology was effective in permitting bone ingrowth in both groups. Titanium scaffolds with a porous surface and dense nucleus showed the best mechanical properties and most adequate interface.
Background: Although oral lichen planus has been classified by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a potentially malignant disorder, such classification is still the target of much controversy. Aim: To evaluate the cell proliferation rate in oral lichen planus, comparing it to the rate observed in epithelial dysplasia and oral squamous cell carcinoma, aiming at indications which might indicate the potential for malignant transformation. Material and Methods: Twenty-four cases of each lesion were submitted to the streptoavidin-biotin and AgNOR technique to evaluate the immunohistochemical expression of PCNA and the mean NORs/ nucleus, respectively. Results: Positivity for PCNA was observed in 58.33% of oral lichen planus cases, 83.33% of epithelial dysplasia cases and 91.67% of oral squamous cell carcinoma cases. Chi-squared test showed that the number of positive cases for PCNA was significantly lower in oral lichen planus than in oral squamous cell carcinoma (p<0.05). No significant statistical difference between oral lichen planus and epithelial dysplasia (p>0.05) and between the epithelial dysplasia and oral squamous cell carcinoma (p>0.05) was observed. The mean NORs/ nucleus in oral lichen planus, epithelial dysplasia and oral squamous cell carcinoma were 1.74 +/- 0.32, 2.42 +/- 0.62 e 2.41 +/- 0.61, respectively. Variance analysis (ANOVA) revealed significant statistical difference between oral lichen planus and the other studied lesions (p<0.05). Conclusion: Oral lichen planus cell proliferation rate was less than in oral epithelial dysplasia and oral squamous cell carcinoma which might explain the lower malignant transformation rate.