232 resultados para GENUS ZERO


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The evolution of arboreality in snakes is accompanied by modifications that are remarkably similar across species. Gravity is one of the most important selective agents, and arboreal snakes present adaptations to circumvent the gradient of pressure, including modifications on heart position (HP) and body slenderness (BS). However, the degree to which different life-history traits influence the cardiovascular system of snakes remains unclear. Here, we used an ecological and a phylogenetic approach to explore the relationship between habitat, HP, BS, and heart size (HS) in five species of the neotropical whipsnakes genus Chironius that occupy terrestrial, semiarboreal, and arboreal habits. Our ecological comparison indicated that the arboreal species have the most posterior-positioned heart, the most slender body, and the smallest HS, whereas the terrestrial representative of the group exhibited the most anterior heart, the less flattened body, and the largest HS. After removing the phylogenetic effect, we found no difference in HP and BS between terrestrial and arboreal species. Habitat only differed when contrasting with HS. Body slenderness and HS were correlated with HP. Our results suggest that different restrictions, such as anatomical constraints, behavior, and phylogenetic inertia, may be important for the studied species. © 2013 The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.


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Peanut is one of the few plants that synthesizes resveratrol, a phenolic compound of the stilbene class, which has been associated with reduced risk of developing chronic diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, skin diseases, pulmonary diseases, diabetes and neurological diseases. Resveratrol was detected in different parts of the peanut plant, including roots, leaves, seeds and their derivatives. The wild species of the Arachis section are also strong candidates to synthesize resveratrol because they are phylogenetically closely related to cultivated peanut. Our objective was to characterize the resveratrol content in ten wild species of Arachis with three different genomes (A, B and K). The plant material was composed of leaves of the ten species treated (test) and not treated (control) with ultraviolet (UV) radiation. The test and control samples were extracted and the identification and quantification of resveratrol was performed using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). All species studied synthesized resveratrol and the concentrations ranged from 299.5 μg/g in A. kempff-mercadoi to 819.9 μg/g in A. cardenasii. DPPH antioxidant activity varied between 18.7 % for A. duranensis and 48.2 % in A. simpsonii. The results showed that wild Arachis species are a potential source of alleles for improvement of cultivated peanut, with the aim of achieving higher resveratrol content in leaves. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.


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Pyrrhulina marilynae, new species, is described. The new species can be distinguished among congeners mainly by pre-senting a conspicuous, dark, zigzag shaped primary stripe, extending to distal end of median caudal-fin rays, reduction of the number of precaudal vertebrae, absence of postcleithrum 2, and nine principal rays on caudal-fin dorsal lobe. The pu-tative relationship of the new species with Pyrrhulina australis, P. vittata and P. zigzag, three small-sized species of the genus, is discussed. Copyright © 2013 Magnolia Press.


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The recently described taxon Drymoreomys albimaculatus is endemic to the Brazilian Atlantic Forest and its biology and genetics are still poorly known. Herein, we present, for the first time, the karyotype of the species using classical and molecular cytogenetics, which showed 2n=62, FN=62, and interstitial telomeric signals at the sex chromosomes. Nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequences from the two karyotyped individuals verify the taxonomic identity as the recently described D. albimaculatus and confirm the relationship of the species with other Oryzomyini. Additionally, external morphological information is provided. © Elkin Y. Suárez-Villota et al.


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Cely and Sarmiento (2011) took issue with the cladistic analysis of relationships among species of the genus Synoeca by Andena et al. (2009a), and presented a reanalysis. They claimed that intraspecific variation in the genus is meaningful, and proper consideration yields a conclusion different from that of Andena et al. Both their critique and reanalysis are vitiated by numerous errors, as is shown in the present paper. © 2013 Magnolia Press.


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Spermiogenesis and sperm ultrastructure from 21 species of Moenkhausia and others related genera are described. To evaluate the phylogenetic signals, 18 unordered characters were utilized in implied weighting analysis through the program TNT 1.1. Four variations of spermiogenesis were found. In the earliest spermatids, the nucleus can be positioned lateral, eccentric, strongly eccentric or nearly medial in relation to the distal centriole. The nuclear rotation can be present or absent. These spermiogenesis processes are related or intermediate to Type I and Type III. Taking into account the degrees of nuclear rotation during the spermiogenesis and other characteristics, distinct forms of spermatozoa are observed among the species analyzed. The phylogenetic analysis yielded a single most parsimonious tree with fit value 2.70000 and the topology obtained founds Moenkhausia as non-monophyletic. However, some hypothesis of relationships previously proposed viz the clade 20, which contains the type species Moenkhausia xinguensis, is recovered herein. This clade is supported by five synapomorphies, and it allows the supposition that these species constitute a monophyletic group. The whole topology is presented and discussed. © 2012 The Authors. Acta Zoologica © 2012 The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.


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We consider in this work the electromagnetic current for a system composed of two charged bosons and show that it has a structure of many bodies even in the impulse approximation, when described in the light-front time x+. In terms of the two-body component for the bound state, the current contains two-body operators. We consider the photon interacting with two bosons and the process of pair creation connected to this interaction, interpreting it as a zero mode contribution to the current and discuss the consequences of this pair creation to the components of currents in the light front. © 2013 American Physical Society.


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In flowering plants, alternative oxidase (Aox) is encoded by 3-5 genes distributed in 2 subfamilies (Aox1 and Aox2). In several species only Aox1 is reported as a stress-responsive gene, but in the leguminous Vigna unguiculata Aox2b is also induced by stress. In this work we investigated the Aox genes from two leguminous species of the Medicago genus (Medicago sativa and Medicago truncatula) which present one Aox1, one Aox2a and an Aox2b duplication (named here Aox2b1 and Aox2b2). Expression analyses by semi-quantitative RT-PCR in M. sativa revealed that Aox1, Aox2b1 and Aox2b2 transcripts increased during seed germination. Similar analyses in leaves and roots under different treatments (SA, PEG, H2O2 and cysteine) revealed that these genes are also induced by stress, but with peculiar spatio-temporal differences. Aox1 and Aox2b1 showed basal levels of expression under control conditions and were induced by stress in leaves and roots. Aox2b2 presented a dual behavior, i.e., it was expressed only under stress conditions in leaves, and showed basal expression levels in roots that were induced by stress. Moreover, Aox2a was expressed at higher levels in leaves and during seed germination than in roots and appeared to be not responsive to stress. The Aox expression profiles obtained from a M. truncatula microarray dataset also revealed a stress-induced co-expression of Aox1, Aox2b1 and Aox2b2 in leaves and roots. These results reinforce the stress-inducible co-expression of Aox1/Aox2b in some leguminous plants. Comparative genomic analysis indicates that this regulation is linked to Aox1/Aox2b proximity in the genome as a result of the gene rearrangement that occurred in some leguminous plants during evolution. The differential expression of Aox2b1/2b2 suggests that a second gene has been originated by recent gene duplication with neofunctionalization. © 2013 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Two new species of inseminating freshwater fishes of the genus Monotocheirodon, family Characidae, are described from Peru. Males and females of both new species have an external, visually obvious urogenital papilla that was not detected in the females in previous studies, with this longer in males, which use it as an inseminating organ. A third inseminating species from Bolivia, Monotocheirodon pearsoni, unstudied in any detail since its original description in 1924, is redescribed. This latter species lacks an inseminating organ. Monotocheirodon is redescribed, its phylogenetic relationships are briefly discussed and it is suggested that it is possibly related to the stevardiin genera Ceratobranchia, Othonocheirodus, and Odontostoechus.


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New material collected in Albian and Cenomanian strata from Brazil helps us to better understand the structure of a poorly known dasycladacean alga, Holosporella nkossaensis P. Masse, in Bull Centr Rech Explor-Prod elf aquitaine, 19: 301-317, 1995: each of its fertile laterals, which are regularly arranged in verticils along the cylindrical algal thallus, consists of a distally inXated primary bearing two vesicular ampullae in terminal position. These traits are not known in representatives of the genus Holosporella Pia, 1930 nor in any genera described to date. On this basis, we introduce the new genus Brasiliporella with Brasiliporella nkossaensis emend. nov. comb. as its typespecies. We also discuss the systematic aYnity of the new taxon: it is ascribed to the Tribe Batophoreae, and in a broader manner the current paleontological 'interpretation of the concept' (in French: 'acception') of the Order Dasycladales, with the creation of two new families and accordingly with the emendation of two other families. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012.


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The relative growths of Persephona lichtensteinii, P. mediterranea, and P. punctata were investigated on the south-eastern Brazilian coast, focusing on differences in the growth rates between immature and mature phases, the onset of morphological sexual maturity, and the breeding seasons of these species. Crabs were collected every two months from January 1991 through to November 1992, from a shrimp fishing boat equipped with two otter-trawl nets. Significant differences in the patterns of body growth were observed between immature and mature phases of all three species. Changes in the growth rates of the chelipeds (males) and abdomen (females) observed for P. lichtensteinii, P. mediterranea, and P. punctata, seem to be related to the puberty moult for both sexes. Males of P. mediterranea and P. punctata reached larger mean sizes of carapace width than females, whereas no difference was recorded for P. lichtensteinii. The body size at which 50% of males attained sexual maturity was also larger in P. mediterranea and P. punctata, and smaller in P. lichtensteinii. The absence of a pronounced sexual dimorphism and the size at the onset of sexual maturity observed only for P. lichtensteinii might be explained by distinct reproductive strategies of males. The presence of ovigerous females during the entire sampling period suggests that all three species have a continuous reproduction pattern at the Ubatuba region. Future studies on the population structure, functional maturity, and mating system should improve the understanding of factors driving the biology and ecology of these species at a subtropical region. © Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 2013.


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A new genus and species of feather mite, Hemitriccodectes furcatus gen. nov., sp. nov., is described from passerines of the genus Hemitriccus from Brazil: Hemitriccus furcatus, H. margaritaceiventer and H. striaticollis (Tyrannidae). The new genus belongs to the Pterodectes generic complex and most clearly differs from previously established genera of this complex by the following combination of features: trochanteral setae sRIII are present, and solenidia σ are absent from genua III. The new genus also lacks dorsal hysteroromal setae c1. © 2013 Versita Warsaw and Springer-Verlag Wien.


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In the present article, we review the feather mites of the genus Anisodiscus Gaud & Mouchet, 1957 associated with sunbirds of Madagascar (Passeriformes: Nectariniidae). Anisodiscus goodmani sp. nov. is described from Cinnyris sovimanga (Gmelin, 1788). This species, as far as we know, bears the longest male intromittent organ (aedeagus) in relation to its body size of any described mite. Anisodiscus megalurus (Trouessart, 1899) is redescribed and illustrated for the first time based on type specimens from the Trouessart collection and recently collected material.http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:F1E8A6DB-63CD-4A36-99C5-DC54184FAAE7. © 2013 Copyright Taylor & Francis.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)