496 resultados para Fratura nos dentes


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The esthetics of the teeth is not a privilege of our days, because concerns in that effect have been reported since 1860. Faced with an endodontically treated tooth that presents any type of color change, professionals can use intracoronary bleaching, which is more conservative attempt to restore the normal color of teeth. Bleaching aims to remove pigments by oxidizing agents and for that, various techniques were developed. Among the risks of tooth whitening the external resorption is the most severe, which occurs when the whitening penetrates through the dentin tubules to the periodontal ligament and initiates an inflammatory response. To prevent external resorption is required to place an intracoronal bleaching barrier. It is important to know the time between the bleaching treatment for restoring procedure for getting a good sealing to prevent microleakage. This study aims to review the literature about the different types of bleaching agents and their risks.


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The increasing interest of patients for a better aesthetic appearance of their smile, associated with the development of new materials and techniques, encouraged by media couverage of this concept of beauty, provided an important evolution of cosmetic dentistry. As the darkness of a single anterior tooth or a group of teeth, in most cases, impairs the appearance of the smile and there is growing appreciation of the less invasive procedures, the technique of tooth bleaching is an important option for aesthetic treatment. To have success in the bleaching treatment, it is important to have knowledge of the origin, nature and composition of the stain. Among the causes of color changes acquired post-eruptive, dental trauma, with or without pulp necrosis, is one of the most commonly encountered etiologies, characterized by a reddish-brown color. Current techniques of bleaching for teeth treated endodontically employ oxidative agent hydrogen peroxide. The objective of this paper is to describe the immediate technique of bleaching non-vital tooth by presenting a clinical case.


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Objective: This study evaluated the effects of root canal obturation employing lateral compaction technique and spreader load of 1.5 kg on the incidence of complete (CVRF) or incomplete vertical root fractures (IVRF). Material and Methods: Twenty-seven distal roots of extracted human mandibular molars were used. All root canals were prepared by biomechanical step-back technique and obturated by lateral compaction technique. The prepared roots were distributed into two groups: G1- experimental (n = 17) and G2- control (n = 10). During obturation, load of 1.5 kg was applied to a size # 30 finger spreader. Pre- and post-obturation images of the coronal portion of the roots were captured by inverted digital microscopy and analyzed by one trained examiner. Data were evaluated by Fisher’s test (p < 0.05) using GrapH Pad Prism 5.0. Results: No roots exhibited CVRF. All fractures observed before and after obturation were IVRF or “other defects”. In G2 (control group), there was no increase of IVRF number. Interestingly, G1 presented an increase in the IVRF number to 70.59% in the 12 teeth out of 17 teeth studied. The statistical analysis showed that the mean of IVRF increased significantly in G1 when compared to G2 (p < 0.05). Conclusion: The application of a 1.5 kg spreader load during lateral compaction technique does not produce complete vertical root fractures, but may produce incomplete fractures or “other defects”.


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Introdução: a perda da dimensão vertical de oclusão (DVO) é resultada de um grande desequilíbrio oclusal, onde não apenas a perda dos dentes pode ser o fator responsável, mas também as parafunções, entre elas, o bruxismo. O restabelecimento da relação maxilomandibular é condição necessária para que uma adequada reabilitação bucal seja executada, devolvendo, assim, função e estética perdidas. Objetivo: descrever um caso clínico de reabilitação em paciente bruxista, com presença de desgastes dentários, desgastes de tratamentos restauradores previamente existentes, fratura de onlay e bordas incisais, restabelecendo uma nova DVO por meio de onlays posteriores em cerômeros, recuperando a estética com restaurações diretas em resinas compostas nos dentes anteriores. Conclusões: a reabilitação bucal com levante de mordida em onlays devolve a DVO perdida de maneira segura.


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O aprimoramento da odontologia estética restauradora está ligado ao desenvolvimento de materiais e técnicas inovadoras, os quais podem oferecer diversos benefícios, incluindo a integração cromática, policromatismo, forma anatômica, função, adequado contato proximal e aumento da integridade marginal. Em função desses aspectos, as restaurações de resina composta, aplicadas de forma direta, tendem a ganhar maior longevidade. Assim, o objetivo do presente relato de caso é fornecer ao leitor a visão dos desafios restauradores envolvidos no reparo de uma fratura classe IV de um dente incisivo superior, utilizando-se um novo sistema de resina composta híbrida nanoparticulada (FiltekTM Supreme - 3M ESPE). Resultados: com base no referido material e técnica, otimizamos a obtenção de resultados satisfatórios alcançados por meio da utilização adequada do sistema adesivo e resina composta, mantidos com sucesso após o acompanhamento de 4 anos. Conclusão: pode-se concluir que, interagindo técnica adequada de aplicação, princípios adesivos básicos e materiais de qualidade, o clínico pode garantir o sucesso na restauração da forma, função e estética de dentes anteriores.


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Some regions of the oral cavity present anatomical conditions that seem to hinder the result of gingival recessions coverage. Thus, the aim of this case report was to present two surgeries for gingival recessions coverage in the mandibular teeth performed on the same patient with the follow-up of 24 months. Patient RP, 35 years old, male, Caucasian, nonsmoker, systemically healthy, sought care at the clinic of specialization course in Periodontics from the Araraquara Dental School (Foar-Unesp). His main complaint was the gingival recessions within the lower teeth 33, 34, 35, 43, 44 and 45. Besides the aesthetic nuisance, the patient reported occasional dentin sensitivity. For resolution of the case was referred to the technique of subepithelial connective tissue graft associated with a coronally advanced flap. After 2 years of surgery, it was observed an excellent root guards with significant aesthetic improvement of the case. It can be concluded that the subepithelial connective tissue graft technique was effective in covering of type class I gingival recessions of Miller, even in a region that provides a difficult procedure.


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Pós-graduação em Odontologia Restauradora - ICT


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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In horses less than one year of age fractures of the third metacarpal bone (McIII) or metatarsal bone III (MtIII) are mainly attributed to trauma. Open reduction and internal fixation are the most common treatment method. A Quarter Horse filly with three months of age, which weighed 150kg presented a diaphyseal multifragmentar wedge fracture of right MtIII which was treated with transcortical pins and cast, associated with intralesional application of platelet rich plasma (PRP). After two years of surgery, the animal initiated a training program for racing, and six months later, the patient ran its first official match. The choice of therapeutic methods for treating fractures in horses should be one that provides an earlier repair and minor possibility of complications. Thus, the therapy association which was adopted was considered favorable, since allowed full reestablishment of locomotion of the patient and made possible its return to race.


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Although ceramics present high compressive strength, they are brittle materials due to their low tensile strength so they have lower capacity to absorb shocks. This study evaluated the fracture toughness of different ceramic systems, which refers to the ability of a friable material to absorb defformation energy. Three ceramic systems were investigated. Ten cylindrical samples (5,0mm x 3,0mm), were obtained from each ceramic material as follows: G1- 10 samples of Vitadur Alpha (Vita-Zahnfabrik); G2- 10 samples of IPS Empress2 (Ivoclar-Vivadent); G3- 10 samples of In-Ceram Alumina (Vita-Zahnfabrik). Fracture toughness values were collected upon indentation tests that were performed under a heavy load. A microhardness tester (Digital Microhardness Tester FM) utilized a 500gf load cell during 10seconds to perform four impressions on each sample. Statistically significant results were observed (ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis tests). In-Ceram Alumina presented the highest median toughness values (2,96N/m3/2), followed by Vitadur Alpha (2,08N/m3/2) and IPS Empress2 (1,05N/m3/2). It may be concluded that different ceramic systems present distinct fracture toughness values, thus In-Ceram is capable of absorbing superior stress when compared to Vitadur Alpha and IPS Empress2.