224 resultados para Feijão comum


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Aiming qualitative improvements in the mass rearing of Cotesia flavipes (Cameron, 1891) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) in laboratory, tests were conducted with adults feed before parasitism on Diatraea saccharalis (Fabricius, 1794) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) larvae, using 14 artificial diets based on sucrose, brewer yeast and honey. The design was completely randomized with 15 treatments and five replications. The biological parameters evaluated in F1 and F2 generations were: number of adults emerged; sex ratio; adult emergence percentage; weight of pupae mass; and male and female longevity. The highest average of emerged adults were 85 in diet with sucrose 5% for F1 generation, and 91 in diet with sucrose 5% + yeast brewer 2,5% for F2; the smaller average of adult emergency were 63.60 in diet with honey 5% + yeast brewer 2.5 % for F1 generation and 66.80 in diet with honey 5% for F2. Diets that produced more females were honey 5% + yeast brewer 2.5%, showing the sex ratio of 0.82 for F1 generation, and sucrose 10% + 2.5% yeast brewer 2.5% (0.75) for F2, while sucrose 10% + yeast brewer 2.5% (0.60 for F1) and honey 2.5% (0.59) provided fewer females for F2 generation. The highest percentage of adult emergence were 93.90% with the diet containing sucrose 2.5% + yeast brewer 2.5%) and 93.89 % with honey 5% + yeast brewer 2.5%, and the lowest 81.71% (honey 5% + yeast brewer 2.5%) for F1 and 78.96 % (honey 5%) to F1 and F2, respectively. The diet with Mel 2.5% produced greater weight of pupae mass. The adult longevity did not differ significantly for all diets in F1 and F2 generations. Diets containing 5% or 10% of sucrose or honey provide, in general, improve the qualitative development of C. flavipes in mass rearing.


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Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar a ponta XR na deposição da calda de pulverização com diferentes combinações de plantas de feijão, Brachiaria plantaginea e Bidens pilosa, em dois volumes de aplicação, com e sem a adição de surfatante Silwet. Foi utilizado como traçador o corante Azul Brilhante FDC -1 na concentração de 500 ppm para quantificar a deposição. Os tratamentos constituíram-se de sete combinações de plantas: (feijão), (B. plantaginea), (B. pilosa), (feijão + B. plantaginea), (feijão + B. pilosa), (B. plantaginea + B. pilosa) e (feijão + B. plantaginea + B. pilosa). O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado. Foram avaliadas as pontas de jato plano XR 110015 VS e XR 11002 VS com volumes de aplicação de 150 e 200 L ha-1, respectivamente, com e sem a presença do Silwet a 0,05% v v-1. Após a aplicação, as plantas foram imediatamente coletadas e, em seguida, lavadas em 100 mL de água destilada, para posterior quantificação do traçador em espectrofotômetro. As pontas XR apresentaram comportamento distinto na deposição das gotas de pulverização nas espécies estudadas; a adição de um surfatante à calda de pulverização aumentou a uniformidade da deposição nos alvos e contribuiu para a redução do volume de aplicação.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The objective of this paper is to propose a common definition for the term “Environmental Innovation”, starting with a systematic literature review, encompassing some of the most significant articles in this Field. The definition of Environmental Innovation proposed in this paper involves the main dimensions, motivations and barriers to the effectiveness of Environmental Innovation as a practice in organizations. We consider Environmental Innovation an essential issue for proactive environmental management. As a result, the authors expect to present a systematic definition of Environmental Innovation, which is of increasing relevance to the transition towards a more sustainable society.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Entomologia Agrícola) - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Agricultura) - FCA


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The soil acidity in no tillage system could be resolved by lime superficial application, improvement to crop mineral nutrition and yield. The experiment carried out on a Rhodic Kandiudalf in Botucatu, São Paulo State, Brazil, in dry conditions, aiming to evaluate the agronomic development and leaf diagnosis of black oat plants, under superficial liming in no tillage system. A randomized complete block design was used, with four replications, the treatments were superficial application of different dolomítico lime rates (R0 = zero – without lime; R1 = 1,8 t ha-1 – lime to increase the base saturation at 50%; R2 = 3,6 t ha-1 – lime to increase the base saturation at 70% and R3 = 5,4 t ha-1 – lime to increase the base saturation at 90%), in October 2002. The black oat Common cultivar was seed in April 2004, in to second year, after the crop rotation of millet (spring) – common bean (summer) – black oat (autumn-winter). The results showed that: the black oat had yield increase by superficial liming, mainly to most dry matter and grain per panicule. Beyond, the superficial liming application did not prejudice leaf diagnosis of culture.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This work is part of several research related to the plan of design and construction of a sustainable house. The previous researches focused on sustainable materials and it have shown that ceramic material are more interesting to improve the thermal comfort and the reduction of fees and prices of the house, making possible to construct popular home, mainly clay bricks, that have high thermal inertia and low costs, besides the fact that it is easy to find the raw materials in nature and process them. However, a major issue in using clay bricks is that it uses too many energy to be processed during the sintering (burning), a crucial part of the process that assures mechanical resistance. Alternative materials are being proposed by the researchers, as the clay bricks without the sintering mixed with Portland cement, assuring the proper resistance to the brick. Raw materials of cement, however, also need to be thermally processed in rotary kilns, in a process called clinckerization. This research was proposed for comparing the energy used by the two types of bricks and other objectives, in order to determinate which one uses less thermal energy. The intention was to compare the energy used during the sintering of regular clay bricks and the unfired bricks with 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90% and 100% of Portland cement. The paper also investigated and compared the use of electrical and thermal energy of all the bricks to identify how important were the thermal stages (sintering or clinkerization) relatively to the total energy spent. At last, a resumed analysis was performed to identify the possible health damages of the many life cycles of the bricks. The conclusion was that unfired bricks with less than 40% of cement use less thermal energy to be processed. In addition, their carbon dioxides emissions were less dangerous to ... (Complete abastract click electronic access below)