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Paracoccidioides brasiliensis is a dimorphic fungus that causes paracoccidioidomycosis, the most prevalent human deep mycosis in Latin America. The dimorphic transition from mycelium to yeast (M-Y) is triggered by a temperature shift from 25°C to 37°C and is critical for pathogenicity. Intracellular Ca 2+ levels increased in hyphae immediately after temperature-induced dimorphism. The chelation of Ca 2+ with extracellular (EGTA) or intracellular (BAPTA) calcium chelators inhibited temperature-induced dimorphism, whereas the addition of extracellular Ca 2+ accelerated dimorphism. The calcineurin inhibitor cyclosporine A (CsA), but not tacrolimus (FK506), effectively decreased cell growth, halted the M-Y transition that is associated with virulence, and caused aberrant growth morphologies for all forms of P. brasiliensis. The difference between CsA and FK506 was ascribed by the higher levels of cyclophilins contrasted to FKBPs, the intracellular drug targets required for calcineurin suppression. Chronic exposure to CsA abolished intracellular Ca 2+ homeostasis and decreased mRNA transcription of the CCH1 gene for the plasma membrane Ca 2+ channel in yeast-form cells. CsA had no detectable effect on multidrug resistance efflux pumps, while the effect of FK506 on rhodamine excretion was not correlated with the transition to yeast form. In this study, we present evidence that Ca 2+/calmodulin-dependent phosphatase calcineurin controls hyphal and yeast morphology, M-Y dimorphism, growth, and Ca 2+ homeostasis in P. brasiliensis and that CsA is an effective chemical block for thermodimorphism in this organism. The effects of calcineurin inhibitors on P. brasiliensis reinforce the therapeutic potential of these drugs in a combinatory approach with antifungal drugs to treat endemic paracoccidioidomycosis. Copyright © 2008, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.


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P. brasiliensis parasitizes various human tissues and proteinases exported by this fungus may allow it to metabolize and invade host tissues. The influence of the culture medium on the production of proteinases by P. brasiliensis isolates was studied and the export of these enzymes was followed as a function of culture time. The fungus was grown in neopeptone, BSA, elastin or collagen medium. The culture medium was assayed for azocollytic, elastinolytic and caseinolytic activity. Proteolytic activity was also analysed by electrophoresis of the culture medium on gelatin and casein substrate gels. P. brasiliensis expressed relatively high levels of azocoll, elastin and casein degrading activity in all types of medium, except in neopeptone medium. Generally, expression of azocollytic activity peaked during the third week of culture and caseinolytic activity during the fourth week of culture. Azocollytic activity was highest at pH 4.0 and caseinolytic activity at pH 8.0. Elastinolytic activity was also highest at pH 8.0. This activity, as well as the others, may provide the fungus with a source of carbon and nitrogen and may also be responsible for the invasion of host tissues, such as pulmonary elastic fiber, by P. brasiliensis.


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Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) is a systemic mycosis caused by Paracoccidiodes brasiliensis that presents a wide spectrum of clinical manifestations. Because of the great number of neutrophils polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) found in the P. brasiliensis granuloma, studies have been done to evaluate the role of these cells during the development of the infection. This fungus is found intracellularly in PMN and monocytes/macrophages, suggesting that it is capable of evading damage and surviving inside these cells. Thus, in the present study, we investigated whether P. brasiliensis can prolong the lifetime of PMN, and if this process would be related with IL-8 levels. PMN apoptosis and intracellular levels of IL-8 were analysed by flow cytometry and culture supernatants IL-8 levels were evaluated by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. We found that coincubation with P. brasiliensis yeast cells results in an inhibition of PMN apoptosis, which was associated with increase in IL-8 production by these cells. Cocultures treatment with monoclonal antibody anti-IL-8 reversed the inhibitory effect of P. brasiliensis on PMN apoptosis, besides to increase spontaneous apoptosis of these cells. These data show that, in contrast to other microbial pathogens that drive phagocytes into apoptosis to escape killing, P. brasiliensis can extend the lifetime of normal human PMN by inducing autocrine IL-8 production. © 2008 The Authors.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Background. Several pathogens that cause important zoonotic diseases have been frequently associated with armadillos and other xenarthrans. This mammal group typically has evolved on the South American continent and many of its extant species are seriously threatened with extinction. Natural infection of armadillos with Paracoccidioides brasiliensis in hyperendemic areas has provided a valuable opportunity for understanding the role of this mammal in the eco-epidemiology of Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM), one of the most important systemic mycoses in Latin America. Findings. This study aimed to detect P. brasiliensis in different xenarthran species (Dasypus novemcinctus, Cabassous spp., Euphractus sexcinctus, Tamandua tetradactyla and Myrmecophaga tridactyla), by molecular and mycological approaches, in samples obtained by one of the following strategies: i) from road-killed animals (n = 6); ii) from naturally dead animals (n = 8); iii) from animals that died in captivity (n = 9); and iv) from living animals captured from the wild (n = 2). Specific P. brasiliensis DNA was detected in several organs among 7/20 nine-banded armadillos (D. novemcinctus) and in 2/2 anteaters (M. tridactyla). The fungus was also cultured in tissue samples from one of two armadillos captured from the wild. Conclusion. Members of the Xenarthra Order, especially armadillos, have some characteristics, including a weak cellular immune response and low body temperature, which make them suitable models for studying host-pathogen interaction. P. brasiliensis infection in wild animals, from PCM endemic areas, may be more common than initially postulated and reinforces the use of these animals as sentinels for the pathogen in the environment. © 2009 Bagagli et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Casing layer is one of the most important components of Agaricus spp. production and it directly affects mushroom productivity, size and mass. The aim of this study was to evaluate potential raw materials as a casing layer and their effect on Agaricus brasiliensis productivity. Raw materials from Brazil with potential use were selected and characterized, and the most promising ones were tested as casing layers for mushroom yield. Evaluated raw materials included lime schist, vermiculite, eucalyptus sawdust, sand, São Paulo peat, Santa Catarina peat, subsoil and charcoal. Particle size, porosity and water absorption in relation to mushroom yield for casing layers were determined. Lime schist, an alternate casing layer to peat, is presented and the effects of the casing layer on the mushroom yield are discussed. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Agaricus brasiliensis is a Brazilian basidiomycete which has been cultivated and consumed around the world as a therapeutic food. Casing layer is one of the most important steps on A. brasiliensis cultivation and European peat is the most used casing layer on Agaricus bisporus cultivation. Besides the importance of it on mushroom cultivation the peat import could be a risk of exotic organism introduction. Alternative as Brazilian peat is barely used for mushroom growers in Brazil. Thus, the objective of this work was to evaluate Brazilian peat with and without pasteurization as casing layer on A. brasiliensis cultivation. The fungus was previously grown on wheat grains and transferred to a substratum prepared by composted traditional method. After mycelium colonization of the substratum a pasteurized or non pasteurized Brazilian peat (casing layer) was added. It was concluded that pasteurization of the casing layer increases in 30% yield after 65 days of cultivation. There is no difference of yield for pasteurized and non pasteurized casing layer until 30 days of cultivation. An increase of flies is observed in non pasteurized casing layer. The production flush is easily perceived with pasteurized casing layer but not with non pasteurized casing layer.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the surgical use of the natural latex biomembrane in diaphragmatic injuries produced experimentally in rabbits. Fifteen healthy adult male and female New Zealand rabbits were employed. The rabbits were assigned to the experimental groups I, II, III, IV and V and analyzed on the 15th, 30th, 45th, 60th and 90th days post surgery, respectively. The surgical procedure consisted in the access to the diaphragm at the eighth right intercostal space, removal of a circle portion of approximately 1.5 cm in diameter following surgical repair with a latex membrane. Macroscopically, it was observed an excellent healing process during the experimental period. The clinical observations, complemented by the histological analysis, indicate that the latex membrane is useful for repair of traumatic inuries of the diaphragm of rabbits.


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After concluding the main phase of commercial exploration of latex (about 30 years ago), rubber wood plantations can be utilized as an alternative source of wood for sawmills and other wood based products with more aggregate value; tendency already confirmed in countries of southeastern Asia. The main purpose of this research was to evaluate the influence of dynamic modulus of elasticity veneers on the mechanical performance in the bending of plywood made from Hevea brasiliensis. For this study, rubber tree veneers were sorted in three classes of dynamic modulus of elasticity: low (from 4887-7323 MPa), medium (from 8200-8948 MPa) and high (from 10979-13010 MPa). Panels were produced according to five treatments with different veneer classes and arrangements. Results showed significant effect of the treatments in the mechanical performance in the bending of panels. Panels with better mechanical performance were produced exclusively with medium and high dynamic modulus of elasticity. Panels made with low modulus of elasticity veneers presented lower mechanical performance even when combined with high modulus of elasticity veneers.


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Latex is the main product extracted from rubber trees (Hevea brasiliensis). In Brazil, at the end of the production cycle of latex, the wood of rubber tree is traditionally used for energy purposes, but several international studies have reported consolidated practices of adding value to it. The objective of this paper was to evaluate the quality of wood and classify it structurally based on its mechanical properties. Six 20-year-old trees of the clone GT 1 of rubber tree proceeding from Itajobi, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil were sampled. Reduced dimensions specimens in the radial direction of the wood were produced to evaluate the quality by compression parallel to the grain, static bending and Janka hardness tests. Two specimens, one from the lower log (since the ground up to breast height) and one from the higher log (from breast height up to 2.50 m) were produced for structural classification of the wood based on the characteristic strength in compression parallel to the grain (NBR 7190 norm, 1997). The wood was classified as C40 (fc0k ≥ 40 MPa) class. Results revealed that the strength was not statistically different in the radial direction (except for the Janka hardness), though tending to increase from pith to bark.


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The specific identification and systematic of triatomines have been based fundamentally on morphological observations. These organisms are classified into complexes and specific subcomplexes, principally for morphological parameters and geographical disposition. The use of cytogenetic analyzes has been represented as a tool in systematic and taxonomy of triatomines. Thus, the present work, through the analysis of spermiogenesis, aims to characterize this stage of spermatogenesis in triatomines little studied, and especially to compare it among the species Triatoma lenti and T. sherlocki, to assist in the diagnosis of differentiation of these insects. The presence of the heteropyknotic corpuscle is shown as a diagnostic tool to differentiate T. sherlocki and T. lenti, since it is absent in T. lenti. The analysis of the spermiogenesis in T. sherlocki also allowed us to address morphological differences between elongating cells, which were relatively smaller and more filamentous when compared to T lenti. Furthermore, the flagellum was observed in all stages of cell differentiation and elongation. This structure, which helps in the locomotion of the sperm, is hardly observed in cytogenetic analysis, especially throughout spermiogenesis. Thus, although other comparative approaches should be taken, this paper allowed emphasizing the analysis of spermiogenesis as an important cytotaxonomic tool that assists in the differentiation of morphologically related species, such as T. lenti and T. sherlocki. © 2013 Académie des sciences.


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The new-generation 454 GS-FLX Titanium pyrosequencing was used to isolate microsatellite markers for the Brazilian Guanabara frog, Euparkerella brasiliensis, an Atlantic forest endemic species. Three multiplex polymerase chain reaction sets were optimized for genotyping of 11 polymorphic (di- and tetranucleotide) microsatellite markers. Genetic diversity was assessed in 21 individuals from a population (Reserva Ecológica de Guapiaçu, REGUA) locatedin the central region of the Rio de Janeiro State, in Brazil. The mean number of alleles per locus ranged from 3 to 12. Observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.095 to 0.905 and from 0.094 to 0.904, respectively. After using the Bonferroni correction for multiple tests, there was no evidence of linkage disequilibrium between pairs of loci but deviations for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were found in 4 loci. We found no evidence for allele dropouts or stuttering, but we detected the presence of null alleles at loci Eb10 and Eb36. These markers will be useful for analyses of fine-scale population structure and determination of relative effects of habitat loss and fragmentation on population genetic variability within species. © FUNPEC-RP.


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Paracoccidoides brasiliensis adhesion to lung epithelial cells is considered an essential event for the establishment of infection and different proteins participate in this process. One of these proteins is a 30 kDa adhesin, pI 4.9 that was described as a laminin ligand in previous studies, and it was more highly expressed in more virulent P. brasiliensis isolates. This protein may contribute to the virulence of this important fungal pathogen. Using Edman degradation and mass spectrometry analysis, this 30 kDa adhesin was identified as a 14-3-3 protein. These proteins are a conserved group of small acidic proteins involved in a variety of processes in eukaryotic organisms. However, the exact function of these proteins in some processes remains unknown. Thus, the goal of the present study was to characterize the role of this protein during the interaction between the fungus and its host. To achieve this goal, we cloned, expressed the 14-3-3 protein in a heterologous system and determined its subcellular localization in in vitro and in vivo infection models. Immunocytochemical analysis revealed the ubiquitous distribution of this protein in the yeast form of P. brasiliensis, with some concentration in the cytoplasm. Additionally, this 14-3-3 protein was also present in P. brasiliensis cells at the sites of infection in C57BL/6 mice intratracheally infected with P. brasiliensis yeast cells for 72 h (acute infections) and 30 days (chronic infection). An apparent increase in the levels of the 14-3-3 protein in the cell wall of the fungus was also noted during the interaction between P. brasiliensis and A549 cells, suggesting that this protein may be involved in host-parasite interactions, since inhibition assays with the protein and this antibody decreased P. brasiliensis adhesion to A549 epithelial cells. Our data may lead to a better understanding of P. brasiliensis interactions with host tissues and paracoccidioidomycosis pathogenesis. © 2013 Silva et al.


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Eurhizococcus brasiliensis (Wille) (Hemiptera: Margarodidae) is a soil scale that is considered the main pest of vineyards in Brazil. The ant Linepithema micans (Forel) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) is frequently found associated with this species of scale in infested areas. The effect of the presence of L. micans on the infestation and dispersal capacity of E. brasiliensis on vine roots was measured in a greenhouse, using Paulsen 1103 rootstock seedlings planted in simple and double Gallotti Cages. Treatments measured were: infestation of roots with E. brasiliensis or L. micans, and infestation with both species together. In the experiment using simple Gallotti Cages, with E. brasiliensis associated with L. micans, higher mean numbers of cysts and ants per plant were recorded, a result significantly different from that found for infestation with scale only. When double Gallotti Cages were used, first-instar nymphs were transported between the cages. The results showed that L. micans transports and aids in the attachment of E. brasiliensis to vine plants. © 2013 Entomological Society of America.


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In the present study, we examined how residues of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and calcium (Ca) fertilisers affect leaf anatomical traits in Maprounea brasiliensis (Euphorbiaceae), a typical and dominant cerrado (Brazilian savannah) species adapted to dystrophic soils. We predicted that fertiliser residues would alter qualitative and quantitative aspects of M. brasiliensis leaves and would decrease their scleromorphy. Leaves were sampled from plants that were growing in soils previously fertilised with N, P and Ca and in plants that were growing in soils without fertiliser residues. We measured the thickness of the cuticle, the epidermis of adaxial and abaxial surfaces, thickness of palisade parenchyma and spongy parenchyma, total thickness of the leaf, total area of the midrib and leaf mass per area (LMA). We found that plants under fertiliser residues produced fewer scleromorphic leaves with low LMA, thinner cuticle and epidermis and thicker palisade and spongy parenchyma. They also showed a decrease in the size and area occupied by the leaf midvein. However, plants under fertiliser residues produced similar leaf thickness as did the plants in the control group. Our results showed that residual effects of fertilisation changed structural patterns of a typical species of cerrado. Thus, further studies about fertilisation effects on leaf traits are needed because larger areas of the central cerrado are being occupied for agricultural production. © 2013 CSIRO.