226 resultados para Amido - Tamanho dos grânulos


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The oxidized cassava starch is widely used in various industrial sectors, the major textile, paper and more recently by the food industry due to its characteristics, such as expansion property to baking. This study aimed to develop a modification of cassava starch by reaction with hydrogen peroxide and lactic acid, with two different types of drying, in the sun and in oven dried, in order to develop the expansion with increase of carboxyl groups and to evaluate differences between the types of drying and compare them with Expandex® starch and pre-gelatinized. The results indicated an increase in the rate of expansion of the modified starch dry in the sun, however the results of the content carboxylic groups haven't indicated the relationship with their rate expansion.


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O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido no Centro de Raízes e Amidos Tropicais – CERAT, Na UNESP em Botucatu, estado de São Paulo onde foram realizados ensaios de fermentação alcoólica com hidrolisado de amido de mandioca. A fécula de mandioca foi utilizada como fonte de carboidrato para obtenção dos açúcares redutores consumidos no processo. Em um reator agitado foi produzido 12Kg de hidrolisado a partir de suspensão de fécula a 30% (p/p) utilizando enzimas alfa amilase na primeira etapa, seguida de amiloglucosidase na etapa posterior. As dosagens em unidades enzimáticas foram 2KNU.g-1 de amido e 2AGU.g-1 de amido respectivamente. O planejamento experimental considerou a realização de três ensaios de hidrolisados e três ensaios de fermentação a partir do mosto produzido; a) mosto aerado; b) com microaeração; c) em meio anaeróbio. Os ensaios foram realizados em erlenmeyers com 2,5 Kg de hidrolisado, ajustado a concentração de glicose a 100g.L-1 sendo inoculada a levedura do gênero Saccharomyces cerevisiae à taxa de 1,5% (p/p). Todos os erlenmeyers foram colocados sob agitação orbital e temperatura controlada de 30ºC sendo acompanhado o processo de fermentação através de coleta de amostras do mosto a cada hora. A aeração nos frascos erlenmeyers foi realizada através de mangueira coletora de válvula que regulava a vazão de ar. De acordo com os dados obtidos pode se concluir que o sistema anaeróbio em 32h foi o mais eficiente para a produção de etanol. Também foi possível observar que enquanto ocorre aeração no meio não se observa alteração significativa na concentração de etanol e quando cessa a aeração o meio torna se anaeróbio e tem início a produção de etanol. Quando aumenta a concentração de etanol no meio, o crescimento celular do sistema anaeróbio cai e etanol inibe a levedura, parando o crescimento celular.


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This work aims to evaluate a simple procedure for rainwater treatment by applying natural corn starch as primary coagulant for non-potable harvesting households. For this purpose, coagulation, flocculation and filtration were carried out in lab essays in samples of roof and floor catchment without first-flush. There were investigated corn starch dosages from 1 to 12 mg/L in pH values around 6,0. The apparent color and turbidity were measured and the results were statistically presented. Results pointed out reductions around 70 and 80% for apparent color and turbidity (residuals of 53Hu and 13Tu), respectively.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the performance of an experimental rainwater treatment system for non-potable uses. Without the first-flush discharge it was expected to control the quality of captured rainwater and to minimize the rainwater by-pass caused by the first-flush strategy. A full-scale direct filtration unit was operated and a solution of natural corn starch was used as the primary coagulant. The color, turbidity e coliform efficiencies of the unit was analyzed based on filtration loads and the net water production was estimated. The results pointed out turbidity removal up to 70.8% and color removal up to 61.0%. The backwash of the filtering system was completed in 3 minutes at the rate of 1,440 m3/m2day with consumption of treated water from 0.5% to 2.2%, based on the potentially harvesting.


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV


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This research evaluated corn grains with flint and dent texture (ensiled high-moisture or dried), submitted to grinding degrees, using the in situ ruminal degradation technique. Three rumen canulated adult sheeps were used in a complete randomized design, using a factorial outline 2 x 2 x 3, with two corn hybrids (flint and dent texture), two conservation methods (ensiled high-moisture and dry) and three grinding degress (whole, coarsely and finely ground, corresponding to the sieve of 12; 10 and 8 mm). Starch soluble fraction (A) of the dent hybrid ensiled corn grains was greater comparing to the dry materials and in both conservation forms this fraction was reduced in the flint texture hybrid, while the insoluble fraction potentially degradable (B) the opposite occurred. The degradation potential was higher in grains ensiled in two textures. The ensiled allowed more starch effective degradation in relation to dry grain in two textures and the grains dent texture hybrid also increased such degradation in both conservation methods. The dent texture and the ensiled high-moisture grains proved the best option considering the starch degradability. Regardless of the conservation forms, the grains of corn hybrid flint texture should be finely ground, for providing higher ruminal degradation, while for the dent texture hybrid, the coarsely and whole grinding are the most suitable for ensiled and dry grain, respectively.


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Apparent digestibility coefficients (ADC) of starch and calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P) apparent availability were evaluated in five cereal grain products and byproducts (corn, wheat meal, rice grain, rice bran and sorghum) for Nile tilapia. Chromic oxide was used as an external digestibility marker. The highest Ca and P apparent availability, respectively, were obtained for rice grain (43.03 and 64.79%), sorghum (39.89 and 58.09%) and corn (22.18 and 19.48%), while rice bran (-31.49 and 3.25%) and wheat meal (5.80 and 1.18%) showed the lowest values. Starch digestibility varied between 99.45 and 95.59% among the evaluated ingredients. This high ADC of starch observed in this study confirms that Nile tilapia is able to efficiently digest and utilize complex carbohydrates.


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Electrical conductivity has been proposed as a rapid test to evaluate seed vigor; however, few researches have emphasized methodologies to its use in seeds of medicinal plants, such as chamomile. The objective of the research was to evaluate the electrical conductivity of chamomile seeds affected by different imbibition times and sample size. The evaluations consisted of moisture content, germination and vigor (first count of germination) to seed initial characterization. Then, it was evaluated the electrical conductivity, affected by imbibition time (6, 12, 24 e 48 hours) and seed amount per sample (25, 50, 75, 100). The completely randomized design was used with four replications, arranged as a 4 x 4 factorial. Means were compared by the Tukey test at 5% of probability. It was concluded that the electrical conductivity of chamomile seeds is affected by the number of seeds per sample and imbibition time isolately.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia Animal - FEIS


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)