314 resultados para % of dm


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A participação de perfilhos na produção de grãos é de grande importância para a cultura do trigo, sendo influenciável pelas características do genótipo e condições do ambiente. O presente trabalho teve o objetivo de estudar o efeito de doses de fósforo (P) na emissão, sobrevivência e contribuição produtiva de perfilhos de duas cultivares de trigo. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação em Botucatu, Estado de São Paulo. Foi adotado um esquema fatorial 2 x 5 em blocos casualizados com quatro repetições, sendo avaliadas duas cultivares de trigo (IAC 370 e IAC 375) e cinco doses de P (0, 150, 300, 450 e 600 mg dm-3). Quanto maior a dose de P, maior a emissão, a sobrevivência e a participação de perfilhos na produção total de grãos, em especial para perfilhos secundários. A cultivar IAC 370 apresentou altas taxas de abortamento de perfilhos, enquanto a IAC 375 manteve grande parte dos perfilhos emitidos.


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Os fertilizantes silicatados tem sido cada vez mais usados na agricultura devido a inúmeros benefícios, tais como correção da acidez de solos tropicais e efeitos positivos no desenvolvimento de gramíneas. A disponibilidade de nutrientes e a nutrição de plantas desempenham papel importante na produção de sementes e podem influenciar a qualidade fisiológica de sementes de aveia-branca (Avena sativa L.). Avaliou-se a germinação de sementes e o desenvolvimento de plântulas de aveia-branca em função da adubação com silício e fósforo. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 2 x 4, com seis repetições. Os tratamentos consistiram de 20 e 200 mg dm-3 de P2O5, aplicados na forma de superfosfato triplo, combinados com 0, 150, 300 e 450 mg dm-3 de Si na forma de silicato de potássio. O experimento foi realizado em casa de vegetação, conduzindo-se sete plantas por vaso, com capacidade para 15 L de terra. As panículas foram colhidas e debulhadas manualmente e, as sementes, armazenadas em sacos de papel em condições normais de ambiente. As sementes foram avaliadas quanto ao teor de água, massa de sementes, germinação, condutividade elétrica, comprimento e massa da matéria seca de plântulas. Sementes de aveia-branca com qualidade superior são produzidas com 20 mg dm-3 de P2O5, independente da dose de Si. Sementes com maior germinação e vigor são obtidas com 300 e 450 mg dm-3 de K2SiO3, respectivamente. Os comprimentos da raiz e total das plântulas foram inferiores nas doses de Si até 300 kg ha-1, porém a dose de fósforo somente afetou o desenvolvimento das plântulas de maneira distinta quando aplicada junto com a maior dose de silício.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O presente estudo foi desenvolvido na UNESP/Botucatu, São Paulo, Brasil, num solo identificado como Oxisol, onde foram plantadas mudas de limoeiro Siciliano (C. limon) enxertadas em laranjeira Azeda (C. aurantium) e em limoeiro Cravo (C. limonia). O experimento consistiu em três níveis de saturação por bases (50%, 70% e 90%) e três doses de boro (0,5; 1,5 e 4,5 mg dm-3) no plantio em esquema fatorial de 3x3x2, com quatro repetições. Houve diferentes comportamentos entre os porta-enxertos no que se refere à composição mineral de folhas de limoeiro Siciliano , bem como, no desenvolvimento do sistema radicular, sendo maior na laranjeira azeda em relação ao limoeiro cravo. Não houve nenhum efeito na interação de níveis de saturação por bases e doses de boro para nenhum dos parâmetros avaliados.


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This work involved the development and application of a new analytical procedure for in-situ characterization of the lability of metal species in aquatic systems by using a system equipped with a diffusion membrane and cellulose organomodified with p-aminobenzoic acid groups (DM-Cell-PAB). To this end, the DM-Cell-PAB system was prepared by adding cellulose organomodified with p-aminobenzoic acid groups (Cell-PAB) to pre-purified cellulose bags. After the DM-Cell-PAB system was sealed, it was examined in the laboratory. The in-situ application involved immersing the DM-Cell-PAB system in two different rivers, enabling us to study the relative lability of metal species (Cu, Cd, Fe, Mn, and Ni) as a function of time and quantity of exchanger. The procedure is simple and opens up a new perspective for understanding environmental phenomena relating to the complexation, transport, stability, and lability of metal species in aquatic systems rich in organic matter.


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The objective of this study was to analyze variability, linear and spatial correlations of forage dry mass yield (FDM) and dry matter percentage (DM%) of Brachiaria decumbens with the bulk density (BD), gravimetric (GM) and volumetric (VM) moisture, mechanical resistance to penetration (RP) and organic matter content (OM), at depths 1 (0-0.10 m) and 2 (0.10-0.20 m), in a Red Latosol (Oxisol), in order to select an indicator of soil physical quality and identify possible causes of pasture degradation. The geostatistical grid was installed to collect soil and plant data, with 121 sampling points, over an area of 2.56 ha. The linear correlation between FDM × DM% and FDM × BD2 was low, but highly significant. Spatial correlations varied inversely and positively, respectively. Except for DM% and BD, at both depths, the other attributes showed average to high variability, indicating a heterogeneous environment. Thus, geostatistics emerges as an important tool in understanding the interactions in pasture ecosystems, in order to minimize possible causes of degradation and indicate better alternatives for soil-plant-animal management. The decrease in FDM and increased BD1 are indicators of physical degradation (compaction) of Red Latosol (Oxisol), particularly in the places with the highest concentration of animals and excessive trampling, in Cerrado conditions, in the municipality of Selvíria, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil.


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Background: The autonomic dysfunction stands out among the complications associated to diabetes mellitus (DM) and may be evaluated through the heart rate variability (HRV), a noninvasive tool to investigate the autonomic nervous system that provides information of health impairments and may be analyzed by using linear and nonlinear methods. Several studies have shown that HRV measured in a linear form is altered in DM. Nevertheless, a few studies investigate the nonlinear behavior of HRV. Therefore, this study aims at gathering information regarding the autonomic changes in subjects with DM identified by nonlinear analysis of HRV.Methods: For that, searches were performed on Medline, SciELO, Lilacs and Cochrane databases using the crossing between the key-words: diabetic autonomic neuropathy, autonomic nervous system, diabetes mellitus and heart rate variability. As inclusion criteria, articles published on a period from 2000 to 2010 with DM type land type II population which assessed the autonomic nervous system by nonlinear indices HRV were considered.Results: The electronic search resulted in a total of 1873 references with the exclusion of 1623 titles and abstracts and from the 250 abstracts remaining, 8 studies were selected to the final analysis that completed the inclusion criteria.Conclusions: In general, the analysis showed that the nonlinear techniques of HRV allowed detecting autonomic changes in DM. The methods of nonlinear analysis are indicated as a possible tool to be used for early diagnosis and prognosis of autonomic dysfunction in DM.


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The identification of appropriate laboratory measures to confirm clinical hypotheses is important in routine paracoccidioidomycosis medical care. The clinical records and laboratory reports of 401 paracoccidioidomycosis patients attended at the Tropical Diseases Area, Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, from 1974 to 2008 were reviewed. Direct mycological (DM), cell block (CB), histopathological (HP), and double immunodiffusion (DID) tests were evaluated before treatment. Typical Paracoccidioides brasiliensis yeast forms were observed in clinical specimens of 86% of the patients, but 14% were detected only by serological test. DM of 51 different tissue specimens produced 74.5% sensitivity, and 62.5% sensitivity was observed in 112 sputum samples. CB in 483 sputum samples generated 55.3% sensitivity. HP performed in 239 samples from different tissues revealed 96.7% sensitivity. Serology carried out in 351 patients and 200 healthy controls provided 90.0% sensitivity, 100.0% specificity, 100.0% positive predictive value, 85.1% negative predictive value and 93.6% accuracy. Comparisons of laboratory measurements performed in the same patient showed that sensitivity decreases from HP to DID to CB and DM, with the last two assays providing similar sensitivities. This study demonstrated that P. brasiliensis identification by HP, CB, and/or DM associated with DID is sufficient to establish the laboratorial diagnosis of paracoccidioidomycosis in practically all cases. (C) 2011 Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The work: was carried out to evaluate the physiologic and productive responses of 16 Holstein breed cows, in different lactating stages and production levels, maintained in two free stall corral types, with or without plastic sheet covering, in the southeast-northwest of the covered area edges. The animals were confined in free stall system, during the months of the summer, with access to the constant or Limited shade. A complete randomized experimental design was: used. The physiological variables measured were respiratory frequency (morning an afternoon) and rectal temperature (morning and afternoon). The productive variables were milk production (morning, afternoon and daily), dry matter (DM) intake (% live weight) and efficiency of milk production (kg of milk/kg DM intake). The animals with access to the constant shade presented respiratory frequency (74.1 vs 81.0 breath/min.) and rectal temperature (39.5 vs 39.7 degrees C) lower and mirk production (22.6 vs 20.9 kg/day) and efficiency of milk production (1.3 vs 1.2 kg of milk/kg DM ingested) higher than the animals with access to the limited shade. There was no effect on the dry matter intake.


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A mandioca, apesar de ser nativa do Brasil, ainda é sub-utilizada principalmente quando a questão é o aproveitamento da sua parte aérea. Com o objetivo de estudar o potencial da mandioca para alimentação animal, o presente trabalho avaliou as características da parte aérea da planta quando submetida os processos de ensilagem e fenação. Os tratamentos consistiram de: parte aérea ensilada sem emurchecimento (PAS); parte aérea ensilada após 24 horas de emurchecimento (PAE) e parte aérea fenada (PAF). As análises químicas foram realizadas a fim de avaliar os parâmetros que determinam o valor nutritivo da silagem e do feno. O emurchecimento elevou o teor de matéria seca de 25% no material in natura para 27.7%, sem alterar o teor de carboidratos solúveis (33.3 e 35.5% de MS na PAS e PAE respectivamente), bem como o poder tampão (204 mmol kg-1 MS na PAS e 195 mmol kg-1 MS na PAE). Nem o pH (3.57 na silagem in natura e 3.60 na PAE) nem os teores de NIDA (11.32% do nitrogênio total na MS na PAS e 9.99% do nitrogênio total na MS na PAE) diferiram entre as silagens, mas o NIDA foi maior na forragem fenada (15.39%). Contudo, o emurchecimento provocou aumento no nitrogênio amoniacal (de 6.5% do nitrogênio total na MS da PAS para 13.0 do nitrogênio total na MS da PAE). Os teores de ácidos graxos voláteis não sofreram alterações com o emurchecimento. O processo de ensilagem reduziu os teores de ácido cianídrico livre (HCN), sem, contudo, alterar a cianidrina.


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This study assessed the behavior and the productive performance of lambs finished in feedlot receiving diets added with green propolis, brown propolis or monensin sodium. The experiment used a randomized block design that compared weight gain of 32 male lambs aged four months among four dietary treatments: (1) control, non-enriched diet; (2) with green propolis; (3) with brown propolis; and (4) with monensin sodium. The basic diet provided to all the groups was a total mixed ration (TMR) with a forage:concentrate ratio of 50:50, in which Tifton 85 (Cynodon spp.) grass was used as roughage feed and the concentrate was based on soybean meal, corn meal and minerals. The green propolis diet decreased rumination and increased resting time. The diets provided similar feeding rate (g/min). DM and aNDF intake (g/kg of body weight and g/kg of metabolic weight) were higher in the control treatment. Although the control group had the highest weight gain, the highest feed conversion and feed efficiency were found in lambs fed brown propolis and monensin sodium. Technically, brown propolis can substitute monensin sodium as a dietary additive for feedlot lambs. However, complementary studies are needed to identify the best levels of brown propolis to add to these diets. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Foram utilizados quatro cavalos castrados sem raça definida pelo delineamento em blocos casualizados. Objetivou-se viabilizar os indicadores internos indigestíveis, FDNi e FDAi, obtidas pelas técnicas in situ nos bovinos e in vivo nos equinos por meio do saco de náilon móvel (SNM). Os tratamentos consistiram de digestibilidade determinada por método direto com a coleta total de fezes (CT) e indireto pelo uso de FDNi e FDAi obtidos pelas técnicas in situ (IS) na cavidade ruminal de bovinos e in vivo (IV) nos equinos por meio do SNM. As FDNi-IV e FDAi-IV promoveram a melhor taxa de recuperação (TR) do indicador, igualando-se ao grupo CT, em 91,50%, enquanto a técnica in situ resultou nas piores taxas, na média 86,50%, para ambos os indicadores indigestíveis (p < 0,05). As estimativas dos CD dos nutrientes foram adequadamente preditos pela FDAi-IV, para equinos alimentados com feno, no qual os valores observados foram de 46,41; 48,16; 47,92 e 45,51% para MS, MO, FDN e EB, respectivamente. Concluiu-se que o SNM em equinos pode ser usado para obter a FDAi em equinos alimentados exclusivamente com feno de coast-cross e para cavalos consumindo dieta mista, as FDNi e FDAi foram eleitas para predizer CD de nutrientes.


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Foram utilizados oito cavalos castrados sem raça definida em delineamento inteiramente casualizado. O objetivo foi determinar o valor nutritivo das silagens de grãos de sorgo de baixo (SBT) e alto (SAT) teores de tanino na alimentação de equinos. Os tratamentos consistiram de duas dietas-teste compostas pelos grãos de sorgo ensilados (SBT e SAT), substituindo em 30% a MS da dieta-referência, constituída exclusivamente por feno. Os valores de digestibilidade dos nutrientes dos SBT e SAT apresentaram diferenças nos CDMS, CDMO, CDEB, CDPB e CDAmido em que SAT foi inferior (p < 0,05) para todos os parâmetros, em que os valores médios foram de, respectivamente, 79,53, 84,54, 79,36, 76,11 e 100% para SBT e 60,29, 64,47, 59,38, 44,63 e 97,06% para SAT. Concluiu-se que a utilização do SBT é promissora na nutrição de equinos, tornando-se alimento alternativo nas formulações de rações.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The objective of this study was to compare the effects of 24-h road transport or 24-h feed and water deprivation on acute-phase and performance responses of feeder cattle. Angus x Hereford steers (n = 30) and heifers (n = 15) were ranked by gender and BW (217 +/- 3 kg initial BW; 185 +/- 2 d initial age) and randomly assigned to 15 pens on d -12 of the experiment (3 animals/pen; 2 steers and 1 heifer). Cattle were fed alfalfa-grass hay ad libitum and 2.3 kg/animal daily (DM basis) of a corn-based concentrate throughout the experiment (d -12 to 28). on d 0, pens were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 treatments: 1) transport for 24 h in a livestock trailer for 1,200 km (TRANS), 2) no transport but feed and water deprivation for 24 h (REST), or 3) no transport and full access to feed and water (CON). Treatments were concurrently applied from d 0 to d 1. Total DMI was evaluated daily from d -12 to d 28. Full BW was recorded before treatment application (d -1 and 0) and at the end of experiment (d 28 and 29). Blood samples were collected on d 0, 1, 4, 7, 10, 14, 21, and 28. Mean ADG was greater (P < 0.01) in CON vs. TRANS and REST cattle but similar (P = 0.46) between TRANS and REST cattle (1.27, 0.91, and 0.97 kg/d, respectively; SEM = 0.05). No treatment effects were detected for DMI (P >= 0.25), but CON had greater G: F vs. TRANS (P < 0.01) and REST cattle (P = 0.08) whereas G: F was similar (P = 0.21) between TRANS and REST cattle. Plasma cortisol concentrations were greater (P <= 0.05) in REST vs. CON and TRANS cattle on d 1, 7, 14, and 28 and also greater (P = 0.02) in TRANS vs. CON cattle on d 1. Serum NEFA concentrations were greater (P < 0.01) in REST and TRANS vs. CON cattle on d 1 and greater (P < 0.01) in REST vs. TRANS cattle on d 1. Plasma ceruloplasmin concentrations were greater (P = 0.04) in TRANS vs. CON cattle on d 1, greater (P = 0.05) in REST vs. CON on d 4, and greater (P <= 0.05) in REST vs. TRANS and CON on d 14. Plasma haptoglobin concentrations were greater (P < 0.01) in TRANS vs. CON and REST cattle on d 1 and greater (P <= 0.05) for REST vs. TRANS and CON cattle on d 7. In conclusion, 24-h transport and 24-h nutrient deprivation elicited acute-phase protein reactions and similarly reduced feedlot receiving performance of feeder cattle. These results suggest that feed and water deprivation are major contributors to the acute-phase response and reduced feedlot receiving performance detected in feeder cattle transported for long distances.