231 resultados para sudeste da Bahia


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Based on the theoretical concepts about events, public relations and leadership, this work was developed with the aim of presenting in practical way the role of Public Relations professional in organizing events, checking his role as articulator of public interest in the cultivation of relationships. With definitions and characterization this study proposes legitimize the powers of the Public Relations event management. Beside this, the study aims to emphasize the exercise of leadership in management teams as one of the main points in the development of an event. So, the case of study develops a field research on the work of the infrastructure committee of the Southeast Intercom 2013


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The common vampire bat Desmodus rotundus has as main food source blood of medium and large sizes mammals, but sporadically is observed feeding on birds, causing occasionally excessive bleeding and economic losses. Due to this D. rotundus is one of the most studied species of bats in the Americas. Once known that the lunar clarity might influence the nocturnal activities of the common vampire bats, the present study was carried out to know the behavior and schedules of emergencies and returns of bats to the shelter, its social behavior at the shelter´s entrance, especially of the dominant male, and the size and composition of the colony in different moon phases. The colony was composed by 105 individuals (65 females and 40 males) harboring in a hollow-tree of Farm Edgardia in Botucatu Municipality, State of São Paulo. Through the eight filming sessions, two for each moon phase, it was possible to observe that the distribution of emergences and returns to the shelter thought the night followed a specific pattern for each moon phase. The greatest number of emerging bats occurred in periods in which the moon was not born yet and the largest number of returns just before moon has been reached its maximum level in the sky. Therefore, the time period that bats are staying outside the shelter seems to be directly influenced by lunar light. This factor can influence the social activity of the colony and, in particular, the dominant male, who remains still on tree’s trunk, near the entrance of the shelter with greater frequency during periods of low moon light


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The Ambrósio dome is a granodioritic batholiths of elliptical geometry, 40km length in the N-S direction and variable width of up to 8 km, has a weakly deformed nucleus with intensely deformed margins, in its northern portion is intruded in orthogneiss that belong to the Archean basement, and its southern part comes in direct contact with the volcano-sedimentary sequence of Paleoproterozoic Rio Itapicuru Greenstone Belt (RIGB), Bahia. From geological mapping on 1:25:000 scale were recognized two structural domains, termed West Domain and East Domain. From investigation of these domains was identified a major shear zone, which puts in contact two distinct stratigraphic sequences, one west, consisting primarily of metavulcanic and metapyroclastic rocks with records of low-grade regional metamorphism, and east discontinuity a metassedimentary domain, with record of gradational contact metamorphism, deformation and compression generated from the rise of Ambrosio Pluton. Such records put into question the structural and stratigraphic models in the literature so far


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The study area is located in the geological context of the northern portion of the Rio Itapicuru Greenstone Belt (GBRI), located northeast of the São Francisco Craton, Bahia State. The GBRI is known for its great economic potential for gold mineralization, looking south at Fazenda Brasileiro Mine and North Mine Maria Preta, is situated in the study área. The structural pattern of the northern portion of the Greenstone, theme of this work, is of great importance to understand the mineralization present. To characterize the structural model three geologic sections (scale 1:25000) were made with NW-SE and EW directions and detailing two mineralized targets, Encantado, located northwest of the area, near the city of Nordestina, and C1W, located near Itapicuru River, west of the Maria Preta mine. Thus, field work and petrographic analysis were conducted, that allow to indicate the existence of two structural domains characterized by the existence of a main foliation, low angle dipping main foliation and another with high dip angle, both with NW, moreover, folds occur in the area Dn-1 and post-Dn folds. Dn-1 folds are observed less frequently but they occur mainly forming an oblique foliation and the Sn is present in porphyroblasts observed in petrographic analysis, whereas in relation to the folds post Dn, there are more than one type of folding in area, which differ by the orientation of their axis, a post Dn NS and EW Dn another post. Moreover, two areas of metamorphic green schist (biotite zone) and medium amphibolite, which are directly related to the structural domains found


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O presente estudo teve por objetivo verificar a ocorrência das principais espécies de moscas da família Calliphoridae em diferentes ambientes (urbano, rural e silvestre) do município de Botucatu, SP. Para tanto, foram usadas armadilhas apropriadas e iscas, substituídas diariamente, distribuídas em cada local de coleta mensalmente durante aproximadamente o período de um ano. Foram coletados um total de 3188 espécimes. Análises estatísticas e testes de correlação também foram usados para medir a relação das espécies com os fatores ambientais, locais, preferência e atratividade por iscas e as relações e interações ecológicas entre as diferentes espécies


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O genero Musa apresenta características em suas inflorescências como: grande tamanho, visibilidade, odor floral e fluxo de néctar abundante, que tornam o gênero um importante recurso para morcegos fitófagos. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi estudar as interações entre morcegos filostomideos e flores de M. paradisiaca no pomar da fazenda Santo Antônio dos Ipês, Município de Jaú, São Paulo. Três espécies (Glossophaga soricina, Anoura caudifer e Phyllostomus discolor) foram observadas alimentando-se do néctar das flores das bananeiras do pomar. Três formas distintas de comportamento de visita foram observadas: “adejo” para G. soricina e A. caudifer, “pouso de frente na inflorescência” para G. soricina e “pouso de cabeça para baixo na inflorescência” para P. discolor. As visitas ocorreram durante toda noite (das 18h00 às 6h00), com pico de vistas das 20h00 à 1h00. As visitas entre duas sub-famílias ocorriam de forma alternada nestes horários. Apesar das três espécies de filostomideos partilharem o néctar das bananeiras, os glossofagineos são os principais beneficiados por esse recurso alimentar, uma vez que cerca de 88% (N=694) das visitas registradas às suas flores foram realizadas por G. soricina e A. caudifer, enquanto apenas 12% (N=97) foram por P. discolor


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In the Serra de Jacobina, localized in the North Central portion of the state of Bahia, occours the Jacobina Group. It’s a sedimentary basin and the gold deposit is stocked on the basal portion, which consist on quartzites intercalated with oligomítico metaconglomerates of Serra do Córrego Formation. There are controversies about the origin of the gold mineralization, but the currently most accepted hypothesis corresponds to a paleoplacer deposit with subsequent ore remobilization and concentration by hydrothermal process. The sulphidation is one of the main results of hydrothermal process, which was more detail characterized, besides identifying if there was more than one sulfides phase generation and its relationship with gold mineralization. The analyzes were performed from the main reef's (metaconglomerates mineralized levels) of Mine Canavieiras: Maneira, Holandez, Liberino, Piritoso, MU and LU. Chemical analyzes semi-quantitative were developed with EDS in MEV and also petrographics analyses. The main sulfide is pyrite, followed by chalcopyrite. Six groups of pyrite were classified according with chemical composition, however they show similarities in their habit and occurrence. Were identified four types of chlorite, labeled A, B, C, D. Gold occurs in free form, associate to pyrites, to Fe-Ti-Muscovite, to chlorite type B and to microfractures with iron hydroxide. Gold presents three different compositions: pure, with Ag or associated with U-Zr. The results of chemical analysis showed that the hydrothermal process have as their main source, ultramafic rocks present in the Jacobina Basin


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Introduction: The intestinal parasites continue to represent a significant public health problem, due to the large number of infected people and the various organic changes that can cause. The intestinal parasites become more prevalent in villages with high population density absence or inadequacy of sanitation and adequate, and personal hygiene practices and inadequate housing. Objective: To determine the prevalence of intestinal parasites Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura and Giardia duodenalis in children of school age (7-14 years) living in the city of Salvador, Bahia, which were part of the Environmental Sanitation Program (Bahia Azul) covering eight different sewage basins in the years 1997/1998 and 2003/2004. Methods: Data were collected pre-coded questionnaire administered to the parents of students, collecting information socioeconomic, environmental and housing conditions. Stool samples were analyzed for each school in the Laboratory of Parasitology of the ISC, UFBA. The database was built and analyzed by Epi Info program (version 3.5.1/2008) were built where overall prevalence rate and Basin depletion of parasites. We compared the overall prevalence rates (at least one parasite) before and after the intervention health, as well as species of parasite. Results: The overall prevalence before the intervention was 56,2% (N = 729) and 42,5% after the intervention (N = 890), down -24,5%. The prevalence observed for each species A. lumbricoides, T. trichiura and G. duodenalis before intervention was respectively 31,4%, 35,8% and 9,9% respectively after the intervention and 24,4%, 28,8% and 6,0%. In relation to variations in prevalence were found to decrease A. lumbricoides, T. Trichiura and G. duodenalis respectively -22,4%, -19,7% and -39,7%. When the results were compared by Basin exhaustion, it was observed that the greatest variation with reduction occurred among students Basin M. Camurujipe to at least one parasite (-51,4%), ...


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The alimentary act of three species of frugivorous bats of the genus Artibeus: A. lituratus, A. fimbriatus and A. planirostris, in a total of nine individuals, was studied by observations in field and captivity, during the months of May to September of 2008. With the objective to caracterize the form of consumption of two tipes of fruits (soft and consistent) and it relates with the dentary structure of this bats, the alimentary act was film and analysed later. It had little variation between the species. The fruits had been consumed in similar way, being that statistics analisis had demonstrated that consistent fruits had received more lateral bytes than the soft fruits. The dentary analisis shown that the posterior teeth (pre-molar and molar) present important characteristcs to triturate pieces of more consistent fruits and the incisors serve to scrape the pulp of the soft fruits. This study it served to describe the form of feeding of frugivorous bats, that little is explained in the studies of alimentary behavior


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV


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In this paper, data on the fauna of Ephemeroptera and Trichoptera (ET) from a Cerrado stream was analysed in order to test the hypothesis that the high seasonality of this biome can influence the composition of ET between the wet and dry seasons. The community structure was evaluated using Detrended Correspondence Analysis and Cluster Analysis (Morisita Horn-UPGMA). Environmental factors were analyzed using the Principal Components Analysis. In order to test the effect of abiotic variables on the fauna, It was applied the Procrustean Randomization Test (Protest) and Mantel Test. The environmental factors recorded for this study had a significant effect on the ET fauna from Córrego do Pedregulho. Faunal similarity was high throughout the year, indicating that although there was density of fluctuation, due to rainfall variation, the faunal composition showed little temporal variability. On the other hand, it was possible to observe that the genus Lachlania (Ephemeroptera) occurred preferably during the rainy months and that the faunal composition during the dry season was less variable than those from other seasons. Therefore, environmental seasonality had a partial effect on the faunal composition of ET from Córrego do Pedregulho.


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The informal milk is recognized as the product marketed without inspection. We evaluated the microbiological quality, nutritional ingredients and substances inhibiting bacterial growth in 100 informal samples from cows milk, marketed in the southwest region of the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. It was found that 77% of Somatic Cell Count (SCC) and 86% of Total Bacterial Count (TBC) of the samples were at odds with the maximum values required by Instruction Rules 62 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Supply. It was identified to solids contents in disagreement (36%), protein (23%), fat (38%), nonfat dry extract (43%) and 73% urea nitrogen. In 59% of the samples was detected residues of the bacterial growth inhibitors. Were isolated 240 strains of micro-organisms with a prevalence of enterobacteria, streptococci, staphylococci and fungi. The informal milk is marketed in the region without the minimum hygienic conditions and present risks to public health, and represents serious socio-economic problem for the region.