281 resultados para plano do conteúdo


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We are included in a society where the use of the Internet became very important to our everyday life. The relationships nowadays usually happen through technological devices instead of face to face contact, for instance, Internet forums where people can discuss online. However, the global analysis is a big challenge, due to the large amount of data. This work investigates the use of visual representations to support an exploratory analysis of contents in messages from discussions forums. This analysis considers the thematic and the chronology. The target forums refer to the educational area and the analysis happens manually, i.e. by direct reading message-by-message. The proprieties of perception and cognition of the human visual system allow a person the capacity to conduct high-level tasks in information extraction from a graphical or visual representation of data. Therefore, this work was based on Visual Analytics, an area that aims create techniques that amplify these human abilities. For that reason we used software that creates a visualization of data from a forum. This software allows a forum content analysis. But, during the work, we identified the necessity to create a new tool to clean the data, because the data had a lot of unnecessary information. After cleaning the data we created a new visualization and held an analysis seeking a new knowledge. In the end we compared the new visualization with the manual analysis that had been made. Analyzing the results, it was evident the potential of visualization use, it provides a better correlation between the information, enabling the acquisition of new knowledge that was not identified in the initial analysis, providing a better use of the forum content


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The screen work seeks to illustrate the experiential marketing strategies, relating these concepts within the automotive industry. From the methodology of content analysis, success stories of the automotive industry have been analyzed in the light of experimental marketing theories to elucidate the strategies of organizations with their target audience. The objectives aimed at understanding and studying experiential marketing within the market scenario, identify its main characteristics and applicability. The main results stand out that sensory experiences provided by experiential marketing can be the differentiating factors between organizations, especially, those of the automotive sector


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O presente estudo tem como objetivo reunir os dados existentes sobre a área da futura Estação Ecológica Santa Elisa, localizada no Centro Experimental Central do Instituto Agronômico (IAC), em Campinas – SP. Assim, foram reunidos dados sobre os aspectos bióticos (fauna e flora) e abióticos (clima, geologia e geomorfologia, hidrografia e solos), resultando em uma caracterização da área como forma de subsídio para o plano de manejo. Através de saídas a campo foram levantados problemas que prejudicam a caracterização de uma estação ecológica, surgindo assim um segundo objetivo, adequar a área da futura unidade para o melhor enquadramento em tal categoria. Foram então elaborados projetos para melhorar o estado de conservação da futura unidade, sempre levando em consideração a falta de recursos. Sendo assim recomenda-se parcerias com universidades para que dessa forma se consiga implantar os projetos e realizar pesquisas de forma mais econômica. Embora o IAC tenha um histórico de pesquisas voltado apenas para a agricultura, a preocupação ambiental vem aumentando e a criação dessa unidade de conservação garante que se continue preservando os remanescentes presentes no IAC mesmo após a mudança de sua gestão.


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The Project presents as main subject the relationship between entrepreneurship and the Public Relations professional. In the entrepreneurship, business plan is stood up, a document able to assist the entrepreneur to plan the activities related to implementation or creation of a new business. Assuming the business plan is an essential instrument of the entrepreneurial process, this study aims to describe the important use of the business plan for the creation or maintenance of a company and verify the Public Relations acting possibilities in the construction of this plan. For this, the project presents a study on a business plan for a small company with family structure, located in Sao Paulo countryside, in operation for over 30 years. Through the process of the business plan elaboration, it can be seen that the Public Relations professional has important skills that can be assist in the preparation of this plan, such as Marketing tools and communication knowledge and ability to establish a mission, the vision and the company values. Besides, this professional presents entrepreneurial characteristics that can help him in his activities, actions and planning


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In the last years, the maintenance took an essential role inside the productive system. Plan and manage the maintenance actions in an efficient way, are vital activities for higher production availability. This paper presents an application of a Multicriteria Decision Analysis method in a chemical industry, willing to priories a plan action for the reduction of the maintenance cost. The method used was the PROMETHEE II, with it the results were obtained through the softwares Microsoft Excel and Decision Lab


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This work presents the development of the External Lighting Plan UNESP in the Itapeva Campus based LED and Solar Energy. Firstly it was made a collection of data from measurements of the local transit through the Google Earth 6 software and divide the local in sectors, and then perform an analysis of characteristics and age of the site. With these data it was possible to determine the average luminance the place, in30 lux. After these procedures was possible to determine the type of sets that would perform the role of bridge lighting the kit chosen was the 20/20 Sun LED manufacturer, since it contains the luminaire with the solar panel to the pole. Therefore we determined the number of poles for each sector, whichwas72in total and. After the determination of the location of each point lighting


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O capítulo 1 trará as mais importantes correntes teóricas sobre inflação, desde meados do século XX até o fim deste século. Também será demonstrado o pensamento da corrente Cepalina, mais especificamente os autores brasileiros que escrevem acerca da inflação que era observada no período (década de 1980). Assim, chegaremos a como se é formulado o regime de metas de inflação. Após isso, foi efetuada uma cronologia desde a implementação do plano real no Brasil até a inserção do regime de metas de inflação em 1999. O capítulo 2 tem como seu conteúdo principal abordar a eficácia do regime de metas de inflação. Para isso, trará um modelo estatístico, mostrando e interpretando os resultados obtidos. Após isso, o capítulo trará um panorama geral de como evoluiu o regime de metas de inflação no Brasil nos anos em que o trabalho se situa. Na conclusão, serão trazidos os principais questionamentos do trabalho, bem como as respostas encontradas para este e os eventuais desafios que um aprofundamento maior poderá acarretar


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Dentre as várias instituições das quais o ser humano participa, a escola é uma das mais importantes responsáveis pela construção da representação de quem somos. O educando é o objetivo maior da escola, mas na especificidade da Educação Física que, em geral, é totalmente desvinculada do projeto educacional das escolas, muito pouco tem sido feito, na prática, no sentido de educar os alunos “para a vida. Assim, esse trabalho tem como finalidade implementar aulas de Educação Física que contribuam para a formação do cidadão, e para isto foram elaboradas e desenvolvidas aulas que abordem o conteúdo handebol nas suas três dimensões: conceitual, procedimental e atitudinal. O método utilizado foi o da pesquisa-ação que, de natureza qualitativa, tem como característica o interrelacionamento entre o pesquisador e as pessoas participantes do estudo. As principais dificuldades foram: trabalhar novos conteúdos e a dimensão procedimental, e lidar com o número elevado de alunos. Porém, os momentos de tratar das dimensões conceituais e atitudinais foram muito bem sucedidos.


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The current problematic of the construction and demolition (C&D) waste faced for the Brazilian cities, is one of the main degradation factors of the environment, over all about the promise of the urban ambient quality. This scenery must mainly to the unsustainable management adopted by the great majority of the Brazilian cities. Therefore, this work aims at to offer subsidies for medium cities, having as study object the city of Rio Claro-SP, (Brazil), in the elaboration of plans and integrated programs of sustainable management of the construction and demolition waste, in accordance with CONAMA Resolution nº 307/2002, that’s set up a sustainable management system of C&D waste. In this direction, the diagnosis of the management was elaborated for the city of Rio Claro, (generation, collects, transport and disposal) and the public administration of the construction and demolition waste, as well as of the study of the related aspects with C&D waste recycling plant. Later, was suggested a plan of improvements for the public manager of C&D waste: areas of temporary disposal to facility the appropriating destination, appropriated areas of final disposal, incentives to the recycling of C&D waste, new legislations, education and orientation programs and adequacy the agents of C&D waste management (generating, transporting, addressee and public manager), directing for an environmental, economic and social sustainability.


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Due to the large economic development associated with the growing consumerist lifestyle of our capitalist society, the problem of uncontrolled solid waste generation worsens, which one is considered to be one of the main responsible factors for environmental degradation. As a case study and in order to solve the problem of large generation of municipal solid waste, this work aims to study the “plano diretor” of Rio Claro city, São Paulo. The “plano diretor” is a municipal law that provides guidelines for the administration of the city, which include guidelines for the management of solid waste generated in the city. The guidelines required in order to write the “plano diretor” are provided by the national law “estatuto da cidade”, providing information for the planning and development of the cities, as well as the management of the urban environment. However, only the “estatuto da cidade” does not provide enough instructions for creating management plans in order to solve the many problems from the urban environment. Thus, studies have been done about urban and environmental management, to understand how municipal management plans should be structured. As a form of seeking information that can complement the “plano diretor” to the creation of policies for managing solid waste of the city, the “Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos”(PNRS) emerges in 2010 as a document which provides principles, objectives and guidelines to create plans for Solid Waste Management at the national, state, regional and municipal levels. Therefore, it was possible to make a joint analysis of the “plano diretor” of Rio Claro with the PNRS to identify what is already done within the municipality about the solid waste management, and identify which aspects are most significant in the municipal solid waste management that the national policy provides. Yet studies have been done on the current municipal solid waste management...


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Sabe-se que crianças adquirem conhecimentos sobre o esporte, antes mesmo de ingressarem na escola ou de receberem informações sobre esse conteúdo de maneira sistematizada, em aulas de Educação Física. Este estudo analisou qual visão os alunos do ensino fundamental têm sobre o esporte e discutiu qual foi o meio responsável por esse conhecimento, a mídia ou a escola. Foram entrevistadas, através de um roteiro previamente elaborado, crianças da 3º e da 6º série do ensino fundamental de uma mesma escola. Os resultados foram apresentados de modo comparativo entre essas diferentes séries a fim de se obter uma discussão sobre a influência da mídia e da escola sobre o aprendizado do conteúdo esportivo.


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The process of globalization resulted in a variety of new products emerging. Companies were obliged to find new ways of maintaining the attractiveness for their products to sustain their brands in the economic field. So in this scenario social accountability became an important subject for companies that want to achieve a positive image among consumers. This paper aims to explain how organizational communication is essential to create and manage social accountability in a company. Aiming to explain the relation between organizational communication and social accountability, this final project had three main purposes: establish the connection between organizational communication and social accountability, point out and discuss the main strategies in this communication field, and then propose an action plan for Raízen to solve an established problem in one of its factories


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Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)