244 resultados para Tumores em animal
Physics governs all working patterns of the universe and could not be otherwise in a biological environment. Living things depend directly on laws and physical models to compose their body structure, allow its survival in certain environments, communication between individuals and groups and also to establish a complex sensorial system that allows interaction with the environment that surrounds them. With the advancement of science and technology, new ideas are required, and thus, many researchers began to turn their attention to those systems found in nature, as these systems often present practical solutions and with maximum efficiency. This imitation of biological systems, applied in creating innovative technological resources, is called Biomimetics. To study the biological systems based on physical concepts is essential the creation of models. These allow the distinction of the effects of the issue really essential and may be ignored side effects that do not have an effective participation in the phenomenon being analyzed. In this Work Completion of course will be studied the phenomenon of countercurrent heat exchangers, present in various situations of nature, focusing on their participation in the legs of birds, also the balance of certain birds that are supported on one leg and possible inspiration of these phenomena in the fields of engineering. Also included are videos that allow better understanding of the studied subjects
The obesity along with overweight has been considered one of the most serious public health problems in the world, especially because they are the main risk factors for many chronic diseases such as coronary heart disease, diabetes mellitus, hypertension and some types of tumors, which are associated with high mortality rates. The use of functional foods and appropriate diets to promote health has grown as a prevention mechanism. Previous studies suggested Bidens pilosa L. for the treatment of disorders associated with obesity, with one important attraction of this regiment is perceived as safer and more effective health than the traditional anorexigen .The aim of this project is to standardize a new model of obesity induced by hipercaloric diet in Swiss mice, and also to evaluate the effect of Bidens pilosa L. extract in the reduction of food intake, weight and toxicity. After induction of obesity, the animals were treated for 21 days with the extract. Then the animals were killed and samples were collected for further analysis. Preliminary, the effect of this product has being evaluated on the daily food intake and body weight. In dose of 100mg/Kg, there were no significant changes in food intake and body weight. Thus, this concentration of Bidens pilosa was not effective in reducing body weight of obese animals, and did not reduce food intake
O trabalho propõe rotinas computacionais usando o Método de Monte Carlo com o Código MCNP-5, para analisar os perfis de dose de radiação liberada nos tratamentos de tumores de pele e otimizar os cálculos radiométricos dos feixes de radiação estudados. Foram realizadas medidas dosimétricas do feixe de radiação, comparando os resultados obtidos com os respectivos valores fornecidos pelo serviço de física médica das instituições, com resultados informados pelo fabricante do equipamento e com as simulações computacionais efetuadas com o Código MCNP-5. A quantificação dos erros relativos percentual entre os resultados simulados e os fornecidos pelo Serviço de Radioterapia (E1), os informados pelo fabricante (E2) e os medidos experimentalmente (E3) são inferiores a 4,0% e validam a metodologia computacional proposta para avaliação do comportamento do feixe de raios-X superficial e do feixe de raios γ da unidade de Cobaltoterapia. A metodologia de análise do espectro energético e da curva de porcentagem de dose profunda (PDP) desenvolvida neste trabalho pode ser estendida para estudos de outros feixes clínicos e subsidiar os dados radiométricos utilizados nos planejamentos e cálculos de dose realizados pelo profissional da física médica na sua rotina nos Serviços de Radioterapia
A exposição in utero a xenoestrógenos pode aumentar o risco de neoplasias de natureza endócrina na vida adulta. O Bisfenol A (BPA), componente de resinas e plástico, considerado xenoestrógeno e desregulador endócrino, tem sido investigado pelos seus potenciais efeitos adversos para a saúde humana. Como a Genisteína e o Indol-3-Carbinol possuem propriedades que podem inibir neoplasias de natureza endócrina, é possível que também atuem modulando/modificando os efeitos causados pela exposição gestacional ao BPA. O presente projeto teve como objetivos: (1) Avaliar os efeitos da exposição gestacional ao Bisfenol - A (BPA) sobre a morfogênese do útero e ovários na prole de fêmeas Sprague-Dawley (SD) da geração F1; (2) Avaliar se a exposição gestacional a genisteína e ao indol-3-carbinol altera os efeitos do BPA sobre sobre a morfogênese do útero e ovários na geração F1 e (3) avaliar os efeitos da exposição ao BPA, e às associações BPA e genisteína, BPA e indol-3-carbinol em relação à susceptibilidade a carcinogênese induzida pela N-Metil-N-Nitrosuréia (MNU). Portanto, fêmeas prenhas da linhagem SD foram divididas em 7 grupos experimentais e expostas ao Bisfenol A (BPA) (25 ou 250 ug/kg p.c.) DG 10 até o DG 21 (Moral et al. 2008), além de ração basal ou ração contendo genisteína (250 mg/kg) ou indol-3-carbinol (2000 mg/kg) durante toda a gestação. Parte da prole Fêmeas SD foi sacrificada parte no Dia Pós-Natal (DPN) 21 e parte ao final da 25ª semana após iniciação ou não com a MNU. Ao DPN 21 os ovários e útero foram removidos para contagem de folículos e morfometria, respectivamente. A prole restante de fêmeas recebeu uma única dose de MNU (50 mg/kg) ou solução de NaCl (1 ml/kg) no DPN 51 e foi sacrificada na 25ª semana após a aplicação de MNU ou de NaCl. Ovários e útero foi removidos para análises histológicas, incluindo a determinação de lesões proliferativas ...
The paper presents the radiometric parameters determined by the medical physicist during routine radiotherapy planning service in cases of breast cancer . The contours of the breast volume in patients undergoing radiation breast tumors at the Hospital das Clinicas, Faculty of Medicine , UNESP, Botucatu ( HCFMB ) during the year 2012 were analyzed . In order to analyze the influence of physical and radiometric parameters for the determination of the dose distribution of irradiated breast volume , four measurements of isodose curves were prepared in four different heights breast , and compared with the isodose curves plotted computationally . In the routine of planning , the medical physicist must determine the isodose curve that gives the best dose distribution homogeneity in the irradiated volume . The choice of the treatment plan can be done by dedicated computer systems , which require significantly costly investments available services having better financial support . In the Service of Medical Physics , Department of Radiotherapy , HC FMB , we use a two-dimensional software for determination of isodose curves , however , this software is out of date and frequently becomes inoperable due to the lack of maintenance and it is a closed system without feasibility of interference from computer professionals . This fact requires manual preparation of isodose curves , which are subject to uncertainties due to the subjectivity in the clinical interpretation of medical radiation oncologist and medical physicist responsible for planning , plus dispendiar significant calculation time . The choice of the optimal isodose curve depends on the energy of the radiation beam , the geometry and dimensions of the irradiated area . The contours of the breast studied in this work evaluations showed that , for a given energy input , such as the energy of 1.25 MeV of gamma radiation Unit Telecobaltoterapia , the determination of the percentage depth dose ( PDP ) ...
The theme of this project is the animal world, focusing on Bauru. The magazine Bauru Animal was born from the lack of publications addressing the issue of animals under the focus of their rights in this county. The treatment we give to animals is an important ethical and moral issue that should be discussed by the press. In Bauru there is an animal protection movement, whether organized or independent people. And there are many problems about the animals. The intent of the magazine is to report the status of animals in the city, checking legislation and getting into the philosophical field: we have the right to treat animals as mere environmental and economic resource? For the preparation of the materials were performed several interviews, documented in audio files and performed with the authors' theoretical Cremilda Medina and José Carlos Sebe Bom Meihy. The animal issue is cross-cutting issue that involves all traditional media editorials and allows public bodies to discuss assignments, ethical, moral and legal, the role of the citizen in society and many other issues relevant to the media
In the pre-slaughter management of pigs there are stressors, which depending on the duration or severity, are able to alter the quality of meat. One of the factors considered critical to the welfare is the fasting period in the farm. This practice is fundamental and proven relevance in the production chain. Besides the effects on meat quality and welfare of pigs, fasting is among the main factors responsible for the incidence of skin lesions, can significantly influence the incidence of esophagogastric ulcers and is also important to avoid any contamination of carcasses by gastrointestinal contents. When fasting is done right, it has a positive impact on welfare, meat quality and conditions of welfare during the pre-slaughter management of pigs
Atualmente existe um consenso de que os pesquisadores estão mais conscientes em relação ao trato com as cobaias e com o bem estar animal, ao mesmo tempo, sabe-se que os comitês de ética recentes estão intensificando a fiscalização dos laboratórios. Há também leis a respeito do trato com os animais utilizados para experimentação que conta com penas, como multas em dinheiro até a exoneração do cargo de cientista e pesquisador. Investigaram-se os pesquisadores, através de um questionário, se estão mais conscientes acerca do bem estar animal ou apenas se adéquam as diretrizes dos comitês de ética para que seu projeto seja aprovado. Além de notarmos diferenças significativas entre os pesquisadores anteriores e posteriores a Lei 11.794/08 que instituiu os comitês de ética. Tendo os mais novos uma sistematização maior no trato com as cobaias enquanto os antigos repensaram suas formas de pesquisa. Quanto ao bem estar animal, nota-se que apenas se adequaram às leis, e que caso as mesmas não houvessem sido criadas não fariam alterações em seus laboratórios
Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB
Fitase em dietas para frangos de corte - melhor desempenho e sustentabilidade para a produção animal
O presente trabalho de conclusão de curso é composto por uma revisão bibliográfica sobre a fitase e um relatório sobre o estágio supervisionado realizado na BRF S. A. em Rio Verde/GO. A busca por medidas de sustentabilidade, e a preocupação das indústrias e granjas avícolas com o meio ambiente ligadas ao fator econômico torna a utilização da fitase cada vez mais difundida entre a avicultura moderna. O uso da suplementação enzimática com fitase nas dietas dos frangos de corte diminui a necessidade de utilizar fontes inorgânicas de fósforo, reduzindo os custos com a produção das rações. A fitase também beneficia as aves com uma maior biodisponibilidade de macro e micronutrientes, por hidrolisar o ácido fítico. A utilização da fitase pode ser um adjuvante nas dietas para frangos de corte em diferentes fases de criação, melhorando índices zootécnicos e contribuindo para a redução da poluição ambiental por reduzir elementos como o fósforo e o nitrogênio das excretas das aves
This study objective was to review a selection of publications on the treatment of benign and malignant tumors with the use of natural medicines obtained from terrestrial and marine flora, both for use in chemotherapy and photodynamic therapy. There are many medications already being used for this purpose and many are still being tested in vivo and in vitro, but all with great future prospects for inclusion in the market
Periodontitis is an infectious disease characterized by chronic inflammation of the periodontium, and it is mediated and modulated by the host immune system. In the presence of microorganisms or other antigens, immune cells (macrophages/monocytes, dendritic cells, lymphocytes, neutrophils), endothelial cells and fibroblasts secrete cytokines and trigger immune and inflammatory reactions. However, when synthesized at high levels, cytokines modify the pattern of cellular response, participating substantially in the development of chronic inflammatory pathologies, such as periodontal disease. Understanding the origin and progression of bone resorption is one of the primary goals of the field of periodontics, aiming to arrest the disease progression and to optimize future treatments. For this purpose, the development of experimental models is an important and necessary step before entering into clinical trials with new therapies. The purpose of this study is to characterize/evaluate the tissue changes induced by various models of experimental periodontitis through a literature review.
Embryonic chimerism is generally used in basic research and in vivo diagnosis of undifferentiated embryonic stem cells (ESC), mostly using mice embryos, although there have been reports in the literature on using rat, rabbit, sheep, chicken, primate, bovine, goat and pig embryos. Several techniques can currently be used to produce chimeric embryos, including microinjection, co-culture with ESC, fusion and aggregation. Although microinjection is the most commonly used method in mice, the mere aggregation of embryos with ESC may result in viable chimeras and be as efficient as microinjection. In mice, this chimerism technique has been shown to have the advantage of aggregating embryos in different stages of development with different ploidy, in addition to using ESC in the tetraploid complementation assay. Compared to other techniques for producing chimeras, the aggregation technique is a cheaper, faster and easier methodology to be performed. Moreover, aggregation can be simplified by chemically removing the zona pellucida with pronase or acidic Tyrode’s solution and be enhanced by using the Well of the Well culture system in combination with adhesion molecules, such as phytohemagglutinin. The most commonly used stages for chimerism by aggregation are those that precede the full compaction of the morula. In these stages, embryos have low-tension adherent junctions at the tangential point between two blastomeres. During the embryonic development of mice, the inner cell mass differentiates into epiblast and hypoblast. These layers will originate the fetal tissues and a portion of the extraembryonic tissues (yolk sac, allantois and amnion), whereas the trophectoderm (TE) gives rise to the chorion. A functional TE is essential for the complex molecular communications that occur between the embryo and the uterus. Embryos produced by somatic cell nuclear transfer, such as commercial cattle clones or endangered species, are subject to large fetal and neonatal losses. Hence embryo complementation with heterologous TE could be of assistance to decrease these losses and might as well assist development of high-value embryos in other approaches.
Several types of tumors affect dogs' skin. Simultaneously occurring neoplasms with different histological patterns might be rarely present in the same animal. This paper describes the occurrence of epitheliotropic cutaneous T-cell lymphoma and melanoma in a dog. The animal had nodular lesions in the abdominal region and serpiginous plaques on the dorsal region of the trunk. Cytology evidenced malignant fusiform cells from the abdominal lesions as well as few round cells from the dorsal. The histopathological examination of the abdominal lesions showed dermis with polygonal to spindle-shaped neoplastic cells. The lesion of the dorsal region evidenced neoplastic round cells with generally distinct cell borders and a moderate amount of eosinophilic cytoplasm. Abdominal lesions were positive for Melan A. Dorsal and forelimb lesions were positive for CD3. This study reports the occurrence of epitheliotropic cutaneous T-cell lymphoma and malignant melanoma in a crossbred Boxer dog and discusses the importance of performing immunohistochemical profile to confirm the phenotype of the tumor.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)