240 resultados para Tecnologia de ponta e educação Barcelona (Espanha)
Educação literria na educação infantil: o livro nas mos de professoras e educadoras de Araatuba (SP)
Ps-graduao em Educação - FCT
Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)
Ps-graduao em Educação - FFC
O tutor no ensino a distncia: consideraes sobre o elemento humano da mediao educativa com tecnologia
Ps-graduao em Educação Escolar - FCLAR
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
Ps-graduao em Educação - FFC
Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)
Different environmental disasters registered around the world and their consequences to nature and to the biodiversity, including the human beings, lead us to deal with natures mysteries and with our limits In controlling technological apparatus that make us proud enough to think that we can control natures processes. These kinds of experiences, considered as a real being-event, make us experiment processes of disillusion related to the possibilities of science and technology. Considering this frame and the historical human experiences, one fundamental question is related to our position, our professional and ethical commitments and our responsibilities facing this reality. How can we deal with these facts that are continuously announcing the limits of nature, of science, technologies and our self-limits? As researchers involved with environmental education, it seems plausible for us to ask about the ethical commitments related to our acts of investigation. So, considering different and stimulating possibilities opened by intellectual and philosophers who are adding significant contributions to these debates, my proposal for this essay is to invite environmental education researchers to carry on a dialog involving these questions with some perspectives proposed specially by Bakhtin (1895 1975) and some other authors affiliated or not to his approach. This seems to be an opportunity which allows us to realize that our commitments as environmental education researchers would be identified with our commitments with life
The information society is increasingly incorporating the immense volume of content available on the net. Access by electronic devices and the resulting ease of mobility and portability feed discussions on actual capacity of appropriation of this knowledge that circulates through cyberspace. Address and discuss the possibilities of educating across the network, therefore, gains more and more importance. On models of educational quality well developed as is the case in Finland, for example-, Brazilian education is, year after year, failing in international marathons to achieve below average indexes required. Creates a field of analysis, in which this article arises, in the quest to understand more deeply the opportunity of use of Information and communication technologies (ICT) for a quality education, plunging by cultural issues that fall in the construction of objective conditions offered to students. This is an effort in understanding the historical factors that limit efforts to offering a quality education in Brazil.
The purpose of this study is to know the route of Special Education in different contexts, the city of Maringa/Brazil and Guadalajara/Spain and analyze the bases underlying the organization, structure and operation of this mode of education having as starting point the process inclusive school. This investigation is based on the theoretical and methodological principles of the historical-cultural notion by Vygotsky. He argues that the existence of fundamental principles underlying the development of children with disabilities. If, on the one hand, the disability imposes limitations on the individual, hindering its development, on the other, just by causing difficulties, enables the movement to compensate, increasing the development of other capabilities. The deficit itself is less. Therefore, it is a field research carried out by means of observations, literature search and document analysis in early childhood education institutions visited in the cities mentioned above. The results showed that there are peculiarities of its path, organization and functioning of Special Education in each of the contexts analyzed. Referentemente the inclusive education movement, it is clear that Spain is a precursor of this process therefore has the right conditions in different ways to conduct the service children with special needs, and on the other hand, schools have the resources and specialized materials they need. While in Brazil the operationalization of these measures occurs more slowly. Thus, we can say that this process of inclusive education does not happen in a linear fashion within mainstream schools and so little action in the different forms of special education in two contexts analyzed.
H uma inovao como modalidade de ensino e aprendizagem em que o aluno e o professor desenvolvem atividades em lugares e tempos diferentes; esta a chamada Educação a Distncia (EAD). A mediao didtico-pedaggica desta modalidade pautase pelo uso dos Ambientes Virtuais de Aprendizagem (AVA), e das Tecnologias de Informao e Comunicao (TIC), o que amplia os tempos e espaos de ensinar e aprender. Considerando esta realidade, o presente estudo de cunho descritivo, tem por objetivo assinalar qual o papel da tecnologia no processo de ensino-aprendizagem, e apontar quais so as abordagens utilizadas nessa ao. Para isso, foram selecionados materiais importantes para a elaborao dos estudos sobre EAD e as tecnologias que envolvem este tema. Procurou-se localizar as informaes teis, atravs das leituras provando que todas as tecnologias, em qualquer rea do conhecimento ou da produo, podem ter carter educacional, resultando no rompimento da ideia de que existem tecnologias que no servem para educar, e outros tipos que servem como ferramentas educacionais e pedaggicas. De acordo com a literatura cientfica, todas as tecnologias podem ser usadas como mediao didtico-tecnolgica, por meio de teleaulas, chats, fruns e todos os meios que possibilitam o compartilhar e a autonomia do sujeito, na construo do conhecimento e na interao, em que h o intercmbio maior de saberes, oportunizando a colaborao de vrias pessoas, com os seus conhecimentos especficos, no processo de construo do conhecimento novo.
This study investigated, by descriptive documental research, the intervention models in Sexual Education in the school with the participation of the family and use of new technologies. The methodological stages were: collects in bases of data, selection and reading of the studies and elaboration of thematic groupings, by the content analysis. Four thematic group were elaborated: 1) intervention models with professionals; 2) intervention models with adolescents; 3) intervention models with the direct participation of the family and 4) Appreciation of the familys participation in sexual education. The analised articles prioritize the adolescent population, when descrive the intervention. Few studies consider the family as important to sexual education and the techniques of the computer science are not very explored as pedagogic resources.