207 resultados para SCS


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Although there are several studies on morphogenesis in Teleostei, until now there is no research describing the role of the basement membrane in the establishment of the germinal epithelium during gonadal differentiation in Characiformes. In attempt to study these events that result in the formation of ovarian and testicular structures, gonads of Gymnocorymbus ternetzi were prepared for light microscopy. During gonadal development in G. ternetzi, all individuals first developed ovarian tissue. The undifferentiated gonad was formed by somatic cells (SC) and primordial germ cells (PGCs). After successive mitosis, the PGCs became oogonia, which entered into meiosis originating oocytes. An interstitial tissue developed. In half of the individuals, presumptive female, prefollicle cells synthesized a basement membrane around oocyte forming a follicle. Along the ventral region of the ovary, the tissue invaginated to form the ovigerous lamellae, bordered by the germinal epithelium. Stroma developed and the follicle complexes were formed. The gonadal aromatase was detected in interstitial cells in the early steps of the gonadal differentiation in both sexes. In another half of the individuals, presumptive male, there was no synthesis of basement membrane. The interstitium was invaded by numerous granulocytes. Pre-Leydig cells proliferated. Apoptotic oocytes were observed and afterward degenerated. Spermatogonia appeared near the degenerating oocytes and associated to SCs, forming testicular tubules. Germinal epithelium developed and the basement membrane was synthesized. Concomitantly, there was decrease of the gonadal aromatase and increase in the 3β-HSD enzyme expression. Thus, the testis was organized on an ovary previously developed, constituting an indirect gonochoristic differentiation.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Abstract: The intraoral approach to zygomatic fracture treatment was introduced by Keen in 1909. This technique allows both an adequate visualization of the zygomaticomaxillary buttress and intraoral reduction of zygomatic arch fractures. Similar techniques have been published over the last 30 years. The aim of this study was to describe a modification of the Keen technique that promotes adequate visualization of the infraorbital rim and permits reduction and fixation of this region in cases of zygomatic fractures. The present technique has several advantages such as that (a) only 1 incision is necessary to approach the zygomaticomaxillary buttress and infraorbital rim, (b) it optimizes surgical time, and (c) it avoids periorbital scars. Fracture of the zygomatic complex is one of the most common facial traumas and has been extensively described in the literature.1 However, there are several controversies as regards the best technique and treatment of these fractures, such as closed versus open reduction; sequence of reduction and fixation in open techniques; complications; and morbidity rates of each technique. Currently, the intraoral approach for surgical treatment of zygomatic complex fractures has received special attention. It was first described by Keen in 1909, using the upper sulcus technique. Later, other studies showed different variations of this technique to reach the zygomatic arch and buttress.3,4 However, in most cases, infraorbital margin fixation was still performed through the subtarsal, subciliary, or transconjunctival approach. The purpose of this article was to describe the modifications made to the intraoral approach to allow reduction and fixation of the infraorbital rim in zygomatic fractures.


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PURPOSE: In view of reports in the literature on the benefits achieved with the use of platform switching, described as the use of an implant with a larger diameter than the abutment diameter, the goal being to prevent the (previously) normal bone loss down to the first thread that occurs around most implants, thus enhancing soft tissue aesthetics and stability and the need for implant inclination due to bone anatomy in some cases, the aim of this study was to evaluate bone stress distribution on peri-implant bone, by using three-dimensional finite element analysis to simulate the influence of implants with different abutment angulations (0 and 15 degrees) in platform switching. METHODS: Four mathematical models of an implant-supported central incisor were created with varying abutment angulations: straight abutment (S1 and S2) and angulated abutment at 15 degrees (A1 and A2), submitted to 2 loading conditions (100 N): S1 and A1-oblique loading (45 degrees) and S2 and A2-axial loading, parallel to the long axis of the implant. Maximum (σmax) and minimum (σmin) principal stress values were obtained for cortical and trabecular bone. RESULTS: Models S1 and A1 showed higher σmax in cortical and trabecular bone when compared with S2 and A2. The highest σmax values (in MPa) in the cortical bone were found in S1 (28.5), followed by A1 (25.7), S2 (11.6), and A2 (5.15). For the trabecular bone, the highest σmax values were found in S1 (7.53), followed by A1 (2.87), S2 (2.85), and A2 (1.47). CONCLUSIONS: Implants with straight abutments generated the highest stress values in bone. In addition, this effect was potentiated when the load was applied obliquely.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the opacity of the polymethylmethacrylate for ocular prosthesis using an ocular button, a colorless resin for the ocular prostheses, and 4 brands of acrylic colorless resin in the function of weathering (0, 504, or 1008 h) and thickness (1 and 3.5 mm). One hundred twenty specimens were confectioned (made) and allocated into 12 groups (n = 10). Opacity analysis was carried out with a spectrophotometer of visible ultraviolet reflection before and after weathering by 504 and 1008 hours. Data for the opacity were expressed in ΔE. Data were then analyzed statistically by analysis of variance and the Tukey test (P < 0.01). The data demonstrated statistically significant differences; manufactured ocular button (ΔE = 47.4) and the resin Vipi Cril (ΔE = 38.11) presented greater and minor values of opacity, respectively. The weathering showed statistical difference among times (0 h, ΔE = 36.32; 504 h, ΔE = 39.98; and 1008 h, ΔE = 43.9). Ocular button and evaluated resins presented greater values of opacity when presented in 3.5 mm in thickness. The values of opacity increased with the progression of the time of weathering, independent of the evaluated material and the thickness.


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The failure of facial prostheses is caused by limitations in the properties of existing materials, especially flexibility and durability. Therefore, this study evaluated the marginal deterioration of a silicone used for fabrication of facial prostheses (Silastic MDX4-4210, Dow Corning Corporation, Midland, MI, USA) according to the influence of artificial aging, daily disinfection, and 2 types of pigmentation. Thirty specimens were fabricated and subdivided in 6 groups: without pigmentation, pigmented with make-up powder and iron oxide, and evaluated with and without the action of the disinfectant. Analysis of marginal deterioration was performed on a scanning electron microscope (magnification, ×5000) immediately 6 months and 1 year after fabrication of specimens, following the guidelines of ASTM International. After visual analysis of the photomicrographs, it was noticed that all groups presented marginal deterioration and alterations in surface texture with time. The use of disinfection did not contribute to the marginal deterioration of polymer (silicone), regardless of the pigmentation and artificial aging.


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Abstract: Pyogenic granuloma (PG) is a benign inflammatory lesion, nonneoplastic in nature, which occurs in the oral cavity and skin. This lesion arises in response to various stimuli such as low-grade local irritations, traumatic injury, or hormonal factors. Recently, in some cases, the occurrence of recurrent PGs in skin associated with vascular lesions, such as port-wine stains, has been described. It has been postulated that this association is promoted by arteriovenous anastomoses in the vascular lesions, leading to the development of PG. The authors discuss 2 cases of recurrent PG in patients with a port-wine stain, and the treatment options adopted.


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The aim of this paper was to evaluate the effect of retention and detention reservoirs along with the regulation in channel flow upgrade on flood for an urban watershed located at Rio Claro, SP. For this purpose, modeling and simulation techniques were applied for runoff determination and its propagation in channel. The Soil Conservation Service – SCS hydrologic model as well as Pulz and non-linear Muskingum-Cunge model were used. The software IPHS1 was applied on simulations. The results pointed out that the combination of retention increasing and detention reservoir implementation (120,000 m3, corresponding to 1.5% of the watershed area) with the streamflow upgrade (n decreasing from 0,04 to 0,02) can minimize the flood on the investigated Servidão watershed. Further, after the proposed intervention, the flood was eliminated for the investigated times of recurrence: 5, 20, 50 and 100 years. The prognostic indicated that the available area occupation had a minor effect on flow increasing due to the observed high urbanization.


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This paper presents an evaluation of the geomorphological implications of urban runoff on the evolution of linear erosion processes in peri-urban areas. The Tucunzinho watershed (São Pedro/SP) case was chosen because it presents linear erosive forms in which the dynamic is associated with urban expansion into fragile areas and implantation of inadequate dissipation devices. The method proposed by the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) was adopted to obtain the Curve Number (CN) and runoff hydrographs of different sectors of the basin. The coverage classification (use and occupancy) was based on analysis of aerial photographs of two periods (1962 and 2006, updated in the field in 2011). The IPHS1 model was used for the simulation and analysis of the hydrological behavior for both the pre-urban occupation and the current occupation. The hydrogeomorphological analysis helped understand the influence of the urban run-off on the erosion dynamics, clearly showing the ineffectiveness of dissipation energy devices in the area, which has a natural susceptibility to erosion due to litho-soil characteristics.


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Watersheds are considered important study units when it comes to environmental planning, with regard to the optimal use of water resources. Water scarcity is predicted and feared by many societies, and proves to be an increasingly tangible problem nowadays. Still from the perspective of extreme events, this dissertation considers the study of flood waves in the sub-basin of the stream Claro, which belongs to the Corumbataí watershed. - SP, since thay can also have devastating effects for the population, A Decision Support System for Flood Routing Analysis in Complex Basins, ABC 6 software was applied in order to obtain hydrographs and peak flows in the sub-basin of the stream Claro, for return periods of 10 and 100 years, aiming to comprise events of different magnitudes. The model Soil Conservation Service (SCS) and the triangular SCS hydrograph were adopted for the simulations. Simultaneously, the Kokei Uehara method was applied for the obtainment of peak flow values under the same conditions, seeking to compare results. Data collection was performed using geoprocessing tools. For data entry in ABC 6, the fragmentation of sub-basin of the stream Claro was necessary, which generated 7 small watersheds, in order to fulfill a software demand, as the maximum drainage area it accepts is 50km² for each watershed analyzed. For RT = 10 and 100 years, respectively, the results of peak flow with use of ABC 6 were 46.10 and 95.45 m³/s, while for Kokei Uehara method, the results were 47.17 and 65.26 m³/s. The adoption of a single value of discretization time for all watersheds was indicated as limitation of ABC 6, which interfered in the final results. Kokei method Uehara considered the sub-basin of the stream Claro as a whole, which reduced the error accumulation probability


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)