213 resultados para Opinião


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This article brings a contribution to the comprehension of the path of recognizing the rights of children and adolescents in Brazil, in which there have been seen symbolic representations that often are created, modified or popularized by the media. Newspapers with the largest circulation in the state of São Paulo in a period after almost 20 year of the Statute of the Child and Adolescent (ECA) coming into force were investigated with framing analysis. Results suggest that the ECA faces obstacles to its consolidation, in the form of superficial and fragmented media coverage of events that should be contextualized in relation to public policies and their specific understanding of causes and possible solutions applicable.


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The mass media have a decisive function in formation of opinion and conduct of population. Among those, the television is a vehicle with great power of spread of information. The objective this study is to analyze the influence of media on occurrences regarding the aggressiveness some participants involved in event soccer, while spectators. The subject's attitude is determined by predominant factors, among them the influences of social and cultural way in that lives, as well as, of the education and sporting influences that it affects. The problem of violence in the sport, in the case of soccer, it cannot be addressed for total responsibility of media. However, collaboration is indispensable, for aspect positive and/or negative, depending on the interest in subject. The models of behavior in television could influence the spectator's behavior for a learning process, for example, the use of the language. Therefore, it is indispensable to rethink the roads of television, their ethical conducts and to discuss the philosophical sense of the crisis. Because, to reject the mass media is to deny the reality and social transformations. The extent of the Physical education, above all in the school, is a fundamental space for the teacher to intermediate the meaning of the sport, in this case, the soccer-spectacle, in social context and their relationships with the media, enlarging the process civilization, so much inside as out of field.


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A proposta deste trabalho é criar um Jogo de Tabuleiro Empresarial voltado para a capacitação de profissionais de micro e pequenas empresas em comunicação, juntamente com a aluna de Design da Unesp - Bauru, Tatiana Kurokawa Hasimoto. Observando o poder dessa ferramenta em outras áreas do conhecimento (como administração e empreendedorismo) exploramos o potencial da área de comunicação para a criação de um Jogo de Tabuleiro Empresarial, voltado para a capacitação e seleção. O trabalho tem como base um mapeamento de microempresas da cidade de Bauru, realizado pelo Núcleo de Opinião da UNESP, coordenado pela Profª Drª Célia Maria Retz Godoy dos Santos, onde foi possível perceber a falta de conhecimento sobre a área de comunicação por essas empresas. O objetivo é mostrar a importância da comunicação e principalmente como o profissional de Relações Públicas pode atuar nessas empresas


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Modern society is characterized by the advance of technologies, the emergence and constant development of the technological field is responsible for a series of population adjustments, that being practically molded and daily transformed by media, which usually has the power of manipulating opinions and public approaches in every capacity and extensions of our lives, being a significantly and important tool, which most part of individuals in contemporary society can't work and live without, therefore most part of individuals depend on the use of many technological means, including social means, which have great relationship with the development and emergence of many psychological problems that completely impact on the social life of affected individuals, thus Physical Education is an area with the goal of verifying the level of influence that media reflects on the lifestyle choice to be followed and the relation of this influence with the presence and development of a series of psychological disorders that affect directly the health of those individuals. It has been gathered data about the subject according to scientific basis, more specifically, on Academic Google, Scielo and Pubmed, where it has been researched scientific articles that could contribute with the data and information to complete the text. The psychology of sports is an area of studies and knowledge that investigates and develops insight about these questions, making available scientifically tested and proven materials that supports the P.E. professional, that is connected in the practical field to visualize possible chained symptoms of these psychopathologies according to the development of these psychic disorders, that are usually common in current days, more precisely, disorders such as Anorexia, Vigorexia, self-dependence to physical exercise and selfcorporal dissapproval. It's vital to have total attention with the possibility of evolution of this psychopatology...


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Having in sight the current inertia found on the school physical environments as well as on the High School learning methods used, digital games appear as a different tool to build the individuals'/students' knowledge and becomes a driving factor for this research. The usage of this media resource tries to rescue a stimulant type of learning focused on the students' experiences while getting them closer to Science, Technology and Society (STS). The usefulness of this method falls short, however, without the capacitated guidance of a teacher. A literature review has been made about the possible schooling that electronic/digital games provide; it also brings the opinions of students and teachers to help comprehend how the insertion of this new tool in the classroom happens, as well as its efficiency and acceptance. Having in sight the relationship between individuals and the preoccupations about the future of mankind, components of humanity's destiny have been evidenced in the teaching of Chemistry. It is possible to conclude that these games can, indeed, help in the teaching process, although it is necessary that they develop a main didactic role, linked to the teaching of concepts and content, or else become only educational for that matter. Using the tools given by digital games it is possible, for example, through playfulness, to teach the theory of many abstract models, mathematical equations and chemical formulas, making it possible then to grab the students' attention, to thrill them and to develop their participation based on the experience they so often already have with cell phones and personal computers


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Water management has in the watershed plans an important tool to plan the territory and adjust the activities develop over it to the natural resources availability. The incorporation of uncertainty analysis associated with hydrological modelling predictions is a manner to simulate scenarios and work with chances and probabilities that certain events happens inside these plans. Using stochastic methods is possible to consider uncertainty from estimations and even model it. Stochastic methods developed considerably during the last 30 years, but its applications to real-world problems have been limited, and did not turn into routine in hydrology. This paper brings an overview from eminent hydrologists about this subject and discuss the Brazilian and Paulista situation in the scope of groundwater monitoring.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - FCT


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Até a Revolução Industrial, no século XIX, não havia preocupação com a questão ambiental, mas após esse período e com a crescente urbanização, além de outros fatores, o meio ambiente passou a sofrer com problemas como desmatamentos, queimadas e extração de recursos naturais para além da capacidade de restauração. Assim, entramos nas décadas finais do século XX com os problemas ambientais constituindo em seu conjunto uma das mais importantes questões a serem enfrentadas pela sociedade. Dentre os vários temas e focos de estudo englobados pela questão ambiental, o tema da arborização urbana tornou-se uma discussão atual importante, pois ao mesmo tempo em que continua o crescimento urbano, é preciso manter e aumentar o contingente de árvores nas cidades. No entanto, sabe-se que nem sempre a população compreende essa necessidade e considera as árvores elementos importantes. Tendo em conta a contribuição que a educação deve fornecer para enfrentamento dos problemas ambientais, é importante que toda a população seja educada quanto a esse assunto. Diante disso, este trabalho tem a finalidade de investigar as concepções de munícipes da cidade de Rio Claro, ou seja, seus conhecimentos, ideias e opiniões sobre a arborização urbana, buscando identificar e analisar as opiniões, conhecimentos, crenças e atitudes que possuem frente a esse tema, tentando descobrir seus significados para assim, identificarmos possíveis causas que levam a aceitação ou não da presença de árvores na cidade, assim como detectar aspectos que podem favorecer ou desfavorecer a realização e a manutenção da arborização urbana na cidade. Esse trabalho poderá servir de subsídio para práticas educativas voltadas a esse tema, seja em escolas ou outros espaços educativos


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The main objective of this study focuses on investigate how the style of the Conhecimento Prático Língua Portuguesa magazine, from Escala publisher, reveals a materialization, in its wordings, of social values that surround our society regarding the teaching class. Besides, we thought about the construction of an other - teacher - by means of the I speech (the enunciator). Furthermore, we reflected on how happens the genre opinion article handling and whether there is, when aimed to the teaching class. All these questions were discussed under the perspective of Bakhtin's theory, focusing our analysis in the wording notions, dialogism, style and speech genres. Our analysis indicates a materialization of social values in syntactic issues and a hybridization of genres when the addressee is a teacher