213 resultados para Intestinos - Doenças - Aspectos genéticos


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As alterações que afetam as hemoglobinas estão relacionadas à síntese estrutural ou quantitativa dos aminoácidos que compõem as diferentes cadeias globínicas (α/β). Existem inúmeras causas que podem resultar nessas alterações, dentre elas as mutações. A talassemia é um dos distúrbios genéticos mais frequentes do homem e mais difundidos no mundo. Fatos históricos, como imigração e colonização populacionais de diferentes partes do mundo, contribuíram para a difusão da patologia em outras localidades, incluindo o Brasil. A forma de manifestação clínica e laboratorial da talassemia do tipo beta menor (BTT), foi objeto de estudo nesta revisão bibliográfica, pois embora seja uma patologia que não mostra claramente manifestações sintomáticas, seus aspectos clínicos e laboratoriais são muito relevantes. A importância do diagnóstico laboratorial das anemias microcíticas e hipocrômicas presentes, tanto em indivíduos portadores de deficiência de ferro como em beta talassêmicos menor, é um ponto chave quando nos referimos a esses parâmetros, pois os índices HCM e VCM apresentam-se com valores extremamente reduzidos (<24 pg e <70 fL) e a quantidade de glóbulos vermelhos muito aumentados (> 5,0 milhões/μL), na beta talassemia menor em comparação à deficiência de ferro. Portanto os valores contidos no hemograma bem como a presença da inclusão citoplasmática ponteado basófilo e morfologia das hemácias observadas em análise de extensões sanguíneas coradas, é de grande valia na suspeita da beta talassemia menor, tornando-se ponto importante na sugestão da realização de eletroforese de hemoglobina para confirmação do diagnóstico da beta talassemia menor, devido ao aumento quantitativo da Hb A2.


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The technology, through the advent of new equipments that allow imaging exams, has helped very much in the diagnosis and prognosis of diseases in Dentistry. The use of informatics, in general, in the manufacture of clinical reports is increasingly present in the dental offices. The legal validity of these systems is questioned, and is matter of discussion. This work makes considerations about Imageology or Diagnostic by image, a new area that is appearing on Dentistry. Among other exams, there are: digital radiography, tomography, computed tomography, artomography, magnetic resonance, computed cefalometry and ultra-sonography. It permits the professional to obtain a better diagnostic, and to the patient, the visualization of his problem and treatment. A survey on the possibilities of using informatics in Dentistry, particularly in Radiology, was also carried out, as well as the legal aspects, which are in accordance with the Law 8.935/94, what guarantees its practicability. Digital Certification is a mechanism that provides legal validity to documents and, as such, to radiographic images and others. It is a procedure that the dentist should take to ensure that he/she has safeguarded the judicial proofs that may be necessary in an eventual demand.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Proteção de Plantas) - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Objective: To evaluate the perception and attitude of kindergarten teachers in relation to the storage of toothbrushes. Methodology: The analysis instrument used was a structured and previously validated questionnaire. The sample universe of this study was composed of all states and municipals kindergarten school teachers who taught in school year of 2010 at the town of Araçatuba / SP (n = 232). The criteria used to integrate the study were: to have a college degree and agree to participate. Results: 164 teachers participated of the study. The results were analyzed using Epi Info 6.04 and showed that 55% of the teachers had received some information about the proper storage of toothbrushes, and only 35% believed that the toothbrushes were storaged improperly. Most teachers, 97% reported being possible the transmission of microorganisms through the brush, however, there was observed difficulty in identifying which diseases could be transmitted. About the question related to the execute of supervised toothbrushing, 93% of the educators said that they realize supervised toothbrushing and the same percentage was observed for the identification of preschoolers at the toothbrushes. Conclusions: The perception and attitude of the teachers ahead the storage of toothbrushes are weak and limited, so there is a need for educational programs targeted to this group, so that they would have more information and knowledge related to the correct storage of toothbrushes and would continue to perform oral health preventive methods.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The autism is a severe mental illness that involves psychological, social, educational and neurobiological aspects. The Education plays an important role in recovering, preserving and increasing the cognitive task of people with autism. There are several ways to observe a person with autism. Through the studying of cases, it is also possible to address issues of everyday life of the person with the illness, its cognitive issues and its obstacles of psychosocial involvement, as well as psychological aspects such as illness acknowledgement. Through specialized literature, it is possible to identify characteristics referring to the learning process and neurobiological components involved in the condition, such as brain activity disorder and genetic factors. The objectives of this paper are: from the analysis of two books: Unique World: comprehend the Autism (SILVA, A. B. B; GAIATO, M.B; REVELES, L.T) and The cats never lie about love (DILLON, J.), it is intended to describe cognitive and psychosocial aspects of the autism. Based on the specialized literature, the goal is to identify cognitive and neurobiological components in the illness. The methods that were used: analysis of the books Unique World: comprehend the Autism and The cats never lie about love to describe psychosocial and educational aspects of the autism; analysis of the specialized literature to identify clinical and neurobiological components of the illness, such as changes in brain activity, genetic factors or clinical evolution; and also details of the Education role in preserving the person with autism and his cognitive and emotional development. The study had the documentary research as reference for the methodological design, including book analysis and research in specialized literature. It is intended to deepen discussions about the Education roles related to the cognitive and neurobiological aspects of the autism


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Pesticids are chemical products used to control plagues (animal and vegetable) and plant diseases. Due to the process of automation occurred in the agriculture in 1960-1970, the agrotoxics began to be largely used in Brazil. Their physical-chemical proprieties, as well as the frequency of use, form of application, environmental biotic and abiotic characteristics and climatic conditions will determine their environmental destination. These variables will define the spectrum of environmental impacts and human health problems caused by the agrotoxics. The human health impacts might be acute or chronic, mainly upon neurological, reproductive and respiratory process. In the environment, the agrotoxics cause transformations and modifications in biota, water, soil and other ecosystems. To make farmworkers aware of alternatives to massive use of agrotoxics is the guarantee for an agriculture development more sustainable, without disorders in human health and in environment